Team Curvy Bumps - 135 members 35 bfps

Hello ladies!

Just wanted to jump in and say a quick hello, I've been sick with cough and headache and of course this is the week my period app shows me as ovulating! I haven't wanted any part of BDing LOL but if it gets the job done! If I did O I noticed I'm not getting the EWCM? Any tips on how to up that if possible? Ok going to lay back down baby dust to all!!! :::)))

Hey hun, im not sure on how to up your EWCM.. other then using preseed. I just wanted to say though that you shouldnt rely on your phone app to much for when you O. I spent the last 5 months using a website that gave me my Estimated O day... This month I started the SMEP so I had to use OPK's and found that I actually ovulate 3 days later then what I was thinking! Just wanted to give you a heads up so you dont waste 5 months like I did hehe

Oh my!! Thanks for the heads up! I really only pay attention to my app maybe I better get some opks! Do we usually ovulate around the same time or does it vary? I really had no idea all this work goes into having a baby I thought you just get it on and it happens LOL Thanks for the tips! I think I will try the Pom juice, grapefruit is pretty rough on my stomach! Much luck and baby dust ladies :)
We don't ov every month or same Date every month hun, the average woman will maybe ov for 9-10 months out of every month12 months, and ov dates vary that's why its a good idea to check cm, cp and use opks too and keep a diary of it every month that way you can suss out your cycle details :) ps pomegranate juice with blue berry is easy to drink :)
I think that we would normally ovulate around the same time every month although some things can cause it to happen at different times like stress and such.... The website I used said that I O'd at CD17 so I believed it and always got lazy after... Not caring to bd And if we did I went to the washroom straight after. When I was doing my opks I was shocked that I didn't get my surge on CD17! I didn't get it until CD20 so I'm hoping that's been my problem all along.
Hello ladies!

Just wanted to jump in and say a quick hello, I've been sick with cough and headache and of course this is the week my period app shows me as ovulating! I haven't wanted any part of BDing LOL but if it gets the job done! If I did O I noticed I'm not getting the EWCM? Any tips on how to up that if possible? Ok going to lay back down baby dust to all!!! :::)))

Hey hun, im not sure on how to up your EWCM.. other then using preseed. I just wanted to say though that you shouldnt rely on your phone app to much for when you O. I spent the last 5 months using a website that gave me my Estimated O day... This month I started the SMEP so I had to use OPK's and found that I actually ovulate 3 days later then what I was thinking! Just wanted to give you a heads up so you dont waste 5 months like I did hehe

Oh my!! Thanks for the heads up! I really only pay attention to my app maybe I better get some opks! Do we usually ovulate around the same time or does it vary? I really had no idea all this work goes into having a baby I thought you just get it on and it happens LOL Thanks for the tips! I think I will try the Pom juice, grapefruit is pretty rough on my stomach! Much luck and baby dust ladies :)

If you normally have regular cycles - same length give or take every month etc - your LP is probably the same, but the time before ovulation can differ depending on stress/illness etc. So for example, if you normally have a 12 day LP, and one month your cycle is 28 days and the next one is 30, chances are that you O'd on CD16 of the first one and CD18 of the next one.

BUT like the others said, the only way to make sure is temp/cm/cp! That gives you a clear idea of what's going on.
Wow thanks for the info I thought it was usually around the same time! I am pretty regular with a 30 day cycle, I think I should get a opk just to see what it says, when do you start using them? Right after your AF?
I did the SMEP which says to start using the OPK's on CD10 but I was to impatient to get started that I started testing on CD8 lol
Wow thanks for the info I thought it was usually around the same time! I am pretty regular with a 30 day cycle, I think I should get a opk just to see what it says, when do you start using them? Right after your AF?

The "normal" LP is 14 days - for a 30 day cycle I would start them on day 10 or 12 (10 if you're POAS-happy! :haha: ) I start mine later now as I've figured out I have a short LP.
Hell ladies how are we all today?

Josephine how are you darlin?? :hugs:

Jo-bean You ok hun? hows riley an hows hiro doing? hope hes feeling better :)

Sprinkles are you feeling a little better after getting it all off your chest? after reading your post i decided i am going to wait until my weight is coming off before i quit smoking, i was thinking about doing it yesterday but after hearing your heart break i have decided against it as everytime ive tried to quit i end up eating more, and ive gained a little weight in the last few weeks so im nuckling down and its going to come off now as ive had enough.... i hope your feeling better babe big :hugs: hun

Hope everyone is doing ok :)

Update from me, ive just got back in from blood test, nearly fainted!!! first time ive ever done it without numbing cream!!!! never again!!!!!

going to make a pomegranate and blueberry smoothie later :) weather is nice today, was nice walking the nerves off with the sun shining in my face and no one round at 7.30 am, salad in the fridge and i made a fruit bowl incase i want to snack later, i can snack on healthy things, spent 5 hours getting jumped all over by my little cousins yesterday who are 10, 7, 5, 3 and 1 years old, then my friends 2 kids joined in they are 4 and 2 years old and all are very happy when im around as i constantly play with them so must have burnt off a thousand calories just doing that lol i could have slept afterwards, they proper nacker me out because its non stop!!! Dont have a clue where i get my energy from sometimes :) was in bed at 10.20pm last night i havent slept that early since i was a kid lol fella has had a cold for a few days but ive been looking after him so hes feeling better today and its nice to see him smile :)

Going to feed the ducks later :) i have a few little duckie friends, one ive named scar face as hes all white with a red circle round his eye and hes like the bouncer of the pond, he just stands there protecting his pond, another one is called bully as he is so small but fights with the goose to get the bread :) hes my favourite :) my fella calls me the duck whisperer because i can get the ducks to come really really close to me AND ive can get a few of them to actually take the bread from my hand, they wont go near many people, they leg it if you walk over to them but they dont feel scared with me :)

Going to do some cleaning and washing then go for a walk, wash the windows and going to help my aunty out with some shopping and cleaning.... got a christening on sunday so i am getting everything sorted for that too, going to have a cup of tea first then get started :)

Hope everyone has a great day :hugs: xxxx
Magic Angel - i used to be afraid of needles many years ago and know how you felt! However i had major surgery to remove half my thyroid after a benign tumour was found and after being pricked almost every hour for a week after surgery i got used it to it they don't bother me now lol

I'm now 4DPO and even though i've tried not to symptom spot, FF wants the data for the charts... thats my excuse and i'm sticking to it!! :blush:

2DPO - i was so bitchy!! Raided the fridge for chocolate and ice-cream then went to bed before i bit someone's head off or wrote something on a forum i would regret lol everything was winding me up!

3DPO - I had a very sharp stabbing/needle prick type pain that went from my uterus to my bbs, only last a second or 2 but made me wince. I was also extremely 'horny', keep getting waves of 'where is DH i want him now' but alas he was at work lol

4DPO - Today - Temp has took a big jump (for me lol) woke with dull ache rather than cramping in my uterus, just had my morning coffee and it's not sitting to well.

Last month i had lots of symptoms and was convinced i would get my BFP - but instead i got AF right on time so i'm not reading to much into symptoms, it's more about what i can ignore if next month cycle arrives :thumbup:

Hey girls. Sorry for not keeping up the past few days. I've been pretty down about TTC and just haven't been able to get myself online to check in. ..........

Right missy *hands on hips*

Firstly, I am giving you a massive hug and hold you very tightly so you can scream into my shoulder.

Secondly, You've had a rant and shout and hopefully you've broken a few plates and punched a few more holes in the wall and now you feel a little bit more relaxed. or just downright exhausted.

Now, we can work together and chat about what you do next. You are where you are, you've put the weight back on and you are still a non smoker at the moment.

Try and forget about why or how you got to this point and just focus on what you want to do about it.

It is brilliant that you gave up smoking. It's shit that you put on the weight. I am EXACTLY the same as you.

I'm not going to tell you to smoke again, but I'm not going to judge you if you do. I started smoking again after giving up for 2 years. Then recently I gave up for a week but then started again.

The only thing I will say is, nothing ever works if you don't do it for yourself. So if you give something up because everyone else judges you and wants you to do it, then you've always got them to blame when you fail.

You can lose the weight, you just need to be in the right frame of mind.

I find writing down what I eat and planning in advance helps me loads. Having said that, it's still really hard and you will have horrible days that feel rubbish and you just want to eat crap to make you feel better.

Maybe it could help to hold the feeling that you had when you wrote this post and remember it and tell yourself you don't ever want to feel like that again, you can use it as motivation.

I wish there was an easy answer, but you have us. I'm supposed to be dieting and losing weight too, we can just eat healthily and do it together?
Whew I have caught up as much as I can although I have only gone back 5 or 6 pages. I cannot believe how much this thread has grown in such a short amount of time.

EmmaRea - I am sorry for your losses I know how much it hurts :hugs:

xxshellsxx I hope you enjoyed your big Easter lunch

CDN - Hope you are well. Everything is looking good by the sounds of it and I am keeping fingers crossed for your BFP :thumbup:

bruno2012 - I agree with Josephine about the blood test at docs. I hate needles too but I hate not knowing more lol

Josephine - Sounds like you had a great time at the steps concert :hugs:

Jo_bean - How are you lovely? :hugs:

Magic_Angel - Your diet is sounding so fab at the moment well done :hugs: I am really wanting to quit smoking soon especially now its got even more expensive. I just keep thinking of all the money I could save. The possible weight gain does really scare me too though.

As for me I had a busy Easter weekend and I am trying to have a more relaxing week and de-stress but you know how that goes lol Was heart wrenching watching hubs play with niece knowing how much he wants one of our own. It wasn't helped by his brother and sis in law keep referring to themselves as a family and how they were doing things as a family. They just kept using the word family to describe themselves over and over. They must have said it a million times and it felt deliberate and a bit like a dig after a while.

TTC wise I am completely lost. I have no idea how long my cycle is going to be and so have no idea when I will O so we have been sticking with our plan of DTD as often as we want/can. Hubby is very into the plan and I think he would do it every day but I keep telling him I need some good strong swimmers.

My diet over the Easter holiday was AWFUL!! I am really disappointed in myself and I am going to be extra good for a while to make up for it as the weight gain is just not worth it. Exercise room is FINALLY finished so I have no excuse not to get stuck in now, I just need some energy loool

I thought of maybe going a walk in the early morning time when everywhere is quiet as I know walking really helps me with my weight loss.

I feel a bit in limbo at the moment and I think that may be why I haven't been on as much. I am stuck in that odd part of the cycle between your period starting and the time when you are likely to be ovulating. It just feels like I have a job to do and I cannot get on with it and just have to wait.

How is everyone else doing?

I have been having nightmares of being the only person on the whole thread not to get a bfp eventually :haha:
I'm trying to remain positive.. I've been charting and trying to bd every other day. I used the webmd ovulation calculator and it said I should ovulate between apr 18-22.. I'm hoping it's correct I also plan to get some opks I'm hoping this I'll be the month I get my BFP
bbbunny - I'm doing ok thanks hun. Oh I hate being in limbo :( it totally sucks.
I m sometimes thankful for my shorter cycles but I do worry that my LP is too short to sustain any sort of bean life.
You won't be the only one without a bfp hun, there are 86 of us! and anyhow, if for some cruel miracle that was the case, I'd never leave ya xx

My diet has completely gone to pot too. I've quit slimming world as I was spending £5 a week and not really doing it. I started smoking again :blush: but now I just think oh sod it. Of course I will give up if I get my bfp, but when I stopped smoking I put back on all the weight I lost so I just think I'll go with the lesser of 2 evils. I don't care what anyone says now. I have to start doing more excercise but it's a vicious circle, you don't do it and then you don't feel like doing it. I think that the diet and healthy eating has to come first. When I get my bfp, I can just quit smoking straight away as I've done it before. But it takes time to loose the weight so that's what I'm going to focus on now.

BBWttc29 - you go girl!!! Keep :sex: and you'll catch the egg eventually!
Hi ladies today I'm going to start Clomid (100mg) as I went to get a fertility massage and they induced my periods (which I'm so happy it was natural and not medicated) so I'm extremely happy and hopeful that this one is my month. I have even gave my DH some vitamins to make his sperm stronger (Zinc). Hope I can add another BFP to our charts!
Yes COME ON! This is the month ladies. The big bfp month. We can all do it!!
Hey girls. Sorry for not keeping up the past few days. I've been pretty down about TTC and just haven't been able to get myself online to check in. The light line on my OPK that I thought might progress to O never did, and now it is gone again. :cry: CD39, 15 days of light, fertile CM. Maybe I'm just skipping this cycle? Last cycle was 42 days with O on 26. So a skipped cycle + the 26 days before O = 68. So maybe I'll O around CD68? I'm I haven't O'd or gotten AF by CD 90 (more than enough time foe two cycles) I'm heading to the doctor. This is getting ridiculous.

I don't know what is causing this. I'm guessing time of year + weight gain. I had been so good about losing weight last year. Went from 212.5 down to 172, but leading up t my wedding I got of my diet for a couple months- and then the month after was filled with trips... by the end of it I was back u to around 210. I haven't gained any weight since then, but when I was down in the 170's I was consistently O'ing on CD 17-20. And now this.

I really wanted o learn to eat healthy, lose the weight slowly and in a way that I can maintain. But now this? I don't know what is the best way to proceed. I don't know what is the healthiest thing to do. I'm so angry at myself for gaining all the weight back. I've been yo-yo dieting for over a decade and right now I weight the EXACT same thing I weighed 13 years ago.

Until I quit smoking in 2010 I had remained under 165 for 3 years. I had been doing SO WELL. Then DH convinced me to quit smoking, and I agreed because it seemed like a good idea because we had been talking about having kids someday. When I quit I went from 150 to 195 IN 3 MONTHS! Then gained ANOTHER 20 pounds over the next three months. THat's 65 lbs from quitting smoking.

And here is the kicker- EVERYONE IS SO PROUD OF ME! WTF??????

I've compared the risks of how much I was smoking vs the risks of how obese I am and GET THIS: It would have been healthier for me to be smoking. Yet everyone is constantly saying how wonderful it is. I am so friggin sick of it. I used to exercise all the time, I was an avid hiker, I did parkour, I LOVED my life. And now I cant do any of those things.

I've had a bad ankle because of a jogging-related injury for several years now, but when I was lighter it wasn't too bad. Now that I'm heavy, I literally cannot exercise on that ankle without potentially severely damaging it. I can't jog, I can't hike, I can't ice skate- I can't do any of the things I love to do. and without being able to exercise, I don't know how to lose weight.

PLEASE- someone explain to me why everyone keeps telling me how wonderful it is I don't smoke anymore???

Did you know that doctors are just now beginning to recommend that women hold off on quitting smoking until they are their IDEAL weight and have a completely regimented diet put in place? And they're recommending this BECAUSE it turns out that most women actually gain so much weight when they quit smoking that they are actually much more unhealthy after they quit!!!!

OMG- I hate not being able to do anything. I miss my life so much. And quite frankly, I wish I had waited to quit. I AM happy I don't smoke anymore. That is definitely good. But all the bad that has come along with it has gotten me so completely depressed. I went from a size 10 to a size 20. I went from being 20-25 lbs over my ideal weight to being 85-90 bs over my ideal weight.

WHY DID EVERYONE HAVE TO KEEP PUSHING ME TO QUIT SMOKING WHEN I WASN'T READY??? Why couldn't they listen to me when I said I really wanted to get in shape first? Why couldn't they wait until I had the resources to deal with quitting smoking in a healthier way? Why did my husband allow me to eat and eat and eat to cope with quitting? Why did he have to keep taking me to unhealthy restaurants and buy me super unhealthy food???

The first couple months after I quit smoking I had absolutely NO control over my diet. I was so out of it. So just trying to COPE with kicking the addiction. And my DH's SOLUTION? FEED ME. Feed me JUNK FOOD. I asked him later why he did it and he said becuase I was so upset all the time and it was the only thing he could to to make my happy. It was over TWO months of nachos, cake, brownies, pizza, just every kind of JUNK FOOD you can think of.

I NEVER EVER, EVER eat like that, but hat is what I ate. I gained 25 lbs in the first TWO WEEKS. I got stretch marks all over my stomach- which i had NEVER had before. And he didn't hold me back. And he didn't try to get me help. He ENCOURAGED it.

At one point I remember telling him he needed to stop buying such unhealthy things for me when he went to the store. I begged him to just STOP making brownies because I KNEW I could not control myself around them. Food had become my replacement for smoking, Every time I wanted a smoke (which was about 30 times a day!) I ate instead. And even after I begged him to stop. HE KEPT DOING IT! And he STILL thinks what he did was find because he feels like that's how he HELPED me to quit smoking.

By the time I fully worked through the addiction, by the time I finally got a hold of myself again and regained my senses, by the time I could actually comprehend how much food I was shoving in my face- I had gone from 148 to 213 pounds.

I'm so angry at him. I blame him. And by god I want a cigarette and have wanted one for 19 months now.

The only reason I haven't picked one back up again at this point, as ANGRY as I am is because if I do smoke I will just be fat AND killing myself with cigarettes. it won't make the weight go away. It won't get me back to who I was. (And who I was was a lot better of a person- I STILL have not learned to regulate my emotions without nicotine. There are holes in the wall and broken windows because I just can't find a way to calm myself when I get upset. Mind you the brain does not stop developing until around 25 years old and I started smoking when I was 15- nicotine was an integral part to how my brain developed and without it- I just don't feel like myself anymore.)

But there is such a stigma around being a smoker.

And apparently it is better for my so be severely obese, depressed, angry, unable to participate in the activities I love... Apparently it is completely OKAY that I hate who I have become. Because being a NON-SMOKER is "worth it". Because it is not socially acceptable to smoke. Because smoking is disgusting and dirty.

And to make EVERYONE ELSE feel better about life... To make sure everyone else wants to be around me... To not be treated like a leper- it is better that I live this life I now have. Because as upset, overweight, unhealthy, depressed, angry, and out of control I am/feel- it's better than being to;d day after day that BECAUSE OF CIGARETTE, I just wasn't good enough, smart enough, "healthy" enough, ACCEPTABLE enough.

I wish I could take it back.

I wish I could go back to the day I quit smoking and tell that "me" what I know.

I would tell her to stop worrying about what everyone else is saying. i would assure her that WHEN SHE IS READY she'll be able to quit. That she is strong, and smart, and wonderful. That she CAN lose those last 25 pounds. That she CAN learn to eat healthy. I would tell her that her eating problems are caused by PMDD and I would tell her how to treat it. I would tell her how much she'll love yoga once she tries it. I would help her to get the skills she needs to REALLY cope with quitting smoking.

Because what everyone pushed her to do she was not ready for- I was not ready for.

And had everyone just given me the space to make my own decisions in my own time without threatening to abandon me- well, maybe I would have done it my way.

I always wanted to quit smoking, but I always wanted to do it on my own terms. I always wanted to be 100% healthy first.

I did not want to give up all the things I love. I did not want to lose myself. I look in the mirror ad the person staring back at me is someone I do not know. I do not recognize her. I do not LIKE the person I have become. And I can't get "me" back. And I am lost and I am confused and I am so, so terribly unhappy with it all.

And I cannot tell my family. I cannot tell my friends. Because all they will say is that "someday" I will realize that this is all "worth it".

But I have to say it to someone, and you ladies are the only ones who I can actually say this to:

NO. It is NOT worth it. This ongoing HELL is not worth it. I might have smelled icky before. I might have been doing some damage to my lungs and spending some money I did not have to spend- but I LOVED who I was. I was HAPPY. I was strong and fit and active. I went hiking and jogging and I played laser tag and did parkour with my friends. I could fit into clothes I liked. I could walk up a flight of stairs without getting winded. I could LIVE MY LIFE. Maybe the smoking thing was a turn off. Maybe I wasn't 100% PERFECT, but I liked me. I enjoyed living my life. Maybe THEY didnt like who I looked like from the outside. But I LOVED who I was from the inside.

I would have quit smoking eventually. Most smokers do not actually want to be smokers for the rest of their lives. But by god, people didn't have to push me so. My DH didn't have to act like he would be able to marry me if I kept smoking.

Any other thing I did, had people treated me so incredibly shitty about- I would have told them to mind their own business.

but because smoking is so drilled into people to be this disgusting habit, this thing that it is OKAY to treat people like shit over, it never even occurred to me that the way people were treating wasn't right. I just thought- these folks are right, I'm so screwed up.

And eventually people broke me down and made me feel shitty enough about myself that I gave up the cigarettes. before I was ready. Before I could get the other things don that I wanted to do first.

I am so angry. So bitter. And I blame them. And I blame my husband.

And I don't know what to do.

I want my life back and there is nothing I can do to get it.

I'm sorry for the rant. I just have no one else to talk to about this. I really, really appreciate you all being here and letting me get this off my chest.

I hope you are feeling better, and a big :hugs: for you!!!

I wanted to tell you about a diet I am on and hopefully get some advice from the other ladies about prceeding with my diet...
Recently I visited the Aspen Clinic and in a nutshell they give you an appetite suppressant and a calorie requirement and send you on your way a month later you weight in and repeat the process....
it might be something you want to look into, they prescribed me phentermine 37.5 mg tablets, on a day 1/2 hour before your first meal; and let me tell you I have NO desire for food, i literally have to force myself to eat even once a day. Honestly i think its the jumpstart i need and eventually I will force myself to take in more calories because my health is important, but the one thing I LOVE about the phen. is that it gives you SOOO MUCH ENERGY!!!! I love the combo, no need for food (even though i force myself to eat lunch), and energy that lasts ALL DAY!!! It might be something to look into...

My question for everyone is has anyone heard about effects of appetite suppresants in ttc? will it harm my eggs, will it delay ovulation...etc...if so I will stop right away in my effort in ttc...
bbbunny - I'm doing ok thanks hun. Oh I hate being in limbo :( it totally sucks.
I m sometimes thankful for my shorter cycles but I do worry that my LP is too short to sustain any sort of bean life.
You won't be the only one without a bfp hun, there are 86 of us! and anyhow, if for some cruel miracle that was the case, I'd never leave ya xx

My diet has completely gone to pot too. I've quit slimming world as I was spending £5 a week and not really doing it. I started smoking again :blush: but now I just think oh sod it. Of course I will give up if I get my bfp, but when I stopped smoking I put back on all the weight I lost so I just think I'll go with the lesser of 2 evils. I don't care what anyone says now. I have to start doing more excercise but it's a vicious circle, you don't do it and then you don't feel like doing it. I think that the diet and healthy eating has to come first. When I get my bfp, I can just quit smoking straight away as I've done it before. But it takes time to loose the weight so that's what I'm going to focus on now.

BBWttc29 - you go girl!!! Keep :sex: and you'll catch the egg eventually!

Thank you I'm really praying this is my month.. I have a question my cycle is normally 33-38 days long is this normal? Will this prevent me from getting pregnant
Bbw. I can't see anything wrong with a cycle that length hun. If it is that long then I would say you could be ovulating later than you think. You will find that your LP stays the same every cycle and this is normally around 14 days. So taking 14 off of the 38/34 means you may be ovulating around day 20 - 24. Obviously your LP may be longer or short than 14 days but once you pin point the length, it should stay the same every cycle. Then if you have a longer cycle it just means you ovulated later.
Does that make sense?

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