Team No-Test!

I think the age gap is ideal really because dd is old enough to entertain herself and put her own socks and shoes on etc. But not too old that she wont be able to play with Oscar as he gets older. If you know what I mean! Glad your pg is going well so far, seems as though mine went so quickly!

Emma x
hey ladies,

mort - emily rose is adorable!! i know how you feel - i am quite emotional towards the evenings as i hate nights now! how often do you have to get up and feed her?

beets - foxy is sooo cute! you'll have a lot of fun with her!

emma - great to hear that you are well and baby oscar and your dd too!!

polaris - when i read that you are feeling movements now i miss my bump! glad you are progressing well. sorry to hear about your friend! i hope she is ok.

afm - Finn and Ella are starting to coo and give me the occasional smile, it is amazing!
Finn has a bit of trouble pooping, it hurts him and for us its terrible to see him in pain! poor lil boy!
both of them are sleeping lots at the moment (apart from waking every 2 and a half hours for food) - i guess its a growth spurt!?
in the evenings they both clusterfeed and get really fussy - thats when i get emotional!
all in all i love every minute tho!! :)

here some pics of the twins - they have grown sooo much. Finn was tiny at first and now he has awesome chubby cheeks already! he's definitely overtaken his sister!

Ella (13.3.12).jpg

Finn (14.3.12).jpg
Hey ladies - golly all your babies are all so CUTE! Hope you are all enjoying mummyhood and are coping ok and aren't too tired?!

I'm great thanks. Am now living in gorgeous house in Farnham with my gorgeous Man with my 2 cats and Foxy (who is a little monkey!).
We did go to the lister but they wanted to run loads of tests which were expensive and they suggested they could also be done on NHS so waiting for results of loads before we take any next steps. To be honest have taken some time out from even thinking about TTC and its been bliss! Just beginning to get my head back in gear again! Will keep you posted if I have any news! xx
Hi girls!

So lovely to hear from you beets - and glad that you're feeling a weight off your mind now you're in your house (yay to moving in with OH!!!) and have a gorge doggie. I bet things will move in the right direction now you're least expecting it. Do I hear wedding bells potentially too...? You never know!;-)

Bumbs - how are the twinnies? Are you exhausted?! They must keep mummy running around all over the place, if Emily Rose is anything to go by! She is adorable but it's definitely hard work! She's finally sleeping for seven or eight hours a night but it starts at 7.30pm and finishes at 3am so mummy still very tired! Am even more in love with her than ever though :) cannot believe she is three months old already...!

Ley, Pol, Farmers and mummyemmy - how are you girls? X
Hi ladies

Just a very quick note to prove I havent forgotten you all! I know I dont post much but its quite hectic here at the mo!
We are considering selling the farm but we dont know what is going on yet.
Its an issue thats weighing heavy on us right now.

Adam is growing SO fast! He is rolling over and sitting up (assisted).
His big sister adores him and he laughs at her constantly.

I hope you are all ok.

Beets - I think you are right to take a break. It will be best to move forward completely destressed and much more productive!! Good luck to you and lots of love.

Everyone else - how are you all? Lets get some more lovely pics up to view!!

Love you all xxx
hello ladies!

so glad some of you have checked back in - i have looked several times (when i had the chance to) and no one had posted anything new so decided to wait...

beets - glad you are happy and doing fine! must be so much fun with foxy!! :hugs:

mort - wooow! emily is sleeping for that long!? makes me jealous! ella and finn are stillwaking every 4 hours, sometimes 5 hours if i am lucky! just starting to get a routine going and i am very fortunate that they eat at the same time during the night! phew... i couldn't do it if they decided not to wake at the same time!

all in all we are doing fine, i am a bit stuck if i can put it that way - getting out the house is so hard and ella is a real mummy girl, she hates the pram and screams her head off!

both are still breatfed but finn is having pumped milk with formula quite often as he is such a hungry baby! they look and are so different. ella wants to sit up already and has turned over a few times last week! and finn is a chatty little boy, he smiles all the time and talks to all toys, lamps and curtains! its hilarious!

farmers - so glad that adam is well and his big sister loves him lots! its so important!

looking forward to seeing pics of all the babies, will try to upload some at some convenient time...

:hug: xx
Hi girls!
It's been ages - am so sorry! I do not know where the time has gone..,baby is 4 months already! She is just lovely, so happy and smiling all the time and she loves being held above our heads in the air - that brings about a very cute little giggle! I am fine too and we're down to one, sometimes two feeds a night so not too bad. But she has started showing serious signs of teething recently so everything is a bit up the spout at the moment! I wish you could post pics from your iPhone on here as I have loads but dont seem to be able to??

Bumbs I'm not surprised you're feeling tired/stuck - I feel a little like that when daddy's at work and I have one only to deal with! Cannot imagine how you cope with two!

Love to hear how everyone else is doing xxx
Hi! Sorry it's been a few months since I last posted and since then weve had a really rough time. Oscar got diagnosed with having a Tongue tie at 19 weeks and basically it's only been since he had it cut that we've been able to get back to some sort or normality!

Ever since he was born he's had feeding issues...first he was diagnosed as having severe colic, then reflux, then they didn't know whether he might be lactose intolerant!! But in the end It came to light that he had a Tongue tie which was causing the 24/7 screaming and vomitting and basically a lack of general contentment! But it took 6 weeks from when I asked the hv whether it could be tt, we kept being dismissed and it took 5 health visitors, 6 doctors and 2 consultants before anyone would take us seriously and then finally we got referred to a surgeon!! He took one look at Oscar and confirmed he was Tongue tied and snipped it there and then. Since then Oscar is like a different baby!! He drinks more than 2oz at a time and it only takes him about 5-10 minutes now, whereas it was taking upto 2 hours to feed him 2oz before!!

We feel so relieved that the nightmare is finally over and we have a happy smiley baby now who sleeps!!

How are you all doing? I've been thinking maybe we could have a private Facebook group? Then we could upload pictures and check in more regurlarly?

Emma x
Hi everyone!

Emma - poor little oscar having had so many issues! :( I am sooo happy though that it is all sorted out now, can't believe how worried you must have been! :hugs:

Mort - glad that little emily is developing well and laughing lots! :) when was she born again? I think it was a week before the twins, wasn't it?

Beets - how are you? how is foxy and the new house? hope you are well!

pol - any news? hope you are well too!

farmers - how are your two precious ones?

if I forgot anyone - sorry! :blush:

Ella and Finn are already 5 months old and developing brilliantly! They smile non-stop and play with their toys all day. It is so sweet watching them! I love it when they "talk" and "sing" around and even notice and try to touch each other!! :cloud9:
They can roll from their bellies to their backs and once Finn rolled from his back to his belly but they can't sit yet by themselves. Not long now though I believe! It is so much fun watching them grow!

I am totally FOR emma's idea and making a fb page so we can share pics! Let's do it!

:hug: xx

hope to hear from all of you soon! xx
Hey ladies

Not got much time so just a quick check in!!

Glad to see Oscar is more settled now Mummyemmy!! Sometimes we know there is something wrong and noone takes us seriously! Good to see you have sorted it and now he can focus on his feeds more!! Great stuff!!

How is everyone else doing?
Bumbs - your twins are gorg!! How are you coping with two the same age?

Mort? Emily doing well? They are so cute when they start laughing!!

Beets? Where are you hun? Any developments?

Anyone Ive missed - sorry!!! Please update us soon!!

AFM - Belle is starting school in Sept and growing up quickly. Adam is nearly crawling now even though he cant sit unaided yet!! Weird or not? He gets on his kness and hands and then rocks himself and we all watch and hold our breath.......then he sprawls himself out laughing! Lol - little bugger!

Hope everyone is well!!

It's been ages - am sooo sorry! Would so love to catch up properly with the FB group...let's do it! I just tried actually - with the name Team NT!;-) to make a secret group but need your names...might be easier if you find me/friend request me as I think I'm the only [have edited my name so random people can't find me but hopefully you've already seen it, all! If not, message me!] on there..(maybe!) profile pic is me wearing sunglasses holding Emily who's wearing a silly blue sunhat. Come find me and I'll invite you to our group!

Miss u all - beets, how are you doing? And ley/pol?
So glad Oscar is getting better mummyemmy, that must've been a complete nightmare :-(
The twins sound gorgeous beets, and I bet they have so much personality!
Farmers wifey I can't believe the little un is crawling, and how funny that he likes to rock forward and finds it so hilarious. Emily is really doing her best to crawl but not there quite yet! She's just turned six months and was born 2 Feb, bumbs, to answer your question.

Let's get on FB, I love that idea! X
sorry I couldn't update lately. I got my BFP after my fist IUI try! Hopefully beets also joins us soon. I hope you and your babies are all doing fine. Mort, I will add you only if it is a secret group and nobody would know I am a member. I am quite discreet on fb :)
thanks bumbs! There was a chance that it would be twins and I thought about you those days but it seems there is only one in there :)
very happy for you - as much as I love my babies and believe me I wouldn't change it for the world but it is hard work. :) Keep us posted please! :hugs: xx
Ley!!! That's amazing news - am soooo happy for you!:)

Bumbs - did you request me on FB?! Because I think I did a stupid thing and rejected someone whose name I didn't recognize. Or was it another one of you girlies...? Maybe post your first names here so baby brain doesn't make me do it again! And ley don't worry I will make it a secret group only! X
OK, my name is nxx boxxxxxxlu. I am adding you on FB. My profile picture for the time being is red Turkish flag with white crescent and star because we recently had a national holiday.
It seems that I am having twins but also some problems :(
Details are in my journal. xx
TWINS!!!! ley - I hope that everything will work out fine! it is HARD work but so so worth it!

:hug: xx

ps.: my name is nxxxxx brxxxx, my profile pic is me and OH and my timeline cover is the twins in their yellow floats in a pool. :)
thanks bumbs. now singleton again. :wacko: today's scan showed for certain that that we lost one of them. But it's okay. I was so worried that I was miscarrying both of them because I had cramps and bleeding but one of them survived. That was a consolation to me.
I am glad our secret group is getting larger!

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