Team No-Test!

Congratulations MummyEmmy on the birth of baby Oscar! Glad to hear that you are both doing well.

Morticia, I can't believe that your official due date is tomorrow! Very exciting - I can't wait for you to finally have your little one!

This might sound really strange but I am actually feeling really glad that I didn't get pregnant straight away when we started TTC. If I had got pregnant quickly then I would have had the baby by now or be just about to have it. And actually I don't really feel ready for another little one just yet. I actually think it will be a bit easier when Thomas is a little bit older and more independent and can understand a bit more. So although it was frustrating at the time that it took ten months, I do feel like maybe my body knew what it was doing and was waiting till the timing was right for me!
Hi Pol, so glad you are happy with the timing of impending no. 2. I think our bodies are clever things, maybe your subconscious was talking to it.

Lovely Mort, ooh due date today! Wow, it only seems like yesterday that I was replying to your original thread! They do say that first babies are often late and judging from the fact that you haven't had many warning symptoms I think that will be the case. I would recommend some reflexology if you are desperate to speed things along. I've helped induce numerous mums to be naturally with some relaxing reflexology. Its all very gentle and results can take a few days sometimes to happen.

AFM I'm in the jolly old 2WW. I'm feeling much happier as I haven't started to spot yet (11dpo) and the last 2 months I started spotting at 7 and 9DPO so hopefully I've sorted that one out now. And my temp seems to be pretty constant. As for whether we've had success this month who knows?! I have creamy CM for the first time in my luteal phase ever, had brief sharp stabbing pains in my boobs last night and this morning was up at 4.30am to pee and stayed wide awake until it was time to get up! V. annoying.

The great news is that my OH has agreed that we can go and see a foxred labrador puppy this weekend. So I'll be testing on the Saturday if AF hasn't come and we will see the puppy on the Sunday. She's only 4 weeks so wont be able to take her until she's at least 8 weeks old. We've wanted a puppy for ages and my argument for having one now is that a new puppy would be way too much hard work with a baby! Fingers crossed I get my way! Will keep you posted on testing. x
hey ladies,

so glad to hear that all of you are doing well!

cannot wait to see pics of the lil one, mort!!

asf - had a scan today and the twins are both head down which is great and finn weighs 5lbs 2oz and ella weighs 5lbs 12oz!!! good eaters those two! :)

dont have much time, sorry that i only pop in so rarely, we are getting everything ready and try to enjoy time together until we will be a family of 4! we cannot wait now - approx. 2 weeks until we will have our little ones!

all the best to all of you! try to update soon again!

lots of love, :hug:
Hey Bumbs I can't believe how big ella and finn have got! Wow - some healthy little ones there me thinks! Golly only 2 weeks left - Hope everything goes well for you and wishing you all the best! Rest up whilst you can! x
ladies - I'm testing tomorrow if no show by AF today. Wish me luck! temp went back up this morning which is great - up last night twice - at midnight (big sweat on) and again at 4am (no sweating), but apart from really bad cramps 2 days ago - have had no symptoms. Thought I saw a tiny bit of pink spotting last night but might have imagined it as nothing around today .... TOUCH WOOD! We are going to devon this weekend and seeing the puppy on sunday so taking 2 tests. Fingers crossed its positive news! Hope you are all well - Mort ... thinking of you! xx
Amazing news Beets - have got everything crossed for you...and for the puppy too, sounds adorable!!!! :thumbup:
Don't forget to post pics!

Pol - so glad everything is well and the scan was great too...knew it would be!! So pleased for you! :hugs:

Bumbs - Soooo exciting about your happy and healthy twinnies, though at this rate you might even beat me to it with giving birth!:dohh:

I'm feeling a bit frustrated and down in the dumps at the moment after a midwife appt this morning - she said it didn't look like I'm going to go into labour anytime soon as my cervix is still long and I'm only 1cm dilated...booo :cry:
Her best guess was another week - but the hospital has booked me in for an induction next Friday anyway which I really didn't want as I was so hoping for a natural water birth! What's more, and I know I'm going to sound grumpy here, but I'm so fed up with the constant texts from people all day every day asking if there's "any news yet". Aaaaagh - I'd tell you if there was news, wouldn't I?!

Tee hee...sorry girls. Grumpy Mort!

Come on little bean! xxx
Aw poor grumpy Mort, your lil one is obviously far to happy inside to come out! Seriously, I do recommend Reflexology - the natural way to kick start things - if you have maybe 1 or 2 sessions, I'm sure that will get things moving so you don't have to have nasty drugs to induce you! Just a suggestion!
Keep smiling honey - even if it is another week, its not long now! Big hugs to you and your OH and can't wait to see the pics! xx
Beetle - very exciting, your chart looks really good, I really hope it is good news for you!

Morticia - hope your LO gets moving soon and you don't need the induction. A lot can change very quickly at this stage so fingers crossed that it all happens naturally.

Bumble - that's great that the twins are doing so well. They are really big already!
Here's a pic of baby Oscar. Don't know how to make it smaller!

Emma x
Congrats again Emma - Oscar looks gorgeous!

well......... BFP! I actually tested first on Sat p.m. with a FRER and it was so faint that I could only see a line and thought I was imagining it and my OH thought I'd lost the plot! So did another test on Sunday a.m. - line still v. faint but at least OH said he thought he saw something. So I waited until this morning and did a test and a clear 2nd line plus CB digi confirmed Pregnant 1-2 weeks! Now my OH is starting to believe it!

Obviously I'm terrified that this one wont stick again but I don't think there is a whole lot I can do about it! But the good news is that we saw the puppies on Sunday and we are going to get one! A beautiful foxred lab puppy! What perfect way to take my mind off negative things! We have put down a deposit and pick her up the first weekend in March! I know it will be a lot of work during a pregnancy but I'd rather have a puppy when I'm pregnant than when I have a baby/toddler to cope with as well!

Thanks everyone for all your lovely words of support!

Mort, thinking of you! How are you? Any news yet?!

Pol - any tips for staying positive?

Bumbs - go girl! look after finn and Ella!
OMG, beets soooo happy for you! congratulations and i send you lots of pma!! also, happy for you about the puppy, hope it wont be too much work to get her used to a new addition when she's still so young herself! i love labs, oh's family have a chocolate and a black one and they are the nicest dogs! :hugs:

mort - any news yet? i wanna hear some birth stories and see some pics! :)

polaris - not long til 2nd trimester, yaaay! hope you aren't suffering from ms?

mummyemmy - gorgeous lil boy there! sooo sweet!!

farmers - you ok? guess you are a bit busy!?

afm - had a dr's appt last week and they said if the twins havent arrived by 38 weeks, they will induce me and i really want to avoid that as i have heard some horror stories. i know that some inductions are fine but a lot of them also lead to a c-sec.

i have lost my mucus plug 2 days ago and some more yesterday, so hope things are on the go, i am sooo ready to have them now. if you imagine i have more than 10 pounds of baby in me!!!

also they have dropped as my heartburn is as good as gone and i can breathe!!!!!! it is awesome! although i have to get up at least 3 times a night to go pee and then toss and turn for ages to get comfy again... which usually is after 6am when oh leaves for work!

take care ladies, i will update again and of course i am stalking in here to get some of your updates!

:hug: xx
Beets I am very happy to hear the good news. Sticky little baby stick!
Emma! Oscar is georgeous!
Bumbs, if you lost the plug, you might meet the twins soon! I hope you get a comfortable delivery.
Mort, "any news yet"? :lol:
AFM, I have accepted that it will not happen any time soon. I am planning to set up a new thread named "team can't test" and go on from there :lol: kidding :)
Hi Leyla - welcome back - was worried where you had gone. Please please don't lose hope and hang in there. I'm sure your BFP isn't far away.

And ....for those that are interested, here is a pic of two of the puppies ... breeder has first choice and we think she is going to choose the one on the right but we don't mind as they are both gorgeous!


  • puppy.jpg
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Hi girls!!!
Beets - OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO happy for you! :happydance: amazing news - completely understand how scared you are about getting too excited but just concentrate on the beautiful and positive things in your life...this is your year, I can feel it!

Bumbs - amazing that you have lost your plug already, those twinnies will be here before you know it! You must feel so uncomfortable you poor thing.

Mummyemmy - Oscar is adorable, and what a cute name!

And Ley - great to have you back, Hun. Please don't give up hope! 2012 will be your year too I know it!

AFM...still here, sigh. Bean is a week late today! Am am conscious that I only have three more days for him/her to come before I have to be induced - have the same feelings as you about that Bumbs :nope:

Still getting twinges, lost my plug, just need something big to happen now! Come on bean I want to meet you!!! X
:hugs: Thanks Mort, its all v. exciting. I'm trying to focus on the puppy rather than anything else in the hope that it gets me through!

I can imagine how frustrated you are, but things are definitely happening, you've lost your plug and I'm sure bean will want to make his/her own way into the world without extra help. Have you considered Reflexology?!

Anyway thinking of you tons! Can't wait to hear the next installment! Big hugs :hugs:
:hugs: Thanks Mort, its all v. exciting. I'm trying to focus on the puppy rather than anything else in the hope that it gets me through!

I can imagine how frustrated you are, but things are definitely happening, you've lost your plug and I'm sure bean will want to make his/her own way into the world without extra help. Have you considered Reflexology?!

Anyway thinking of you tons! Can't wait to hear the next installment! Big hugs :hugs:

Oh yes I have booked a reflexology session for 11am tomorrow to give it a try - thanks for the recommendation :hugs:
Will let you know how it goes and meant to say...the puppies are ADORABLE!!!! X
You'll love it! Its very relaxing! Enjoy! And hope it works! Don't expect waters to break there and then - it can take up to 24 hours! x
Beetle!! YAY! I'm so pleased for you!! What fantastic news. I can totally understand you feeling worried about whether it is a sticky bean but I have a good feeling for you this time round. Keeping everything crossed. With regards to staying positive, my advice is don't spend too much time on the first trimester board, LOL. Seriously it is a bit scary because it is mainly people posting with concerns or if there is a problem. One useful thing that I read somewhere on here is to keep it in the moment and not think too far ahead. For example, not thinking too much about when the baby will be due etc. And maybe using an affirmation, something like "Today I am pregnant and I love my baby". What will be will be and there is no point in stressing yourself out about it although easier said than done. Will you get an early scan?

Morticia - really hope the reflexology works and baby arrives without needing an induction. Can't believe how soon you will have your baby!! Very exciting!

Bumblebee - you too!! Can't believe how soon you will have TWO babies! Double excitement LOL. Really hope things start moving naturally! However my SIL had an induction at 37 weeks on her twins and it was still a natural delivery (although they had to use the suction thingy on one of the twins).

Leylak - don't give up hope hun. It's just taking a little bit longer but I'm sure it WILL happen for you. :hugs:

And last but not least - wow Mummyemmy! Oscar is absolutely gorgeous! What a cutie!

As for me, I am fine. Recovering very well from the accident which is great. And I have been so lucky this time with very very minimal symptoms. Just tiredness really and a very slight icky feeling occasionally. No real nausea! Compared to last pregnancy when I was really horribly queasy most days up until 14 weeks. I was actually really worried that I had no symptoms up until I had the scan but now that I've seen that baby is doing well I just feel lucky!
thanks so much Pol for your wise words. I really really am going to do my best to try and embrace them! Take it each day at a time and look at the positives. You are right, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it so I need to relax and enjoy as much as possible! Luckily there is so much going on, puppy, possible new home which are all positives and could all happen before Easter!

I can't believe you are nearly 11 weeks - how time flies!
How are you after your injury - is your jaw ok now? Are you able to eat? I hope you didn't lose too much weight? I think its just as well you didn't have any morning sickness - thank goodness your baby didn't putting you through that!
I can't believe I'm nearly 11 weeks either! And actually at my scan I was measuring two days ahead of my dates, so I would be 11 weeks already. I'm sticking with my dates until my next scan though as I think the hospital will base my official due date on my next scan.

My jaw is fine now and I can eat nearly everything, although I still can't bite into an apple or other hard foods with my front teeth. But I can eat them with my back teeth if I cut them up first. So definitely on the mend! The only complication is that I did get an infection possibly from the metal plate. It's cleared up now so hopefully it won't recur but the consultant thought there was a good chance it would flare up again, in which case I would need to get the plate removed eventually but I don't think they can do that until after the baby is born.

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