Team No-Test!

ladies, very quick update! after a whole day of horrible headaches I lost more of my mucus plug, this time with bloody streaks in it and then had contractions all night, i had about 2 hours sleep. they are painful and come every 10-12 minutes.

just had a mw appt and she said I shall go home get some sleep and time my contractions if possible, then drive to the hospital!

So while OH is doing a lot of housework I am on the sofa trying to relax now, will update as soon as I can. Really need a rest now.

take care all of you, lots of :hug: xx
Ooh bumbs very exciting, this could be it!!!! Good luck!!!

I have news also ladies...Emily Rose was born at 5am yesterday - yippeeeeee! She is gorgeous! Contractions started at 11pm Tuesday, got to hospital at 2am and straight into the birthing pool at 3.20am. Just about an hour and a half later she was born. With no drugs, not even gas and air - don't know how I managed it! We are completely in love already (and very tired, ha ha). Love you girls! Can't believe she is finally here! Weighed in at 7lb 5oz xxx:cloud9:
Woo hooo! Congratulations Mort on lovely baby Emily Rose. She sounds utterly gorgeous! So pleased that the Reflexology worked! Told you it might! hehe. Well done for going through it without any gas and air! You are obviously a natural!

Bumbs - thinking of you at this exciting time! Really hope everything goes well for a swift and painfree delivery and that Finn and Ella will be in your arms soon!


Such exciting news on this thread!

Mort - congratulations on the birth of Emily Rose! That's amazing that you did it all totally naturally without even gas and air! So glad things started on their own and you didn't need the induction in the end.

Bumblebee - very exciting news too! Hoping that everything goes really smoothly for you - can't wait to hear about the twins arrival into the world!
Massive congrats to you Mort on the arrival of Emily Rose. What a beautiful name!! I am so happy for you!! Give her a kiss from me x

Beets!!! OMG!! Congrats to you!! I knew it would happen soon and I kept checking in for a sign of good news. Just stay as positive as possible. Distraction is the key here and I can see that you have that in abudance with your puppy soon coming to live with you! Adorable!!

Pol - how are you feeling hun? I cant believe how quickly time is going in your pregnancy! Every time I log on you seem to be weeks further along!

Bumbs - any updates? I am thinking of you and your twinnies! Cant wait to hear all about their arrival!

Everyone else - lots of love to you and I want to hear updates soon.

Afm - just looking after my littluns and trying to find a bigger house that I like and can afford! lol.

Love you ladies xxxxxx
Ladies it's not looking good for me - I had v low hcg count last week and I'm bleeding quite heavily now so I don't think this one is going to make it. Gutted. But please keep me updated with good news - I need it right now xx
Ladies it's not looking good for me - I had v low hcg count last week and I'm bleeding quite heavily now so I don't think this one is going to make it. Gutted. But please keep me updated with good news - I need it right now xx


Beetle I can't believe it. I am totally gutted too. When I saw you had posted I was praying it was good news and not bad. I don't have any words that can possibly help. I wish I could just give you a hug.
I know. I'm now spotting on and off at the moment - haven't passed tissue yet so there is always hope - waiting for doc to call with Hcg levels but in my heart it's just a question of time. My OH has been amazing saying he loves me unconditionally and that we will find a way to have a baby. Hopefully if this is a MC then that will be 3 and hopefully the docs can do more testing. Although they may say - Im 41 so it's probably just blighted ovum. So glad we are getting Foxy the puppy in 4 weeks time! I need to take focus away from babies and bad news! So glad you guys have some positive stuff to share - come on Bumbs your turn next! Xx
CONGRATULATIONS mort!! sooo happy for you and that emily rose is here and healthy! unbelievable that your labour was so quick! how was the whole experience?

beets - i am so sorry for you, please dont give up hope, you will have your baby i know it!!

as for me - i went back to the hospital on saturday as my contractions were consistent again and after checking me i was 2-3 cm and sent to the delivery suite! after a whole night in labour my body decided to give me a rest and i was sent to the ward upstairs for another night where i had contractions and took codeine and paracetamol because i was in so much pain and guy wasnt allowed to stay for the night!

after another check up i was nearly 4cm and 90% effaced! i asked to be sent home for a few hours so i could get out of this ward. after a night at home i wanted to go for a walk and went upstairs to get ready when i started bleeding quite heavily so we were off to the hospital again!

by the time we arrived i was in so much pain that i just hoped the babies are ok.

i was checked, was 4cm and sent to the delivery suite AGAIN. the midwife gave me gas and air (even though i didnt want it) and because i was in so much pain i just sucked it right in and asked for an epidural which i received at 6cm about 2hrs later.

it took the anesthesist (sp?) 3 attempts to put my iv in and 3 attempts for the epidural - without the gas and air i would never have been able to stand still for it.

after 15hrs of active labour it was time to push and Finn's heartrate went up to 215 which meant that i had to get Ella out asap. i had an episiotomy and she was born with the help of forceps at 6.23amon February 8th 2012 weighing 5lbs 12oz and Finn just 17 minutes later with the help of a ventouse weighing 5lbs 6oz!

i cant believe i did it, i lost nearly 2 pints of blood and thought i am gonna die, i never felt so faint and weak, but the babies were both very healthy and happy.

WE ARE SO IN LOVE!!!! we were sent home after 2 nights and everything goes very well. they are so amazing and we cant believe our luck!!

love you girlies, will post some pics soon, Ella is waking up now so gonna cuddle my little princess now!

:hug: xx
Omg bumbs - what a unique experience, congratulations on getting through it all and on the birth of your beautiful twins! Looking after Emily I can't even imagine how you are coping with two little ones, you must be so tired but of course so happy! I really hope you're feeling ok, especially after the episiotomy :-( I hope your OH is spoiling you three and you're getting as much rest as you can. Are you breastfeeding?, so sorry darling - I don't know what to say :-( it's just so sad. Massive hugs. If there's anything positive to come out of this then as you say, it has to be that now its happened three times they can hopefully tell you why? And help you to keep it from happening again? I really hope you get some TLC and enjoy your puppy, you need something to take your mind off it all. Much love.

Farmers, hope you are getting on really well with your little one...what's it like coordinating two?!

And Pol - how are you doing, sounds like you are having an ok pregnancy so far with not too much sickness - so pleased!

Ley - how are you doing hun?
And mummy Emmy - how is little Oscar?

I will post some pics of Emily soon, she is adorable but I never seem to be on the computer to upload, only my phone at silly times like 3am when I'm trying to stay awake to feed her!

Loads of love xx
thank you mort! how are you coping? i love every minute of being a twin mum - to be honest i think i would be bored with one! haha! :D

i am just made for having two - i find it incredibly easy to feed them both during the night (yes i breastfeed), just very lucky that they are on the same schedule since birth. i feed them every 2.5 hrs and daddy changes the nappies - not always but when i wake him he is very good! and yes he spoils me - i didnt do anything in the house for weeks and he also cooks every night for me and so far i had breakfast in bed every single day!!

they have changed so much in the past 2 weeks, they start smiling and chuckling in their sleep and love it when i sing to them! :cloud9:

will post some pics for you now, ella and finn are asleep - we've just been for a 2 hr walk in the sunshine, i love my twinpram! the pics are from quite early on, will try to upload some more recent ones soon!

DSCF1319.jpg finn on the left and ella on the right

IMGP0533.jpg the time one my mums cam is wrong - this was right after they were born

lots of love to all of you! keep up the pma (especially you beets and enjoy the puppy, sure it will help)! :hug:
Oh my goodness Bumbs they are utterly gorgeous - and you look fantastic! What a clever mummy! I'm so glad you OH is looking after you - you definitely sound like a natural mum!

Mort - thanks for your kind words. I'm OK. Luckily this time around it was an early MC which is slightly easier to get my head around. So that makes 3. Have had some blood tests done and am waiting on the results and have provisionally booked myself in to have a chat at the Lister hospital for IVF.

Farmers - how are you? guess you are just about coping with a baby and a toddler!
Pol - hope your pregnancy is progressing nicely?
Ley - just us left - keep us posted in terms of how you are getting on!

Im picking up Foxy next Tuesday! She's so lovely and I know she's going to be a great distraction. Plus we exchanged on our house in Farnham yesterday and complete on 16th! So all exciting new beginnings! Big hugs to all!
Hey girls!!

Here is a picv of my little bundle of joy! He is fast asleep - always puts his arms in the air like that! So does his dad so it must be hereditary - lol!

I hope you are all ok!

Pol - how are things going for you?
Mort - how are you and Emily Rose?
Bumbs - BEAUTIFUL pics! So CUTE!! You must be very proud - and well done for bf'ing twins! It must be hard work.
Beets - have you got your puppy yet? A new house? Lots of new beginnings will bring you positivity. Let us know how your test results come back.

Love all you ladies



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What gorgeous babies!! So lovely to see all the photos.

Farmers, that is exactly the way Thomas used to sleep as a baby, so cute!

All is good here, this pregnancy is flying by. Can't believe that I am 16 weeks already!
adorable little man he is, farmers! my boy is sleeping like that as well, my mum says healthy happy babies sleep with their arms like that! :)

happy 16 weeks polaris!

afm - the twins are amazing and so good, feeding is a bit of a nightmare sometimes because they can sense when the other one is eating and even though i kept a nice 20-30 min between them so i dont have two screaming babies, they want food as soon as they know the other one is being fed!

i always wanted to do tandem feeding but i like the special bonding time i get when they are fed separately!

ella had 2 osteopath sessions due to being so tense (after the forceps delivery) and she is so much better since shes been treated, she loved being massaged so much!!

mort - i am sooo looking forward to seeing some pics of emily!

beets - how is foxy? and how is the house situation?

lots of :hug:

ps.: i am already back to my pre pregnancy weight, just have to tone up again! :)
Wow Farmers - isn't he a cutie? I love the hands up! Too sweet!
Bumbs - I can't believe you are back to your pre-pregnancy weight already?! You must be a natural - either that your your babies are demanding too much of you! Please look after yourself!
Pol - I can't believe how quickly its all flying by for you! This year seems to be on fast forward!
Mort - how are you coping hon? Need to see pics!
Ley - hope all is well?

AFM - I'm really good. The arrival of Foxy has completely taken my mind of miscarriages and babies and I'm much more chilled. We are due to move house on 19th March and I'm going to see a consultant at the Lister Fertility hospital in London on 22nd to start getting the ball rolling and find out what's been going wrong! So its all happening!

Anyway I thought I'd attach a picture of Foxy who is almost as cute as your babies!
Keep in touch! I love getting your updates!


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hi girls!!! :flower:
so sorry that I've been off the radar recently...have loved catching up on all your news, and pics!

beets - foxy is beautiful, what a gorgeous coat! I bet he (?) is so sweet and hyperactive, you must be smitten :happydance: also amazing news on the house and on the hospital appt on the 22nd - fingers crossed it gets the ball rolling quickly for you.

bumbs - the twins are SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! love that first pic of them all swaddled up, awww. you look amazing also - the first post-birth pic of me is awful! not half as glam as you! i'm so so impressed that you've been breastfeeding both - i'm finding it hard enough to cope with feeding, changing, sleeping etc with just one, let alone two!

same goes for you farmers (gorgeous pic, and emily sleeps in exactly the same way with her arms above her head! how funny! i read somewhere that it shows they are happy and healthy babies!) - you are a super mum for coping with a newborn and a toddler at once.

pol - 16 weeks already, wow! have you completely recovered from your injuries now? really hope so...

ley - how are you getting on hun, hope you're ok.

so yes - emily rose is almost six weeks already, i can't believe it! she is so gorgeous and even though it is tough - esp now daddy is back at work - i am loving it and her. the lack of sleep is really hard, i can't deny that, and i have been feeling a bit emotional recently because of cumulative tiredness (even though i didn't get the 'baby blues' right away...p'haps i am having a mini delayed version?)...but i know that once we get through the first few months things will start to get easier. and check out her pic - she is so cute it makes it all worth it!!! xxx
P.S second pic taken at 24hrs old so she still looks a little swollen, bless her!


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Hi all sorry been AWOL, it's been a bit hectic here what with a hyper toddler and a baby to look after!! Also It was our dd's birthday yesterday!

Beets, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, i hope you are ok.

Congrats bumbs and mort!! Your babies are gorgeous!

Hope you are all doing ok, I am feeling quite tired most days but am loving it!

Emma x
Hi all sorry been AWOL, it's been a bit hectic here what with a hyper toddler and a baby to look after!! Also It was our dd's birthday yesterday!

Beets, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, i hope you are ok.

Congrats bumbs and mort!! Your babies are gorgeous!

Hope you are all doing ok, I am feeling quite tired most days but am loving it!

Emma x

MummyEmmy, how are you finding the age gap between your two? Our age gap will be very similar!

Morticia, thanks for posting the photos of Emily Rose, she is a real stunner!

Beetle, I'm so pleased that you are sounding so positive, Foxy is gorgeous and would definitely be a very welcome distraction from TTC!

AFM, no real update. I am feeling definite movements now which is lovely but still not really showing at all. A friend of mine just had a third miscarriage and I am absolutely devastated for her. I really hope that it won't make things awkward between us that I am pregnant. She has a son the same age as Thomas and they are great buddies.

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