Testers,TTC&After Conception-Clomid,IUI,IVF,Femara -EVERYONE!!

Heylo everyone!

Congrats momof1!! Hoping it's a sticky bean for you!

Allika- That's weird that they can't figure out approx. when you should be at or below 2 then just prescribe the Provera to start after that day. Hmm...I feel like doctors just like to be a pain in the pooter...Here's to being below 2 next Friday :)

Lei- Hopefully your incision is ok. Do they want you to leave it open to air or could you place a soft non-sticky bandage strip over it?

AFM- I guess my bloodwork was ok, the nurse I spoke to didn't mention it and I forgot to ask for a copy of the results. My U/S tech these last 2 times was friggin awesome! She actually talked to me about what she was seeing and compared it to last time. It seems I'm left side dominant, as she counted 14 follicles on that one, 9 were over 1/2cm and 2 of those were over 1 cm, she said that's good news. I still had the persistent cyst on my right ovary, but it's still shrinking. My RE is having me increase my Bravelle inj. to 75iu until Monday when I go in for repeat bloodwork and U/S. Bloodwork should be no problem, but getting into my OB's office for a same day U/S since they were closed this afternoon should be interesting...But yea, things are looking hopeful :) Here's hoping they stay that way!

Hope everyone is doing well and things are going great! FX'd for good news next week for all the testers!!

Hopin- Thank you so much for asking about my appt today! I really appreciate all the support!! I think this is a great group of ladies, and I'm so happy to have stumbled upon this thread!
Momof1: That's sooo cute! :) What a beautiful romantic way to tell him! How sweet :)

Allika: I never thought I'd say this, but congratulations on AF showing up!!!
Hi ladies

May I join? I am new.

I am currently 5dp5dt. (FET)
Sure thing AnnSue! welcome! How are you feeling?
I just PAOS... BFN. So at this moment I am not feeling very well.
I just POAS too - I'm 8dpiui - BFN! Not testing again until Tuesday! BFNs are so depressing!
Annsue- I'm sorry about the BFN! Is it still early or no?

We are about to start our 3rd IUI (assuming this one is unsuccessful) and then move to IVF. I'm terrified of the egg retrieval. How was yours?
I am sorry about your BFN.. but 8dpiui is still early. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you.

5dp5dt is indeed still early... but you know... the waiting is just excruciating!

IVF is a hectic cycle financial, hormonal, medical and most of all emotional, but you will survive. unfortunately the worst part of my cycle was the retrieval... but is also not so bad that I would say "never again". I'd rather take the retrieval 100 more times than to never have children. You will be fine. Lets hope you won't need an IVF cycle...EVER!
Wow a couple of days and I missed so much!

Momof1- YAY! Waiting for your to poas this AM!! :test: :bfp:

afm I had my 7dpo beta was 19.7- doc says looks great. Today I am 9dpo, felt a sharp cramp yesterday and of course I think it could be implantation...need to hold steady
Good morning ladies!
Typea your so early honey mine was a faint shadow at 10dpiui so I still have a lot of hope for you!!!

Welcome Annsue!

Lune I so hope you get your BFP! Everything sounds very promising for you!

Afm- I got another BFP this morning and it's darker then yesterday, I wish I could upload a photo of the three tests next to eachother for you all to see :( I tried flikr- no success. I'll play more later and try to upload :)
well I think I am joining many of you in the tww! eek
Momof1: If you want some help, you can email them to me and I can do it for you and upload it
momof1 I am SO SO SO SO SO happy for you!!! :happydance: this is just fantastic!!! Exactly what this thread needed. YAY for your IUI! Worked the first time, goodness! Can't wait to hear your good news Monday and can't wait to see your pics of your tests! Woot woot! What a great way you told DH!
To upload pics on flikr, be sure you're grabbing the BBC Code, that will allow you to implant it straight into your post. It's longer than the URL. I hope that helps?

Allika I'm glad you got your period. It's at least progress, anyway. I'd love to get mine! :hugs: to you!

anmlz I'm glad your appointment went well! :) What is the next date for you so I can update the front page?

AnnSue welcome!! :hugs: What is your test date?

typeA still wayyyy too early :D

Lune, LDizzy & Grateful I can't wait for your appointments/tests on Tuesday!!! WOOT!

AFM, Still no AF for me, just waiting around! I've got like a really thick creamy discharge happening right now so i'm not sure what's up with that?!

Hope everyone else is having a great weekend!!!
Hopin- My next appt for bloodwork and U/S is this coming Monday :)

anmlz Let us know how your appointment goes today, obviously! Sending good vibes your way :hugs:

momof1 Have I mentioned :happydance: :yipee: :happydance: :yipee:??? I'm SO EXCITED!!!! Today is your appointment with your doc right, to recheck your levels? I need you to upload some stick pics by the way! :haha: <3

Lune, LDizzy, TypeA Anyone testing early or are you holding out? Tomorrow and Wednesday are the days! Let's keep these :bfp:'s coming!!! I'm so excited!

Grateful We might confirm the baby is a girl tomorrow ;) Hehe.

Allika When should I put you down for testing, or do you know yet? I'm excited for you to be back in the game!

I hope everyone else had a lovely weekend, please let me know if I'm forgetting your appointments or anything on the front page. :hugs: to all of you!
Just left the doctors for my bloods. I'm very positive about all of this because my tests got darker and darker over the weekend and the digi even said pregnant ;). I have tried photo hosting through my phone with many different apps and non have given me the URL I need :(. Do I have a photo I Judy can't post it lol. I'll update everyone after my phone call from fs today!

I can't wait for tomorrow! Fxed we get some bfp's and find out the sex of our new little bean!
Woot momof1, I love that your appointment was first thing this morning. Omg, I'm overwhelmed with happiness for you.

And TRUST ME, I'm wondering where the hell AF is too. Yesterday was 4 weeks since my D&C! But Allika just got hers too so I suppose it's just slow to come around after what we went through. I'M READY TO GET BACK IN THE GAME and I cannot wait to have a test date again :) :) :) :)
Thanks, btw, for thinking of me :hugs:

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