Testers,TTC&After Conception-Clomid,IUI,IVF,Femara -EVERYONE!!

Ahh love it! Congrats Rojo can't wait to hear all about it
lifeis - thnking of you today and hoping that your follies have grown at today's checkup!

river - I'm so sorry your IUI got canceled :( That' awful. I guess we can still watch for your bfp though since you went ahead and BD! You're not out yet. Wouldn't this mean that your chance for multiples is really high though?
Sorry your mom is pressuring you :( Maybe she just is trying to support you in her own way and doesn't realize how difficult it can be for you.
You have quad nephews??? Did your sister conceive them naturally?!

CIDER!!!!!! :bfp: ALL THE WAY!!!!! Ahhhh congrats congrats!! Can't wait for your betas tomorrow, it can't get here soon enough!!!

Moni, I have you testing Thursday, are you going to hold out or cave and poas?!

Rojo, I know I've already said this but CONGRATS! She is beautiful and can't wait for you to post your birth story and photos on here for all of us to see!!! <3 :hugs:
I want to wait until Thursday - I normally don't get AF until 16dpo - so 14 dpiui is still early for me. Since this is my first IUI I am not sure if it will affect my cycle or not. I only have one FRER left and a couple of digitals.

I was crampy on and off last week (mainly on the right side which I think is weird since I had the 2 follicles on the left side) but have been fine since the weekend - so I am thinking I am out for the first cycle and don't really want to see the negative yet.

BUT - I might give in and test tomorrow at 12dpiui - just to get it over with. Hubby wants me to wait to Thursday since that is the day the doctor said to test.

Obviously I am going back and forth here and probably won't make up my mind until I actually POAS! (maybe the indecisiveness is a good sign!)
Cider!!! OMG! Congrats that looks like a strong BFP to me!!!

Can't wait to hear all about your appointment tomorrow....do we really have to wait until tomorrow?! LOL
river - I'm so sorry your IUI got canceled :( That' awful. I guess we can still watch for your bfp though since you went ahead and BD! You're not out yet. Wouldn't this mean that your chance for multiples is really high though?
Sorry your mom is pressuring you :( Maybe she just is trying to support you in her own way and doesn't realize how difficult it can be for you.
You have quad nephews??? Did your sister conceive them naturally?!

The chance is higher, though they didn't think I'd O all of the follies on my own. They said most likely 2-4 would. And considering even with IUI and 2 follies, we didn't get anything, and they were originally hoping for 3-4 follies with IUI this cycle, we figured we'd give it a shot. We don't expect all will actually fertilize and take, but think we have a good chance at one working :)
Yes, I have quad nephews. My brother and his other half went the route of IVF and they put 2 in. Both split, and they ended up with 2 sets of identicals. All are healthy.
Looks like I am about 1 dpo today :) tww begin!

lifeis - hope your check up is great! - Let us know!

cider - tomorrow can't come soon enough for that beta!

moni - :test:
GOod afternoon everyone!

I am a little bummed this morning and for some reason feeling kind of angry. I went to my appointment and I have two follicles at 14mm and 15mm. When I went in on Friday both of them were at 14mm, so they really aren't growing any. Today is CD 16. My Dr wants me to come back in on Wednesday CD18, and see if they have grown. I asked her why she thinks they would grow any more when they really didn't grow at all the last 3 days and she said that sometimes it take a while for hormones to catch up. She also said that if we have to do another cycle she will up my dosage of femara. I am just a little frustrated because I feel like since my follicles aren't ready now, that we are going to be out this cycle. I am sorry to be such a crab, I guess I am just scared that this isn't going to be our cycle.
Moni, I don't blame you for feeling torn! But promise us if you do poas, let us line spot :) :) :) :haha:

River, I'm still very excited for you, and I Hope you still get your BFP out of this!! FX'D!!!
I'm also pretty in awe of your brother's quads! What are the ODDS of having 2 sets of identical twins?! Crazy, and all boys too! Man I bet they have their hands full :)

lifeis, I'm sorry you're having such a tough time :( I am going to keep my FX'd that those follies grow for you and that this IS your cycle, but they are just taking their sweet time! BIG :hugs: to you. I'm not giving up on this cycle yet!!!
Will do...I'll have to figure out how to post though!
lifeis- that happened to me often my follies didnt budge but they continued to give me low dose injections...are they at least doing that? Be persistance with them. Tell them you would prefer to have the medication and see what happens... ie: over stimulation and then cancelling of cycle. Drs can be pretty flexible when you are more stern.

River- since your doctors thing you are abstaining from sex when do they want to see you again?
@lifeis: I have no explanation for the low growth other than that your body went through a lot in the last weeks and that might make it a little bit more difficult to predict...
Hopin - the odds are insanely low of that ever happening. When I told my fs, he was in shock and said that is insanely rare.

Kins - They just said to call when I get my period. They have us on their list for IVF in the new year, and said December would have to be a natural cycle if we were to try, but that I could be monitored for the natural cycle if I wanted to be since apparently there is some carry over from a stimmed cycle. I am assuming that if I end up having to call them about the period, they'll set in motion the IVF paperwork etc.
River did you tell them that you had already BD'd the day before or just leave that part out?
Ok ladies, I need your opinion on something&#8230; So I told people at work today that I'm pregnant. I had to, cause I'm starting to show&#8230; I also told them it's twins. I've already gotten the question "naturally?" more than once. First of all, I think it's extremely rude to ask. I mean you don't ask someone how many times they BD'ed before they got pregnant either, right? I'm sure people mean well and are just curious, but the more I think about it, the more it upsets me. Mind your own business&#8230; They have NO idea what we go/went through to make these beautiful babies.

So, I've just been saying yes&#8230; I hate lying about it, and I'm not ashamed of it at all, but the fact that they're asking just bothers me. And these are not close friends.. They're co-workers.

I think I'm the only one on here with twins so far, but please let me know if you have some kind of good answer for me.
Mwb I was originally expecting twins (we saw two at 6 week scan but only one grew at 12 weeks). When people asked I just said i was on fertility meds and left it at that. It's really none if their business but i found that shut them up about it
I agree with Lune.. If you tell them natural then I am sure more questions will come but if you say you were on meds then most people will shut up!! The only other thing is that I think a lot of us suffer if in silence so maybe you can help someone struggling?? Maybe just a positive way to look at their nosiness?
Because of certain tv shows people have a big misconception about how fertility treatment works. Because of that I would be curious to know what they really meant by "naturally". In terms of a response - it is really a judgment call about how close you feel to people and how much you want them to know. A lot of people know that I have been ttc for a year and when they ask how it is going, I have told them that I am now going to a fertility clinic. However, those that do not even know that I am trying - I am not sure I want to know the full extent of my difficulties. However I agree with Ingodshands, everyone is so secretive - there might be others in your same situation and you dont even know - and could potentially help them. It is only by talking to others that you learn things - I mentioned to a coworker who recently got back from maternity leave that we had been trying for awhile and she told me about her difficulties (5 months, a miscarriage, then right away) - it made it more real being able to talk to her about it and she definitely helped my perspective - so perhaps you can help others as well. BUT if you are not comfortable with them knowing, then continue to say naturally - twins occur naturally all the time, no harm in that.
Hopin - no I had forgotten to - I was sort of in shock at the office - soooo didn't think of it until later that day when I was talking to OH about it. By then, there was noone to call as it was Saturday.

mwb - it really is none of their business. But it seems the common question when people are expecting more than 1, as if it would make a difference or something. I don't think people realize how personal a question it actually is.
I wouldn't worry about telling people yes regardless - do whatever feels comfortable to you.

You could retort -
"They are not robots/zombies/etc"
"They are not fake twins"
"They were planned"
"Yes, we had S-E-X"
"Yes, I am growing them myself"
"We got a 2 for 1 special!"
"Why? Do you need a fertility doctor?"
If they have children - "Did you have sex to conceive your children?"
"Wow - that is a very personal question. Akin to me asking you how often you have sex."
"We used modern positions"
I agree with others though, if you are comfortable with people knowing you used fertility medications, it may help some others. - But ONLY if you are comfortable opening up to it.

Even though most of my female co-workers are pregnant or just had a baby, I found out later that a couple of them had tried for years and went through miscarriages to get theirs.
It wasn't until I opened up to one coworker saying that we had been trying for a couple years already, did she mention others around me who had their own struggles, and how it finally happened for them.
Hopin: Thanks for the positive thoughts! You ladies are great!

Kins: No, I am not on injectables at all. I just took femara from CD3-7 (5mg) and that's it. She said next time she will up the femara, but that doesn't help me now. I would be so sad if we had to cancel the cycle.

Allika: I was wondering if our m/c would have an effect on our treatments right away. That's definitely going to be a question I will ask on Wednesday when I go in for my u/s.

I do have one extra question for you ladies. Is there a point where it just gets too late to let your follicles grow? I mean there is going to come a point when I get AF...right? Also, if these follicles stay this size, do they just leave them and cancel the cycle? Won't they turn into cysts?

Thanks for all your wonderful help ladies! I do not know what I would do without you!!
Eventually they will grow and ovulate - however if they ovulate "later" in the cycle (past day 20) I read somewhere that quality is compromised! I would try to stay relaxed. Getting over a MC is stressful enough and if you worry now about this cycle not being the one, you're adding a lot of pressure! Try to take the pressure out! Femara worked for you first try...does it really need to happen this month instead of next? Try to see the positive and stay calm. If this cycle is a bust at least you can have a drink on thanksgiving (I know you'd give that drink up for a pregnancy right away but still - try to not obsess).

For me my first Femara round ended in a MC after that we tried 2 more months of Femara and 2 months of Femara and injectibles. None successful! I was an emotional wreck because I was so obsessed over it! I remember during the IVF consult my RE said, the chances of us getting pregnant again without IVF were very high but he said his concern is my sanity as I was a crying mess and just couldn't handle the rollercoaster ride anymore. He gave us the choice of continuing on with Femara. He said it could be 1 try or 12! All depends on the right egg! I couldn't handle the ups and downs anymore and we opted for IVF.

Was it necessary? Probably not but I couldn't deal with my sadness anymore!

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