Testers,TTC&After Conception-Clomid,IUI,IVF,Femara -EVERYONE!!

Welcome Mums! :flower:
So you already have a line?! That's fantastic! Keep us updated on how those tests progress, and don't apologize for jumping in :) You're welcome to stay :hugs:!
Welcome Mums! I will have everything crossed for you - keep us updated!
Thank you all so much for the positive response! :hugs:

I will certainly keep you updated...

...only (a grueling) 5 more days until my Beta. I can use these Dollar Tree tests all I want, but until my RE gives me the word, I feel like I am sitting on pins & needles!

Thank you again - this is exactly why I love this community so much!

I am going to breathe a little easier knowing that I have some friends in my corner!

Wishing you all the best! <3
Ahhhh a sigh of relief!! Doctor called in pain meds & I have a m.r.I in the morning to see how bad I tore it & he also gave me a knee brace :)

Angie - dhs already making jokes about being an old lady & doing granny shots lol. It should be fun tomorrow!

I can't wait for all the ladies to test next week!!!! Eeeekkkk :)

Hi mums :hugs: got my Fxed for you doll!!! :)
Wowza, I finally caught up!

Lei, STOP HURTING YOURSELF!!!!!!!! It seems like you keep having stupid things wrong, do I need to wrap you with pillows?! How long will it take to get the MRI results? As for the bowling, just bring a chair with wheels and you'll be good to go! And it sounds like you O'd Monday or Tuesday like you were hoping and in that case BDing Sunday morning would be perfect! Let the TWW (or more like 1WW since nobody can wait the full 2 weeks) begin!

Hopin, your temps are looking good!! Now lets see if your temp stays up and leads to a great BFP :)

Mums, WELCOME! :flower:

Allika, how many DPO are you??? It's probably just too early :)

Grateful, I just fixed my car last week. Cost me $1100!!! I about crapped myself. Had to be done though and it's running soooo much better now.

Luna, I hope your MS doesn't get too bad. Are you able to control it well enough?

Angie, I posted your site on my FB again I wish I could do more to help!

AFM, my UTI is starting to get better finally. I had to go back to the doctors because the antibiotics they gave me weren't working. We've been trying to lay low around here because we just got a cut in our income so we've been staying home and I'm stiiiillllllll job hunting. ](*,) Luckily staying home so much means our home is SUPER clean because I have nothing else to preoccupy myself! I even managed to deep clean the car today for the first time in.... too long. I have my wisdom teeth surgery coming up on the 20th, sooo not looking forward to that but I'll be glad to have it over with. It just so happens that in that SAME day MIL will be coming in from Florida to stay with us for a week and Draven finally gets to meet his abuela! But as for tonight I'm going to watch some of The Cosby Show on hulu and enjoy myself a niiiice biiiiig glass :wine: (so nice to be able to have some again)


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Awe Jenna! Thank you! Im so overwhelmed with you bnb lovelies <3 so many donations. So many sharing our link!! Sharing the link is a huge help! Ive had 2 bnb donations today and 3 the other day...so blessed to have you!
You've been through such a journey Angie I can't help but think this will finally be it. It's just one last GIANT hurtle to get over but luckily you have so many people standing behind you!
Jenna I'm glad your uti is getting a little better.... That stinks that the first set of antibiotics didn't work. Wahoo for finally getting your teeth pulled... I so need to get mine but have been a huge procrastinater. Luckily you will have your mil there to help with your precious baby boy while you recover :)

Hahahaha YES pillows!!!!!! Lots of them :rofl: I swear if it isn't one things its another. I should have the results by Monday since I'm going tomorrow... Fxed at least!

& here's to hoping that we caught the egg.... I'm trying to keep a positive attitude but I won't hold my breath to it since it seems we were so off.

Angie if you don't mind I would like to share it on my fb wall as well :)
Jenna good to see you're back!! And I'm glad you're starting to feel better too. That sucks that you have to get your teeth pulled, that's not fun but it has to be done!! And I agree with Lei, it's a good thing your mil will be there to help out while you recover!!

Lei I'm glad your doctor finally starting taking some action!! How was bowling?! Let us know how your MRI went.

AFM, it's realllllly hard not to test. That's about all I have.
Happy Saturday!
HOOLLLYYY MMMOOOooooLLLYYYY I had a lot of catching up to do with my favorite bnb ladies :holly: .:haha: can I just say you are my FAVORITE ladies.... shhhh don't tell the other threads I'm on :-$ , but it's SOOOOO true! OK so I had to use a piece of paper to remember everything I wanted to say and I apologize now for the long post:flower:.

Jenna- Three words... YAY FOR WINE!!!!!!!! :wine: also, thank god the UTI has eased up! What a week for you love, UTI, teeth pulled....... poor thing :hugs:

Grateful- Any baby kicks yet? I felt DD around this time. I may have told you my trick but if not I'll say it again, I laid on my back and pressed a flashlight against my belly in different spots while poking around with my finger. After doing that for a while I finally felt a little kick :happydance: there is nothing in this world that can compare to the feeling of your baby moving around inside you; something only us mommies get to experience :cloud9:

Lei- You poor thing :wacko: it is one thing after another for you :dohh: I really hope your leg feels better!!!! Question...... if I remember correctly didn't you say you kind of wanted another girl when you get pregnant, or am I completely wrong lol?

Hopin- I'm sorry I'm probably not suppose to say this and am the only one on here that will but :test: lol. WHY NOT? Worse thing that will happen is it will say no and you will have to poas again the next day, right? Besides you are a poasaholic so why not :haha:. I'm sorry I probably shouldn't say that but FREAKING-A I'm excited for you!!!!!!!!! and tomorrow you will be 10 DPO, technically your HCG only needs to be at a 6 to show on a frer so why not :blush: :haha: but........ if you wait till later I'll understand too :haha: OK I have calmed down now :rofl:

Anmlz- I'm so happy that you are going to get back into the swing of things, fxed for you :hugs:

Never2late- I saw Jenna's link so I am going to click on it today and donate, GL HONEY!!!! fx fx fx fx fx

Luna- GL at appnt Monday , cant wait to here how it goes.

Lune- WHERE DID YOU GO ??:shrug:

Mums- Welcome to our family! Fx your line gets darker and darker :flower:
Now AFM :haha:
Soooooo OH and I dtd last night and these progesterone suppositories dry me up ( they said they would... blah) so when OH was finished he noticed some chafing on his "member". I went pee shortly after and there was light spotting in my panty liner. I got so scared I didn't know if it was me or from him because he said he had a little bleeding but unfortunately I never got to see it on him. (TMI alert) I'm really bloated right now and OH has a little buddah belly.... he was on top and his belly was pushing into my belly and I had to stop a couple times to catch my breath because our stomachs were pushing into each other so much. Then with the spotting after I was thinking" OH NO could that pushing on my belly have started a MC, or am I reading to much into this)? EEK I don't know what to think, and of cource it's Saturday so I cant call my doctor :shrug:. Also, Oh wont go down on me anymore :growlmad:, since I started the suppositories it grosses him out, but I always "clean up" first. It's not fair, he gets his cookie but I don't get mine:nope: UGH!!!
Thank you sooo much!
Your second post had me laughing my but off:haha:
Happy Saturday!!
Momof1- Oh I totally understand with the suppositories!! If my fiancee wanted any I told him he'd have to jump on it before I put it in because they're just soo friggin messy! It pretty much was a no-sex 2ww because he'd get involved in his video game and completely forget about the hoo-hoo pills lol :) I think you should have enough cushion in your uterus that any pressure shouldn't cause a MC. Here's a crazy thought, but maybe since the suppositories dry you up maybe you experienced some slight chaffing as well...Couples that chaff together stay together, hehehe :)
Awwww anmlz your post just made me smile from ear to ear , thank you for that! :laugh2:
Hey ladies I'm at the doctors & just wanted to update y'all that on top of the torn meniscus I also fractured my knee. :( they have me waiting here until they get ahold of my doctor so they can figure out where I go from here.

I'll catch up here in a bit ...just wanted to let y'all know how the MRI went.
momof1 I think it's really common to have some spotting after sex when you're preg. I'm sure everything is fine :hugs:

actually we dtd for the first time since my bfp a few days ago and afterwards when I went into the bathroom to clean up I was actually saying "spotting after sex is normal" in my head over and over again :haha:

oh Lei a fractured knee! that's not good :(

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