Testers,TTC&After Conception-Clomid,IUI,IVF,Femara -EVERYONE!!

I definitely want to stay team yellow ;) I'm not big in the whole pink/blue thing so was planning on a more neutral nursery anyways. I keep picturing two girls lately...we'll see!

I just read an article that says in studies they found that a mother's intuition about the sex of her baby was correct 70% of the time....however if a mother had a 'preference' on gender...it totally throws off her intuition.
I find this so interesting because I had a VERY STRONG feeling I was carrying a boy right from the very beginning. SO much I told my DH I was 100% positive....LOL I had no real preferene and my intuition was right.

So maybe your thoughts on 2 girls is right!! Unless you have a strong preference for girls....:haha:
Haha that's a good point, about the spotting! I think we should ALL learn to not test early but it's SO DIFFICULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it's going to kill me that you're staying team yellow. Seriously. :wacko: I'm going to lose my mind. Suddenly your due date seems SO FAR AWAY! LOL ;) just messin with ya I commend you because I'm way way too much of a planner to do that but I think it's pretty awesome to have that type of ultimate surprise! Are you just going to have sets of names picked out?!

Based off of Grateful being so intuitive about the sex of her little man I'm going to go with YOUR gut this time since last time I lost the bet. :D
This is a fun test to take- personality plays a part in if you're more likely to have a boy or girl.


I'm predicted a girl, but I kinda want a boy...
Oh How fun!! I just took it. "If you become pregnant within the next 4-5 weeks, you would be 80% likely to conceive a girl and 20% likely to conceive a boy"!

I'm indifferent, honestly. I have a son and so a part of me wants a little girl just to know what that's like but then another part of me wants to have another boy so he can look up to his big brother and they can talk sports, etc.... EITHER way is totally coolio with me. Now if I could only get pregnant.... LOL :haha:
Whew I have some catching up to do!!! Was on a field trip today with DD class & it was so much fun but my leg hurts now. I start my 2 week vacation thank goodness!!!

Hopin- until AF shows you are still in the game :happydance:

Allika- they better rush those records... This is time we are dealing with it & timeing has to be perfect.

Typea- I totally know how you feel. I had to tell my friend that back I'm November because I hated that they would always ask..... Then I would start telling them stuff & they acted like they didn't care so it would just piss me off.

Well dhs birthday is Wednesday & according to FF , AF is due on Monday/Tuesday. Tomorrow evening DHs best friend & I are throwing him a surprise dinner so I'm excited about that. The day of his birthday I plan to wake up when he leaves & bake some goodies for him & then take them to his work at lunch time :) maybe that evening have a nice family dinner <3

Yesterday he had class & when he got home he surprised me with 2 bouquets of tulips (my fave) and told me he was so happy to have such a strong wife & he's glad that I am able to put my dreams of being a mom aside for another couple. It made me cry to know that he is just as excited as I am to be helping this couple.

Grateful- I love your new picture! :)

Oh & :holly: my boobs hurt :holly: which is a sign of af
Haha that's a good point, about the spotting! I think we should ALL learn to not test early but it's SO DIFFICULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And it's going to kill me that you're staying team yellow. Seriously. :wacko: I'm going to lose my mind. Suddenly your due date seems SO FAR AWAY! LOL ;) just messin with ya I commend you because I'm way way too much of a planner to do that but I think it's pretty awesome to have that type of ultimate surprise! Are you just going to have sets of names picked out?!

Based off of Grateful being so intuitive about the sex of her little man I'm going to go with YOUR gut this time since last time I lost the bet. :D
Well they definitely be here before my due date so you don't have to wait quite as long :) I'm hoping we can have three sets of names picked out for every combination...we'll see how that goes with hubby :haha:
ok, so my records came in just in time. starting femara tomorrow and then shots tuesday.

Holy Moly, this stuff is expensive and my insurance doesnt cover it :( bummer! Also now suddenly the Ultrasounds and bloodwork are no longer covered. my old doctor charged that to PCOS and so I only made co-payments and paid the medication.

We are now looking at $2,300 for the IUI with shots and then another $1,500 for the shots itself. Ouch!

This better be worth it. I need to go in Monday (so they teach me how to do it) Thursday and then probably Saturday or Monday or so again who knows. For those of you who work and are doing the monitored stuff....how do you do it? I hate having to leave work for all these appointments...
I go first thing in the morning at like 7am or something. That way I'm not too late
Hello Ladies!! Whoa I had a ton of catching up to do! I totally didn't realize you were having twins Luna, congratulations!!! I must have really missed a lot!

Hopin- fingers are continually crossed for you! Things can only get better :)

Allika- I've been told by quite a few of my doctors that it would take them up to 3wks to pass over my records, friggin insane! We always fax records the day off if not the next day. Good thing they got everything in time for you to start your meds. I was blessed with a flexible boss that understands, or at least tries to, what I'm going through, and it also helps my doctor was just a mile up the road from my work.

Lei- That sounds like awesome plans for your DH's birthday! Good luck with completing all your tasks with your bum leg:)

AFM- Just entered the double digits with my tattoos. It doesn't help when that itch just appears when everyone else is discussing getting one :) I'm pretty sure I actually ovulated on my own this round for the first time, yet it is somewhat difficult to try to seduce him with an upset stomach and stuffy nose :( Pretty sure I missed this cycle as well. Meh, it was interesting to know what ovulation felt like without medication at least. Going on our road trip next weekend, and the following week is our appt. with our new fertility doctor. Should be plenty of excitement in the next 2 weeks :)

I'm so sorry if I have forgotten to write a personal for anyone. Oh! Mums good luck with the rest of your hospital stay, hope everything continues to get better for you!

Good luck for everyone and have a great weekend!!
Lei, I'm glad you were able to go to the field trip after all!!
Boobs hurting is also a sign of other things.....Just sayin' :) Are you planning on testing or waiting for AF?

Luna, does DH want to find out the sex?

Anmlz Hope you have ran awesome road trip! Post a pic of your new tattoo :) And I'm excited for your meet with the new FS!!

Mums How are you feeling?

AFM, I tested this morning, and I guess I'll be counting it as a bfn again. I DO swear a see a tiny, tiny faint faint line, but it's 11 DPO (I think) and if I were pregnant, it should be darker by now. I am also feeling like AF is coming. So that doesn't help the cause either. At this point I kind of wish she'd just show up so that I can have a couple of drinks and move on to my last cycle of Clomid.
Posting a pic in my journal if you ladies want to see it.

Hope everyone's having a great weekend!
I was going to wait until I was late but i woke up & had spotting/ light bleeding. No cramps no bloating but I'm sure it will start at any moment. I started 3 days early which is def not normal :( booooooo
Maybe it'll just stay as spotting especially since you have no cramping or bloating!

Ughhh my mouth is killing me today. It's OH's birthday so I'm trying to be cheerful for him but holy crap my face hurts right now.
I'm sorry lei :hugs:

Jenna did you have all four teeth out? I only had two but found a few days after was the worst then it got better.
Yeah they yanked all 4. I took a percocet and ibuprofen so I'm feeling a little better. OH wants us all to go to the park for his birthday so I'm gonna fight through it for him. Yeah and my nurse said today the swelling will peak so hopefully this is the worst it gets and tomorrow will be better.
Just wanted to share a couple things to my ladies.
Did a little "reading" with MIL (for any who don't know she's very spiritual and does some psychic-ish readings) and although I didn't ask anything about another baby she came up with seeing a pregnancy in summer. I said "Oohhhhhh no! Too soon!" but she said it doesn't have to be THIS summer. Just A summer. And she saw another boy even though I want a girl next but that's okay!
We also took Draven to his first park visit today with the 4 legged baby and we had a BLAST. I kind of over did it and came back not feeling well but it was worth it.

(Don't mind the swollen jawline lol)


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Aw you guys are so cute!
Also little dogs are the best ;)

Oh and hopin to answer your question my hubby is generally fine to go along with whatever I prefer so surprise it is :)
Thank you! And just so everyone knows, I made a family journal to make it easier to watch Draven grow since it's happening so fast :)
Hi ladies!

Hopin - I came home from the hospital today! :happydance:

I left feeling worse than when I went in, but I am just so happy to be HOME.

They have armed me with anti-nausea meds & pain meds (hoping the nausea medication kicks in any time now... ugh...)

It's been a long day, but I showered & rested, & it is just so good to be in my own home, even if I feel miserable.

My hCG this morning was a 624, too. :)

I will probably be at my Dr's office for follow-up on Wednesday morning, if not sooner.
Lei - :hugs:

Jenna - So excited you have a journal! Yeay!! :happydance: What an awesome picture of you three!!!

Mums - So glad to hear you are home!! :flower: Hope you start feeling much better soon and I can't wait to hear about your doctor appointment!!
Good morning loves :flower:

Lei: :hugs: Stay strong doll.

Jenna what cute pictures. My daughter had her teeth pulled the other day too. No fun at all :nope:

Mums Great numbers. Hope you get to feeling better soon.

Not much going on with me..Still stuck at $4984.00 I have such bad OCD I just want it to get over to $5 already bahahaha!:dohh:

Have a great Sunday ladies, and please continue to share our gofundme link :)

Prayers and blessings,

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