That OTHER 2 Week Wait!

:hugs: grey/shell....grey i felt really down in the dumps..had a pity party for myself a few days before my af was's hard knowing that my due date is coming but with twins i probably would be delivering any time now..and everymonth that passes with no :bfp: gets me down..then i get back on that darn horse and try again..
today was a lazy day but for some damn reason every tv show kept having a pregnant women in it and it centered on the pregnant woman...grrrrr
anyway i hope everyone is doing well..hope you ladies catch that eggy..
Very cool Sam - I actually tried to find some cute pictures but didn't come up with anything...I hope they can design a nice one :)

AFM: my temp is going up but very slowly...BD action went really bad this time around...performance anxiety is getting to OH and all this pressure is making sex no fun at all :(...we didn't even finish one of the times and the other times were just not's like the only point was to make a's hard to relax and just have fun when both he and I are just thinking egg needs to meet sperm. I SO hate this and wish I could rewind 6 months to just being pregnant again and when sex was still normal. I'm holding out little hope this month for BFP :nope:
Thanks Kizzy for the hugs. I'm actually looking forward to O day so we can put BD behind bad of me I know but I just don't like this pressure anymore.

We went hiking the other day and there was a tiny Catholic church at the top of the hill and I actually lit a candle to have a baby (it was in front of the Saint for little ones)...I'm so bad I don't even know what his name is but I am going to need some divine intervention the way things are going in the bedroom. :winkwink:
Grand- I'm sorry things seem to be going so badly, I think it's so natural to feel the pressure. I've been trying to chill out about it myself and strangely its been my oh this month being all insistant!
Do you think if you stopped charting you might feel a little more relaxed.

I actually have a charting question ladies, I've been tracking my temps this month on my phone and have no clear highs or lows. I'm taking my temp when I wake up (where possible) before anything else and before standing up. Is that right?
That's right Sparkle...right before you get out of bed just as you wake up take your temp and record. I am definitely going to stop charting after one more month (so I can at least get an average O day). I think you are right that it will help me to relax a little!

Your temps will go up and down a little but will be in the lower realm and then when you O they will go up sharply (ideally!) and stay up in the upper realm until BFP (stay up!) or go down AF (BOO!). For example my low temps are usually from 36.2-36.4 (lower realm) and then 36.6-36.9 (upper realm). HTH

If you keep temping you should see a pattern by the end of the month and usually after 3 high temps FF or whatever program you are using on the phone will tell you when your O day was (the day right before the high rise).
Grand: Oh Dear. I'm sorry you're feeling the pressure. That's no fun!! :hugs: OH would be experiencing that pressure too, I think, but since we don't entirely know where we are in my cycle, we're always just playing it by ear and so there isn't quite as much pressure. Hang in there. :thumbup:

AFM: Progesterone levels showed an ANovulatory cycle, which means nothing because, since it was taken right before my AF, it was misleading, or maybe that was my last and final egg and I'm out now. :nope: Sigh. I choose to believe the first explanation, which the kind GP offered me. And I'm telling the ovaries that it was the last and final slacker cycle, or else. Do you hear me ovaries?? GET BACK TO WORK YOU LAZY GITS!! Next blood test scheduled for Feb 9th, which may, might, could, who the hell knows, be day 21. Between us chickens, I think I may be about to O soonish, like. Lucky seems to think so and I am feeling that pinchy weird ovaries thing. AND the spotting seems to have stopped. So. Bring on the HUEVO!!
Sam - I hope you O this week with OH being there at your beck and call this week :winkwink: I think progesterone might have been inconclusive since it was taken right before AF??? Have fun BDing (at least some of you still like it!:winkwink:)
Morning OTWWers :hi:

Grand - Sorry to hear about all the :sex: tension. :hugs: It can definitely take things over, that's for sure. I made a pact with OH this weekend. I'll let him take the lead this cycle. Will just let him know when the approximate O time is. I need a little bit of 'no pressure' myself this cycle. :blush: Hang in there chick! :thumbup:

Sam - Don't lose hope. That huevo is in there somewhere...just having a bit of a snooze fest. :sleep: Hope you O soon, and catch it! :thumbup: Good job on sending a request to the admin for an icon. We definitely need one! :winkwink:

:wave: to everyone else. As I said the other day, I kicked the bitch out this weekend, and can I just say that I don't want to see her red headed nasty face again. :growlmad: Time to get the :sex: started this week to warm OH up for next week...OH YEAAHHHH!! :dance: :dance:
Grand- in that case my temps make no sense at all this month. I know I've o'ved as the opk told me but the temps don't! I give up!! I'll keep going til the end of this month but I don't think it's for me!
Happy Monday ladies!

hope everyone's weekend went well....

CD5: the :witch: is still here, no biggie, she sticks around usually for 6-7 days... booooo!!! Im taking it easy and just relaxing.

it's like below zero degrees in NY.... WoW!!! makes me want to have a drink just to warm up... LOL Im so thinking of vacation already....want to go somewhere tropical and catch a nice tan and take a swim in the ocean...

right now all i want to do is just go to sleep... :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:

FXd our eggies get caught this month and we get our Valentine's :bfp:s!!


Hi, everyone sorry I've been absent the past few days, I have alot of catching up to do now. I spend the weekend with family, my sil has a 7 month old son and I've had a hard time coming to terms with my loss when around them. I havn't even been able to bring myself to hold him yet, for fear of breaking down again. The funny thing is they think I am anti baby cuz of this. Its weird because my other sil has a daughter and its more the opposite with her. She is so cute and I'm fine with her. I don't know why I cant bring my self to hold him... I just want to cry around him. Guess he's just still so new and I should have my own maybe...???

Anyway I'm on CD 10 soon to go into my firtile period. Fingers crossed this is my cycle!!
Hey ladies, :hugs: to all of you feeling down, I know that when the witch struck me this month, I took it pretty hard myself. Now I'm in the midst of a horrible cold--all I can say is it better not linger around too long as I'm scheduled to be in my fertile days this coming weekend!

It's so encouraging to see the BFPs that have been coming up in our gang of gals, I'm really hoping for lots and lots of BFPs to come out of this cycle!

Sorry this post is not real specific, I was not able to read much over the weekend due to my cold, so I will catch up over the next couple of days, I promise!
Grand: Oh no. That's too bad about the :sex: not working out. Who the hell wants to have sex when you're depressed and thinking about something else while doing it? I know last cycle I had to force myself to 'get in the mood' and we only had sex four times. And sometimes my DH would get nervous and we'd have to *ahem* work on it a bit to get it back in working order. So, I understand how the pressure can just kill the mood completely.
Have you O'd yet? Maybe you could schedule a little weekend romantic getaway for the two of you. I know vacation always puts me in the mood!
Speaking of sex (or a lack thereof), the last time DH and I :sex: was likely when we conceived! :shock: I just haven't in the mood, and he hasn't seemed to be either, and then we got our :bfp: and still no :sex:!
This morning I was in the bathroom as he was getting out of the shower, and when I saw him naked I made a joke about how I hadn't seen his *ahem* in a while. :blush: He then confessed that he was scared to touch me in fear of "unbalancing the equilibrium going on in there" (direct quote, but he's French so you can guess at what he means). I totally feel the same way now; I know that sex is safe during pregnancy, but I just don't want to take ANY chances. Also, I have about as much sex drive as a 14-year-old neutered basset hound at the moment, so in a way I'm glad he doesn't want to touch me!

Sam: I'm positive that your :coolio: supply is bountiful and that your ovaries were just being lazy bitches this cycle. I'm glad Lucky is being a better friend to you than that thermometer you were hanging around with last cycle. What an asshole he was! Good luck catching that :coolio:!

Sparkle: I've never temped before, but it sure sounds like a pain in the ass. Still, I hope it does more good than harm for you this cycle. Catch that huevo!

neffie & IMPPEARL: Wohoo! Get to it! :sex: :bunny:

Lisa: Try to stay warm! :cold: It is -33C in Montreal today. On days like today I always wonder why in the hell I live in Canada. It's not worth it! I hope the :witch: beats it soon and takes the cold weather with her!

loveanurse: The TV is saturated (does that word work?) in pregnant women! It's insane! Also, half of Hollywood is knocked up! It's not fair! :growlmad: Keep your chin up (and eyes averted from any preggos you might see) and catch that egg!

AFM: I got my blood taken today, so hopefully in a couple of days I'll hear a nice, high number. I also have an ultrasound scheduled for February 25th, so in a month I might get to see my baby! :happydance: I honestly don't know how I'm going to be able to wait that long. I'm already starting to drive myself nuts with paranoia. :dohh:
When I got home today I took another pregnancy test just to make sure the line was still there and to see if it was any darker. I used a cheaper test (Assure) and the sensitivity is supposed to be 20 mIU/ml. I did the test at the same time of day as my first one last week and I got a regular-looking line. Nothing too light, but I was hoping for a through the roof dark line. Then I looked online and FRER only has a sensitivity of 25 mIU/ml! How can they claim to be able to get a :bfp: earlier than other products, namely products that are half the price! Grrrr, I feel like I fool now for taking that stupid test. I'm just driving myself insane.

Wow, sorry about the looooooong rant!
Hi all,
Sorry, still a bit out of it :(
Sorry to hear the :sex: isn't fun right now grand :( Hope it picks up for you and the pressure can go :D I haven't got to that stage yet, but I think I might if this takes a long time!
So excited for you Anna, keep us posted on your journey! I know what you mean about being scary, I had sex ONCE when pregnant last time, and I got brown spotting for a week and then found out I was I don't think I'll be having sex next time til my early scan! If it makes you feel better just don't until you know everything's right, then you can both relax :)

AFM: I had a lovely Sunday with my Greyhound and about 20 other dogs on Cannock Chase, he was brilliant and when let off lead to run, just lay down! He also had a tiny JRT getting a piggy back, bless. It was nice to take my mind off baby things and he's the perfect cure for that, love my black boy x
I'm having some brown spotting now for end of period, is that normal? Hoping to get the :sex: started in the next few days. We've both said we need to try and 'do it' a bit more this cycle and hope to flood the egg with waiting sperm so it's spoilt for choice!
Anna--Keep that cold weather up there in Canada, please! Pennsylvania always seems to get whalloped when you send it down our way, haha! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your blood test results and that everything continues to go well for you! I had no idea FRERs were not as sensitive as some of the cheaper brands, and they cost so much more, harumph to them!

Grey-- :hugs: I had brown spotting for 2 days after my period this last cycle, and the witch seemed to hang around longer than she usually does as well, not sure why that was myself. Hope she goes away for good for you today!

Sparkle--thanks for the well wishes with my cold, I think I'm actually kicking it today as I can actually breathe through my nose a bit, so I don't sound like a foghorn when I talk (and since I spend the majority of my day on the phone giving legal advice, that is a good thing! Last time I had a cold, someone called me "sir"! :growlmad:) I hear you on the temping frustration, I'm beginning to get annoyed with it as well, but I still need to figure out when or about when my "o" days are likely to be. Once I get that figured out, I think I may just switch to opks and day counting.

LiSa--hope the :witch: is gone soon for you!

Grand-- :hugs: I hope things look up for you this cycle on the :sex: front. DH and I have had bad days in that regard over the past couple cycles. It is so hard when you both want a little one so much that it takes a bit of the fun out of the deed to get you there due to all the pressure. I hope things get better for you!

neffie/Immpearl--I second Anna, get shakin!

sam--I hope you "O" soon and catch that huevo!! And don't worry about running out of eggs, I don't think that is possible for us since I think I read somewhere we are born with thousands!

Ok, back to work for me! Hugs to you ladies and hope you have a great day!
Thanks everyone for all your sweet comments and reassurance that we are still normal and DRUMROLL...the pressure is officially off...I've Ovulated:happydance: Thank God...It will be on a prayer that I get pregnant this cycle but sadly enough I'm so happy for the TTC pressure to be off. Glad we're not the only couple that can't always get it on.

Anna - Hilarious...loved your post...can't wait till you get your results for your HCG!!! I agree with the no sex...I don't think I'll be having sex till 14 weeks...sorry OH in advance...It's one of those things that makes me think we triggered my M/C because we had bright red blood (dripping!) after a session at 7 weeks...needless to say we will be staying away from sex during the first tri.

Grey - your dog sounds amazing. My OH and I want to get one as soon as we are settled somewhere for more than 6 months. I could use the love of an animal and to take my mind off of all the babies I see around me. Also brown spotting is normal 1-3 days after AF is over...just old blood. If you spot all the way through your cycle though there could be a problem but I don' think that's the case for you. Totally normal hon.

LiSa - Brrrrrr....I'll stop complaining about the weather here then! Kick the lady out...3 days is her limit doesn't she know. OK this is kind of TMI but I started using the Diva Cup a couple of years ago for environmental reasons and my periods shortened from 5 to 3 days! I think it's because nothing blocks the's a bit weird at first but once you get used to it it can really help your cycle.

Amber - hope you are feeling better physically and emotionally...AF can drive us all into a mini depression. Drink lots of hot tea with honey and lemon for your cold.

Sparkle - sorry temping isn't working out but if you have your trusty OPKs you will be fine! :)
Hello Chicas :wave:

Sparkle - Sorry you're having issues with sure can be a bitch at times, and throw things for a loop. :growlmad: Hope you did catch that huevo this cycle. :bodyb:

Anna - You had me :rofl: with your lack of :sex: bit. Glad things are going well. Hope you have high numbers on your bloods, and how exciting for your u/s!! :happydance: I can barely wait for you, so I can imagine how you feel. :haha:

Grey - I'm jealous that you have your black boy to give you company. He really is so adorable!! OH and I can't wait to get one of our own some day, but we'd like to get our little :baby: first. Hopefully won't have to wait too long. :shrug: Feel better soon. The :witch: will soon be gone. :thumbup:

Amber - BOOO to the nasty cold, but glad you're feeling a little better. :thumbup:

Sam/Imp - Hope you catch Ms. Eggy soon!

:hi: to everyone else.

AFM, we would have :sex: yesterday to get the ball rolling for next week, but we were both so pooped, that we ended up falling :sleep: instead. :blush: Oh well, no problemo....O day is not until next week. :winkwink:

Oh great, one of my pregnant co-workers is standing around the corner talking to someone about her pregnancy, and how she is going furniture shopping for her baby. Feel free to move away from me lady....NOT INTERESTED!!!! :growlmad: Sorry, I know that sounds awful, but I can't help it. :shrug:

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