That OTHER 2 Week Wait!

bean..does he know how many rounds you get???..i'm sorry you are having an "incompatible time" with your dh...but once or twice is sometimes all it takes..:)
try and keep your pma up..:hugs:
thanks hun - have had a bad day.

Yeah he does know how many rounds thats why I am so grrrrrrr with him. THink I have convinced him to do it in the morning. Will have to get up at about 6.00 am and hope that kids stay asleep. How romantic.

One of the ladies that has just had a baby at work came in with the baby today. OMG he is gorgeous. Got a bit knotted inside though - thinking it would have been next if it wasnt for blighted ovum. aggghhhhhh

hope everybody else is ok and that i havent moaned to much.

Love - how are you feeling? x
aww..sorry you had a bad day..i work nights and my dh is stay at home dad and we have had some trouble timing things too..very frustrating..
:hi: Hi ladies!
I'm glad the topic of weight has come up because it's something that has been on my mind a lot lately. Here's my story:

I'm 5'5'' and have always kept to 150-155 pounds; not super skinny but normal, and I always went to the gym and kept active. Well, after my ectopic in the summer I stopped going to the gym and started eating for it shouldn't have come as a surprise when I was weighed at the doctor's office last week and they said I was 169 pounds. :cry: Of course, I went home and ate two chocolate bars (!!!)...but the defining moment came when I went to try on bras a couple of days later...I saw myself in the mirror and it was like I was looking at my body for the first time in months. I was so disappointed in myself and just hated what I saw.
Well, I've finally decided to do something about it, and I've started taking a Kung Fu class this week! It's Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for 2 hours each night, and MAN is it a workout! My muscles have been screaming all week, but it feels so good to be active again. Also, I've been trying to eat healthier, but it's hard. Food has become such a crutch for me. When I feel sad, I want chocolate or candy, and lately I've been feeling sad almost constantly. :sad:

So, I was wondering if you ladies would like to make some sort of pact together - a weight loss pact! I don't mean an intensive diet and weighing sessions, I just mean we try to be supportive of each other and talk about any progress we might be making, and try to talk each other away from that bar of chocolate!
Also, it would be a welcomed distraction from the all-consuming TTC...
oh anna i am in..i am in a similar situation as yourself..i am 5'5 almost 5'6 and normally weigh around 150-155..i was training for a 5k run last yr when i came up pregnant with the twins..i gained quite a bit of weight around the middle..after i lost them i just never had the motivation to lose it..the holidays came and i went up to 183..the highest i'be been without being i started dieting and exercising at the new yr..but had a detour with my health issues this last month..i have lost since the new yr..i now weigh i have made progress..but i have not been able to exercise since all of this..hoping to hop back into it once i get feeling better..and i too run to my comfort foods since all of this..
your kick boxing class sounds devine..
hope to hear your progress soon..:)'ll start feeling better emotionally as well..exercise releases endorphins..endorphins make you happy as we ttc'rs can get anyway..:)
Hi Ladies :hi:

Can I join your weight and healthy eating chat?
I am only 5ft3 (very short) and have struggled with my weight since I started taking the Pill (BCP) when I was 16 (neartly 8 years ago). I have always been on some diet or another since then, but ive always been a yo-yo dieter. I lose lots of weight, then things start to slip and i put it all back on - and then some!
When I got to my heaviest, 2 years ago, I was 155lbs. I know that doesnt sound like a lot, but it is when you're only 5ft3! I started a diet called Slimming World, and it really works! I managed to get down to 136lbs before I got pregnant with Baby C last year, but like many of you, started comfort eating after my loss.
I finally started to lose the weight again, and got down to 137lbs...but now Im pregnant again! Im hoping not to gain too much weight with this pregnancy, but ive already shot up to 142lbs! ooops!

Anyways, regarding chocolate consumption, I didnt cut down when TTC, and I still got my BFP. And im not cutting down during my pregnancy either. I dont drink, smoke or take drugs - its my only vice. Actually, ALL food is my vice. I LOVE my food!

Good luck to all of you who are trying to lose weight. You have my full support!
oh are welcome anytime..babies grow well with healthy exercise and healthy eating..and 142 is not're gonna be fine..
Great idea Anna! I'm in!
I think weight and TTC do get linked due to comfort eating. I was 182ish before I got pregnant, then it's gone up and down but stayed within 7lbs either side of it.
I was doing slimming world when I got pregnant last time, when I lost the baby I stopped as I needed a break, I didn't find the group very positive. I know I should get back on the wagon as it did work, but my comfort is still needed, I wish I didn't crave sweet things like chocolate and could just eat when hungry like others do.
I'm so glad that the weight thing has been raised. I too struggle with my weight, am 5' 4'' and weigh around 15 stone (210lb). Eek, even saying it makes me ashamed :blush:
I lost loads for my wedding but it wasn't easy, I really struggle to lose it. I am now the heaviest I hace ever been. Tried every diet under the sun, even the slimming world lady gave up on me whilst I was dieting for the wedding. Visited docs a couple of months ago and mentioned it and he tested my female testosterone levels as he thought I might have PCOS. All came back normal and so did thyroid.:shrug: I guess I'm just fat!

I have comfort eaten for Britain since the m/c, can't help it, its the only thing that makes me happy at the moment and I know its not helping my TTC efforts but I do eat healthily too, plenty if fruit, veg and water.
Lets support each other.
:hi: Anna, I am in!:thumbup: I've been struggling with weight for 6 years. slowly but surely my weight just keeps going up and I know it's partly because I wasn't eating right and also bcuz I don't exercise. if I could eat fruits, veggies, and fish everyday, I would but I have a man and daughter that love to eat, and I am just too lazy to cook 2 meals...hubby has a sweet tooth and likes to eat junk food but he has been watching his food intake recently which has made me want to join him... the past week he's been buying fruit salad and bringing it home to snack on instead of snacking on junk food. I think for me, my biggest problem is the not exercising bcuz I do watch what I eat, I may fall off the wagon here and there LOL :haha: but it's not everyday so if I was exercising on a daily or weekly basis, I know I could be where I want to be... ideally I would love to lose 25-40lbs....realistically, I'd be happy losing 10-20lbs, which I think it's doable for me if I stay motivated enough to keep it going...
Count me in too! New--do not feel ashamed, you are not alone, you are right where I am, exactly! I used to be extremely active, karate, went to state tennis, played on college tennis team. Weight always fluctuated after school, but I had a nasty fall a few years back where I fractured my right ankle in 3 places and was laid up for months because of surgeries and rehab. Never got back into my active lifestyle after that and weight shot up.

Would love to participate in a Femmes Fetales weight loss pact!! :bodyb:
I'm so glad that the weight thing has been raised. I too struggle with my weight, am 5' 4'' and weigh around 15 stone (210lb). Eek, even saying it makes me ashamed :blush:
I lost loads for my wedding but it wasn't easy, I really struggle to lose it. I am now the heaviest I hace ever been. Tried every diet under the sun, even the slimming world lady gave up on me whilst I was dieting for the wedding. Visited docs a couple of months ago and mentioned it and he tested my female testosterone levels as he thought I might have PCOS. All came back normal and so did thyroid.:shrug: I guess I'm just fat!

I have comfort eaten for Britain since the m/c, can't help it, its the only thing that makes me happy at the moment and I know its not helping my TTC efforts but I do eat healthily too, plenty if fruit, veg and water.
Lets support each other.

Please don't feel ashamed, not here. We're the group who'll understand what it's like, we know how it feels more than others out there. We'll all get healthy together :)
Anyone use wii fit? I've found when I use it daily my weight does go down, but eventually I always get too busy and then it creeps up again. My main form of exercise at the moment is walking my dog and 'easy shaper;.

What do you currently do and what do you want to add in? (That question is to everyone who's in the weight loss aim)
Girls I will join also if thats ok. Trouble is just talking about dieting is making me hungry.
New i have put on nearly a stone since mc - comfort eating also and drinking.
I do have underactive thyroid though so guess that is an issue.
All my clothes are tight and I hate the way that I feel. XX

My tea tonight is pizza and chips - that is not a good start. XX

Good luck everybody. X
I'm so glad that the weight thing has been raised. I too struggle with my weight, am 5' 4'' and weigh around 15 stone (210lb). Eek, even saying it makes me ashamed :blush:
I lost loads for my wedding but it wasn't easy, I really struggle to lose it. I am now the heaviest I hace ever been. Tried every diet under the sun, even the slimming world lady gave up on me whilst I was dieting for the wedding. Visited docs a couple of months ago and mentioned it and he tested my female testosterone levels as he thought I might have PCOS. All came back normal and so did thyroid.:shrug: I guess I'm just fat!

I have comfort eaten for Britain since the m/c, can't help it, its the only thing that makes me happy at the moment and I know its not helping my TTC efforts but I do eat healthily too, plenty if fruit, veg and water.
Lets support each other.

Please don't feel ashamed, not here. We're the group who'll understand what it's like, we know how it feels more than others out there. We'll all get healthy together :)
Anyone use wii fit? I've found when I use it daily my weight does go down, but eventually I always get too busy and then it creeps up again. My main form of exercise at the moment is walking my dog and 'easy shaper;.

What do you currently do and what do you want to add in? (That question is to everyone who's in the weight loss aim)

I joined a gym in the new year and have been going 2/3 times a week. Haven't been for past two weeks since I discovered I was being made 'at risk of redundancy', just got a bit depressed and stopped going.
Am definitely going back next week though....

My aim is to keep up the gym, at least twice a week. Also, cut down on caffeine and alcohol and pick less at food. I don't eat crap, I just eat more than I should of normal food.
I have always struggled with my weight and come from a family where the whole of my dads side have weight problems, some of them are HUGE - so I count myself lucky that although I am overweight I look relatively normal in comparison.

I did slimming world before the wedding and stuck to it religiously and only lost 9lb in a year. I switched to laxatives 6 weeks before the wedding and lost another half a stone. I am not proud of it but was desperate to look nice in my dress - I definitely will not be repeating the experience.
I have put on 2.5 stone since the wedding despite promising myself I wouldn't put it back on.

Can I ask a question - if my female testosterone levels are normal, does that mean I definitely don't have PCOS??
Just been concerned that I may have it and that may be the reason I can't get pregnant?
My periods are regular, I don't have excessive hair growth - I just struggle to keep my weight down and it seriously depresses me.

Feel better though as I imagined you were all young and thin (as I'm 36 and not thin!!) Nice to know I'm more normal than I thought I was - thought I was the odd one out :haha:
:happydance: Alright! A Femmes Fetales Fat Fighting Pact! (sorry for the alliteration, couldn't help it)
I agree with Grey, we should list what we're doing, what we want to do, and what our goal is.
Me: I'm currently 169 pounds (77 kilos) and would love to get back down to 150. I already eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, but I need to cut out the junk food (chocolate has become my best friend) and the carbs - too much pasta and bread! I used to be a pescatarian (vegetarian that eats fish), and I noticed that I gained a few pounds when I started eating meat again, so if I have the willpower I think I'll try to go back to that...but I love meat!
I'll be going to my Kung Fu class 3 times a week for 2 hours at a time, so I think that's quite a good amount of exercise time a week. Once the weather gets better I'll also start riding my bike to work every day instead of taking the metro.
Yay! I'm so happy that so many of you are interested in trying to do this together! If anyone has a moment of weakness, though, we should talk about it instead of feeling ashamed and saying nothing. I think it's better to say something rather than keeping quiet as it perpetuates the cycle of comfort eating; in my case, I only pig out when I'm alone, so obviously I associate eating with shame. Does anyone else do this?

Beanwood: I started comfort drinking after my first loss as well; not good for the weight or the mind, right? Actually, I think cutting down on drinking might me the hardest thing for me to give up.

Lisa: If you have trouble exercising I'd recommend joining a class. The hardest part is actually signing up and going to the first class, but after that you'll feel more motivated to go I'm sure.
It's great that your man is starting to eat better; maybe you could do this together! One of my problems is that my husband is very slim and can eat ANYTHING without worries, so sometimes I fool myself into thinking I can do the same thing. :nope:

New: I'm glad we don't have to do this alone anymore. Don't feel like the odd one out! I'm 32, by the way.
I also have obesity in my family. One of my sisters is 5'2'' and was about 220. A few years ago she fell and went to the hospital where they told her the only reason she didn't break a rib was because her fat had padded the fall!!! After that she went on Weight Watchers and went down to 140! She's gained a bit back, maybe she's 160 now, but she's been able to more or less stay at that weight for a couple of years.

Grey: I've never tried wii fit, but I'm curious about it. Of course, that would mean me having to buy a wii...what is an easy shaper?

Amber: What is your plan to get back into shape?

Nurse: How are you feeling after your surgery? I hope you heal up soon so that you can get back to exercising. I agree, exercising definitely makes me feel happier...I just wish that happiness would last a little longer...

Shell: When I was pregnant I always felt like it was an excuse to eat as much chocolate as I wanted. I hope you're not doing the same! What is your plan to help manage your weight gain?

Good luck ladies! Let's do this!! :ninja:

I only brought up weight cos I was feeling down about it. Nice to know though that I'm not alone fighting this. The wii fit requires a wii board and then the game. We got it second hand, maybe you'd be lucky too. The easy shaper is ised to do over 100exercises and you can increase the resistance. It's like loads of dumbells without needing to change.
It's a lot cheaper than a lot of the more 'gimmicky' fitness things and I think they're really good, you can work any muscle group!
Wow Anna, you sound so determined, well done you and watch out anyone who crosses you - they may get a Jung Fu kick :trouble: :haha:

I have been stuck in a rut I think and its so hard to get out - I started tonight though - DH has gone to bed as up at 5 for work and I'm downstairs on my own, I thought about getting something to eat and then thought, no... I don't need it :happydance: its a start and its all down to you guys!

I am definitely going to go to the gym on Monday and vent my frustration - its my due date and I am dreading it :sad2:
I do 1000 metres on the rowing machine (takes about 7mins), 10 mins on the cross-trainer (going backwards every 2 minutes for a minute), 10mins on the bike on 'Fat Burn' and 10-15 mins on the treadmill (intermittent walking and jogging). Then I collapse in a heap and have to be carried out :rofl:

Grey - I got a Wii for Xmas and am waiting for them to bring out the Wii balance board in black as I don't want a white one, but they don't do them separately, only in a bundle which is strange and annoying!
Had a look at the Easyshaper - I have enough redundant exercise equipment in the loft so I daren't buy any more !!

From now on, I am going to think twice before eating - had homemade Stroganoff for tea so will have to start tomorrow as it was loaded with cream :oops:.... but I did say no to the cream scone that DH had bought me (so he ate both of them - don't you just hate men who don't put weight on?!) :growlmad:

Have a nice weekend everyone and I'll catch up again soon.
BTW - CD6 today and not much is happening on the TTC front.
:hi: to all my wonderful friends..

I am currently 174ish..really would love to see 140 but am ok with soon as i am given the go ahead i am starting back on my exercise regimen..what i do is follow weight watchers and run/walk.. i really want to run a 5k we'll see how it think i use to run 5-7miles or more when i was in the Marine Corps and before i had all this ovary pain and dr told me to stop exercising i was up to running a mile and walking i was putting in 3miles around 5days a week..and i usually have to do it a lot ..i am one that if i skip too many days in between i have a hard time dragging my behind back out actually becomes addicting..:)
we are all normal here..being concerned with our weights..
i actually joined a weight loss competition at work and i was determined to win..winner gets 100$$but since all of this medical crap ..i probably am NOT going to win now..last weigh in is in april..
but now that i have a new group to get fit with...i'm getting excited now..can't wait to get back at it..
Hi I am just 10 stone and ideally would like to lose a stone, but would be happy with a bit less than that.

I am trying to cut out chocolate. I am also carbohydrate mad - love toast and pasta. Am going to stick to steamed fish and veg.

I have been making a smoothie that my sil told me about. It contains celery, lime, avacado, fresh pineapple, cucucumber, spinach and golden delicious apples - think that is it. Looks gross, but I think actually tastes quite nice.

My aim is to get back into my clothes for the summer.

Good luck everybody. XX

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