That OTHER 2 Week Wait!

Anna: You are not alone at all. In fact, there were months there where all we were doing was doing it for the sake of TTC. But now that we are apart for weeks on end, we have reunion sex and that's something different and, I have to say, much more exciting. I'm wondering if he can just continue to go away for the OTWW from now on! Kidding, but the reunion part of it is HOT. Day one of shagathon is ON! :sex:
Thanks everyone, I don't know why I even mentioned my Trich, but it's been quite bad recently, and when I don't have many eyelashes, I don't feel so sexy. I have to have liquid eyeliner on a lot :S
I don't know if my cycle will be loads shorter. I had 3 days of EWCM and 'near;y' positive opk, but now both have gone and no temp maybe it was my body teasing me.
I'm hoping it comes back soon and I can catch the egg!

Sam - I think you've got a great chance this month with all the reunion :sex: - good luck!!

Anna - I do sometimes have low drive too, this month has been hard because I promised not to tell OH about when I'm ovulating, but it's proving stressful and we're both having fluctuating drives due to tiredness. I hope yours picks up soon and you feel better about it :hugs:
Day two of shag-fest. Some rug burns, but both of us are still smiling and planning for some more lovin' tomorrow. So far so good. Come on out, huevo :coolio:! We have a lovely :spermy: friend for you to meet!
Hi girlies :flower:

Hope you're all doing ok - New, any word on the kitty? :cry: I felt so sad for you when I read that...we've only had ours (he's eight months) for a month but he's already our baby and we love him, I would be just as upset as you BUT don't worry - as some of the other girls said, he probably just got scared because of the high winds and sought refuge somewhere. cats are wily and resilient and we once lost ours for six weeks after moving house but he came back in the end and lived to be 22!!! He will be fine - they're very clever! :hugs:

Grey - so sorry to hear you suffer from tricho :hugs: my best friend has it too and it definitely gets worse with stress. Have you tried CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) like one of the other girls suggested? you could also try keeping a diary noting down all of the situations and feelings that give you the urge to pull - you might be able to recognise a pattern that will help you put in place some diversion or avoidance tactics to help you stop it. hugs.

Everyone else, lots of love and hope you're all doing ok. :kiss:

AFM, I'm finally O'ing (on CD28) - got pos OPK today for third day in a row (!) bit unusual I know, but think the first one on Weds caught the very beginning of my surge as it was 6pm. it's just been getting darker since then, and is darkest of all today. BD'd yesterday and day before and going for it again tonight, then will have a day off tomorrow before once more on sunday. DH is learning, he barely put up a fight this time - ha ha! :haha:

Good luck ladies! xxx
Hi everyone,
My beloved Ronnie has not returned, it has been week now and I am starting to come to terms that he's gone forever.

It's such a shame, he was only a baby and the nicest and daftest cat you were ever likely to meet.

I just hope that he hasn't suffered.
I miss him terribly and have cried buckets over him.

I just feel so sad, I have a gaping hole in my life yet again.

As for TTC, I O today, not that either of us are in the mood so I can probably write this month off totally.
sam, go catch that huevo lol

grey, i posted on the other thread about Latisse... it's the product Love was talking about..

morticia, only used OPK for one month so Im not going to be much help wtih that but I say just keep bd'ing just in case and keep testing to compare the lightness and darkness of the lines.. good luck, hope you catch that huevo too!

new, so sorry your kitty hasnt returned :hugs:

:hi: to everyone else...
:flower: hello all..
New..I hope you get a spurt in there and get crazy with the bd..and i hope kitty does find his way home
morticia...sounds like you have things covered. I once had like 4 days of positives.. I think i caught the surge on the way up and way down. I just kept having :sex:..
sam..i hope you are enjoying your reunion..:winkwink:
grey...I think morticia has the right of it. a journal will help relieve some of that stress and maybe deterr you from pulling..:hugs:..i hope you caught your eggy.
lisa..thanks for the help...i was drawing a's the bd going???? are you feeling hun???
good luck everyone catching the eggy

afm: I am utterly exhausted. I slept very fine but still feel tired. I am going to the beach tomorrow for some r&r. Tonight however, my daughters and I are going to have a nail painting party/added with some:pizza: and maybe a movie. we shall see..they go to bed at 8pm and then i get the house to myself to watch whatever i want. Dh usually goes fishing all night..I am 7dpo and still trying to :ignore: my body. It's anyones guess whether I am going to bring in a :bfp: or not. I feel nothing at all that is different...Time will indeed tell. I just pray I don't get the spotting like i did last month. I have stopped taking my b6 a week or so ago. I just wanted to concentrate on the +opk/:sex: and temping this month. Although, temping is starting to get on my darn nerves. think so?? I am so scared of another :bfn: and I don't know why. I feel like having a good :cry: I think it's because I am so tired???or pms'y already????idk..:shrug: I'm trying to have a pma, today is just a cynical day i guess????
Thanks for the support everyone.
I've had a talk with DH about TTC again and I expressed my 'reluctance' to :sex:...
So now we're going to just take it as it comes, no pressure, so basically we're "NTNP" - no OPKs, no more temping :)happydance:), and :sex: only if we're in the mood.
To be honest, I think I'll be happier if I just focus on dropping the pounds for now. I'm really excited about looking better, and not so excited about feeling anxious and worried about TTC, getting pregnant, possibly losing it.....
I'm trying to tell myself that 32 isn't so old and that I have all the time in the world to TTC, but there's that devil whispering to me that it's only going to get harder...

Anyways, happy weekend all. Best of luck catching that :cool: and have fun :sex:!!!
xo think so?? I am so scared of another :bfn: and I don't know why. I feel like having a good :cry: I think it's because I am so tired???or pms'y already????idk..:shrug: I'm trying to have a pma, today is just a cynical day i guess????

They are looking fantastic! Cry if you want to, dear. It's okay. We all do it. Don't think about bfn or bfp. Just enjoy your time off with your girls and your pizza and before you know it, you'll be able to test. But those temps are very promising!

Thanks for the support everyone.
I've had a talk with DH about TTC again and I expressed my 'reluctance' to :sex:...
So now we're going to just take it as it comes, no pressure, so basically we're "NTNP" - no OPKs, no more temping :)happydance:), and :sex: only if we're in the mood.
To be honest, I think I'll be happier if I just focus on dropping the pounds for now. I'm really excited about looking better, and not so excited about feeling anxious and worried about TTC, getting pregnant, possibly losing it.....
I'm trying to tell myself that 32 isn't so old and that I have all the time in the world to TTC, but there's that devil whispering to me that it's only going to get harder...

Anyways, happy weekend all. Best of luck catching that :cool: and have fun :sex:!!!

Anna: No pressure is a good way to go about it. I was feeling so much pressure right after the MC and now we're just playing. We've been able to time OH's return trips so that he gets here right before I O, so it's reunion sex that's also productive. This way we don't get bored and we still feel like doing it because we know that he's going to leave soon-ish afterward and that we'll be alone again. I think that's helped take the pressure off of us. Alors, bon weekend. Amuse-toi bien, ma belle.
CD 14 and HUGE temp dip this morning! :happydance: I'm not getting too attached to the idea of O because I haven't had the same weird symptoms I've had in the past few weird cycles (super sore boobs and intense O pain), but maybe that's because I'm on the maca and have been doing acupuncture etc. Temps have seemed more stable all around. Oh hell, who am I kidding, yes I bloody am attached to the flippin idea that today or tomorrow that huevo will hop into the chute and find all of the :spermy:s waiting there.

Anyway. . . Shagfest day three. No oh-my-god-I'm-ovulating-let's-have-a-fight-now issues and we're both still smiling. Getting ready for a party tonight and I promised OH that I'd wear some new sexy underwear under my dress that he could only see after the fete. :blush: So he's grinning like a kid. It's cute.

Think I will be in TWW starting tomorrow. Hope you're all having a great weekend!
CD 14 and HUGE temp dip this morning! :happydance: I'm not getting too attached to the idea of O because I haven't had the same weird symptoms I've had in the past few weird cycles (super sore boobs and intense O pain), but maybe that's because I'm on the maca and have been doing acupuncture etc. Temps have seemed more stable all around. Oh hell, who am I kidding, yes I bloody am attached to the flippin idea that today or tomorrow that huevo will hop into the chute and find all of the :spermy:s waiting there.

Anyway. . . Shagfest day three. No oh-my-god-I'm-ovulating-let's-have-a-fight-now issues and we're both still smiling. Getting ready for a party tonight and I promised OH that I'd wear some new sexy underwear under my dress that he could only see after the fete. :blush: So he's grinning like a kid. It's cute.

Think I will be in TWW starting tomorrow. Hope you're all having a great weekend!

Great to hear about huge temp dip and hopefullp the egg will make her appearance asap and she'll be met by millions of suitors! Glad you're both still smiling after the love-fest - that's fabulous! :D
Anna - A TTC distraction can do wonders. Good luck with the focus on the weight loss, and relaxed romantic times with OH. You never know...that may just be the recipe for a BFP. :flower:

Sam - Get it! :winkwink:

Lil - I'm guessing that you've Od?? Hope you caught that huevo.

Love - :hugs: to you from someone who's had a rough day herself.

:hi: New, Lisa, Grey, Morticia and anyone else that I've missed.
Hey all..
Sam..glad to hear of the fun shag fest. :thumbup: to getting it on :winkwink:
Neffie..sorry to hear of your bad day.I hope it gets better for you.
anna..hope you are doing ok
grey/morticia/lil/new/lisa...Hello ladies

afm: i truly think i will be back in here soon. Had a round of :sex: with dh and as usual a few days before af arrives if i have :sex: i bleed. Of course i did. It's my homemade pregnancy test. Feeling really down. Yes, I know that it's not over until the hag arrives but i feel she is immenent in the next few days.

So DH and I start having sex tonight, I'm actually in the mood for once, and in the middle of it we have to stop because...he gets nervous.
*sigh. OK, happens sometimes. I try to get him back, we go at it again...
and again it stops working! Argh!
After a ridiculous amount of time and work at it, we have to give up because it's obvious that it's not going to happen.
He says he felt too much pressure.
I haven't been pressuring him at all!
But he said he knew how important tonight was...I guess he's been keeping track of my cycles as well...
So I've left the bedroom in tears to come here to vent.
F#*K IT!!!

Thanks for listening.

So DH and I start having sex tonight, I'm actually in the mood for once, and in the middle of it we have to stop because...he gets nervous.
*sigh. OK, happens sometimes. I try to get him back, we go at it again...
and again it stops working! Argh!
After a ridiculous amount of time and work at it, we have to give up because it's obvious that it's not going to happen.
He says he felt too much pressure.
I haven't been pressuring him at all!
But he said he knew how important tonight was...I guess he's been keeping track of my cycles as well...
So I've left the bedroom in tears to come here to vent.
F#*K IT!!!

Thanks for listening.

Oh Anna. I'm so sorry. That sounds like my last month's TTC efforts. We were yelling at one another on the day before O and then he sulked the rest of the week. It just sucks. I know how frustrated you are. I wish there were something I could say to help you through it. Hang in there, hon. :hugs:
SAm..I am so glad to hear o day as come for you..praying for you to get your :bfp: this month
Anna: If it's not one thing it's another when it's o and go time. I can tell you that has happened to me just yesterday (when it wasn't o time) but it has also happened at o time as well. Big :hugs: to you. I am at my wits end myself. I hope hope the venting helps you. are you doing???I know you o'd after me..I am keeping my finger crossed for you..
:hi: to everyone else

afm: I started having some cramping tonight and back pain..almost resembles the pain I had with my cyst a couple of months ago. to say i am scared is the least. I have decided to call dr my primary, not ob and tell her of my fears and see if she can do an u/s and also tell her of my fears of a hormonal imbalance as I fear that i have low progesterone levels. I have mood swings, hot flashes, spotting early in cycle, milk from nipples etc etc. I am going to ask her to draw levels for next month. meanwhile, tonight i have eaten two pain pills and still ache so i just took a muscle relaxer. I just couldn't stand the pain anymore. Please God don't let it be another cyst that will cause me to lose my rt ovary too.

Hugs to you both, it such a hard time TTC - I don't think any of us ever imagined how hard it would be.
We suffer with this quite a lot (ironically only at 'crucial' times of the month), we're fine at other times.
I tried not telling DH when O time is but I think they can sense our desperation!

I have no words of wisdom, just wanted to let you know we're all here for you when you need us and that what you are suffering is not unique - it happens to the best of us.

Hope it helps a little xx

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