I recieved my package today from Helen!!!
Omg --- so many sweets in a little box, i cant get them all back in no matter which way i do it
Ive forced myself to take a piccy before tucking in!!!
So will upload late4r when OH is about as im laptop challenged
The chocolate bar was so funny....i actually LOL....cos with all the writing on it, i thought, OMG shes sent me something to fix my wrinkles....then when i got to the bottom and it said it was chocolate and might make u put on weight i started to PMSL...i honestly thought it was some kinda funky quick fix to shitty skin
Im a div!
Loved the packaging..!! AND i tell you what...the postman had a laugh too!!! He knocked n went legging it down the stairs...went to open the door, and realised i hadnt grabbed my dressing gown so i was NAKED!!!!!
Ran upstairs, grabbed my dressing gown, in this time he had given me a red card thing and walked down the road....I ran across the street in a bright pink fluffy dressing gown ... (naked underneath) holding onto it for dear life and had to stop him at someone elses door....I WANTED MY SWEETS !!!!!!!
well anyway, been all laughs here this morning!!!
Helen...thanks for a great morning