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The Beanstalkers (formally ttc buddy?)

RN~ Hillarious!!! My previous vehicle had no key hole on the passenger side either... and now that im thinking about it i dont know if the current one does LOL

just in the past hour i have started to feel ummmmm wetter down there :blush:

and my sniffles are still present but not worthy of being titled as a cold.

does anyone have any advice on things to avoid in the tww? like 4 wheeling and sex?

how about when we finally get the BFP?

Yeah unfortunately we can't 4wheel :( While some ppl could during the tww... for me personally I would not, cause I had my mc in nov. so I know I will be paranoid about everything!!

How much longer till you can test?

AF is due on 3/29 so like 6 days.... i might try a FRER tomorrow morning...
my hubby and i just got a polaris ranger and go play in the mud on sundays... so thats pretty much out the window for a little bit :(

ok.. soooo ummm what about sex? can we :sex: in early stages of pregnancy or the tww??
@ Cali - Im sorry about your BFN. But they're right, you're not out until AF shows up. You couldve O'd later than you thought. Maybe the sperm took the scenic route to the egg....LOL! Got to look to the positives.

@ Effy - Yeah, I would avoid the 4wheelers. Now I had a friend of mine that used to ride hers around her property while she was pregnant but it wasnt rough riding on it. She just rode to feed the animals and stuff like that. She didn't go fast or go crazy on them.
You don't have to avoid sex but sometimes depending on your GYN related history the doc might tell you to avoid it for the first couple of months. I know when I was preggers with my son I had some VERY light pink spotting one time after having sex and it scared me. I know now that its not uncommon for that to happen. So we were just a little more careful. No rough sex! LOL!
:rofl: ahhh I just love how you guys can bring a chuckle out and cheer each other up!! ;)
@effy- I agree with RNmommy.... better safe than sorry hun. But you might very well have an answer on Sunday!! FX
:rofl: ahhh I just love how you guys can bring a chuckle out and cheer each other up!! ;)
@effy- I agree with RNmommy.... better safe than sorry hun. But you might very well have an answer on Sunday!! FX
@ Cali - Im sorry about your BFN. But they're right, you're not out until AF shows up. You couldve O'd later than you thought. Maybe the sperm took the scenic route to the egg....LOL! Got to look to the positives.

@ Effy - Yeah, I would avoid the 4wheelers. Now I had a friend of mine that used to ride hers around her property while she was pregnant but it wasnt rough riding on it. She just rode to feed the animals and stuff like that. She didn't go fast or go crazy on them.
You don't have to avoid sex but sometimes depending on your GYN related history the doc might tell you to avoid it for the first couple of months. I know when I was preggers with my son I had some VERY light pink spotting one time after having sex and it scared me. I know now that its not uncommon for that to happen. So we were just a little more careful. No rough sex! LOL!

you guys are awesome!

Cali i too am sorry about your bfn...

oh what about spas? like hot tubs... i read some where that that was a major no no... so does that mean long hot showers and baths are out? what about bubbles?? :shrug:

i hate to be so (to quote my mom) "blonde" about this stuff, and i really do appreciate each and every one of you and your advise :flower:
Yeah the hot tub and bath think is out too!! :( which is really hard since I have one in my BY... and I guess you are not supposed to take long hot showers either according to my dr. Those rules apply to the first trimester... my dr. did say though that I could go in after that if I set it to 99 and didn't stay in for more than 10 min. Now I like a hot hot tub and shower... so for me, it was pointless... it was sitting in a tub outside with goosebumps!!!!! :nope: Thats the one thing for me thats tough.... I love a HOT shower too!!! lol
Yeah the hot tub and bath think is out too!! :( which is really hard since I have one in my BY... and I guess you are not supposed to take long hot showers either according to my dr. Those rules apply to the first trimester... my dr. did say though that I could go in after that if I set it to 99 and didn't stay in for more than 10 min. Now I like a hot hot tub and shower... so for me, it was pointless... it was sitting in a tub outside with goosebumps!!!!! :nope: Thats the one thing for me thats tough.... I love a HOT shower too!!! lol

man!!! :growlmad:
i have a b12 diffency (just enough to be annoying) and the only thing that helps the pain is letting either the hot water beat down on my legs and arms while i sit in the shower... or sitting in the hot spa or the jacuzzi tub thing...
sheeeesh.... :dohh:

i know deep down the :baby: is more than worth it ....
the aggrivation of the do's and donts of trying is getting to me though...
yea my ticker is wrong.. My ticker was right for the past 3 months but when they took me off the metforphin it went crazy... as in im still waitin to start are something..

That sux about the shower thing be i have hot tub in my bathroom wow..
Yeah the hot tub and bath think is out too!! :( which is really hard since I have one in my BY... and I guess you are not supposed to take long hot showers either according to my dr. Those rules apply to the first trimester... my dr. did say though that I could go in after that if I set it to 99 and didn't stay in for more than 10 min. Now I like a hot hot tub and shower... so for me, it was pointless... it was sitting in a tub outside with goosebumps!!!!! :nope: Thats the one thing for me thats tough.... I love a HOT shower too!!! lol

LOL!!! Sitting in a tub with goosebumps. Thats funny! Yeah, Im the same way. I love my showers HOT! I look like a pink bunny when I come out. My husband hates it. Most of the time he refuses to get in with me. :)

But Effy, Cali is right. No hot tubs, hot baths or hot showers. SUCKS!!!
If you want to take a lukewarm bubble bath, I think that would be ok. But I would double check about the bubbles. I know they can cause UTIs. But I use Bath & Body Works bubble bath and have never had a problem.
Yes, I am the same and my hubbie hates it too.... but I HATE getting in with him... its COLD.. he claims its "lukewarm" but its a LIE!!! LOL~

I do think the bubbles are ok and so is the lukewarm... my DR even suggested I temp my baths to make sure they were not to hot.... then looked at my hubbie and told him to test it ( as he explained me my temps vs his!!) grr... but told me as long as they were not above 99 and I was not in for more than 10 min, I should be ok....
oh my!! Are all men wusses?? :winkwink:
mine hates it too... my daddy had to show him how to turn the hot water tank heater up for me cause i was tire of taking "brisk" showers...
but appearntly he will need to turn it back down at some point. :haha:
oh my!! Are all men wusses?? :winkwink:
mine hates it too... my daddy had to show him how to turn the hot water tank heater up for me cause i was tire of taking "brisk" showers...
but appearntly he will need to turn it back down at some point. :haha:

:rofl: YES!!! This is why god gave the "birthing" to use strong women!!! :haha:
hello all!! gosh i've missed so much since I was last here!! Which was only yesterday!

Caligirl - about the hot cramps - I had them last month for the first time too!! I was sooooo sure it was because I was pregnant - it was about 3 days before af showed - i was really surprised when af came as i hadn't felt the hot cramps before!!! however I'm hoping for you that it is better news!

LOVE LOVE LOVE the logo - i will attempt to add to my signature after i have posted this!

i am on cd15 and still no +opk which is really odd for me!!!:growlmad: and it means we have to keep bding and OH is getting tired!!! hehe it's usually me telling him I'm tired lol!!!!:blush:

aargh no hot showers??? eek!!!!! oh well it would be worth it!! :)

:rofl: right!!!

well i am getting extra achey in the past hour.... and bloated:blush:

i hope thats a good thing
Well my cramping is definitely feeling like AF will be showing her bitchy self any day now... I know I have been!! LOL :(
oh my!! Are all men wusses?? :winkwink:
mine hates it too... my daddy had to show him how to turn the hot water tank heater up for me cause i was tire of taking "brisk" showers...
but appearntly he will need to turn it back down at some point. :haha:

Yes, I am the same and my hubbie hates it too.... but I HATE getting in with him... its COLD.. he claims its "lukewarm" but its a LIE!!! LOL~

I do think the bubbles are ok and so is the lukewarm... my DR even suggested I temp my baths to make sure they were not to hot.... then looked at my hubbie and told him to test it ( as he explained me my temps vs his!!) grr... but told me as long as they were not above 99 and I was not in for more than 10 min, I should be ok....

:rofl: My hubby is THE SAME WAY!! I might as well just bathe with ice water if i shower with him.
FX for you Cali that the cramping is related to being preggers and not AF!!

Effy - FX for you too....

I am on CD 12. Now if I go based on a 28 day cycle, Im 3 days away from O. But I have no idea how long my cycles are. As my last one lasted 2 full months. And being Im on the Clomid now (first cycle), I have no idea how long it will be.
I do know that I have to go back to the doctors between CD22-24 so I need to call my GYN tomorrow to make the appt. They're going to draw blood to test my hormone levels and see if the Clomid is helping. Im hoping they do an U/S to take a look at my ovaries. But if the Clomid at 50mg isn't helping with my ovulation and my levels are still low, I know that he is probably going to increase the dose to 100mg for next cycle.
Im continuing to have the minor twinges alternating between both ovaries but continue to have a negative OPK. I just tested again, simply because Im obsessed and scared I'll miss it, and it was very light.
But Im sure Ive still got a few days to go. Im just worried, Like Rae said, that I have the king that won't get gradually darker. It'll just BAM! show up blazing positive and then POOF! nothing.
I HATE WAITING!!!! :growlmad:
Hi fellow Beanstalkers

I want to change the thread name but I am unsure how to? any ideas???

Well took another test today and got a :bfn: but felt really sick this morning and now got some cramping, also throughout today I have felt dizzy and really hungry and been to the loo at least 15 times today (3 in an hour), gonna wait until the weekend to test again if no AF appears
I HATE HATE HATE the waiting too.... man oh man... one way or another would just be lovely... move on... or do a super happy dance!!??? GRRRRR :growlmad:

@ pink.... how late are you?

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