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The Beanstalkers (formally ttc buddy?)

ALRIGHTY....stupid question of the day....
I guess i'm going to start temping this next cycle (IF I HAVE TOO... fx'd)
but my thermometer didnt come with directions... are you temping orally? or vaginally?

and it has to be the exact same time every morning???
Annie, It looks like you might have ovulated yesterday since there was a temperature drop then a spike but if you took today's temperature at a later time, that could cause the rise in temperature too. I took mine this weekend after only getting 4 hours of sleep and I had a big spike in my temps too. You'll be able to tell more with the next few days temperatures. If they stay high, it is probably safe to say you ovulated yesterday. If they drop back down, you probably haven't yet.

Lisa, I heard about the gummy prenatals too and then saw a commercial for them yesterday. I'm kind of interested. I've just been taking Wegman's brand so far. My doctor said it is a good idea to be on them early especially since woman normally don't get enough calcium and most prenatal vitamins include calcium.

i have and LOVE the gummy prenatals... i hate swallowing pills... the gummy's i have i got from Target and have used 2 bottles of them now... they are great! and my obgyn and my family doc says that are good for me even when i wasnt ttc... YUMMMY!!
Welcome Mama D!!!! Im on CD12 too!!!! YAY!!!!

Effy - You can use it orally or vaginally (but once you pick one or the other you might not want to switch back and forth....LOL). Oh I crack myself up.... But yes, you can really use it either way. They just recommend that you use it one way consistently. So it would have to be orally every day or vaginally every day. Hope that helps.
And i believe it has to be in the morning before you even get out of bed.
So apparently I have pissed off another member in a different thread. You know, it really aggravates me that I gave my honest opinion and advise in the nicest way I could think to put it and she got nasty with me about it. Isn't that what this forum is about? Getting and giving advice. Sometimes it may not be what we want to hear, but Id rather someone be honest with me than lie to me.
UGH!!!!! Some people.
Anyways....Just wanted to rant a little. LOL!!!!!
How are my fellow BeanStalkers today?!
I noticed that Ive got more CM today...not eggwhite kind like I want to be seeing but it seems like it might be gearing up for that.
Oh the things we look forward too....LOL!!!

On a funny unrelated note....I went grocery shopping today (AND REMEMBERED TO GET MY VITAMINS) and I came back out to the car, loaded up all the groceries in the trunk (I had my husbdands car today, he took my SUV to work) and I walk around to the passenger side to put the eggs and bread in the front seat, I went up to the door and went to put the key in to unlock it (he had the set with him that had the keyless thing on it) and then I realized there was no key hole on the passenger door. Seriously? I stood there for a few seconds staring at it like the car had grown horns. Who makes a car and doesn't put a key hole on the door? LMAO
ok so i think my temps dropped!!!!! im not ovulating!!! here is my chart today!!

chart today 22.jpg

what yall think.. My boobs are hurting.. today :shrug:
Rn thats to funny... LMAO.. i no most of the new cars dont come with a key hole on the passenger door.. wonder why.. we may never no..
i feel horriable this morning.. im crampin really low and light and my boobs are achy.. i must be fixing to start!!! IM SO UPSET!!! that means im not ovulating at all.. Why me .. really this sucks!!
Hi girls!!! How is everyone doing today?!

@ Effy~ Sorry hun, I have never charted...

@ mk8~ Sorry, it looks like we will be on the same cycle?

Welcome mamad

@annie~ Are you only on CD5 though??

@RNmommy~ you are always welcome to vent here! :) and yes I did think we are supposed to give support, advise and opinions to one another!? Thanks for the car story I seriously needed a good laugh this morning!!!!

So on another note ladies...... I tested this morning, and I got another :bfn::growlmad:

So needless to say, I am out for this month, and the hope of having a November baby. ( I would for sure know by now) But I am trying to stay positive and remind myself that everything happens for a reason... (we already have 6 Nov babies in our family!) So the man up above must have decided that was enough! LOL- :shrug:

Next month I will start charting I believe, So I will be looking for some help from you wonderful ladies! :)
GL and babydust to you all!!
cali- sorry about ur BFN ur not out untill af arrives .. fingers crossed for u ...

my last period WAS feb 21.. but i was on metforphin then and i was havin normal 28 day cycles but she took me off and now i dont know if im even gonna have a period!!! ... Accordin to my chart im not ovulating.. Right?
cali- sorry about ur BFN ur not out untill af arrives .. fingers crossed for u ...

my last period WAS feb 21.. but i was on metforphin then and i was havin normal 28 day cycles but she took me off and now i dont know if im even gonna have a period!!! ... Accordin to my chart im not ovulating.. Right?

I wish I could tell you about ur chart... but I have not charted yet, so idk? Sorry... ;(

I would not think that you are this late in your cycle.. but you never know....

I don't even know if I O'd this month either?!!! Its SOO frustrating huh??!!!

FX for you~ Any signs?
RN~ Hillarious!!! My previous vehicle had no key hole on the passenger side either... and now that im thinking about it i dont know if the current one does LOL

just in the past hour i have started to feel ummmmm wetter down there :blush:

and my sniffles are still present but not worthy of being titled as a cold.

does anyone have any advice on things to avoid in the tww? like 4 wheeling and sex?

how about when we finally get the BFP?
well im breakin out boobs are achy and im crampin very mild and low.. so im assumin she is fixing to arrive.. the bad thing is... i dont even no when im suppose to start.. OMG i hate my body!!
i dont know if we have to avoid anything during the 2ww... But i no when we fo get our BFP.. we cant ride four wheelers are go in the boat are even use vibrators!!! Bummer... lol...
i dont know if we have to avoid anything during the 2ww... But i no when we fo get our BFP.. we cant ride four wheelers are go in the boat are even use vibrators!!! Bummer... lol...

LMAO!!!! :rofl:
im gone lay down i feel very depressed and low today.. ill be back on later..
i no right cali... u must be a vib.. users.. lol.. I am i would die without mine.. haha.. jj..
Sorry annie~ I hear ya! We just have to stay positive and think positive~ We will get our :bfp: I guess just a little later than we had hoped for!?? :hugs:
I'm sorry annie...

really no 4 wheelers?? THat is our :family time" every sunday... that sucks!!! but it'll be worth it.
Does the NO NO rules last the entire time of pregnancy or just the first trimester??
RN~ Hillarious!!! My previous vehicle had no key hole on the passenger side either... and now that im thinking about it i dont know if the current one does LOL

just in the past hour i have started to feel ummmmm wetter down there :blush:

and my sniffles are still present but not worthy of being titled as a cold.

does anyone have any advice on things to avoid in the tww? like 4 wheeling and sex?

how about when we finally get the BFP?

Yeah unfortunately we can't 4wheel :( While some ppl could during the tww... for me personally I would not, cause I had my mc in nov. so I know I will be paranoid about everything!!

How much longer till you can test?
i feel horriable this morning.. im crampin really low and light and my boobs are achy.. i must be fixing to start!!! IM SO UPSET!!! that means im not ovulating at all.. Why me .. really this sucks!!

Is your ticker wrong? It says you're on day CD5. I thought you were close to my CDs. What CD are you?
Keep the faith hunny!!! We could all wake up one morning very soon & get our BFPs!!!

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