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The Beanstalkers (formally ttc buddy?)

Thank u RNmommy... Im charting for my dr. i go back on the 11 of april and she wants to see if im ovulating so she is gonna take my chart and my blood work and compare.. i DTD last night just in case i was O... The OPKS seems confusing... lol i have enough with temping.. WHOA.. lol

The Clearblue Digital OPKs are actually pretty helpful, or I thought so anyway. No lines to try to decipher. They helped me last month in figuring out that I was ovulating, since I wasn't sure after stopping the pill.
Hey Annie,
I would def be taking some kind of vitamin that has folic acid in it. Docs recommend taking folic acid while trying to get pregnant. Helps with a healthier baby and pregnancy....
Im gonna get mine tomorrow.
Annie, It looks like you might have ovulated yesterday since there was a temperature drop then a spike but if you took today's temperature at a later time, that could cause the rise in temperature too. I took mine this weekend after only getting 4 hours of sleep and I had a big spike in my temps too. You'll be able to tell more with the next few days temperatures. If they stay high, it is probably safe to say you ovulated yesterday. If they drop back down, you probably haven't yet.

Lisa, I heard about the gummy prenatals too and then saw a commercial for them yesterday. I'm kind of interested. I've just been taking Wegman's brand so far. My doctor said it is a good idea to be on them early especially since woman normally don't get enough calcium and most prenatal vitamins include calcium.
Well I just looked online a bit and found the VitaFusion prenatal gummies. BUT...they don't have iron, which is obviously an important supplement when TTC and during pregnancy. So, they're a no-go for me. The ones I've been taking have iron but I've been taking them at night and they haven't been making me sick, so I'll stick with them.
Thank u .. i hope my temps stay high.. FIngers crossed!!!

i no this is way off topic.. But do yall no a good site i can Dl music for free?
Aw, bummer, Lisa. Those were the ones I saw a commercial for last night too. Although, I've read the iron in the vitamins can make you constipated too. How exciting. Men have it easy. Woman go through so much!

Sorry Annie. I don't know of any good free sites. I try to stay away since they can have viruses and I've had my fill of computer viruses.
i no but.. i have a MP3 player that has alot of OLD songs i need to update them.. :)

Im really dry down there today is that a bad sign?
U no what... im sitting here thinking and i just realized my boobs have kinda felt weird all day.. like they hurt but not bad and they hurt but not where i would say baby my boobs hurt kinda thing.. i had a headache all day long.. finally after i took 3 Tylenol it went away.. im just thinkin out loud.. Srry.. i dont think that has anything to do with me Oing.. lol :)
So I just read that some people's LH surges last less than 24 hours and you can miss them if you're only testing once a day (if it is less than 24 hours) What??? So I guess I need to start testing twice a day. And, apparently not all opks get gradually darker, some just go from light to dark. Ugh! Not that I think I've ovulated since my temps haven't gone up and CM is not showing signs yet but could things be any more confusing?? UGH!
GIRL i no what u mean.. that OPK is confusing.. im confused just by reading what u wrote.. :) Srry sweetie... Tempin is very confusin to.. i dont know how to tel if i ovulated are not... BLAH... lol
good nite everyone!! Ill let yall no first thing in the mornin if my temps are still high... I pray to GOD my temps are still HIGH... My fingers are crossed!!!!!!!

Sweet dreams everyone :)
ok ladies... well as I have said af not due till weds or thurs I have gotten 2 :bfn: so far and having cramping like af is a coming any day :cry:
But I have not tested with FMU AND tomorrow is my B-day..... SOOO I am going to test again in the morning with FMU and hope I get the best birthday wish ever of a :bfp:

I am pretty doubtful but trying to stay positive and maybe just maybe!!

I will keep you all posted in the morning..

GL and baby dust to everyone!! :hugs:
fingers crossed for u Cali-

Man i cant sleep.. :(
its only 10:17 here... so not to late for me. BUT i do know before my mc... I was going to bed at like 8:30!!! Usually a night owl.... have not had that happen... but we will see....
Hi ladies. My goodness there's been a lot of activity here since last night... my time last night anyway.

Annie- good luck with your chart. I've started charting properly this month too and fertility friend tells me it fluctuates more than normal but thinks i ovulated on cd 17. Kunda coincides with my positive opk on cd 16.

Q- when is your luteal phase over? When you spot? When u start first day of ad? When temp drops?

No bfp for me this month- 2 days of low temps and light spotting sunce yest.

Rmommy- when did u start clomid and what made u take it?
Oh wow there have been so many posts since I was last on here!! I love the new group name and sig aswell!

My CBFM was still reading medium this morning... Man, I don't even have the patience to wait for ovulation let alone testing! I was considering BBT charting aswell but I think if I did both I'd get TTC OCD!!

CallGirl35 - FX'd for you hun, thinking of you!

Annie00 - I'm willing those temps to stay up for you!

I hope you're all well ladies.... I'm off to put my sig on!

GOOOOOOOOOOOOD morning all you wonderful ladies!!!!!!!

i'm trying to get caught up on all the posts i missed.
I hope everyone is doing well today.


does anyone else have dissapearing symptoms?? meaning
my bb's hurt randomly... nothing worth cryng over....but then poof! they're fine... and i have moments where there is a lot of cm then poof nada! :shrug:

i have the sniffles and spuratic back and side pain... but its on both sides sometimes

oh well...its beautiful outside so i'm not going to think about running to the store to buy hpt's on my lunch hour just yet!

have agreat day girls!! fx'd and :dust: to everyone!!!!
Hi ladies. My goodness there's been a lot of activity here since last night... my time last night anyway.

Annie- good luck with your chart. I've started charting properly this month too and fertility friend tells me it fluctuates more than normal but thinks i ovulated on cd 17. Kunda coincides with my positive opk on cd 16.

Q- when is your luteal phase over? When you spot? When u start first day of ad? When temp drops?

No bfp for me this month- 2 days of low temps and light spotting sunce yest.

Rmommy- when did u start clomid and what made u take it?

Hey M!
I started Clomid this cycle. Went to the GYN on March 10th (Thurs) and started my Clomid the following Sunday.
I went to the GYN because I hadn't had a period since Jan 11 and HPTs were coming back negative. I was having a lot of premenopausal symptoms and I wanted to make sure that I was not going into early menopause, which would have been heartbreaking.
He actually put me on Clomid to get my hormones back in line. Which I figured was a bonus being we have been NTNP since June 2010.
So now Im just waiting to O!!!!
So I just read that some people's LH surges last less than 24 hours and you can miss them if you're only testing once a day (if it is less than 24 hours) What??? So I guess I need to start testing twice a day. And, apparently not all opks get gradually darker, some just go from light to dark. Ugh! Not that I think I've ovulated since my temps haven't gone up and CM is not showing signs yet but could things be any more confusing?? UGH!

Hey Rae!!!
I know, it's terrible!!!!
I have decided that Im going to do OPKs twice a day just in case too. I have been doing one in the morning and one in the evening.
This mornings was a little light, but I used smu and it wasn't even 10am yet. On the pamphlet that comes with my stuff says that its best to take the tests between 10am-8pm. But I was impatient once again. LOL!
So i'll test again tonight after dinner.

As far as the vitamins go....When I was pregnant with my son, my GYN gave me an iron supplement to take with my prenatals. And they do make you a little constipated! UGH!!! Yes, very annoying.
I only took the iron supplements for the first 3 months (being the first tri is the most important). Then I switched to taking Flinstone vitamins with iron and it didn't constipate me. My OBGYN told me that was just as good. LOL!!!
Hi ladies - Mind if I join? I'm on cd 12 so should ovulate in 2 or 3 days. For some reason I'm more stressed about ovulation this month than usual. Using the CB Digital OPKs this time around. So far, no surge but don't expect one for a couple days. My cycles have been a little haywire since I mc'd in January. I did get AF exactly 28 days after my mc but the 2 cycles since have been varying in length (used to ALWAYS be 28 on the dot). I'm hoping this is our month...purchased Conceive Plus which I'm hoping is also helping!

:dust: to all!!!

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