The Beanstalkers (formally ttc buddy?)

Pink- ditch the pyschic appointment I say. You have your BFP now. The "psychic" may say something that is totally untrue and it will only stress you out. What will be will be and I am convinced your future is a happy one with lots of kids! Forget the psychic and enjoy a day out with your friends shopping instead :)

I 100% agree. If you were seeing her to get a BFP date then it would be pointless to go because she is going to tell you about your pregnancy and if it will go well or badly and all these other things that you shouldn't be worried about. The more you're worried the worse it could be for that bean trying to stick!! :baby:
Kasi- here's hoping that Femara works its magic! :) BFP, BFP! By the way, did the doc prescribe you that because of your short LP? I recall that you ovulate.

Kendra honey- how are you doing?
Thanks for the replies ladies, what do you suggest i tell my friends???? I am not sure I wanna tell them yet about pregnancy and one of them has been trying for a baby for about 10 yrs and when my friend told her she was pregnant she took it quite badly.
Kasi- here's hoping that Femara works its magic! :) BFP, BFP! By the way, did the doc prescribe you that because of your short LP? I recall that you ovulate.

Kendra honey- how are you doing?

thanks, I hope it works too! :)

My lp has been stuck at 7 days since I started temping. my guess is it has always been at 7 days. my cycles have been a bit irregular and I think thats why he prescribed it. since coming off bc they have ranged from 22 to 32 days and were getting more erratic every month. he said it was probably the first half of my cycle that is the problem not the second half. today is cd15 and I probably ovulated last nite so I at least see that I am ovulating closer to day 14 , now I get to see if the meds help with my luteal phase.
Pink I wouldn't tell anyone yet, but I would suggest that when you are ready that you tell your friend that had been trying for so long first. maybe a few days before.
I agree with Kasi. Pink- I think you should wait until the usual 3 months before you start telling people. Probably best to tell the friend who has been trying for 10 yrs first. I am sure she will be upset that she isn't able to share similar news with you, but I know she will also be happy for you also.

Really hope that Femara works for you Kasi! :)

I just went to dinner with some friends and one of them announced she's expecting. I suspected she was and was worried about how I would feel when (if) she announced it. I must admit, part of me thought "I wish I could share such happy news too" but I was glad to feel that I am genuinely over the moon for them :) She got pregnant quite quickly too it seems. My, what a fertile bunch of friends I have. Ha. Hopefully it won't be long until it is my turn. Hubby was a sweetheart and gave me a hug when we got home and said "our time will come". :) What did however annoy me is when other friends harp on about us having a baby soon. Gr.
Back with a proper message...

Annie- welcome back. Good to hear that you are happier with DH on board with the "trying". Hopefully you will get your BFP very soon!

Lisa- best of luck with your appointment in Jun. Really hope they figure out a solution for you. Exactly how long and how many cycles have you been trying again? Chin up babes, it WILL happen soon.

Gueyilla- hopefully those pills work for you hun. Question- given you have a thin lining, does that mean you have very light periods?

Kendra- I am sorry to about the "lack" of BD. But don't worry. I know it is tough but perhaps to inject some more "fun" into it. Now I know it is hard and I think my DH finds its a real chore too. But maybe have a nice meal out with the mister, watch a movie, go for a stroll, basically have a hot date to set you both in the mood. Go pick up some oo la la undies! Haha. Dont worry though, you will get that super sperm in you and you will get that BFP!

RN- sorry to hear of the spotting worries. But I have heard that it is normal so fingers crossed everything will be OK. Any more updates at all?

Cali- I am so pleased that Clomid is working out for you. WOW- Twins?! Heh heh... here's to two babies for you and mr caliboy!

Rae- sorry to hear that the cycle feels like forever. Going to the doc sounds like a plan! I am keeping fingers and toes crossed for you. Great to see that you are trying to preoccupy yourself with other things.

Pink- As I said before, CONGRATS! i am so, so, so happy for you. sounds like chilling with the hubby, not thinking about TTC and such like got you your BFP! Hurrah! I do hope you pop by now and again to say hello to us beanstalkers.

RN- you now have more bumperstickers to chat to. How is that thread going in fact? Is it in action?

As for me, I am pretty cool. Not really thinking about TTC. Not temping, not opk-ing, not even taking prenatals (naughty!) as i keep forgetting. I guess the doc appt for the cysts/cancer thingy has kept me preoccupied. I have been BD-ing with darling hubby though. Sun, wed, fri so far (CD 8, 11, 13) :) Beanie- come to momma!


Well still no af. and i stopped the metformin cause now the dr thinks im not getting preggo cause of my thin linning, and yes i have very light periods
Hey Gueyilla. So whats the next plan of action for you? Did the doc suggest what you can do/take to thicken your lining so that the little bean can implant? Chin up Gueyilla. Sounds like things are moving in the right direction with the docs trying to figure things out for you. x
You guys all waited for 12 weeks before you announce it? I couldn't wait that long!!! I will start telling ppl after my first Dr appointment.
Hey girls, need a bit of moan so here I am. Feeling rather low right now. It's my 6th month of trying and whilst I know many ladies have been trying longer, I'm starting to seriously wonder whether something is wrong. Our Bd timing seems spot on and I appear to be ovulating. My luteal phase isn't ideal, but at 10-12 days, I don't think it should be a hindrance. I have my bloods and internal ultrasound results this Thursday, so will see what they say. If scan shows no cysts (doc was worried about pains I'm having so wanted to check for ovarian cancer) and bloods indicate good Lh, fsh (folicle stimulating hormone) and progesterone levels, id be relieved, but what then? Why arent I pregnant yet? Are my tubes blocked? Is dh sperm ok? What can we do? if tubes are blocked, it seems tough to conceive. If hubbys sperm isn't "normal', he will be crushed. And i can't bear to see that. Also, I hear low motility is hard to treat. Sigh. As you can see, im fretting.
Hey girls, need a bit of moan so here I am. Feeling rather low right now. It's my 6th month of trying and whilst I know many ladies have been trying longer, I'm starting to seriously wonder whether something is wrong. Our Bd timing seems spot on and I appear to be ovulating. My luteal phase isn't ideal, but at 10-12 days, I don't think it should be a hindrance. I have my bloods and internal ultrasound results this Thursday, so will see what they say. If scan shows no cysts (doc was worried about pains I'm having so wanted to check for ovarian cancer) and bloods indicate good Lh, fsh (folicle stimulating hormone) and progesterone levels, id be relieved, but what then? Why arent I pregnant yet? Are my tubes blocked? Is dh sperm ok? What can we do? if tubes are blocked, it seems tough to conceive. If hubbys sperm isn't "normal', he will be crushed. And i can't bear to see that. Also, I hear low motility is hard to treat. Sigh. As you can see, im fretting.
Hi Ladies! my oh my... so much in the last few days to catch up on!! :)

Pink- I think maybe you should duck out of the physic ... but if for some reason you can't, because it will cause more questions... then just go, and ask all the same things that you would if you did not have your BFP yet.... ? Can't wait to hear what happens at the Dr.! :)

Kendra- yeah on the big O!!! FX for you this cycle!! xx

Rn- how are you doing? Anything new? More blood work? I think you have your Dr. appt today? Sorry can't totally remember?

Gueyilla- ya so what is the next plan of action now?

Kasi- I do hope that the meds will work their magic for you.. and that you did in fact O!! Why do you say you probably O'd? Are you opk'ing this month?

Baby- How are you? Hope that this is just some symptoms for you? Maybe implantation??? :)

mk8- I know what you mean.. the "what if's" are enough to drive us nuts huh?! But easier said than done I know... but really try not to stress... You get all your results on Thursday, so thats a good thing that will hopefully bring GREAT news for you!! Curious though.. why weren't you able to see the ultrasound results while it was happening?!!?

How is everybody else doing?

I got a + opk on Sunday, which was CD15 for me, and the I had another + yesterday around 12, but got a - like 2 hours later when I used a cheapie kind. We did not dtd last night, but we did on Sunday.. so Idk we will see!?
The dr just told me to start taking baby asprin and vitm E. and wait till i get my :witch: on my own. she does not want to give me any meds to start it cause she says it might affect the blood test i have to get done on cd3.
Hey Cali. On the ultrasound front, the guy said he would summarise but he didn't summarise anything. I didn't ask too much either as my doctor told me that I wil be able to get the results read back to me 10 days after the ultrasound. I dont think the guy who did the "probing" is an actual doctor. He obviously knows what he is doing etc but I think it is normal for them to revert back to the docs for me to get my full report. Unless of course there was something dodgey he didn't want to tell me. I suppose that's why I'm a bit antsy. He said he would summarise and he didn't. But only 2 more days and I get to find out what they saw.

I wanted to pick your brains about something ladies. Now here is a warning of gross information. Be prepared! Recently, my hubby and I have of course been BD-ing a lot. After BD-ing, I usually go to sleep without getting up to clean myself up (trying to keep the soldiers in). Well, when I get up in the morning, there is a fishy smell. I have a shower and generally its gone. There's no itch. I only seem to get it after CD-ing. Do you ladies ever have this issue? It seems to have happened in the past few months. I will speak to my doctor about it as I am seeing him on Thurs, but in the interim, I wanted to seek your views.
cali I opk and temp... got a smiley on Sunday afternoon my temps are up too. :)
Mk - Maybe its bacterial vaginosis. Its a common vaginal infection. Thats a classic sign of it. It can be treated with some antibiotics if its bad enough. Thats my guess. Either that or your hubby is working you too hard. :rofl:

Kasi - Have you O'd yet this cycle???

Rae - How are you doing??

Pink - I would skip psychic too. She might say something to upset you. As far as when to tell everyone, thats your choice. Hubby didn't want to tell anyone right away but we did tell immediate family the weekend we found out, before I even went to doctors. we've told a couple of more people since then. I think he'll be a little more at ease with telling people now that I've seen the heartbeat and everything on ultrasound. I told everyone right away with my son too. Hubby was worried about having to explain things to people if something bad happened, but I'd rather have family support than have to suffer alone if God forbid something happened. So, we'll probably wait a couple of more weeks before we tell more people. Hope that helps....I know I rambled. LOL!

Kendra - YAY for EWCM and :sex: !!!!!!!!!!!!! FX for you!

Baby - Maybe it was implantation bleeding?!!!!! FX!

Lisa - That story was cute about the kids!!! You'll hear those words before you know it!!!!

As for me....Had doctor appt this morning. He didn't do anymore bloodwork or anything. I gave him my paperwork from the hospital showing my hcg levels and other bloodwork. He did my ultrasound and it showed my little peanut. He had to look around for a few minutes and I was getting very nervous. But he found my beanie, snuggled in good. First measurement showed 6w6d but then he moved the wand around and measured again and it measured 7w1d which it exactly what I am. Go me! LOL!
Got to see the little flickering heartbeat and got to hear it too! It was awesome! Heartrate was in the 150's. Doc said everything looks great and I go back in 1 month. I can't wait. I'll get to see something that actually looks like a baby then. LOL!

Sorry if I missed anyone....HOw is everyone doing today???
Yay Kasi! :) Is this the first time you have O'd since TTC?

RN- how are you doing mama of two to be? :) Thanks for responding... I think it could be BV also. I recall having it years ago (incidently with DH when we started going out due to too much action I imagine!) I didn't take anything though and I think it went away (I had a bit of an itch so went to a clinic). Blimmin infections. Grrr.
Mk8 - Not sure about that, but if you've had BV before I'd say that's prob what it is.

RN - Your baby is the size of a blueberry! :happydance: Is it weird how excited I get when your ticker changes?!?! :haha: Glad your appt went well. It absolutely amazes me that they can calculate pregnancy to the day!

Kasi & Cali - Hooray!! Hope you caught that eggie!

Nothing new to report here. Going absolutely crazy waiting to ovulate. Last night I told my husband we should BD in case I ovulate soon. So, we go upstairs, and somehow during the 30 second walk upstairs I got completely bummed out and fed up about the whole TTC thing...and by the time we got upstairs I was like NEVER MIND I DON'T FEEL LIKE IT ANYMORE! :rofl: Luckily my husband laughed at my craziness and wasn't annoyed. Going to try to rally tonight. It's so disheartening to feel like we should be BD'ing "just in case" when I have no idea when I will ov! :dohh:
Oh my word. Just signed onto Facebook to see that a friend who got married in Nov (a month after me) just announced her pregnany. My husband was walking into the room as I read it...and had no idea what was going on when I suddenly burst into tears. Wow, I've gotten bummed out and had a few teary moments...but never have I burst into such a serious cry. Well, I guess that was going to happen soon enough, eh?? :cry:
mk8- FX for lots of goon news on Thursday! Keep us posted! Not sure about the other issue, but pay attention to it, and maybe ask the Dr. on Thurs?

Rn- awesome news!!!! Thats fantastic! How exciting to be able to see and hear all at the same time! :)

Lisa- sorry about your cry hun... but that was a funny story about last night, as I have been there too! lol What CD are you on again? Are you sure that you have not O'd yet?

I finally got a call back from my Dr. office today to learn what the actual size of my follicles were... one was 1.7cm and the other 1.6cm which is 17 and 16 and that was on CD12.... so I guess thats good??

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