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The Beanstalkers (formally ttc buddy?)

Hey Effy!
Where do you live in FL?
Im hoping for a +OPK so I have a reason to HUMP on HumpDay....LOL!
Hi @ RNmommy - Im ok u? how u tracking o? Im abit up the wall at min had longer af than normal so finsihed today after 24days so hopfully my tearn will b soon. Fingered crossed for all girls in here. Im new to ttc again but followered bnb lastyear when i was ttc and pregnant with my daughter. x
sunny sw fl
the cape coral ft. myers area.

we did a lil "humpin around" :rofl: this morning
i hope that doesnt mess with my bean sticking
Good morning ladies.. WOW its a BEAUTIFUL day in Louisiana !!! My throat is scratchy this morning!! would yall like to see a update on my chart??
i think she did Ovulate on 22 bc i no it normal to only get a OPK one time a month..<<read that somewhere>>>

im gonna post my chart if yall dont wanna see it oh wll.. but it makes me feel better if other people read it bc i have no IDEA wtf im looking at LMAO
CHART ON 23.jpg

IM READY TO JUST GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug::shrug:
wow ladies im sick to my stomach<<like a burnin feeling>> its a weird feeling!!!! im not hungry bc i just woke up... weird!
i would love to help with yoru chart but i have no idea about temping...
and to be honest from stalking other charts i think i am going to need a full blown 4 hour course on what the heck to do :)
ok girls weird weird feeling

i have been having off and on weird cramps i gues syou would call them... the best way i discribed it to my mom is similar to a stictch in my side... anyways
today it has sunk lower into my front low abdomen area and the weird part is it alternates sides... it was on my left for a while then it stopped and now its on the right front and back...

what the heck is this?????? wouldn't any type of implantation pain be on one side???
i agree effy im still cnfussed with chartin..its not easy.. i just wanna know if im ovulating are not so when i go to the dr i already no what she is gonna say kinda thing...

im not sure about the pain on the side but google it.. type in << is pain on side due to implantion... something like that..
Nasty nasty day here in Maryland. Gray, rainy, and cold. I can't get on at work either. No one there knows we're trying plus I'm in a cubicle so everyone could see. Its torture though. I do come home for lunch so I get a quick fix then :)

OPKs are still negative. Ugh! But CM is getting closer to ewcm so I'm hoping!
Hi girls!!

SO AF arrived this morning with a vengeance!! I hate her guts!! lol~
Weirs thing ... sounds like mk8 you and I are in the same boat... this morning when it came it was extremely heavy (sorry tmi) but now its SUPER light? WTH is that all about?! My cycle usually lasts 4 days with day 4 being very light, but the first two days are usually heavy....

For the rest of you I hope you get your go ahead to really start BDing or your BFP's!!!! :) FX

anything new?
@ Ladybug - Im tacking O using my OPKs. Thats it. Ive got them all taped to a note pad and dated. LOL! I havent come up with a better way to keep them in order yet. I don't temp. I tried but its too confusing and I always forget to take it before I get up. :(

@ Rae - I know, mine was still negative today. Its weird, because CD 11 I had that nice one but stillw asn't +. Then yesterday the second line was almost non-existent. Then this morning's test was a little darker again. So Im hoping when I do my second test at 7pm that it'll still be getting darker.

@ Annie - Im so sorry I can't offer any advice on the chart. Im clueless when it comes to that. As a nurse, you think I'd be able to fgiure it out, but I think the blonde in me gets in my way with it....LOL!!!!

@ Effy - How many DPO are you today??? Hey, you never know....you could have twinsies implanting. LOL!!!!

*I honestly don't know what implantation feels like. My first pregnancy, I was only 17 when I got pregnant (ended in MC at 3 1/2 mo). And then with my son (who is now 6) I was on the Depo shot so never expected to get pregnant. Anything I might have felt before the +HPT I must have dismissed as something else.

So, even though Ive been pregnant 2 times, I still have no idea.... :wacko:
RNmommy... I bet you are going to get your BFP any day now!!!! ;)

Annie.. again, I am NO help at the charting thing either... sorry hun! :(
Hi girls!!

SO AF arrived this morning with a vengeance!! I hate her guts!! lol~
Weirs thing ... sounds like mk8 you and I are in the same boat... this morning when it came it was extremely heavy (sorry tmi) but now its SUPER light? WTH is that all about?! My cycle usually lasts 4 days with day 4 being very light, but the first two days are usually heavy....

For the rest of you I hope you get your go ahead to really start BDing or your BFP's!!!! :) FX

anything new?

Oh, Cali I am so sorry!!!!! That damn witch!!!! She gets us every time!!!!
Nothing new here yet. Just waiting to O still. Sounds exciting, huh? LOL!
Check out the designer hospital gowns at Diapers.com. I am so treating myself to one when I get my BFP!!!! I already told my husband and he just chuckled.
sorry Cali :flower:

RN i am about 6 dpo right now... i took a frer thins morning ( basically to get my poas fix as i knew that it was going to be neg due to all the other stuff)

TWINS??!!! oh yikes!!! :dohh:
a girl at work has 4 year old twins b & G
and another is pg with twins due any second now b&g
and my cousin just had twin girls
and i found out my great grandfather was a twin sooo again... YIKES!!!! :rofl:
Thanks ladies... it sucks but I suppose its not my time... everything for a reason right? I am going to stay positive... but you know what really stinks.. the hubbie is off to Tx on Sat. for a whole week and pretty sure he will be gone during my time!!! waahhhh....

LOL~ I will ck out that site too!! ;)

Effy... maybe you will get TWINS too!!!!!! Oh my!!! :) Can't wait to hear!!!!
Oh Cali, that sucks too!!! Maybe you'll O a little later then and he'll still have time to catch that eggie!!!! LOL!

Effy, twins run in my family too. My sisters are identical twins and one of my grandmothers was a twin.
My husbands father is a twin (fraternal). But I do believe it is only on the woman's side that effects the twin factor (or fertility meds... :) ) I could be wrong though.

Twinsies would be nice!!!! Its funny, I never really wanted a girl before because Im such a tomboy. And i love having my little boy. Things are so simple for boys. But now I kinda find myself wanting a little girl. Strange!
LOL! I didn't either.. and now that my "little girl" is about to be 16.... I find that I would love to have another... the thought of her moving out...NOOO!!!! - I will try to bribe her to stay, we have a great college here and free place to live!! LOL

Maybe you will both get twins?!!!!!! :) Wouldn't that be busy and exciting!!! :)
it has taken some convincing of my hubby to even start the ttc process.. because "we cant afford a baby" blah blah blah i'm sorry my mom raised 2 kids and she "couldnt afford it" but you do what ya gotta do... .

so even the possibility of twins freaked him out....
i would love to have a b&g but im getting OLDer as he would say so if we do have 2 kids at any point in time it would have to be twins now LOL :rofl:
Evening ladies.

Ladybug- welcome!

Lady- ovulating on cd22 wasn't me, it was annie. But thx for responding. Oh u crack me up with your illicit bnb sessions. Lol. I actually sneak off to the ladies with my internet phone!

California- we are in the same boat! What cycle of ttcing are you on? I'm now on c4, cd2. Period v weird. Very very light spotting Mon. More yest- light period then stopped this morning, then thick dark maroon period then fresh blood p late afternoon. Grossed out yet girls? Lol. I've had odd periods like this since jan- periods on time, no pain but they're lighter and u get brown discharge 2 or 1 days before. Saw doc who thought nothing too worrying but suggested asmear so booked in for nxt Mon.

Annie- do you do your chart on fertility friend?

So for you mums - tell us your get pregnant stories the first time. What were your plans to success?

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