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The Beanstalkers (formally ttc buddy?)

LOL! The not able to afford it is the reason I am starting over 16 years later!!! Lol- yet we are still not there! HA! we finally decided its now or never.. we will make it work!! I made it work when I had my daughter right after I turned 17... and managed to support her just fine.. I am pretty sure I can do it again! LOL-
So can you!! :)
Evening ladies.

Ladybug- welcome!

Lady- ovulating on cd22 wasn't me, it was annie. But thx for responding. Oh u crack me up with your illicit bnb sessions. Lol. I actually sneak off to the ladies with my internet phone!

California- we are in the same boat! What cycle of ttcing are you on? I'm now on c4, cd2. Period v weird. Very very light spotting Mon. More yest- light period then stopped this morning, then thick dark maroon period then fresh blood p late afternoon. Grossed out yet girls? Lol. I've had odd periods like this since jan- periods on time, no pain but they're lighter and u get brown discharge 2 or 1 days before. Saw doc who thought nothing too worrying but suggested asmear so booked in for nxt Mon.

Annie- do you do your chart on fertility friend?

So for you mums - tell us your get pregnant stories the first time. What were your plans to success?
Yes welcome!! :)

@ mk8~ Well we started NTTP in Sept... worked the very first time!!! Lost the baby in Nov... Had to wait few mo to try again so now we are fully TTC and this will be cycle 3!!! grrrrrrr :growlmad: Worries me, I have to admit!

As for the first time....I was 16... what more can I say!!! Young and NOT careful!! I DON'T want that for my daughter.. I want her to go to college, live with her girlfriends, get a career etc. But she is my life and although I was young she is the very best part of me, the best thing that could have happened to me, and I would not change a thing, for I would not have her! ;) <3
wow everyone is on.. yeap i do chart on ff.. it hasnt confirmed it yet.. i feel so hopeless.. i wish i would just ovulate.......:(
its weird readin how everyone got pregnant being young and now when they wont one it doesnt happen so easily... wow... i have never been pregnant my whole life ill be 23 in may
hey all! wow it always takes ages to read all the messages each evening - I can't get on bnb at work either...well i could but I have a sneaky feeling that they monitor who goes where which is not good!

sorry caligirl that the :witch: showed...hopefully you will have chance to bd in your fertile time even though your hubby is away!

good luck RNMommy with the opks! if it helps I had a negative opk yesterday evening about 6pm (there was barely a line at all) then at 11pm last night....BAM!!! completely positive!!!! so it can come on really quickly!!! i just did another about an hour ago (7pm) and it's still positive but only just so I reckon my surge does last less than 24 hours!!

So hopefully I will be ovulating today or tomorrow which is good because we bd'd this morning! just have to watch for the temp rises now! And it's worked out that I will be about 11dpo on my birthday so maybe a good time to test??? But then maybe not in case it's a bfn?!!!!! eeeeeeek!!!:shrug:

:dust: to all!!
Whoops sorry MK8! I spent that long reading posts to catch up on what was going on that I got mixed up... I still do! Sneaking off to the ladies with phone is genius... have to try that one! lol

Welcome Ladybug... there's two of us now!

All this talk of twins is making me want twins now... at the age of 34 it would make life a whole lot easier to get the 2 children I dream of all done in one go!
Hey Pink!!!
Yeah, that would be a fantastic present!!!!
FX those little swimmers catch that eggie!!!!

Now you've got me a little nervous...LOL!!! Im testing again in 2 1/2 hrs so maybe a positive.

Im just not sure what my cycle is going to be like. If this Clomid makes me have a regular cycle, then I should be O'ing anyday now. But considering my cycles have been all over the place in the past year, ranging from 32days to 2 months, I have no idea. And its so FRUSTRATING!!!!!

And this morning I was getting all jittery watching A Baby Story & Make Room For Multiples. On both shows they had women that had multiples from Clomid. One had twins and one had triplets. Both ladies got preggers on first round!!!
i dont want twins.. srry... lol... doesnt run in my family r dh family.. yay.. i forgot to tell yall im biddin on 100 opks for 2 dollars... so im gonna start doin that... hope yall can help me with that when i get them....lol
All this talk of twins is making me want twins now... at the age of 34 it would make life a whole lot easier to get the 2 children I dream of all done in one go!

Thats what Im saying!!! I just turned 30 so twins would be a great way for getting a bigger family faster. My hubby would probably have a heart attack!!!!
i dont want twins.. srry... lol... doesnt run in my family r dh family.. yay.. i forgot to tell yall im biddin on 100 opks for 2 dollars... so im gonna start doin that... hope yall can help me with that when i get them....lol

Now the OPKs I could probably help you with. Charting, not so much!!! LOL!
my sister was on clomid n metforphin and it took 3 rounds to get preg. n she only had one boy..now they tryin again n she already have taken 5 rounds n nothing.. she is gonna hate me if i fall preg before her...yikees
@annie- you are still young hun... you will get your BFP!!! Don't you worry!! How long have you been TTC?

@pink, thanks... but woo-wee!! Yeah on the fertile time!!! I think this is your month and I HOPE HOPE HOPE you get your BFP on your birthday!!!! ;) Keeping my FX!! When did your af start?

@lady77- I hear ya... I just turned 33 yesterday, twins would be awesome... but SO much work!!!!! lol I really don't know how ppl do it?! Where r u in your cycle?
All this talk of twins is making me want twins now... at the age of 34 it would make life a whole lot easier to get the 2 children I dream of all done in one go!

Thats what Im saying!!! I just turned 30 so twins would be a great way for getting a bigger family faster. My hubby would probably have a heart attack!!!!

twins would be easier for me sort of... but from what i have been told have 2 babbies is like 8 times the work ....
@rnmommy... I think I would have a heart attack too!!!! LOL
How many times r u testing a day?
All this talk of twins is making me want twins now... at the age of 34 it would make life a whole lot easier to get the 2 children I dream of all done in one go!

Thats what Im saying!!! I just turned 30 so twins would be a great way for getting a bigger family faster. My hubby would probably have a heart attack!!!!

twins would be easier for me sort of... but from what i have been told have 2 babbies is like 8 times the work ....

uuuhhhhh yeah!!! Right?! ho-boy, I could really not imagine!!

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