The Final 5 week gang anyone??

Have you spoken to your midwife about the itching? I know being unbearably itchy can be a sign for obsretic colitus (sp sorry)?

I am keeping everything crossed (not my legs tho as there is a head in the way!) that your little one decides to make an entrance soon :hugs:

No MW here as I'm in the US. I know it's just from the skin stretching. It's gotten paper thin, I look like I've been attacked by a mountain lion.
Going to head out later for some all natural oils and get myself a pedi, hoping that'll put me in a better mood.
I use Bio Oil I don't know if you have that in the US but it is really good and really helps reduce appearance of scars etc full of vitamins etc so good for your skin - maybe try something like that :hugs: sounds so sore & uncomfortable :hugs:
Hope the pedi helps brighten your mood :hugs:
Congrats Flip! He's gorgeous!!

Ready4num2 hope all went well and can't wait to see pics!

Good luck Mississippi! Praying for a quick and easy delivery!

Sending labor dust to everyone else!!
Good luck Mississippi!! Look forward to some baby news soon :flower:

MnG - hope you have a brighter day with your pedi.

AFM - frustrated now, I was contracting with DD at this stage and had her at tomorrow's gestation. The fact nothing is happening is getting to me grrrrrrr. I paid for a private scan this morning as I'm a paranoid fool lol. All looked great but baby was too engaged to see it's face so no pics - they did say baby has loads of hair though - so just like DD and if you're to believe the old wives tale it explains the months of heartburn again. They estimated baby will be 7lb12oz, but they said DD would be 7lb11oz and she was only 6lb12oz. So we shall see.

Come on babies!!!! xxx
Mississippi woohoo! Good luck:happydance: let us know how everything went.

Lucy Happy Due Date!:flower:

MnGmakes3 sorry you are feeling so miserable :hugs: I'm also in the US but I do have a midwife. I use Elastin3 lotion on my belly did with both my pregnancies and The Body Shop's Coco Butter. I love getting Pedi's feels great to have your feet massaged. Hoping that turns your day around a little and who knows maybe they will hit a good pressure point and get labor started :haha:

AFM: I"m 36 weeks and I'm actually feeling fine. Which now has me a bit concerned :wacko: At 35 weeks with DS I started to have nightly contractions and had period cramps every morning, till I went into labor at 38weeks. This time around I only had two nights of contractions and that was over a week ago and I'm not crampy. I'm hoping this don't mean I'm going to go overdue:shrug:
Mississippi woohoo! Good luck:happydance: let us know how everything went.

Lucy Happy Due Date!:flower:

MnGmakes3 sorry you are feeling so miserable :hugs: I'm also in the US but I do have a midwife. I use Elastin3 lotion on my belly did with both my pregnancies and The Body Shop's Coco Butter. I love getting Pedi's feels great to have your feet massaged. Hoping that turns your day around a little and who knows maybe they will hit a good pressure point and get labor started :haha:

AFM: I"m 36 weeks and I'm actually feeling fine. Which now has me a bit concerned :wacko: At 35 weeks with DS I started to have nightly contractions and had period cramps every morning, till I went into labor at 38weeks. This time around I only had two nights of contractions and that was over a week ago and I'm not crampy. I'm hoping this don't mean I'm going to go overdue:shrug:

I wouldn't worry hun, I think each pregnancy must be completely different. I didn't feel so much as a twinge with DD until 39+4 and had her at 39+6. This time I've been cramping, back ache, regular contractions which come to nothing for 2 weeks now, and I'm still here :coffee: So maybe this time you'll be the opposite, and enjoy no twinges until you go straight to labour!
I agree pregnancies are completely different with my son I had hardly any BH, no pressure below, no backaches nothing really at all until I was in labour (10 days late and induced) but this time around I am struggling to walk due to the pressure of baby being low, I get BH everytime I get up to walk about, have small amounts of plug come randomly here and there, I just feel a hell of a lot more pregnant than I ever did at even 10 days overdue with my son :wacko: but my bump is smaller this time around :shrug:

Hoping because she is low etc I will not be overdue this time around *fingers crossed*

Cannot believe I am 37 weeks tomorrow - FULL TERM (according to my app and some websites but I know others are different but I NEED this milestone :haha:)
Oh man the griping pains are back :(

Think i'm going to get ds his tea ready early and run a bath so I can get my pj's on super early today!

I spoke to my mw today (40 week check) and told her how I felt last night and she just said 'Good, all in the right direction'. think she meant the clear out not the griping pains as I've heard nothing about them being anything to do with a labour sign.

Induction is booked for 22nd but i'm confident I won't need it - WILL I BABY!!!!
Midwife said babys head is engaged and today started to get big pains in my back (baby is back to back) so small steps in the right direction! Won't give me a sweep until 41 weeks and then after that will discuss induction, fingers crossed it doesn't have to come to that. Midwife also suggested more time on the ball and nipple stimulation, not at the same time of course but why not lol!! So that's my night sorted then!
Induction is booked for 22nd but i'm confident I won't need it - WILL I BABY!!!!

Lol love this.
I remember coming home from my 40week appointment with DS and bawling my eyes out and she told me the very latest he'd be here was the 12th!!! He was born the 16th!!!!!
Well ladies I got out of the house for a bit. Got me some coconut oil for my belly, some curry powder for the baby, and some raspberry leaf tea for my...everything else lol. One of those has to work.

Thank you whoever suggested the Coconut oil for the stretch marks, it was like insta relief! :thumbup:
Only thing left to do is finish dinner and get a pedi after H gets home :)
Well ladies I got out of the house for a bit. Got me some coconut oil for my belly, some curry powder for the baby, and some raspberry leaf tea for my...everything else lol. One of those has to work.

Thank you whoever suggested the Coconut oil for the stretch marks, it was like insta relief! :thumbup:
Only thing left to do is finish dinner and get a pedi after H gets home :)

Squat do squats!!!!!!
Squat, eat pineapple while dtd. That's all I got.
Sorry that I have been rubbing at posting, I have been feeling terrible the last few days - pains, and hormonal!

Can't remember who posted what as I have just read through quickly but good luck to all f those who have some progress. I'm still here, still pregnant and still miserable!

Sweep and possible induction on Tuesday. Here's hoping this is my last pregnant weekend!
Sorry that I have been rubbing at posting, I have been feeling terrible the last few days - pains, and hormonal!

Can't remember who posted what as I have just read through quickly but good luck to all f those who have some progress. I'm still here, still pregnant and still miserable!

Sweep and possible induction on Tuesday. Here's hoping this is my last pregnant weekend!

You're definitely not alone in the "still pregnant and still miserable " dept. I'm right here with you!!! :hugs: Praying this is it for all of us!
Here's hoping! My stretch marks are also really uncomfortable. I feel mega unattractive right now.

I ate a full pineapple yesterday and it had zero effect. I normally love really spicy food but I have been off curry for the whole pregnancy so can't try that.

We have dtd twice this week, but it is grossing my OH out so he won't finish - I read somewhere that swallowing it is better anyway so we tried that (major tmi!!)
Did everyone have a good day?

Since about 8 (it's now a bit after 10pm) I've had what I think are 4 real contractions. They were slow to start and lasted only a min or so. I could see and feel my belly getting hard but it wasn't super uncomfortable until I stood up after the last felt like this insane pressure on my pelvic bones! I've also peed around a half dozen times in that interval and had to sit from the pressure when walking.
I haven't felt anything crazy since but does it possibly sounds like early labor? Or just BH?
Mason Michael Alexander was born at 8:24 am weighing 8lbs 7oz and 20 inches long.

Just a few quick details because im exhausted and want to sneak in some sleep while i can!
My water broke at midnight.. Contractions started about twenty minutes later.
My mw didnt believe i was in active labour 'because it happened too quick' and told me to go back to bed.
Finally at 330am i called her telling her she needed to come over and he did. She checked me at 430 and said i was 2-3cm and 90% effaced..
My contractions were every 3 minutes and complete back labour it was fucking hell.
At 530 i told her i wanted to go to the hospital because i wanted drugs. She told me she wouldnt take me yet because i wouldnt be 4cm yet and theyd just give me drugs and send me home. I got mad and told her to check my cervix.. She did and looked at me and said we have to go now you are 8cm.
I went to get in the car and i honestly stood in my driveway and intentionally peed my pants and it was the best choice i made all night.. It made the car ride o much easier.
I started pushing at around 630am.. Again still all back labour. Not to sugar coat it.. I wasnt trying to deliver him, i was trying to poop.. Because i was convinced that if i could poop it would ease the pain. Not sure i ever pooped?
For the last 30 minutes i was completely dissociating during contractions to the point it was scaring dh.
Mason was born at 8:24am.. I have minimal tearing.. All very superficial and around my labia not my perenium.. But it still hurts like an effer to pee!
We came home around 130pm and have been exhausted ever since! Hes breast fed 2.5 times.. Hes such a sleepy boy lol
Ohhhh and for the record.. I didnt get the drugs. I was only allowed gas and air as it was too late. Was done au naturale.. And hurt like a mother fucker


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Congratulations Miss!!! He so handsome already :)

Love the honesty in your recap lol. Enjoy your new LO and get some rest! :hugs:
Mason Michael Alexander was born at 8:24 am weighing 8lbs 7oz and 20 inches long.

Just a few quick details because im exhausted and want to sneak in some sleep while i can!
My water broke at midnight.. Contractions started about twenty minutes later.
My mw didnt believe i was in active labour 'because it happened too quick' and told me to go back to bed.
Finally at 330am i called her telling her she needed to come over and he did. She checked me at 430 and said i was 2-3cm and 90% effaced..
My contractions were every 3 minutes and complete back labour it was fucking hell.
At 530 i told her i wanted to go to the hospital because i wanted drugs. She told me she wouldnt take me yet because i wouldnt be 4cm yet and theyd just give me drugs and send me home. I got mad and told her to check my cervix.. She did and looked at me and said we have to go now you are 8cm.
I went to get in the car and i honestly stood in my driveway and intentionally peed my pants and it was the best choice i made all night.. It made the car ride o much easier.
I started pushing at around 630am.. Again still all back labour. Not to sugar coat it.. I wasnt trying to deliver him, i was trying to poop.. Because i was convinced that if i could poop it would ease the pain. Not sure i ever pooped?
For the last 30 minutes i was completely dissociating during contractions to the point it was scaring dh.
Mason was born at 8:24am.. I have minimal tearing.. All very superficial and around my labia not my perenium.. But it still hurts like an effer to pee!
We came home around 130pm and have been exhausted ever since! Hes breast fed 2.5 times.. Hes such a sleepy boy lol
Ohhhh and for the record.. I didnt get the drugs. I was only allowed gas and air as it was too late. Was done au naturale.. And hurt like a mother fucker

I was hoping to wake to a baby story!!! Congrats on your bundle of gorgeousness, and I love your honesty, I never sugar coted my labour, it does fucking hurt!!!! Well done though :flower:

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