The Final 5 week gang anyone??

Willow - glad to hear that your LO started mobing around and that they have a plan for Sunday! Looks like we'll both have our babies within days.'s weird to know that's the end of the road for me. Soon well be holding those tiny fingers and wonder where the time went :)

Bebe- good luck with everything next wk. I hope you don't have any more scares like that! I couldn't imagine what you muse Haverford been thinking. Is there a reason they wouldn't do it sooner?

Sophia- thank you! We're so excited and nervous at the same time. I'm not looking forward to being on the monitors for that long but I know in the end it's for the better.
Grady is so handsome! That's awesome you're not having any BF issues! I hope you're enjoying your time with that cutie pie :)
I really don't feel 100%. I'm so sore down below its just unbearable at times!!

Managed to go for a little walk with hubby and once I got going it wasn't too bad, just felt I needed a number 2, which I did once I got back.

For those of you near due date/overdue can I ask a very personal question about number 2's? I mean i'm eating nothing spicy or pulses etc as i'm quite a windy person normally and I don't want any accidents in the pool but my number 2's aren't very 'friendly' at the moment, quite offensive considering the bland food i'm eating so i'm just wondering if that's normal??

Now that I know Sunday is it for me I've definitely been watching what I eat. Last night I finished some coconut curry left overs and I'm hoping that'll evacuate way before it's time to push. Yay for bland foods the next few days lol
Thanks for all the good luck messages. Induction went a bit crazy and I ended up contracting virtually non stop, they had to remove the pessary and then her heart began to decelerate when I contracted so I had an emergency c section at 4am. She's perfectly fine now, as am I, just really tired and sore as I haven't slept more than 4 hours in total over 2 days.
Thanks for all the good luck messages. Induction went a bit crazy and I ended up contracting virtually non stop, they had to remove the pessary and then her heart began to decelerate when I contracted so I had an emergency c section at 4am. She's perfectly fine now, as am I, just really tired and sore as I haven't slept more than 4 hours in total over 2 days.

Congratulations again on your newest addition! Hope you're both able to get some rest :) :flower:
Congratulations Loeylo I hope you manage to get some rest soon :flower:
Congrats Loeylo! I hope you are able to rest and enjoy your little one!!
Williow did they tell you what your baby was measuring or did they just say static growth? Lest everything else looked good, maybe baby is just small:hugs:

Bebe that is scary with the bleeding. Any explanation for it? I'm guessing your are already dilated if they have plans to break your waters?

Flip and Soph congrats and glad to hear brestfeeding is going so well for both of you. I'm praying it goes smoothly this time for me. Last time DS was exclusively on breastmilk for 14 months but I exclusively pumped and it was SOOOOO exhausting. DS was tongue tied and never latched right, got mastitis, it was a mess so ended up just pumping because I refused to give formula. Hoping to get this babies tongue clipped right away if he's tongue tied and get the latch down :thumbup:

MnGmakes Glad you have the end in sight and maybe you'll end up going into labor before then! :happydance: Why are you eating bland foods?
Loeylo congratulations!!! Fingers crossed you manage to get some rest soon. So pleased for you :)
Mimzy - they showed me the changes plotted from the report by the sonographer, she has gone from above 90th percentile to over 50th. They said not to worry about it too much though (as if, that's all I think about now!) they said if she was plotting below 50th they would've started me there and then.
Afternoon ladies,

40+6 today and looking forward to my mw appoint at 9.30 tomorrow for my stretch and sweep. I'm seriously hoping she says my cervix is dilated or at least some sort of sign! Bit embarrassing with all the discharge down there but she's used to it i'm sure!

I've also brought my induction date forward from thurs to tues due to family coming down a week tomorrow, I guess they never thought about induction or being late so those extra days will hopefully give me time to have my boy and get home and rest before they arrive!

Still the same symptom wise, had a lot of discharge again last night and this morning, I mean where on earth does it all come from! :shrug:
Wow I haven't been on in a couple of weeks and there are so many babies! Congrats everyone! Xx
Congratulations to the ladies who have had their babes and good luck (hang on in there!) To those still waiting. Our little girl arrived by planned section on the 7th. One week on, I'm healing well (had our first outing today) and she has managed to gain weight! I spent 4 nights in hospital.
My hospital is severely understaffed and has a high volume of paitents. So unless your high risk ie diabetic. Even though I'm still bleeding I'm not booked into the labor suite untill next Thursday. A 16year old girl went in Friday and the baby was born Tuesday. Anyone low risk they are stalling so if you go in 10days late baby won't be born until 14/16 days overdue. The natural births and high risks are put forward before you. So even if I went in now they will literally stall me untill Thursday moniter baby until then. I taught I might get induced on Wednesday and my consultants under study asked me "why I felt I was so important" absolute prick then my consultant booked me in for next Thursday. I just want her here and not ever see that place again.
My hospital is severely understaffed and has a high volume of paitents. So unless your high risk ie diabetic. Even though I'm still bleeding I'm not booked into the labor suite untill next Thursday. A 16year old girl went in Friday and the baby was born Tuesday. Anyone low risk they are stalling so if you go in 10days late baby won't be born until 14/16 days overdue. The natural births and high risks are put forward before you. So even if I went in now they will literally stall me untill Thursday moniter baby until then. I taught I might get induced on Wednesday and my consultants under study asked me "why I felt I was so important" absolute prick then my consultant booked me in for next Thursday. I just want her here and not ever see that place again.

wow that sounds terrible! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with that:hugs: so they don't know why your are bleeding? I think that should be cause for concern?! Is there anyway you can go to a different hospital and be seen?
It was so much worse than that he'd a student doctor with him and I asked about my placenta coming out and I told them about the fourth degree tear, rectal bruising and pph and how I found it hard to walk, stand and I couldn't walk up stairs the student doctor said "eh you couldn't walk up the stairs because you had an epidural" I made her repeat herself and then I said "I couldn't walk up the stairs because they spent an hour and half pulling my placenta out with a metal hook that's what caused the pph and rectal bruising" my consultant came back later with her and made her apologise and to check the paitents history before giving her opinion. I swear I nearly kicked her in the face there was 3ftm in my ward who didn't need to hear that conversation the girl across from me was really upset. I was so upset and angry. I was livid.
Happy due date to me! Maybe she will come before induction on Sunday?! Chances... ;)
Bebeduex sorry you are having to deal with this complete incompetence and I cannot believe that they do not think you bleeding is high risk :nope: huge :hugs: to you

Happy Due Date Willow hope she comes before Sunday but if not induction isn't all that scary my experience was a nice one :thumbup:

AFM - I hardly slept a wink last night and today I just feel rotten :(
What is going on that these babies don't want to cons out? I'm having BH ever half hour to 45 min sind yesterday morning, it's very annoying!

At least I slept a few hours :-/

Happy DD willow! Sending you lots of labor dust :)
Willow Happy Due Date!:happydance:

Twag I can totally relate. I can't sleep for crap... then during the day I'm exhausted, hot and nauseous :wacko:

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