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The 'I start a diet every January,this year I'm sticking to it' Thread

hey ladies, mind if I join you? I am back on my healthy eating plan from today :) I use myfitnesspal as a food/exercise diary, its really good, you log everything you eat and drink plus all the exercise you do and it really helped me to see that little things I was eating and thinking nothing of were really adding up!!

I lost 15lb between Aug - Sep then got my BFP so relaxed on it but only put on 1lb (prob helped by not drinking) and sadly I lost my bubba at 8wks :( I was comfort eating after that, then went on an all inclusive holiday, then Xmas etc so I woke up yesterday and decided I have to get back on it so here I am. I have kept 7lb off from the original 15 so my goal for now is to lose the other 8 again this month. then I'll see from there.

I am heavy, always have been (rather not say what I weigh) but I work out/exercise about 4 times per week and always have done really, so I am pretty solid/muscular and dont have a lot of flab but my face puts weight on really easily and I hate seeing pics of myself like that!

Tuesday's my weigh day but is it ok to still record in here, for motivation?

thanks ladies xxx

today i've been pretty good i think! :blush: had cereal for breakfast, 25 minute walk, salad sandwhich for lunch i know it's not that good but! 25 minute walk home, 30 mins & 2 circuits on the biggest loser (wii) weighed in sneakily, -3! :happydance: and just had a banana and a glass of water yay! xx
Hi kizzyt !
I don't think it matters which day is you weigh day welcome on board!

Well ok day for me porridge banana fit bf , tuna roll for lunch and just had a 40 minute hill walk with the baby carrier.......not sure what to have for dinner

Husband is in dog house, went food shopping yesterday and bought complete junk food and I thought he was going to support me. He bought one piece of healthy food a mango and that's only because I asked.... Oh well he'll learn
Hellooooooooo Everyone :)

So had a healthy tea, Salmon baked in the oven with roasted veg Yum!!Oh had quiche and new pot`s with butter and I didn't steel any of it :) even gave our cat a piece of my salmon :) she was pleased!!!

First go at the gym tomorrow!!! I am going to glow after about 2 mins :) gotta keep it up to fit into my wedding dress.

I feel like I've dropped water weight already, and am only two days in. I was feeling so bloated last week and feeling much better now :)
i had a lolly is that bad? :shock:
what kind of lolly? And no :lol: You are allowed the odd treat!

I make make up some smoothie lollies in the freezer :)
I've eaten quite a bit today. Breakfast I had porridge. Lunch I had a cheese sandwich, crisps and Ski Yoghurt. Dinner I had pasta bolagnese with cheese and salad. I'm not used to having 3 full meals a day, usually I would skip breakfast or lunch. But I feel so much better for it. The last few days I have been right on top of my housework rather than sitting about looking at it and sighing knowing I'll have to get up and do it :)
so hungry I am gulping down the water!

Just making beans on brown toast for dinner as I have sod all else in the house :lol:
couldn't even finish beans on toast as I drank 2 pints of water before having it. Oh dear :rofl:
Right, thats me starting tomorrow! Eep! Decided just to do healthy eating for a long time LOL My best friend got engaged on Christmas Day and asked me to be chief bridesmaid :cloud9: Wedding won't be for a good year or so but I need to look FAB.
Oh aye and I need to drink atleast 2L of water a day, if not more. My skins horrid and dry and my lips keep cracking despite my 8 hour cream :(! Got loads of salads and stirfry veg lined up hooray :roll:
I burned 250cals exercising for 30mins today. Am rewarding myself by having a kit kat chunky and watching Kerry Katona's show :lol:
Right, thats me starting tomorrow! Eep! Decided just to do healthy eating for a long time LOL My best friend got engaged on Christmas Day and asked me to be chief bridesmaid :cloud9: Wedding won't be for a good year or so but I need to look FAB.

Congrats on being chief bridesmaid! :flower: Im a bridesmaid in July 2012 so have that in the back of my mind too when thinking about losing weight. Think its your job to organise a hen night too, lots of :wine:, :happydance: and :flasher: I reckon!
Avalanche, I was starving allllll day yesterday, didnt help that there was still some food left over from Xmas at work on the desk next to mine :dohh:
Just had a sneaky midweek weigh in, and I'm now 13st3, which.is 5 lbs off :) I'm so happy... Today is only day 4. It's official, SW is the best diet ever :happydance: hubby got paid today so I'm gunna reward myself with a long walk in town, a spot of shopping, and a jacket potato for lunch!
^ Thanks, it's so exciting!

So, had a night from hell with Amelie waking up constantly so I was doing a lot of thinking. (I also weighed in heavier than expected this morning :growlmad:).

My Goal
Lose 25-30lbs to feel happier and more comfortable with my body and most importantly to be and feel healthy.

My Rules
- Drink a tall glass of water 10 minutes before each meal and drink a 500ml bottle inbetween meals.
- Only eat when HUNGRY. Don't eat just because it's 1pm and therefore lunchtime.
- Limit carbs (pasta, rice, potatoes and bread) to one (no more than 2!) servings a day and they must be eaten before 7pm but preferably earlier on in the day.
- Walk as much as possible. Get the earlier bus from home and instead of catching a 2nd bus, walk the rest of the way.
- Wean off diet coke. Start with 1 glass or 1 can per day and replace with green tea or water.
- No weighing everyday! Once a week only.

Mini-goal Rewards
-5lbs = Eyebrows threaded (they're really bad LOL hope I make this goal in the next week)
-10lbs = Thomas Sabo charm
-15lbs = £50 to spend in MAC
-20lbs = Get that fish foot treatment thing LOL
-25lbs = Another charm
-30lbs = £50 to spend in MAC
Blah loving your mini rewards, I might try and think of a few fir myself

Had good day again yesterday just not sure what to have today for food or what to do with myself. I've got a long lust if house things to do like sort out paperwork but nothing interests me
Morning :)

Kayleigh&bump-well done on the 5lbs loss :)I have heard good things about slimming world.Enjoy your walk and jacket pot.

Blah11-I love your mini goals, I might do some of them in the hope to keep me motivated. Hope your 1st day is going well

jellycat-I hate sorting out paperwork, always put it off and find better things to do, like come on here ;) Hop sort your food out for today hun.

I also had a sneaky midweek weigh in 3.8lbs loss since sat :) I had a splitting headache yesterday evening, prob cause of lack of caffeine, i have had 1/2 glass of diet coke and 1 decaf coffee since then!!!

I started on monday so might have a sneaky mid week weigh in to keep me motivated :lol:

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