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The 'I start a diet every January,this year I'm sticking to it' Thread

With creme fraiche, I normally make a low fat lasagne.

I use quorn/veggie mince which is low in fat and high in protein. Roast some veg in the oven, and layer is with passata sauce. Creme fraiche on top then some Parmesan shavings :)
AB - you Basically need to get as many calories into you as possible that are healthy.

The trick is to avoid fibrous foods, as your body will use energy to digest them. So rather than snack of vegetables, have fruit as they have less fibre and also contain sugars.

Also look at taking on good fats. Things like nuts and oils. Two tablespoons of peanut butter a day is an extra 500 calories for you, while still being healthy. Soya and flaxseed oils are also very high in fat.

Also switch to full fat products like butter and milk. Have a glass of full fat milk a day, two if you can
Manage as again it's good fats for you.

You don't have to stuff your face to gain weight, just eat the right foods. Do increase your portion sizes too though. You should aim to gain 1-2lbs a week and if you don't see an improvement in 2 weeks then start on the weight gain supplements :)
Course Charlotte :) LOL!!!! (just hope its doesn`t get lost in the post!!!!!!!!!) Tehe!!!

Aw sorry your in pain, good idea to skip it sweets.

Avalanche-that sounds yummy, might have to try that over weekend.Thanks

:) better not get lost! :lol: can someone give me some ideas on what to eat? i'm a veggie & so lost! I never know what to eat :(
I do chili with quorn mince, onion, mushrooms, and tons of kidney beans. Serve with rice or pasta

Jacket pot (Or so a sweet one yum) with....LF cheese, cottage cheese, roasted veggies, beans

I make my own veggie pizza with wholemeal pitta bread, tom puree, veg (onion and mushroom normally) and LF cheese, cook it under grill only takes a few mins :)

Mushroom/veggie omelet

veggie stir fry with soya sauce (we buy the low salt one)

Pasta in a tom sauce with mixed veg

quiche, but maybe a bit of effort to make and with the pastry not sure it`s really LF

Broccoli and cauliflowers cheese ( we use the bisto cheese sauce sometimes when in a rush) or make your own, throw in some whole wheat pasta

Do you eat fish hun? Sorry If that offends you, some of my friends are veggie and some do eat it, and some dont. So just wondered?

Erm that's all I can think of, sorry!!!

Failing them, beans on toast :) which is always my back up!!
I do eat fish :) course it wouldn't offend me silly moo :kiss:

thankyou! that's given me some ideas, thankyou thankyou thankyou!
This is gonna sound really odd but i keep trying to lose weight, i have done for the past 2 years & it's never seemed to do much- i'm trying to be positive, do you think i should up my water intake or? :hugs:
Maybe hun, I am trying too, I think some people loose more weight when you drink loads, I think on the cambridge diet they encourage you to drink lots. I have started to fill a bottle up which is about 500mls, so I can keep track on my intake. I think they recommend 2 L a day, but someone else might be able to give you the right figures, thats what I have been aiming for!!!

I keep yo-yoing with my weight loosing 10lbs gaining 10lbs, Its a nightmare. We will all get that if we stick together. BIG :hugs: :hugs: Its sometimes hard to stay positive.

:hugs: for you also hun! sorry i was having a little rant haha. I'm sooo determined, i'm ment to be going on holiday with my friends summer of next year, i wanna be able to wear a kini & V festival in august, i wanna wear shorts! :cry: :lol: my friends are all tiny size 6/8s and they say their fat ha, oh dear! I'm shutting up :rofl:
AB - you Basically need to get as many calories into you as possible that are healthy.

The trick is to avoid fibrous foods, as your body will use energy to digest them. So rather than snack of vegetables, have fruit as they have less fibre and also contain sugars.

Also look at taking on good fats. Things like nuts and oils. Two tablespoons of peanut butter a day is an extra 500 calories for you, while still being healthy. Soya and flaxseed oils are also very high in fat.

Also switch to full fat products like butter and milk. Have a glass of full fat milk a day, two if you can
Manage as again it's good fats for you.

You don't have to stuff your face to gain weight, just eat the right foods. Do increase your portion sizes too though. You should aim to gain 1-2lbs a week and if you don't see an improvement in 2 weeks then start on the weight gain supplements :)

Thanks hun. I hate fruit haha. I only like veg. But I quite like dried fruit, I have some in the cupboard that are mixed with nuts and seeds. However I do love peanut butter, I might start having that with toast in the mornings with my porridge. I already have full fat everything. Although I hate milk on it's own so will only drink it with Crusha mikshake :lol:

I did used to stuff my face with crisps and sweets thinking they would help but apparently they will just make me fat rather that make me put on muscle weight lol. Before christmas, my normal day of eating would be no breakfast, for lunch I would maybe have some crisps. Then I would have a proper dinner like curry or spag bol. Then snack all night. I was just too busy round the house in the day to make mine and Grace's food so I just made hers and grabbed things for myself. But now I'm making time to make sure I get proper meals through the day and I've found I've stopped snacking on all those empty calories.

I do have some Complan in my cupboard that I might start using if I need to.
Ohh topsy lovely veggie food ideas, I'm a meat eater but want to reduce the amount so those ideas will help thanks

Had another positive day today, went for my hill walk with the pram which took me nearly ten minutes less than the previous two days so going to extend it next time

Bf porridge and banana
Lh soup one slice of wholemeal
Not sure on dinner but know I need to up my water intake as that's been rubbish
i've got mash potato & vegetarian sausages for dinner, it's not too bad i spose :shrug: i need to drink more water :flower:
My first day was a bit shit :rofl: Was going well in the AM then my mum surprised me with taking me out for lunch in Dobbies and I had a huge crepe with brie and bacon :blush: Oops!

So today I had..

handful of grapes
few salad leafs
a muller light yogurt

and my fatty crepe

:dohh: I'm doomed to be fat forever clearly. Amelie is crying upstairs in her cot but shes tired and wont drift off :dohh: Feel a bit low really want to go for a lush bath but not with her crying.
Blah tomorrows a new day, one crepe is ok it's not as if you'll eat one everyday xxx hope you manage to get your bath
Anyone else really tempted to weigh themselves..... I know it sounds stupid but make sure this effort is paying off. Never did like surprises

Avalanche what did you have in your pig out?
I had double helpings of a veggie nut roast and chips. Was about 1,000cals in one meal :rofl:
:rofl: i wanna weigh myself, but i know i'll be upset! i wanna put up a ticker :thumbup:

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