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The 'I start a diet every January,this year I'm sticking to it' Thread

Well done avalanche great work !!! I say whilst green with envy lol
I've just been drinking lots of water (about 5/6 pints a day) having green tea, eating and snacking properly and exercising :)

It's all water weight though! Always is for me in the first week. :lol:
Well done Avalanche :) that's great hun. I think I need to up my water intake, still glugging the green tea ;)

I am sure you will appleblossom hugs

Oh FFS. I've managed to lose 4lbs :( or so my scales say. Might call into my grandmas later and use her electronic ones
AB if you put up what you're eating each day I can help you if you like?
Im slacking I need a kick please :(

So I am ill and yesterday I tried all those healthy things to eat and each time I tried I felt sick :( So I had .. tea (brought that back up) 4 burger king chips ,1 bite of grilled chicken and 1 slice of jalapeño pizza 1 glass of orange juice and water

plain noodles and tea that is all so far :(
AB if you put up what you're eating each day I can help you if you like?

Thanks :)

For breakfast I'm having a bowl of porridge. For lunch I'm having either sandwiches or bagels with cheese/soft cheese, crisps and yoghurt. For dinner I'm having either meat (beef or chicken) with veg and potatoes/chips or pasta. I'm trying to get in as many carbs as possible and make sure I have a good bit of protein at least once a day. I'm not snacking atm really.
Eat more Hun. By not having breakfast you're blood sugar will dip low making you more hungry and more likely to binge. Noodles are just carbs, which will make you feel full at first but they digest quickly leaving you hungry very soon afterwards, so again you are more likely to binge.

Have something like porridge for brekkie which has slow release protein and will keep you full until lunch. Then for lunch have something like chicken breast and veg with salad.

Even a tin of beans has a lot of protein in it. The more protein, the fuller you feel for longer.

You need carbs in your diet, but carbs come in everything pretty much and aren't good for filling up on.
Sorry that last post was to Kim! Will write one for you now AB :)
hey ladies can i join please??? me and oh need to loose some weight before we get married in may, im determined to stick to it, its hard as we both struggle to keep motivated i wonder if it was ok to log mine and ohs weight loss/gains in here would bost both our confidences!! basically we are doing sw and hes going for runs after work and im doing lots of walking before during and after work and the davina dvd!!!

any tips on what snacks oh can have he has to have stuff he dosnt need to heat up.

im collecting my scales at the weekend so wont be able to weigh in untill then but oh wants to loose around 3 1/2 stone and me 2 stone, we were both slim before the baby lol when i binged on junk he did to so now we need to do this together :) thanks in advance ladies xxxx
hey ladies can i join please??? me and oh need to loose some weight before we get married in may, im determined to stick to it, its hard as we both struggle to keep motivated i wonder if it was ok to log mine and ohs weight loss/gains in here would bost both our confidences!! basically we are doing sw and hes going for runs after work and im doing lots of walking before during and after work and the davina dvd!!!

any tips on what snacks oh can have he has to have stuff he dosnt need to heat up.

im collecting my scales at the weekend so wont be able to weigh in untill then but oh wants to loose around 3 1/2 stone and me 2 stone, we were both slim before the baby lol when i binged on junk he did to so now we need to do this together :) thanks in advance ladies xxxx

Hello :) Me too I am getting married in may :) and trying to loose weight ;)

For snacks, I have;
Hummus and raw celery, carrot, cue
Hard Boiled eggs or low fat cheese spreads( the ones individually wrapped) could have these with a couple of rivta, melba toasts, crispbreads etc
Apple and peanut butter, or a few almonds
A small handful of dried fruit and nuts
Rice cakes with peanut butter/marmite
Popcorn, not sure if you are in the uk, but snack-a jacks do some or, you could just do your own in microwave, that's what i do!!

Sorry that all I can come up with at the mo, sure other people will come up things good luck hun xxx
thank u for replying :) what dates your wedding? mines the 20th :) there brill ideas thank you. im in the uk, im a very fussy eater i love all tastes hate textures its really wierd i dont eat much fruit and only cooked veg no salad as i hate the crunchy texture and bannas are my worst the texture makes me gag! its strange i ate anything when i was a baby then from when i turned 3 i just wouldnt eat anything ive got loads better i used to only eat plain stuff now i eat quite alot and if i have lasagne or anything i add veg and blend it into the sause so i cant feel the texture lol!!! xx
hehe, I am the day after you :) :) I cant wait, Just so worried I wont loose weight, and I will look awful in my dress :( I would like to loose 3 stone really before the wedding, not sure if that is possible though, but going to give it a shot. How are your plans going sweets?

Just had a babybel, that's another snack :)

Aw, one of my friends doesn't like the texture of certain foods, especially bananas, I was really surprised when I saw her give her LO one, cause she wouldn`t go near them before!!! Well done for purring some veg in sauces that's a great idea, can you do that with a load of veg and add some LF creme fraiche to make a soup? I sometimes do that, then Its a low fat cheap meal :)

Take care xxx
thats great idea i have some low fat creme frache in my fridge n was wondering what i could use it on :) thank u, plans are going well i need wedding rings hair and make up and then hen stag dos and honeymoon but spent loads on wedding so may have to prostpone honeymoon till end of the year how about you? x
i'm so jealous :)lol:) of all you's loosing this weight so quick, i've lost 3lbs since um christmas day :grr: todays been pretty poo & i've been really self concious all day :dohh:
Aw Charlotte, sending hugs my sweets xxxxx

hazzabeanie-Let me know how the soup goes :)

Yep getting there :), My aunt offered me my nans ring (she passed away about 18 years ago) on new year eve, just got to see if it needs to be re sized, OH needs his. Trying to sort out flowers, and find a tiara at the mo :) we sent invites out at weekend :), but only cause so many of my family are abroad and they need time to book flights, excited about getting RSVPs back :) We are having a honeymoon in the UK hired a cottage, 2 weeks after wedding, as we couldn't afford to really go abroad.

Found some white tea off to have one of these.

hope i'm invited to both weddings :winkwink: :rofl:

thanks hun! probably just being a silly moo today. I'm skipping my circuit til tomorrow i cant walk without being in agony, the walk home today was terrible :lol: x

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