The Jenny Renny Conception Accuracy Chart! - Updates on BFP's and BFN's needed!!!

I got mine today:

Your reading reveals that your BFP news comes the month of July from a cycle that begins in June. The baby shows as a girl and her EDD/birthdate is referenced the month of March 2011 - specific reference to the 22nd and 10th.

I got it basically the next it took 24hrs.
Hiya, I caved and finally got myself a jenny renny thingy, and she has predicted twins lol does she predict twins for many people?

I have PCOS and I may have to use fertility treatment so I guess it's possible :) (for the record I told her I had PCOS)

Anyway hope it's true! or I get pg sooner!!! : Here's what she said..

Oh goodluck..just wondering twins run in the family? She has predicted fraternal twins [ not identical] that means they are hereditory.
Just out of curiosity, do you have family with them? Non identical twins are a freak of nature.. i know...i had them and dont have twins in my family!!
Oh WOW... Great news Winegums... Congratulations... Woohoo... umm Jenny may be proved wrong again :haha: In time we shall see........
Oh, this thread is back!!! Well, the witch got me so Jenny was wrong about mine :(
So sorry to hear that hun :hugs: I don't know what is going on with me... its been weird the last 2 weeks.. constant nasuea, dry mouth YUCK, among other weird things going on... :haha: and I'm NOT into surprises... I was told Auguest was when I get my BFP... we'll see... :haha:
I got a reading from Jenny a little while ago, which I think I posted on here somewhere. She said:

Your reading reveals that your BFP news comes the month of July from a cycle that begins in June. The baby shows as a boy and his EDD/birthdate is referenced the month of March - specific reference to the 19th and 31st.

Today I couldn't resist and got a reading from Ebay, which said:

Linking in around you, I felt you have had quite a few changes on your path within the last 18 months, and now seem to have more of a focus on the future, and wanting to lay firm foundations so to speak and children I sense are a big part of this

I do feel a conception is very close for you, and when I sense this within a reading, it can often be someone is already pregnant, so I do feel it will be before June 2010, I feel youve had or maybe still have a worry you wont conceive or you feel something may be stopping this, but I am getting from spirit, more so from a lady called Marie or Mary around you, that this is not the case and you will conceive 2 children here

Your first child shows as a girl and her birth within 2011

I am then shown a further conception 2013 and birth 2014 for another girl

So to clarify I see 2 children ahead for you both girls, who will bring you alot of happiness into your life, this lady spirit side is also talking abut a wedding, celebration around your relationship, if your already married then perhaps a renewal of vows or just a new found strongness showing here and October is highlighted around this for you

So one says a boy and one says a girl! But at least both have mentioned June. So I guess I'll just have to wait and see! Oh, and Gail mentioned 18 months, and that's how long we've been trying for.

Well Gail got it right! I just got my BFP today. Hoping it sticks, and if it does who will be right over the sex??
Congrats Bluebell - I hope my Gail reading comes true too.
i love the gail readings! i hope mine is right too. she said conception before july and i see DH the last week in june. woot woot! :)
Mine says conception by July too never - fingers crossed :D
Just got my Jenny reading, it's my first month trying and she said; "Your reading reveals that your BFP news comes the month of February 2011 from a cycle that begins in January. The baby shows as a boy and his EDD/birthdate is referenced the 30th of October 2011 and the 5th of November 2011."

Hubby said "that is pretty far away" (no kidding) But we'll see.

Good luck fx added :thumbup:

I got mine today:

Your reading reveals that your BFP news comes the month of July from a cycle that begins in June. The baby shows as a girl and her EDD/birthdate is referenced the month of March 2011 - specific reference to the 22nd and 10th.

I got it basically the next it took 24hrs.

Good luck fx added :thumbup:

Oh, this thread is back!!! Well, the witch got me so Jenny was wrong about mine :(

Sorry hun :hugs: added
I didnt really like my gail reading tbh. Was a bit dissapointed. Maybe its cause she said i would conceive in Sept/Oct and i was hoping that it would be before then. She also said that i would have a child, a girl, quite angelic looking with blonde hair and blue eyes and quite unlike my other children..mind you, that would be true!!!
Hey can you add my reading?

""Your reading reveals that your BFP news comes the month of June from a cycle that begins in May. The baby shows as a girl and her EDD/birthdate is referenced the month of March 2011 - specific reference to the 3rd and 8th.""

(I'm convinced it will be a boy because the percentage of girls ni my family is small!!)
Well in my Gail reading 2 THINGS HAVE ALREADY HAPPENED!!! that she said so I am going with Gail. BFP Jun/July and a boy. I already have his clothes in the drawer here. He's gonna be a big baby 8lb - 9lb. I am going to get another reading off her also. I think she has been spot on. About my back and about the letter J and october and the medical appointment we have already had which I just had to do. I am going with Gail, GAIL GAIL GAIL.......!!! I love you Gail.

Hey has anyone ordered a fertility bracelet from the Green Witch? I have and it has not come. I have emailed her and told her and she said she definately sent it. Wanna get it on soon so that we can start bd, bd, mmmmm bd bd I want to bd so badly. Summer makes me horny hehehehe
Yes I have my fertility bracelet - it took 4 days to arrive. :D I too am going with Gail :yipee:
This is my amazing Gail reading....|Oh and the but about the diet plan and alternative stuff happened in May!!! So I am sticking with Gail. I believe in Gail.!!!!!! hehe

Your Psychic Tarot Reading
By Psychic123uk Dated May 2010
Plus Pregnancy Outlook


Tuning in around you and your path Pamela, I am shown that during recent years, many things personal to you have for some reason had to have been shelved or paused in some way, and a lot of goals, dreams and ambition have had to placed on the back burner throughout parts of your life
Because of this, you may have felt life was not going at the pace you wanted it, or stuck and rooted and times, a little hemmed in perhaps also, not through unhappiness, but your cards today show me that lately you have wanted to spread your wings further, but circumstances, and duty have kept you that little bit grounded
However you do show changes around this and what comes forward clearly is that the time is right for you, I say for you, because that is now what is going to happen, life is going to concentrate on you for once, what you wish to achieve and the goals you wish to bring forward in life

I do pick up a lot of balance around home and family for you, but do feel within your reading, what comes forward is actually more about yourself today, perhaps letting you know family and home are fine, and it’s almost like spirit want you to relax around this and let you know it’s ok to concentrate on yourself for a while now.

A lot of your cards seem to bring up a past change in direction that your life would have had to have taken, unexpected, but did however take you on a very fulfilling and rewarding path, but this inner fulfilment may have lacked at times.

So change, decision, and alteration are all words people don’t often like to hear within a reading, when its focusing on the future, I can understand that as a lot of the time change and decision mean, worry or problems, or perhaps negatives, but not for you it shows here around the corner for you (and sooner than you may have thought) change, decision and opportunity showing all bring in positives, obstacles removed, hurdles overcome, and spirit show a huge round of applause along with this, so I feel that the change leading to positives here all come from your own efforts and merits here

I pick up something about your writing, or someone close to you who does this.

I see also within your cards some paused past areas where stagnation showed, I feel this is not just around one area, but many and spirit also show me one achievement that you have done well with here, past wise, perhaps it’s an achievement you may not rate, but spirit do, I’m also shown drawing or painting as well as writing, and spirit push this forward around you, I keep seeing charcoal, or pastel chalks, if that makes sense.

They show a huge opportunity around you or someone within the family for October, and again a happy feeling with this, connecting to work, but the decision shows for the summer months of June and July, where you’re showing a crossroads and two separate opportunities here although I feel your cards are somewhat cryptic around details of this (sometimes around decision that can happen, helpful I know!) But they tell you not to dismiss this instantly and think about each path carefully, both paths show positives, and neither show a negative, so perhaps that’s why they are leaving this in your hands, I feel some financial improvements around this too, but the main message they underline is to have the confidence, think about it clearly all options, and both will bring rewards around either yourself or family, leading to a very fulfilling 2011, career, and finance wise for you, this may be your own career and balancing this with children and home, or it may relate to your partner.

Linking in further with spirit energy around you, I’m shown some worry to do with property here or wanting to move and a lot of emotional worry within you, spirit want you to not worry too much as a solution is showing ahead.
If you are finding yourself worried about property, I feel someone spirit side is helping around this, but they do say to get any paper work or letters in order.
You yourself have a great ability towards psychic input although using this daily I’m sure you just feel this is strong intuition as it has been with you for so long.
I have a very loving female energy coming in around you, and she hands an M initial to me, this can be her, around her, or an M around you she would wish to validate, as with all names and initials spirit send.
She also shows me soft flowing water, not sea water, but more a lake or stream, and I feel this place, or memory holds importance to her or yourself, a lot of lovely views, and landscapes she shows me also.
The name of John spirit side is also around her, as are two further females to the side, E initial comes in around one of these, and the name of David, keeps being repeated around all of them.
I’m shown a very quick and tragic passing, also a passing which was around the heart or chest area, and one lady remarks you need to take more care of your lower back, she shows me property changes or sales around 2010 also, and a H initial is brought to me also.
A very protective energy comes in with a male, with very dramatic eyes, his eyes stand out here for some reason, and he remarks on ‘lost time’ he does show L but shows 2 L initial and I feel this to be a brother, or brother to someone close, as he comes in to the side of you, he wishes to acknowledge 4 females in total, and he also shows the electrics around a home, he would of played with to get someone’s attention,
As he pulls back his energy he shows C, also a small box or trinket, and a photo which has just changed frames.

I feel improvements to love and relationship areas as you have the two of cups in a very prominent position here, and although I feel you had some decision around this in April, again ahead its positive, something awaited will happen, some communication of importance this will all have relevance, good news is around your partner, and I feel this brings a lot more security around the home.

I am shown the number 10 as also important, so 10 weeks or 10 months and life will be taking a different but pleasing twist, look out for this number appearing around you too.

You end with The death card a lot of people fear, but it’s not a bad card and nor does it mean death, but it is a card of great change, and not slight change, so in a way it’s a death of an old self leading into a new way of life, but when the death card appears be ready for the change approaching, The eight of pentacles shows that the changes will bring reward, it’s your own skill that brings in these rewards to your life, your own merits, the star card often one of the most wanted cards to see within a spread shows clearly a wonderful dream, ambition ahead, again the illustration of this card often speaks for itself, its show that yes dream are ahead, showing as stars above you, in turn your healing from any past issues, and once larger star shows such a dream or goal you may have is very much nearer to your life, than you may have thought, a wonderful card, The wheel of fortune is a card about risk, so perhaps some risk is needed for the benefits to enter your life here? It is however a card about luck and fate and going for chances that come in to your path, now if your card after this had been a negative or card with warning, I would say to you, do not take any risks right now, but because it is that of the sun card, any risk you take will bring nothing but happiness, improvement to you, I feel you know what you want to achieve your determined, and with these cards showing and you outcome card of the sun, it’s my pleasure to tell you, that your road ahead, is filled with joy, love, security, financial gain, career fulfilment and most of all happiness… … Enjoy!

Pregnancy Outlook

Spirit are pointing out and showing that this is a very important part of your path at the moment, and really wanting to reassure you that this will come in for you, I still pick up the J months, which would be June and July, and I also still see a son from this conception, I sense you perhaps wanted more than one child ahead, and this sometimes can alter in months and years ahead, but spirit do just show me the one child at this time for you.

I am also picking up a change in diet too, and feel a lot of alternative health showing over May leading into June, if this is something you have yet to look at spirit are showing this for you, I also feel crystals will help you relax and will help with conception

I do sense quite a quick labour also, and feel your child to be around 8 to 9 lbs, a really healthy baby also, and very quick to learn, very advanced in many areas
I do wish you every happiness ahead :) x

Love & Light

Hey Foxy Lady....are you feeling foxy today! hehe Are we going to become Gail Followers instead of Jenny Rennyers hehe
OMG Missy, I cannot f***ing believe it!!!!
I am attaching my gail reading below, it is exactky the f***ing same!!!!

Your Psychic Tarot Reading
By Psychic123uk Dated May 2010
Plus Pregnancy Outlook

Tuning in around you and your path, I am shown that during recent years, many things personal to you have for some reason had to have been shelved or paused in some way, and a lot of goals, dreams and ambition have had to placed on the back burner throughout parts of your life
Because of this, you may have felt life was not going at the pace you wanted it, or stuck and rooted and times, a little hemmed in perhaps also, not through unhappiness, but your cards today show me that lately you have wanted to spread your wings further, but circumstances, and duty have kept you that little bit grounded
However you do show changes around this and what comes forward clearly is that the time is right for you, I say for you, because that is now what is going to happen, life is going to concentrate on you for once, what you wish to achieve and the goals you wish to bring forward in life

I do pick up alot of balance around home and family for you, but do feel within your reading, what comes forward is actually more about yourself today, perhaps letting you know family and home are fine, and its almost like spirit want you to relax around this and let you know its ok to concentrate on yourself for a while now.

A lot of your cards seem to bring up a past change in direction that your life would have had to have taken, unexpected, but did however take you on a very fulfilling and rewarding path, but this inner fulfillment may have lacked at times

So change, decision, and alteration are all words people don’t often like to hear within a reading, when its focusing on the future, I can understand that as a lot of the time change and decision mean, worry or problems, or perhaps negatives, but not for you it shows here around the corner for you (and sooner than you may have thought) change, decision and opportunity showing all bring in positives, obstacles removed, hurdles overcome, and spirit show a huge round of applause along with this, so I feel that the change leading to positives here all come from your own efforts and merits here

I pick up something about your writing,or someone close to you who does this.

I see also within your cards some paused past areas where stagnation showed, I feel this is not just around one area, but many and spirit also show me one achievement that you have done well with here, past wise, perhaps its an achievement you may not rate, but spirit do, Im also shown drawing or painting as well as writing, and spirit push this forward around you, I keep seeing charcoal, or pastel chalks, if that makes sense

They show a huge opportunity around you or someone within the family for October, and again a happy feeling with this, connecting to work, but the decision shows for the summer months of June and July, where your showing a crossroads and two separate opportunities here although I feel your cards are some what cryptic around details of this (sometimes around decision that can happen, helpful I know!) But they tell you not to dismiss this instantly and think about each path carefully, both paths show positives, and neither show a negative, so perhaps that’s why they are leaving this in your hands,I feel some financial improvements around this too, but the main message they underline is to have the confidence, think about it clearly all options, and both will bring rewards around either yourself or family, leading to a very fulfilling 2011, career, and finance wise for you, this may be your own career and balancing this with children and home, or it may relate to your partner

Linking in further with spirit energy around you, Im shown some worry to do with property here or wanting to move and alot of emotional worry within you,
spirit want you to not worry too much as a solution is showing ahead.
If you are finding yourself worried about property, I feel someone spirit side is helping around this, but they do say to get any paper work or letters in order.
You yourself have a great ability towards psychic input although using this daily im sure you just feel this is strong intuition as it has been with you for so long
I have a very loving female energy coming in around you, and she hands an M initial to me, this can be her, around her, or an M around you she would wish to validate, as with all names and initials spirit send
She also shows me soft flowing water, not sea water, but more a lake or stream, and I feel this place, or memory holds importance to her or yourself, a lot of lovely views, and landscapes she shows me also
The name of John spirit side is also around her, as are two further females to the side, E initial comes in around one of these, and the name of David, keeps being repeated around all of them
Im shown a very quick and tragic passing, also a passing which was around the heart or chest area, and one lady remarks you need to take more care of your lower back, she shows me property changes or sales around 2010 also, and a H initial is brought to me also
A very protective energy comes in with a male, with very dramatic eyes, his eyes stand out here for some reason, and he remarks on ‘lost time’ he does show L but shows 2 L initial and I feel this to be a brother,or brother to someone close, as he comes in to the side of you, he wishes to acknowledge 4 females in total, and he also shows the electrics around a home, he would of played with to get someone’s attention,
As he pulls back his energy he shows C, also a small box or trinket, and a photo which has just changed frames

I feel improvements to love and relationship areas as you have the two of cups in a very prominent position here, and although I feel you had some decision around this in April, again ahead its positive, something awaited will happen, some communication of importance this will all have relevance, good news is around your partner, and I feel this brings alot more security around the home

I am shown the number 10 as also important, so 10 weeks or 10 months and life will be taking a different but pleasing twist, look out for this number appearing around you too

You end with The death card a lot of people fear, but its not a bad card and nor does it mean death, but it is a card of great change, and not slight change, so in a way it’s a death of an old self leading into a new way of life, but when the death card appears be ready for the change approaching, The eight of pentacles shows that the changes will bring reward, its your own skill that brings in these rewards to your life, your own merits, the star card often one of the most wanted cards to see within a spread shows clearly a wonderful dream, ambition ahead, again the illustration of this card often speaks for itself, its show that yes dream are ahead, showing as stars above you, in turn your healing from any past issues, and once larger star shows such a dream or goal you may have is very much nearer to your life, than you may have thought, a wonderful card, The wheel of fortune is a card about risk, so perhaps some risk is needed for the benefits to enter your life here? It is however a card about luck and fate and going for chances that come in to your path, now if your card after this had been a negative or card with warning, I would say to you, do not take any risks right now, but because it is that of the sun card, any risk you take will bring nothing but happiness, improvement to you, I feel you know what you want to achieve your determined, and with these cards showing and you outcome card of the sun, its my pleasure to tell you, that your road ahead, is filled with joy, love, security, financial gain, career fulfillment and most of all happiness… … Enjoy!

Pregnancy Outlook

Spirit are pointing out and showing that this is a very important part of your path at the moment, and really wanting to reassure you that this come in for you, I pick up the J months, which would be June and July, and I also still see a son from this conception, I sense you perhaps wanted more than one child ahead, and this sometimes can alter in months and years ahead, but spirit do just show me the one child at this time for you

I am also picking up a change in diet too, and feel alot of alternative health showing over May leading into June, if this is something you have yet to look at spirit are showing this for you, I also feel crystals will help you relax and will help with conception

I do sense quite a quick labour also, and feel your child to be around 8 to 9 lbs, a really healthy baby also, and very quick to learn, very advanced in many areas
I do wish you every happiness ahead :) x

What a crock of shit, preying on women who want to believe! I say we demand a refund. DOes anyone else have a gail reading that is the same? I mean I didn't really put much stock in the readings and they were for fun, but I would have thought she would at least make an effort to make up different bullshit for each reading!!!
OMG Missy, I cannot f***ing believe it!!!!
I am attaching my gail reading below, it is exactky the f***ing same!!!!

omg soph - copy and paste or what?!?! I bet you're livid!
I know it was for fun, but jeez, make an effort to at least attempt to fake what you are doing!!

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