The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Aw, all the best Singers, I can imagine it is very scary, but I'm sure everything is fine :)

Hope you can get things moving very soon Jess!

Thinking of the ladies potentially affected by the hurricane. Stay safe :)
I don't blame you for worrying Singers; I think you're right that it should be a good sign you got your BFP sooner this time. Higher HCG levels are good :thumb up: go sticky bean!

Swan - I hope the hurricane doesn't get close to you guys! stay safe.

Jess - It's good that they were able to confirm you weren't ovulating because now they can fix the problem. good luck!
Thanks for putting all the info on the first page, it looks good!
(my EDD is April 7, 2011) :)

Kimberley - I conceived in the 2nd cycle. Sore nipples could be a good sign. the rest of my boobs never really hurt too much, just the nipples.

Good luck and baby dust to everyone waiting to test or for AF.. pink, Mrs.Mel, jess,meadow, kimberley.

Poppie - My nephew used to call lady bugs "baby bug" it was adorable. Of course he also called ants "baby bug"
Happy Saturday ladies! Well it is for me anyway :)

Jess - good news about getting your testing done, probably not the result you were after but at least you can work on things and get that ov happening. Good luck!

Singers - i dont blame you for worrying, but its sounding more positive for you already. As i said before I am also worrying everytime I feel a cramp or that my symptoms aren't stong enough or whatever. You and I (and all us Junebugs) will make it to the 12 weeks and onwards to having our happy and healthy babies.

Lu-is - how cute is your nephew! I love how little kids call things by cute names.

AFM - so glad I told my mum, she's so cute. I spoke to her again last night and because we arent telling my dad just yet she is keeping a big secret. She said she had a couple of little smiles to herself all day yesterday. I had a nice big sleep last night. Woke up once and was a little crampy but it was mild and went away. This morning we are off to get another quote for blinds and curtains for our new home, then I think I will have a nap before my friend arrives for dressing up for the party tonight.

Preggo ladies - TMI question.... Have you been feeling a little more "wet" feeling down there? I get a little scared because I think oh no it could be spotting but its just a tiny bit of yellowish cm. I am hoping this is just my vagina keeping itself clean (i think i read that somewhere?) so there's no infection or whatever. :shrug: i wear a panty liner but it is never enough to get on there, just enough to see when I wipe.

Anyways, have a good day, stay safe and :dust: to all
For all of you in the path of the hurricane, be careful!!

Jess- I'm glad you have a plan now. Hopefully it'll be worked out soon.

I heard something very sad thing today! I met up with a friend from high school who I haven't seen in a couple of years. She told me that another friend of ours from high school had a miscarriage recently... at 11 weeks! :sad1: It makes me so nervous and I'm sad for her.

All week I was falling asleep. I started college courses so my nap times were taken over with lectures and homework. I can barely keep my eyes open! :coffee: I took a 4 hour nap today!

Poppie- I haven't noticed much for CM since I got BFP. In fact, I think I'm a dryer than usual.

Fingers crossed for those waiting for AF/ testing! :thumbup:
Jess I'm glad they've found what the problem is (although I'm sorry there's a problem to begin with). I hope you don't have to wait too long.

Nanner it's so sad when babies die :cry: I had a friend (friend of a friend really) who lost her baby at 27 weeks :cry: She had to go through labour and birth as well, which is awful! Baby just stopped moving one day and she went to the hospital and was told it had died, and they induced her there and then.
AFM - so glad I told my mum, she's so cute. I spoke to her again last night and because we arent telling my dad just yet she is keeping a big secret. She said she had a couple of little smiles to herself all day yesterday. I had a nice big sleep last night. Woke up once and was a little crampy but it was mild and went away. This morning we are off to get another quote for blinds and curtains for our new home, then I think I will have a nap before my friend arrives for dressing up for the party tonight.

Preggo ladies - TMI question.... Have you been feeling a little more "wet" feeling down there? I get a little scared because I think oh no it could be spotting but its just a tiny bit of yellowish cm. I am hoping this is just my vagina keeping itself clean (i think i read that somewhere?) so there's no infection or whatever. :shrug: i wear a panty liner but it is never enough to get on there, just enough to see when I wipe.

Anyways, have a good day, stay safe and :dust: to all

That's so cute about your mom! :)
I'm visiting my parent's this weekend and this morning my mom just showed me some material she bought to make baby blankets for me :D Some duckies and some monkeys (very adorable). I think it's cute, she's only known less than a week.

In answer to your question, yes especially the first couple weeks I really felt wet down there. I always feel like going to the bathroom to check that it's just CM - my sister's advice was "yes that's normal" and "yes you will end up running to the bathroom more to check" lol. I've also read that there's sometimes more CM because your cervix is building up the mucus plug (yuck lol).

Nanner - that's a real shame about your friend's baby :( so sad. I'm with you on the falling asleep all the time.. In the afternoons I have to struggle to keep my eyes open at work.

Becca - that would be really sad, having to give birth knowing you won't get to hold a breathing bundle of joy. :( How awful indeed.

AFM, I'm enjoying a tasty virgin Caesar my dad made. (I just realized none of you might know what a Caesar is, it's like a Bloody Mary).
Virgin Ceaser sounds intresting Im trying to stock up on drinkks so that when my In laws come down and we have wine with the meal I can have something just as nice! Well Today has been a bit manic, compleltly tidy flat from top to bottom, painted all the gloss on the skirtings painted the bathroom (again!) made a cake, and sewn a another table cloth! feeling very high and mighty!! amazing what you can do if you set your mind to it! In laws arriving tommorrow so i'm making sunday lunch, and going to pick some blackberries before they arrive so we can have blackberries and cream for pudding! Hope everyon eis having a good weekend! x
Poppie - I've been having more discharge than usual since I got my BFP. It comes and goes, but I've been pretty "wet" most days. It's totally TMI, but it changes, sometimes sticky CM, sometimes almost liquid like I've wet myself a tiny bit (though it's not pee, I've checked LOL). Just varies. I never really know what to expect on a day-to-day basis. :haha:

Thus far, no big deal for the hurricane. But it's heading this way - the worst is supposed to start in the middle of tonight. We're prepared, locked up and resting for the remainder of the weekend. Lots of horror movies and snacks - junk food and healthy ones too - stocked up, ready to entertain me until it passes. :D We figure if we can get past the wind portion without trees falling, it should be a successfully safe weekend!

:hugs: Nanner - sorry for your friend's loss; so sad. :(

I've been loving root beer - caffeine-free, never knew that before! - Shirley Temples, virgin daiquiris or pinas if I'm in the mood for a nip of something "fun." Just throws something different into my normal mix of water, almond milk and juices. haha
Hey girls - hope all is well. Just enjoying a nice relaxing weekend. Getting excited as my parents come to visit Labor Day weekend. Can't wait to spend time with them. :)

Be safe Swan. We are just getting some wind but nothing else really.

To our European friends - I am watching this show called my big fat gypsy wedding - I missed the beginning so I don't know if they talk about them. Please excuse me for being ignorant but I really am not understanding these people. These girls are like 16 and getting married! These 8 yr old are wearing some of the skimpest outfits ever. What is up with their clothing? Do these people work? Do they really move all over? Do you see alot of this in your area? I hope this is not sounding rude... I am quite intrigued.
Stay safe Swan!

That's so cute about your moms, Poppie and Lu! I hope mine reacts the same way when it happens...

Nanner, so sorry for your friend's loss. How tragic.:cry:

Snow, I love that show! I do think that the clothes the little girls wear are ridiculous, but honestly you see the same things in the US with glitz beauty pageants... I guess it's just a different culture. I think it is really sad that in this day and age there is such discrimination against a group of people in the western world.:nope:
I've seen that show too! It's so intriguing... it's a whole complete subculture of people in the UK. The outfits, the wedding cakes.. wow!
I'm not sure how best to describe the gypsy wedding lot. They're a group of people who are essentially Irish Travelers, with a few Romani Gypsies thrown in too I believe. Essentially they live in caravans or RVs (I think that's' what you call them in America) and move around the country. Some of them will live on traveler sites, which are maintained by the local authorities. They'll have power and water, and will stay there for a decent length of time, have access to healthcare and their kids (I presume) will go to school. They may well have jobs. They do get married very young, boys as well as girls, and they have a very strong catholic tradition so it's a bit like things were 100 years ago, where the girls would be chaperoned, there's no living together and certainly no sex before marriage etc. etc. I don't know what the thing is with eight year olds dressing up like hookers. It's totally bizzare, but it happens! The adults may or may not have jobs, often they'll do cash in hand work.

There is another group of traveling people, you might see brits on here referring to them as 'pikey' or 'pikeys'. They are a group of people who travel round (lots of different groups) and will turn up and set up camp on any bit of spare land they find, irrespective of the owner's wishes. Some of these people will turn up with horses and don't really cause too many problems other than squatting illegally on someone's land. They'll quite often collect scrap metal, old washing machines and such like, which they might sell on for money and dump the rest illegally some. They're very traditional travelers and will often live in the old-style caravans, and may use horses to get around rather than having cars. The other type like this just pitch up, make an unholy mess, their children are almost feral, hardly anyone is literate and they do nothing but cause grief in the local community. I think this type of traveling people are relatively small in number, but unfortunately they've given all traveling people a bad name, and local people will get quite panicky and nervous if a group of traveling people show up locally with the intention of staying. When that happens it's more likely than not that they're the latter group.

Overall, though, they're a very mysterious group of people. They don't tolerate outsiders (it's a miracle that program was made at all tbh!) and they mostly only mix with their own people. Very, very insular.
Hi ladies! I hope you've had a great weekend. It's Sunday night here - boo!!

We've had a big weekend - had a RockStars dress up party last night with some friends. I was designated driver of course, but didn't tell them the real reason :winkwink: Their place is about 1 hour drive from us so we decided we wouldn't leave later than midnight. Was sooooo tired when we got home also got up early-ish this morning to head to the shop for a bit, then I had a 2 hour nap this arvo. I felt like I really had a big night out on the booze!

I saw the Gypsy Wedding show once last year when I was on a flight to NZ. Their dresses are amazing and just huge! Its so very strange to see them dressed up so skimpy, yet they have all the traditions of no sex before they marry etc.

Preggo ladies - thanks for the info regarding the cm. It's weird isn't it? I also read somewhere else that it can be yellow-ish because of the prenatal vitamins (cuz it can make your pee yellow too!).

Swan - I hope the hurricane doesn't do too much damage for you and you just get to enjoy some time watching movies and resting.

Not looking forward to going back to work tomorrow... sigh.

Have a good week.
I just happened to be flipping through the channels as I was reading about the gypsy program when I saw that it was on. I watched a few minutes to see what it was about. It is a bit strange! One thing that came to mind about the group that arranges the huge weddings and dress up in the elaborate dresses is that how do they pay for it? I was under the impression that they made most their money by scavenging recycleables and doing odd jobs. I must be mistaken.

This weekend has been pretty good. The theme park was fun and I really enjoyed meeting up with my high school friend. The hubby has been gone visiting some friends and won't be back for a few days. Though I miss him when he's gone, it's so nice to be able to do what I want! At least somewhat; today I have a ton of homework to do before the week starts. :nope:

Labor Day weekend is going to be so much fun! My parents own a cabin on a lake a few hours away so a bunch of us are meeting there for several days. It's so great there! No cell phone service, no roads to get there (have to arrive by boat), lots of relaxation... I've been looking forward to it all summer!

It seems that Hurricane Irene wasn't as dangerous as they once thought. That's great news for our June Bugs on the East Coast!
hi everyone :waves:
only 2 more working weekends and i go on holiday yey.
Well wanabmummy will be married now wont she, lets hope she gets her bfp soon.
Snow- i like my gypsy wedding, its good to see there dresses and hpw big they really make there weddings. i see the odd gypsy around here and i find odd what they wear sometimes lol. We used to have to watch them at work.
Hope everyone is well.
afm still no af but dont feel pregnant so just going with the flow and blaming my pill. drs appointment 6th sept but will cancel if things change before then xx
The worst is over! Still windy but no major damage. Small leak in the basement, some branches fell in the way back of the yard but nothing insane. We had to be in the basement for awhile as we had a tornado warning late last night, and I admittedly was crying a little because I was just so scared. But everything has turned out to be just fine, thankfully. We know of other places in the area that suffered immense damage... but we were blessed to be safe, as well as family and friends.

I never saw the gypsy wedding show, though I remember that we encountered gypsies when we were in Ireland. They were the only unfriendly people we encountered in the country, and our tour guide said that - like mentioned above - it's mostly due to their very insular nature within their communities. He didn't seem fond of them, as he said they have a tendency to thieve and deceive, however he said that they have a very intriguing and intricate culture created within their community. I found it completely fascinating, but I could see where they might be frowned upon as they (as we were told) can sometimes be found "taking that which was not truly lost" and using it to sell for money. I want to watch the show sometime, though, as it sounds very interesting to me!
Yes where they get all that money from is one of the great mysteries!
Morning...... Monday again...ugh

Glad to hear that the hurricane wasn't as bad as first thought and that everyone pretty much came out of it ok.

I'm really tired this morning, I did go to bed at a reasonable time but woke up a fair bit during the night. Looking forward to getting out of the office this afternoon.

I hope you all have a good Monday.
ugh! I spent all day doing homework!! I just hate that I have to give up my nights and weekends again for studying! I didn't even get it all done. Just called it quits after about 7 hours! What was I thinking?
I'm going outside for a while to mow the lawn. I need some fresh air.

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