The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Hi Ladies,
I totally wrote a message to you all this morning but I must have previewed it instead of posting it on here. Baby brain is kicking in already!! :growlmad:

I was going to say...

Snow - get into bed and baby dance!!

Emily - sorry about having to give up your puppy so you can move

Jess - all the best for hubby's SA, at least if there is an issue, you can look into it. I'm sure it'll be fine though.

Christmas - I do love Christmas. The only thing about the decorations and things coming out so early is because I'm impatient and I don't want to have to wait until Christmas day. This year we'll be in our new home so it'll be wonderful! :happydance:

I'm part of another forum and I'm quite close with alot of the ladies on there, I've met many in real life and they are great people. However as you know the only people who know about me being preggie are DH, my Mum and you ladies. A girl (who I don't know IRL and who has only been on the forum 5 minutes) posted on my other forum today that she's 4 weeks pregnant. Now I know we all share on here as soon as we get our BFPs but I havent even breathed a word about it over there. I know you can announce whenever you want but still, I thought that was a little early. I'm dying to tell someone but I know it's best to keep it to ourselves for a couple more weeks yet.

Also another real life friend, who I know was trying sent me a text today telling me she's 6 weeks pregnant this Saturday. I'm so excited that I'm going to be sharing my pregnancy journey with her, but couldn't say anything except congrats etc etc. She also knows we were trying and was like "hurry up and get pregnant so we can be preggo together". I didn't lie to her or anything, I just wish I could say ... well... guess what?! You know what I mean?? :dohh: Can't wait til I can tell her. Oh well, that's me being impatient again I guess. I'll be able to tell everyone all in good time.

Anyway, I hope you've had a good Wednesday. I'm off to a conference for work tomorrow and Friday so won't be in the office (yay!).

Talk soon.
Woo hoo, congrats on the +OPK Snow! :D

Ugh, I do understand what you mean, Singers – the over-commercialization of things. I saw Halloween candy in July. JULY. I almost feel as though for some holidays, it’s like they want to over-kill so I’m tired of it before it even happens. ;D I know that’s not the case, but it does get kind of wonky when you begin seeing Christmas stuff and hearing Christmas music in stores in September… :haha: That’s the only part of the holidays that sometimes drives me bonkers!

Aww Jess. :hugs: Hope everything goes well. I haven’t seen much on the topic, only because I’ve never had a SA run on hubs before, but I do know that I’ve talked to people who’ve gotten low counts or things of that nature and were able to remedy them with changes in diet, vitamins, etc. So FX that if there is an issue, it will be something that small changes can adjust. But for your sake, I hope all is well! But I think you have the right idea – don’t google it. That tends to just make the stress worse, IMO. I have had to stop googling all things baby-related. I’m neurotic enough without it! Will be praying for you and OH – keep us posted! xoxo

So tough keeping it a secret, I agree Poppie. But the timing has to be right for you – and it’ll be so exciting when you can do your big reveal when you’re ready. :) That’s pretty awesome though, you have a few friends who are in similar timelines as yourself! Once you’re all out in the open, that means plenty of fun conversations about, “Oh, know what I just did thanks to baby brain?” xDDD Have fun at the conference.

I… am here. It’s Wednesday. I’m ready for the three-day weekend! :dance: Is there any day, though, where I’m not ready for the weekend? :haha: It’s killing me, so many ladies on here planning their maternity leaves already, leaving 10-12 weeks before they’re due… and I can’t even think about it until I’m either in labor or my doctor says, “You’re done with work now.” I feel as though I’ll be doomed here forever!

Okay, melodramatics over. ;) I'm just so frustrated with work right now, on some days... but I need to focus on the positive aspects of life. xD Hope everyone’s having a good week! :)
Jess - I belong to a dog forum - bc my dog is my world! She truly is my 1st born but furry! Haha! But anyways, a girl on there hubby had iffy SA and he took vitamins and redid the test he is now all good!!

Poppie - I totally understand and will be the same way. I really want to keep it a secret for as long as I can. I want to be able to share that time with just hubby.

Swan - So excited about the long weekend as well!

Well, I def OV'd yesterday - had my temp raise this am. And am proud to say that even with my working 2 days in a row for 13 1/2 hours each - we even found time to BD!! Now I'm just gonna hang out in 2ww. Ugh! These 2 weeks take so much longer!!
Hello everyone. Still no wireless here so on my phone. Jess hope that everything goes well with the test. I hear what your all saying about christmas i love christmas but hate how it goes so quick and i always seem to work on christmas my rota always falls on it i will be this xmas too as again its a weekend. Poppie i know what you mean about telling people i wanted to tell everyone good job i didnt really as how it ended.
I cant belive how many pregnant ladies we have right now. I cannt wait to join you again. And swan your 17weeks that has gone so quick have you got a date for your gender scan?

And for me still waiting for af not sure whats going on had a positive opk on the 10th but who knows if i tried to ovulate but didnt make it as i still have no af and a not pregnant on a test took one this friday and one today which would of been 31days since the bleeding started. I dont no eh. I dont think im pregnant as surely it would show by now with having early ovulation. I do keep feeling sick alot but the neg test make me belive im not. Just if im not hurry up af and if i am hurry positive test so i no what im doing. Ladies who lost their beans how did your af go after x
Hello everyone. Still no wireless here so on my phone. Jess hope that everything goes well with the test. I hear what your all saying about christmas i love christmas but hate how it goes so quick and i always seem to work on christmas my rota always falls on it i will be this xmas too as again its a weekend. Poppie i know what you mean about telling people i wanted to tell everyone good job i didnt really as how it ended.
I cant belive how many pregnant ladies we have right now. I cannt wait to join you again. And swan your 17weeks that has gone so quick have you got a date for your gender scan?

And for me still waiting for af not sure whats going on had a positive opk on the 10th but who knows if i tried to ovulate but didnt make it as i still have no af and a not pregnant on a test took one this friday and one today which would of been 31days since the bleeding started. I dont no eh. I dont think im pregnant as surely it would show by now with having early ovulation. I do keep feeling sick alot but the neg test make me belive im not. Just if im not hurry up af and if i am hurry positive test so i no what im doing. Ladies who lost their beans how did your af go after x
Hi Kimberley! :hugs: We miss you! I know, I can't quite believe it myself, it's gone so quickly. Though at times, it seemed to crawl. Yes, we have the anatomy scan in a few weeks (September 19) so then they'll hoepfully be able to tell us the sex of the baby. :dance: I'm nervous though, of course, because I'm just hoping they say everything looks good.

One more week until I'm in the clear for the sequential screening results. It can take anywhere up to two weeks for the results, and it's been exactly a week. If they don't call, that's good news. So... yeah. Waiting stinks.

Woot, that's awesome Snow! :) And glad you managed to slip it into your crazy schedules, too! :) FX for you! :dust:
glad you manged to dtd. lets hope the tww goes quick.
kim- im in the same boat. Af still hasnt turned up for me so im 2 weeks late. bfn on tests so I havent a clue. like you i just want af to turn up just so we can get started again but I dont want it to come when im on holiday. I would love to skip af then get a after holiday suprise bfp but i doubt it.xx
Work for me tonight and tomorrow only 5hrs each though xx
Snowflakes, Yeah for +OPK! FX’d during the 2WW.

Singers, I was thinking the same thing. Next year at this time I will be taking care of a little one. So exciting. I love the Christmas spirit. People seem so much nicer, but it does get earlier and earlier every year.

Poppie, I’ve been anxious to tell people as well, especially co-workers and friends.

Swanx, I plan on working till the last minute as well, even if I work from home part of the time.

AFM, I get to work from home tomorrow Friday because the Baltimore Grand Prix will be downtown which will make it difficult to get to work. Then I have a 4-day weekend. :yipee:
Jess I hope everything is ok with oh, I think in a way its better to know if anything wrong so you can get it sorted!

Swan 17 weeks is so long!!! I wish I was there with you... but hey thats life. hopefully this bean is sticky!

Glad everyone else is ok!
I'm at work, I'll respond to everyone when I get home, but.....

Results are in!

OB said these are the best results she's seen! (DH now thinks that he is the most potent man in the world...*rolls eyes*)

Motility 90%, activity 3+, sperm count 53.5 million/mL.

So, now to figure out and fix what's wrong with me!
Jess- Did your OH get a big head when he learned how "manly" he was?! :thumbup: hehe

Poppie- I cannot believe how well you can keep a secret. I barely even made it a week!

I had a doc appointment this morning. It went pretty well. Though he was trying to hear the heartbeat and never found it. He did say that usually you won't be able to hear it until about 11-12 weeks, though he thought since I'm slender that he might be able to. He said he's not concerned but scheduled another appointment in 2 weeks to have another listen. He also said if I'm nervous that I can come in to his office early (I live in a rural area so he makes the trip from a bigger city every 2 weeks for those of us here). Trying to put it out of my head, but it's kinda eating at me.

An a brighter note, 4 day weekend for me! I'm taking off tomorrow night to my parent's cabin for some relaxation and water skiing! :happydance: We have a big crowd coming too, so I'll get to see some friends and family I haven't seen in a long time.
So glad to hear his results were good Jess! :hugs: Though I'm sure you're loving hearing his crowing, eh? ;D haha.
Sorry, now I'm able to do a decent post! And yes, DH is having a great time thinking about his super sperm! A few "gems" I have gotten from him since I got home are that he 1)Thinks he should sell it 2)Wants to frame the results and hang it somewhere... men:dohh:

Poppie, I wouldn't have been able to not tell her if it was my friend. Heck, everyone I work with knows every detail of our TTC adventure, SA and all!

Swan, I have a feeling that I'll be working until the baby is on it's way out! I wish I lived somewhere else so I could get more than 6 stupid weeks off work.:nope: How exciting about the scan! Are you hoping for a certain sex?

Snow, good luck with your 2WW! FX'd for you! I think it's your turn now...:hugs:

Kimberley and Pink, FX'd this is it! :thumbup:

CeeDee, have fun on your 4 day weekend....wish I had one too though!:wacko:

Nanner, I know it's easier said than done, but try not to worry. I'm sure your little beanie is just fine! Have fun on your 4 day weekend too! Man, I wish I worked where you guys do....

Whew! I think I got everyone. Sorry if I missed anybody!
Hi Ladies!

snowflakes - congrats on the Ov and temp rise. Fingers crossed for you!! May the 2ww go quickly for you.

swanxxsong - omg... not even really thinking about Maternity leave. I have thought maybe I'd finish up around Easter time, then I got 4 months paid from the government and I won't be going back to my current job

pink23 & kim - I hope AF goes back to normal for you guys soon.

CeeDee - Enjoy your 4 day weekend! I love working from home.

Jess137 - Good news about the SA. Men are all the same hey??

Nanner - I'm sure everything is right with bubs and you'll hear the heartbeat soon.

AFM - Had more cramping last night and a little today which is like that hot sort of period pain. It would also go away last night when I was lying down in bed. Have been a little scared but there's no blood or anything so I guess it's just the growing / stretching pains?? I hope so anyways. Still another week and a half before I see the baby Dr (or nurse lady) but I guess I could always call my Dr if I was worried right??

Conference was boring today. Not many people coming around to see the products so we decided to knock off early which was great so I could come home and relax now before hubby gets home.

Friday tomorrow! Can't wait for the weekend!
HAHAHA. Oh Jess, that’s classic. Well, glad it gave your hubs a boost, even if it’s driving you up a wall, perhaps. ;D lol. Men! Always love a good ego-strokin’. As for the baby… I’m not sure. Initially I really wanted a girl and he really wanted a boy, but now we’re both at the point where we just want a happy, healthy baby. I can’t promise – try as I might – that if we’re team blue I won’t have a brief sad moment over not having the ability to buy girlie dresses for him :haha: but I’m ready to just know, and see how things are developing. :) Whatever we have, we will hopefully be having another down the road and maybe both our wishes will be fulfilled! Haha.

I tried not to think about it at first Poppie, but my boss has been asking me my plans, etc. because she knows that I’d like to be a SAHM during the early years (and work from home, PT, if I can), and she supports that decision if that’s the one I make, but she said if I want to come back, she’s more than willing to work with me to arrange a PT schedule that’s flexible. So we’ll see. We really just need to sit down and chat about it in another month or so, just so we’re all on the same playing field. It makes my head spin trying to think about it, though. xD

And yes, if you have any concerns, ring the nurse. Or at least, I would. I did yesterday about the pulsing in my hip. Turns out that I probably pulled a ligament and it’s pulsing against the artery in my hip. :dohh: I would manage to do something that silly by overdoing it… again.

Hope everyone else is doing well – week’s almost over! :hugs:
snowflakes -hope you catch the eggy this month :D

- yeah always call if you need to see someone. even if its for a small reason like you stubbed your toe haha joke aside tho thats what they are there for and reassurance is always good. a friend had cramping really bad at six weeks and everything is fine with her she is 30weeks now!

thank you and thats so exciting, do you have any idea what you having like a feling im taking bets on a boy :p

pink- hope your af stops messing around like mine! silly af! how is your little boy anyway?

Ceedee - yay a four day weekend! i always work weekends :( so enjoy it

-things will be fine :) its hard not to worry but im a great beliver that it will be okay x

its hard when its already happened once but fingers crossed everything goes well. you have already proved that your a strong person! i hope i can be with you all soon :) think we are going to use conceive plus this month, just for a bit of added goodness! just waiting for af now.. if im not preggers which i dont think i am as another neg this morning! did you do anything different this month?

emily- hope your all okay must be hard with oh kids and that but good people always get goodness in the end. and poor you about your dog its not very nice at all :(

Mrs mel-hope your okay :)

Becca- is af finished now? and are you doing anything different this month?

Jess- i think you should let him frame it heheh would be funny and sweet!

- not heard from you in a while hope all is well.

- we you hiding?

I hope wannabe had a great wedding and enjoying her time away looking forward to seeing the pics!

Mazzy- hope your wedding went well too :D and i want to see your pics tooooo!

Was thinking about dodge today wonder if everything is okay with her!
i do miss her on here.

sorry if i have missed anyone out, im trying to catch up lol.

And for me, as i said up there somewhere another bfn today and im on cycle day 32 so its just waiting for af to arrive and then i can get started again!! i have back ache a little today so maybe she is on her way, i have been feeling sickness and weeing lots but that could be a uti like last time, so im off to the doctors 2moro and asking for a wee sample to test for a uti and then im going to get my hcg levels checked to to see for sure nothing is going on. this month coming we are going to try conceive plus (new thing) and sexing everyday like we did before seemed to work last time.

Hope everyone is okay and yes its nearly the weekend for you guys booo for me lool as i work wed to sunday and my weekend starts monday to tuesday lol. the joys x
Hey all thought i'd do a small post to sey hi before i try and catch up on 2 WEEKS!! worth of posts....may have to skim!! lol

Well i am a married lady now lol Officially Mrs Gibbs!! We landed at 2:00am this morning. The wedding was perfect it couldn't have gone any better. I'll post some pictures in a bit for you all.

I see there is another bfp but i don't know who yet so i'll find out and i caught something about super sperm as i was scrolling down...yup my hubby was convinced it would take one go and that would be it lol i think he's re-thinking that now though haha.

Anyways will catch up more in a bit xxx


Well I've got masses of wedding photos and i haven't see half of them yet. We must have including 100 professional photos near 800 photos!!! ahhh lol

The wedding was amazing and i have got to be honest i was not at all fazed until 10min before the wedding when i got in the car to go and then i started to get nervous and a bit paniced lol i was dreading reading my vows the most tbh haha but it was beautiful.....very hot but beautiful!! I'm not sure what the exact temp was but it was near 40 degrees c. When we walked from the chapel to the boat everyone on the beach clapped and cheered it as so sureal lol they did when we got off the boat at the other beach and as we were walking all the way up to the resturant. The people of Greece gave us a really lovely reception and some took photos! The food at our the resturant was amaaaazing!! I'm a fussy eater but it was that good we went back the next day for lunch haha I was blown away by the food. Our parents all sobbed at somepoint during the say although they were all going for it at the ceremony when we did our vows. Even huuby's dad which suprised me. Anyway i'll stop babbling and post some photos. Mazzy i hope you had a fab wedding also xxx


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Ahh wana I've been hoping you'd be back soon! Sounds like you had such a lovely time, and I love the photos! The one of you sitting in the shade is so beautiful, you and the view! As for all of us, I think poppie is the most recent BFP (I think? I've not been keeping up very well over the last few days!) Swan is nearly halfway through her pregnancy!

Kimberley, not trying anything different this month I don't think, well other than trying to actually see DH when I'm ovulating :rofl: Should be the middle of next week hopefully, so no reason not to see him unless he's working late, but if he is I'll just have to stay up late or pounce on him quickly in the mornings :haha:

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