The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

i'm keeping food down so i'm to worried atm pink but thankyou :) xx
I've been lurking a lot but kept putting off posting for far too long, as I kept saying, "I'll log onto my computer later and write a long, proper post to the ladies." Then I'd forget or get caught up and never do it. For shame! :| But I've been reading up, and thinking of you all lately!

:hugs: to those of you suffering aches, pains and hurts of all kinds. And I hope those of you with BP issues are doing well and are able to get some you-time to put up your feet!

Looks like the end's in sight for a handful of you as it's Nanner's due date month and April's looming around the corner! So excited to see more photos of Junebug babies!

I think we should see some more bump photos on here - the few I've seen are just adorable! :D Baby bumps are just so lovely.

How is everyone enjoying their weekends? Big plans? I currently have a sleeping baby strapped into her Moby wrap and should be getting some housework done, but I'm procrastinating. Aria's sleep habits are, to be perfectly honest, crap - :haha: - so my waking / sleeping hours are just whacked currently. She's a lovely little doll but oh, I can't wait until she sorts her days and nights! :rofl:

Good luck at your first appointment Wana, I hope it goes well!

FX for you Mazzy! Find a nice way to distract the parents and BD to your heart's content, I say! ;)

Hope you're all doing well and I look forward to reading more of your updates! I stalk quite a bit, I just need to get my butt into gear with posting more often. lol!
Sunday afternoon here... just doing a few jobs, we have the bank coming to do the valuation tomorrow so we can get the extra loan to finish off the things around our home.

Dinah - Ahh yes, Labetalol, that was what she was telling me about the other day at my appointment. Like you, I believe that's the next drug she'll throw into the mix if the 6x aldomet daily don't help it stay down. Oh well, at least you found out what's making you tingle! Does / did the aldomet make you drowsy at first? Try and rest as much as possible.

Mazzy - Sorry love :(

Wana - sorry you are still sick. Hopefully it will pass quickly and you don't have it there for weeks on end.

Swan - nice to see you on here. I hope Aria gets into a more routine sleeping pattern for you soon.

Congrats on your V-day Meadows

I wonder what has happened to lu-is?? I hope all is well with her too.
Yeah the Aldomet/methyldopa destroys me for about a week after they up the dose then I get used to it. Last night the doctor was talking about upping my dose from 2g a day straight to 3g a day - the look of panic on my face was priceless according to DH. I think they might as well put me in a coma and be done with it. Back in hospital again here, bp is wildly variable. Readings have been either around 120/85 or 150/108 since I was admitted 12 hours ago, basically ping ponging between the two with no real pattern. I can see them sending me home again, then I'll just be right back in a few days time still variable.

Have had to cancel our holiday, absolutely gutted but there is no way I could in good faith travel at the moment.
sorry your back in hospital dinah, I'm going to ask work to check my bp today but fx'd its ok.
Just peeled the potatoes so everything is ready for dinner later at 12. then i can eat it in time for work at 2. my 15 min walk now takes 30 lol:haha:
oh and here is a bump pic taken a few days ago xx


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Wana, I gave up trying to eat meat for a bit. If you can eat cereal then try eating that? I mean it's not 'normal' dinner food, but I'm sure people eat far worse! I hear really mixed stories about people seeing their GPs for morning sickness. A woman on another forum I use was vomitting 16-17 times a day, but could keep food down at lunchtime, so her GP deemed her to not need medication. Others seem to get a prescription quite easily. I also hear varying stories about whether it helps with the nausea... I did consider seeing the GP when I was feeling really awful, but as I wasn't vomiting much I don't think they'd have given me anything. I think the thalidomide scandal still hangs over giving medication to pregnant women, when in fact most medications are well-used enough now to know whether or not something is going to cause a problem.

Dinah, sorry you've had to cancel your holiday :hugs: That's really crap.

Swan, I don't think anyone minds if you don't post too much - you have a good excuse!

Pink, looking lovely!

My baby is a little minx. She was having a party in my belly last night :haha: Felt like she was doing Stayin' Alive in there at times, and I feel really battered and bruised today. I was jigging round the spare room at about midnight trying to get her to settle down (glimpse of the future eh?!) and told her she was a bad baby :rofl:
Great bump picture Pink! You look fabulous! :thumbup:

I'm so sorry you need to cancel your holiday trip, Dinah. :( That stinks!

I hope Lu-is is okay too! And CeeDee, I haven't seen her post in awhile here...? Unless I missed it, which is very possible. lol.

Haha, oh Becca, I remember waking up in the middle of the night going o_O trying to figure out what Aria was doing. She'll do things now that I look at her and say, "Oh I remember feeling that when you were in my tummy..." like when she stretches and points her toes then hooks them upward - she used to do that into my ribs. :|

It's so nice outside, but a little chilly (44 degrees F) - I want to go out so badly but I have to really bundle Aria if I do. :| Decisions, decisions.
well my diet today has consisted of 2 bowls (small) of bite size shredded wheat, a banana, half a dozen custard creams, pack of salt and vinegar crisps and 2 bowls or chicken noodle soup. So not to bad but i've had such a crap day. I've gone dizzy a few times today and i've just felt weak and it was a struggle gettign ready. I ended up sat on the sofa balling my eyes out to DH cause i couldn't got food shopping. He did also notice i got quite shivery at one point (have done a few times recently) but felt really warm (not overly so) so yeah just a bit off atm :/

Things can only get better i say (hopefully)...i've got a quiet day in work tomorrow so shouldn't be to bad and then i've got wed, thur, fri off this week so if i'm still feeling weak i only have to struggle through one day really :)

I said to DH recently how do people, especially people close to you, hide pregnancy in the early stages but i suck at it!! Its just obvious that something isn't right and if work didn't already know they deffinatly would have guessed it by now thats for sure. On the same note i've decided we are having 2 children and thats it. I do not want to be doing this part of pregnancy over and over. Plus it'll be 10 x harder having a child to look after at the same time!

Pink do you agree?? (with the harder with a child bit not how many lol)

Anyways hope lu-is and cee-dee are all good.

Fab bump pic Pink!

Sucks about your hols Dinah :(

You've got a baby Swan of course we don't mind lol

Oh just a quick one also DH lost and found his wedding ring this weekend :duhh: he takes it off for rugby but he put it in his shoe (of all places) thought it had fallen out and couldn't find it anywhere. Turns out it was still in his shoe lol :haha:

It can be at times wanna especially when you just want to sleep and they also get up early. I'm sure the fun will be even better when baby I here to lol.
Work went quick and I have tomorrow off the in for 3 hours Tuesday then off tilSaturday . Xx
There are a handful of ladies in my birth group who have 2 under 2 now - I admire them all immensely for having chased a wee one while pregnant, and now trying to manage an infant and a toddler? They're my heroes! :haha: I can barely keep up with my one insomniac, let along two! :rofl:

But :hugs: Wana - it'll get better!! It stinks in the beginning, but for me it seemed like once I finally adjusted to accepting that oh, I was going to be nauseous, that phase disappeared and a new one (like my endless heartburn or back agony) would appear. It'll keep you on your toes! :lol:
Morning all - 32 weeks! Eeeek!

Dinah - sorry to hear you're back in the hospy again. I hope that they can stablise your BP so you can at least go home. Going up again in meds would scare the crap outta me too. I'm so dopey and congested here at work this morning. I understand the drowsiness part, but why the nasal congestion as a side effect?!

Wana - I don't know how people do pregnancy with other children also. I had it easy, no MS really, just tiredness, so I bet you any money that come 2nd time round, I'm going to cop it bad (touch wood) AND what will be worse is I'm hoping to be an at home carer for other kids too! I hope you can continue to keep some food down.

Pink - your bump is looking gorgeous! Do you feel much bigger already than first time around?

Becca - lol at your little minx! Maybe she'll be a dancer?

9 work days to go (including today). I cannot wait to be on leave, but I will miss the $$ coming in.

I hope everyone has a great Monday.

Wana, I totally agree with you about only having two kids! I honestly couldn't imagine doing this all again and feeling as rough as I did at the start AND having to look after another child. I suppose with the first pregnancy there is an element of having the time or being able to sit down and do nothing. I do wonder sometimes if I've allowed myself to wallow in feeling awful too much, but then I think back to exactly HOW bad I felt at the start and I know I didn't imagine it. I think if I don't have to go to work (that was the worst bit for me) then I could probably manage it just about, providing I could sleep/rest during the day. I guess if you've got another child to look after there's an element of having to get on with things. I think the best possible situation for being pregnant a second time would be if I wasn't at work, and had a child who was young enough to still be sleeping a reasonable amount during the day.

It's also worth keeping in mind that a second pregnancy could be completely different of course! A good friend of mine sailed through her first pregnancy with very little tiredness and absolutely no sickness, but she's had both with her second pregnancy, albeit only weeks 7-12, but even so, quite a different pregnancy!
Back out again thank God. Labetalol put up to 3x daily but still on a fairly low dose of 200mcg each time, bp staying at around 130/95 most of the time, with an evening spike for a few hours to around 140/105. I don't know why but the doctors seem to be accepting it provided it doesn't stay over 100 for more than 8 hours at a run. DH has told me to relax, and my only job now is to grow our baby. He did all the cleaning and tidying last night so I'm not tempted today while he's at work, I feel really lucky to have him at the moment.
Glad you've got an understanding hubby Dina :hugs: I presume you're off work?
yeah tbh Becca i find that woek does help some what because i'm occupied with the children although i do find i don't eat regularly enough it catches up with me.

But still only two :)

Glad to hear your back out Dinah and taking it easy :D hubby sounds like he's being a fab help xx
So many growing bumps and babies on the way! Sorry for those having BP issues. Hopefully you'll have time to rest and take it easy.

My job officially hired my replacement while I'm on maternity leave. Right now it's designed as a termporary job to give me time to make sure I want to go part time later. I'll start training her this week. Hopefully she's a fast learner! They're cutting it close since I'm only about 3 weeks away from my due date! :happydance:

I'm VERY ready to be done. I hope she comes a bit earlier than expected but no sign of it yet! I shouldn't complain too much. I feel pretty good. It's just combersome and difficult getting around. I've turned into such a waddler!

We had our breastfeeding class last night. It was really good, I hope I don't have too many problems establishing it with our little one, however I know that the lactation consultant is very good and helpful - she was lovely last night. There was one other dad-to-be there too which was good as my hubby had someone to nod along with and learn about the things that dad's can assist with including taking bubs for a walk after a feed so mum can have a nap.

Dinah - so glad to hear you are out and you are resting. Hold onto that hubby of yours! Your BP readings sound similar to mine, but I do hope mine can stay ok with the amount of drugs I'm on. I'm still adjusting to the increased dose, bloody side effects had better disappear soon.

Nanner - I can't believe you are so close now! Do you want me to send some eviction vibes to your little girl?

I hope everyone else is doing ok??

7 work days to go :happydance:
Glad you've got an understanding hubby Dina :hugs: I presume you're off work?

Yep, been off since Christmas :shock:, but I cann't honestly say I've been resting as much as just not working and trying to use the time to get lots achieved. That's had to stop now.

Really hope you adjust to the new dose soon Poppie. x
Hi all

Glad to hear you class went well Poppie :)

I didn't realise you've been off since Christmas Dinah.

Well i've had a better day today. My sickness has been much more controlled the only thing i've had to do is cut out hot food. Hot food and the smell of cooking food sets me off. So unfortunatly that means my diet consists of alot of cereal and other slightly unhealthy foods. But as long as its more controlled at its only for the time being i don't mind.

Hello Ladies, Well exciting times today I got to unpack my New Stokke (been holding off) also I posted a pic on facebook, So now everyone who looks at my profile will now see a blimp version of me which I have had quite a few good comments which is nice! and am counting down to the holiday!! 19 days left!! (not including the weekend!) I have a MW appointment on Thursday, Am going to ask about a few pains Im having though I think its the sudden extra bump that has burst from my body! Im also sleeping rubbishly!! due to random pains, baby is still doing a boggy every night, so Im quite confident that she is ok in there, and I still find it strange to think that this little body which is currently living inside me will soon be a really life living Human Bean!! I will try a post the FB bump pic soon! Wishing work away, as Im finding it hard to work, im just tired all the time, Hope you ladies are alright, and hope all the high BP stay down..


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