The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

hope your not in long dinah. I'm looking forward to having bp checked regular as i know i will be there every week so I'm enjoying the monthly appointments for now xx
DIanh love the pic.. and You were post 4000!!!!

my stomach is currently looking lumpy as the baby is moving.. Its quite funny... Hope everyone has had a good day
Morning ladies,
Saw my Obs this morning. She's doubled my dose of meds for my BP and I'm to have the rest of the week off. I don't have any signs of pre-e with my last tests which is great, but still have to monitor and see her weekly now. She said I won't go to term, so looking at induction about 37/38 weeks, so we'll see what happens between now and then. I feel fine so hopefully that continues.

Dinah - thinking of you.

Nanner - awesome pic! Shirt to match your ball! LOL!!

Anyways, off to be lazy I guess.....

Hi all

Fab pic Nanner :)

Enjoy you few days rest Poppie and hope your BP comes down soon!!

Same to you Dinah and i hope they let you out soon :)

Sorry to hear about you trip home Singers and that your not to worried about movements.

Mazzy i wish you all the luck for this coming month :dust:

AFM my sickness calmed alot after i threw up Tue night and it seems alot more controlled which i am happy about :) I've got more 'bloat' piccys for you lol I've got the day off tomorrow and i've got the dentist in the afternoon so need to inform them i'm pregnant. Also i'm supposed to have the midwife in the morning and Emma who its supposed to be is busy (which i already new) so her collegue is supposed to be seeing me. She was supposed to ring and confirm a time which she hasn't :( so i rang the doctors mid day and got given Emma's phone number. I've been rining and keep getting this persons phone is switched off. So i text for when she turns it back on but i've still not heard anything so i have no clue if i am actually seeing the midwife tomorrow now or not :( :( :( i was looking forward to it!!



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Looking good Wana! Hope you manage to get the midwife sorted out.

Mazzy, best of luck hun :hugs:

Poppie, really not long then if they're inducing you early! Six weeks or so...

Dinah, sorry your blood pressure is being crap again.

Sorry if I've forgotten anyone - memory like a sieve and I'm really tired today. Only had about five hours sleep last night, and I woke up four or five times during that time :( Things ok here - bump getting bigger by the day, or so it feels. She seems to spend a lot of her time lying transverse, which is pretty uncomfy already, so I hope that's not a regular thing for her to do later down the line! I'm kind of aching all over lately, lots in my back and hips, so I'm seeing a pregnancy-specialist chiropractor to try and keep me moving. My pilates instructor says I'm moving better since I started seeing the chiropractor, so that's good. The extra weight is starting to take its toll on me. I'm only about 8-10lbs up on what I was pre-pregnancy, but I'm quite small framed and that's a lot of extra weight for me to be carrying round all of a sudden, especially as all the weight has gone on in just the last month. Up until about 18 weeks I hadn't gained anything!

Anyway, enough chattering about me :blush:
Morning ladies. Happy Friday!

Well my BP has come down a bit with rest and the increased dose of meds, so hopefully it stays this way for at least 6 more weeks. I can't believe that in about 6 weeks we'll be induced!! Eeeek!

Wana - cute pics! That "bloat" will be baby in no time!

Becca - glad to hear you can do exercises and see the chiro to help with your back. I guess the best you can do is get it strong now before you get lots bigger.

I'm going to have a walk around the shops shortly. I thought I'd better have a look for comfy pjs / tops appropriate for wearing in the hospital and breastfeeding also probably pick up some smaller little suits for baby just in case he is smaller than the ones I've already got. Change of season here, so there should be some stuff on sale.
Hi all

Well midwife finally rang this morning and said she could do 12 or later this afternoon to which i had to reply, i'm leaving at 12.15 for the dentist and am having a filling so will be numbed and not the best at speaking later on. So long story short its been rebooked for next Friday now which i'll be 7 nearly 8 weeks so i'm not to worried. Would have been nice today but oh well. Suppose i can have a lazy morning now as i cleaned last night for the midwife to come lol xx
I'm free! Was let home at 7pm last night, after blood pressure spent all day somewhere through the floor at around 115/70. Quite an improvement from the 170/112 it was 24 hours earlier. I am monitoring it myself and was concerned to see it was back up to 140/104 this morning, until DH asked if I'd taken my new tablet. Somehow I'd forgotten that one entirely, just taken the old one, so hopefully it will come down again in the next few hours.

Hospital have only given me 7 days supply of tablets though, and not given me a prescription, so now I need to get my doctor to write me a prescription, which will be hard as the surgery is closed for a few days while they move to a new building, and she's fully booked for weeks so an actual appointment is not possible.

I was pleased to get a growth scan, and daily doppler checks, as well as the poking and measuring, and our little one is growing within the normal range, only a few days under the average so I'm happy enough with that. I'm starting to see it as every additional day or week we get further along is a blessing, and while the consultant says we're a long way off an early or emergency delivery yet, it's still something I'm aware is a possibility. I signed up to NCT classes running from week 30 to week 36 about 4 hours before I was taken into hospital - I'm worried now we will have the baby before then!

Which tablets are you on Poppie? I'm trying to work out if I'm having a weird side effect or some kind of physical breakdown! I'm getting tingling in my face and scalp and a little numbness, and hot flashes within the muscles in my neck and back. As it's only been a few days I'm guessing it is a tablet thing.
Well just got back from the dentist and it was a little bit odd. I'm just glad i wasn't feeling sick for it. All the work was fine (small filling and scale and polish) but i was shakey after it and as i was driving home my left eye felt heavy and then it kinda went across my forehead. The numbness in my mouth also made me feel sicky so i have just had some chicken soup and i am now going to have a sleep because i feel not some much tired but heavy headed so feel i need it.

So glad to hear your out of hospital Dinah and deffinatly hope it was just that you hadn't had your tablet this morning!!

Wana- I can't speak for everyone else, but the first trimester was the most challenging for me. The bloating drove me nuts and I found myself taking marathon naps during the day and still going to bed at regular time. My eating habits were weird too. Compared to some stories I heard, I managed pretty well. Hopefully you will too! :thumbup:

Poppie- I'm glad you get to meet you little guy sooner than later. It's too bad you'll likely be induced, but as long as you're both healthy that's all that matters!

Dinah- Glad you're out of the hospital and you BP is back to normal. Hope it stays that way!

AFM- I haven't been sleeping well. I wake up about five times a night to adjust and I'm always so hot! Which doesn't make sense because it's the dead of winter and I've been keeping our bedroom at a fridged 65 degrees. I'm freezing out my poor hubby and am still soaked in sweat.
Last night, I even had myself convinced that my water broke because of a dream. I got up to check, but found nothing. Once I woke up a bit I finally told myself "Even if it did break, I'm tired and am going back to sleep!"
I'm going to try some things to make myself get some good shut eye: take a cool shower before bed, sip some green tea, add some pillows, ect. I have to be up at 3:00 am most days to be to work so I don't have a lot of time to sleep anyway. :coffee:
Anyone else having sleep issues?
Big issues sleeping... Both leg cramping, pain in my sides, feeling sick, to hot, to cold... up all the time! Lucky not needing to wee, being woken up by baby kicking, its been terrible, getting really tired during the day, nearly feel asleep on the tube last night! On the postive the car seat has I think we are nearly all set! I still think maybe we need some baby stuff, but to de honest Im so not sure what a baby needs that I think I will be sending OH out to get stuff we need..

Poppie it must be horrible knowing you may have a problem but YAY for early birth!!! Im getting really uncomfy, but I think she is very comfy in there!

Im going to to have to go... need to to go to bed! Hope everyone has a good weekend!
I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

Dinah - Horray for being out of the hospy! Now just remember to take your meds! Could you call the hospital and ask for another prescription? Surely they can supply seeing as you have just been in there. I'm still just on the Aldomet (Methyldopa) but now taking 2 tabs 3 x daily (so 6 x 250mg). I havent had any of those side effects you are talking about, the only thing I have noticed is feeling a bit more tired, but that could be just because I'm getting bigger and bigger! My readings have been heaps better the last few days, like 128/84 earlier today. I hope that things stay improved for you.

Sorry to read people are having trouble sleeping. I'm doing ok in that department (touch wood). I do get up 2-3 times for a wee but I have my pillows set up around me in what hubby likes to call my "nest". I lay mostly on me left side, but not completely over. Just have my body pillow on my left side, two other pillows wedged under my back on my right and then another pillow between my legs and of course my pillows propping up my top half. I find that if I'm all comfy like that, once I wake up I'm still in the same position, no aches or pains either. Hopefully I am able to continue getting more good sleep.
Morning all! Just checking in and saying hi!

Sorry to hear a few of u are having BP or sleep issues....fingers crossed it all settles down for you shortly. Having read that so many of u have been having high BP, I'm wondering how mines going to look at my next midwife appointment?! That's in just over a week, so we'll see!

Well Thursday just gone was V day for me-yay!!!!

I hope u all have a nice weekend x
Just something else.....has anyone heard from lu-is? She hasn't been on here for ages?! Hope she's ok xx
Ah thanks Poppie but they're the ones I was already on, it's the Labetalol they've added in. I gave into temptation as they gave me them in a jar with no instructions and googled their side effects, and sure enough tingling scalp is on there, so I'm feeling reassured about that.

BP has been VERY up and down in the last 36 hours since getting home, lowest has been 121/92, but highest has been 147/110, and it's been fairly skewed towards the over 100s at that. I am a bit concerned tbh, I'm going to keep an eye on it today, it's currently in the low 90s, but if my the afternoon it's rising again I think I'll have to go down to the day assessment unit again :(
feeling a bit sorry for myself today as the all day sickness has come back :( i thought i was doing really good and then since the doctors yeasterday thats been it. i couldn't manage dinner last night and ended up being sick. I always knew this would be the hard part for me as i can't stand feeling sick. I'm struggling and i'm only 6/7 weeks. How am going to cope until it decides to go at like 12 weeks or 15 or whenever.

Sorry ladies i'm kind of having a pity party right now lol

So sorry Dinah that your having such issues with your BP.

Happy V-Day Medows :D

With regards to sleep i find now that i don't feel the need to pee like 'oh i really need a wee' i just get really uncomfortable and toss and turn for a bit until i'm more awake and realise that i need to go to the toilet even though i don't feel like i do.

Wana, if you've got sick early then there's a chance it might go early. You just kind of figure out what does and doesn't help after a week or two. Sleep was the biggest help for me, but eating very plain food and small amounts too. Stuff that was good for me was mashed potato, apple sauce, cheddar cheese/babybels, pineapple and roast beef monster munch. That was pretty much all I ate (I think) for a few weeks. Other than figuring that out you just kind of keep going and have to take it one day at a time. Just eat what you can, sleep as much as you can too - cancel your social life for a bit, ignore the housework and manage hubby's expectations! The really bad bit only lasts for a few weeks if it's standard sickness (it was 6+5 to 9+4 ish for me) and then it either settles down or you've just got used to it a bit and know what you can and can't manage to do or eat.
thanks Becca :)

as long as i can't smell it and like you said its plain then i can eat it. Shredded wheat for breakfast really works and i can eat crisps. Crackers don't seem to be working though and i need to find something i can eat for dinner because so far everything i eat i have a few mouth fulls then thats it. I know its just a phase and it will go...thats whats keeping me going lol xx
Dont forget wana if does get to bad you can always see if doc can give you anything x I tried to cope but was pleased I was prescribed tablets and it helped slot x x

Work tomorrow but it should go quick and means I get a bit of me time xx

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