The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Dinah, should you see a doctor about your feet? Sounds a bit alarming I think? Or is it better now?

With regards to DH, would it help, do you think, to make a list of stuff that needs doing? Does he want direction on stuff from you do think? Is there anyone who could come and help him, two minds will keep each other more focused than one and so on...

Are you putting the baby in its own room from day one or will you have her in with you for a bit? I'm not worrying too much about getting baby's room properly sorted yet as she's going to be sleeping in with us for a few weeks at least. Although I appreciate I'm not facing a potential early appearance of my baby :hugs:

My DH makes a right mess when he's sorting stuff out so I can sympathise, and he takes ages. Total perfectionist. Good for some things, but when you need lots of stuff sorting out now it's just a bit RAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!
Poppie i didn't realise the fluid you drank related to the fluid around the baby or am i reading you wrong?

Dinah sorry to hear you had such an awful evening. I hope your feet have gone down and that your legs itching were just a reaction because i can't remember what it was called but a friend of mine in both pregnancies got really unbearable itchy legs (and poss arms after as well) and it ended up she had something. So just keep an eye.

I deffinatly agree with Becca, make a list with deadlines on it and stick it to the fridge and if hubby asks say you just wanted to get organised and see what needed doing when in reality its actually for him to kick him into gear lol.

Wana - i have read conflicting reports about drinking more water actually increasing the amount of fluid in my situation, but i am sure if i am better hydrated, so would be the baby. In normal circumstances, i believe that amniotic fluid is replenished every 3-4 hours by baby drinking and peeing it out. Surely if he is getting blood thru the cord, it is beneficial for it to be as well hydrated as possible too. I think i am right in saying all that.

Sorry you're feeling so crappy about things dinah....I completely understand why, but don't worry, it will all work out ok in the end. That itching and swelling sounds so frustrating. Men hey?! They're all the same! Sending hugs to you xxx
Hello Ladies,

Dianah - Just remember there is a reason you feel in love with him (thats what I do when OH is annoying me!) also that he is trying his best... Its ust hard sometimes for him to see the things that you find a pressing matter, what he will see as one!

Wanna - I think you have to keep hydrated to help with swelling and things like that,

Im currently sat on the sofa looking at a very lopsided stomach! the right side of my stomach next to my beely button is currently about 4 cm higher than the other!!

I have had a very busy weekend, we went to the allotment on Saturday, the weather was lovely and we planted alot of vegies... and today we did a chariety walk which is walking every bridge from Tower Bridge to Vauxhall Bridge in London. That was nice as well, though I noticed at about the Southbank centre, my hands were very swollen, they are both now normal sized and the baby has been kicking and moving around so am assuming everything is fine, and it is just my turn/time for a bit of swelling!

How is everyone else?? Did you have a good weekend>
Thanks for listening to my deranged ramblings ladies, I'm feeling more together again now. Definately helped by the fact that last night I had my first

DH gets plenty of lists, with no list absolutely nothing gets done! Even with them he's just so easily destracted, he'll go to fill the dishwasher and halfway through end up reorganising the cupboard under the sink. All very well and good but he forgets to go back to the dishwasher.

Planning on the baby having its cot in with us, but all the rest of its stuff next door. But again, to get the cot in we need to take one of the wardrobes out... can't take the wardrobe out until DH has made some space in either the attic or the garage... and so it continues!

Had a cheery morning this morning putting some paint samples on the wall... now if I could only decide on yellow or green. I considered doing two walls of each but the window takes up almost all that wall, and the one opposite will be covered by a unit, so that colour would be really covered up. Veering towards yellow as the room doesn't get direct sunlight except very early on a morning.

Ankles are down again thankfully, they were up again yesterday but then I did a little wandering again picking up the paint samples and looking for a storage unit.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend.
I had some prego pics taken this weekend. A lady that's a member of the gym I work at is taking college courses in photography and is just starting up her own business so I posed for a few shots. There are some good ones, but there are some bad ones too! Unfortunately, it made me notice how flabby my arms have gotten and that I've grown a second chin! :wacko: I definitely need to get back to myself once my LO makes her appearance!
She said she'd drop a disc off for me so that I can use the pictures however I like. I haven't decided if I'll do anything with them yet.

Overall it was a good weekend. I went to a local production of the "Vagina Monologues" on Saturday. Has anyone else seen that? I'm not sure what to think of it. :shrug:
Vagina Monologues was on in the West End in London for years, with all sorts of famous women taking part too! I must say it never appealed to me, although if it had been cheaper I might have gone (tickets for West End shows are upwards of £50!! And that's for the very cheapest seats!)

Dinah glad you're feeling a bit happier :hugs:

I'm not at work today so I'm just sitting out in the garden enjoying the sunshine. It's very pleasant, only marred by having bought a delicious looking custard slice, and then I accidentally dropped it on the patio and loads of dirt stuck to the custard. A bit sad about that :haha: I've scooped it up and put it on the bird table so I hope they appreciate it.
Morning ladies,
I saw my Blood Pressure Dr this morning, he's put me onto Adalat Oros (nifedipone) as well as my other BP meds just to see how it goes. Dinah, is that the stuff you are on also? I will see my Obs Thursday, hopefully she is happy with me.

Am getting there slowly with the nursery. Have been getting things out and washing blankets and stuff. I thought I had best pack my hospital bag, just in case my Obs tells me to go in all of a sudden.

Singers - I have been trying to get a video on my phone of my LO moving around and making my tummy lop sided too. It's such a funny sight!

Dinah - glad to hear you are feeling better.

Nanner - that was nice of your colleague to take the photos. I am sure they are lovely. I would love to see some if you're happy to share.

Becca - oh no about the custard slices. Now I want custard slice!!

I hope you are all having a good week so far. I am looking forward to the weekend and work will be over!

Aye, they've tried me on it twice. Apparently it's a love hate drug, it really brings down the bp, but for some women it can have bad side effects - for me the headaches were so bad I couldn't lift my head or stand natural light.

Have my midwife check this afternoon, bp this morning has been between 153/118 and 123/83... I'm not sure that kind of variation is normal!
Aye, they've tried me on it twice. Apparently it's a love hate drug, it really brings down the bp, but for some women it can have bad side effects - for me the headaches were so bad I couldn't lift my head or stand natural light.

Ahh crap. I hope I'm spared the side effects at least for today, I have just one appointment I need to do this afternoon.
Hi Ladies :flower: I feel sheepish that I haven't been here in ages... :flower:
I haven't been on BnB too much at all lately just a tad bit in the third tri and I felt even more bad that I hadn't stopped by here to see you lovely ladies.
Please accept my appologies for abandoning you for a period :wacko: i was trying not to spend too much time on the internet, figuring I should get some things done before the baby comes.. but I am back! I have definitely reached a point where I will be spending more time on the computer and less time out and about doing stuff.

Thanks Wannab for the message. :)

I'm going to do some reading and catch up on a whole bunch of stuff that I 've missed.

I can't believe how far a long we all are now, and 3 babies, hooray!!!

I'm doing great, haven't had any real complications or issues. For the most part I feel good, my pelvis hurts and and I feel bruised all over from how active the baby and lately my ankles/feet have had a little bit of swelling.

but from what I have read over the last couple pages some of you are not fairing so well :( Sorry to hear that.:hugs:

I'll give you a more thorough update of my life after I've caught up on yours.

I missed you ladies!!!
Hee hee it was neat to catch up on bump photos of people :) Lookin' good!

Wanna - Since I wasn't here for your official announcement, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :) I'm happy you got your BFP.

Nanner- are you still having sleep troubles, I think I just entered that phase last night.. or I'm hoping it was a one time thing because that was one of the worst sleeps I've had all pregnancy and I was exhausted when I went to bed.
My work has hired my replacement too, she's a quick learner so I really have to find odds and ends things to fill my time. :) only 13 more days of work for me.

Dinah and Poppie and anyone else with BP issues I'm really sorry to hear that :( I'm sure that makes things even more stressful and less fun.
I had a brief period in the 2nd tri where I had low BP but the dr said that was nothing to be worried about, just made me light headed some times. I hope that you are both doing okay. Poppie - I hope you don't suffer any of the side effects from the new drug and Dinah I hope you don't have any more hospital stays until your LO arrives.

Mazzy - fingers crossed that you will get a BFP this month! lots and lots of baby dust!

Hi Meadows, CeeDee, Singerslove, Snowflake, Becca, and everyone else.. I hope I didn't miss anyone you guys are all so marvelous! :)
Here is one of the pictures that I had taken. I don't love it, but it's kind of cute. I'm not very photogenic! I might go throough the rest of the disc later and see if there are any others I'd be willing to share.

Lu-is- Glad to see you're back! My sleeping problems have seemed to subsided. I seem to be sleeping through the night now except to get up once or twice to use the bathroom. :winkwink: Have you been sleeping poorly?
I've scheduled myself through the end of the month. If LO is a couple of days late, I only have two more weeks of work. I'm hoping she comes a bit early though. Soooo uncomfortable!

Poppie & Dinah- I keep hoping for good news about your BPs! I'm sorry this has been such an issue for the two of you. :flower:

I have a doc appointment tomorrow. I'm curious what he'll have to say. It's been three weeks since my last appointment so hopefully there's something that will give me an idea how much longer it'll be. I'm getting so impatient! On Friday, hubby and I have an appointment at Labor and Delivery to do our preadmission paperwork and tour the birthing suites. Plus, we're finishing up a remodeling project on our master bathroom this weekend. Lots to do before baby comes!


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Nanner what a lovely pic!
Lu-is nice to hear from you.. I what its like sometimes, If I even pick up the computer thats it for the rest of the night, rather than doing jobs that I should be!!
Poppie- did you get any side effects??

Iam feeling soo huge, and impatient so I dont know what Im going to feel like when I actually get close! My OH has been asked to go on a D of E trip for the 3 days before my due date!!!! Im furious, as his school knows when Im due, and I really dont want to be left just before, incase she does decide to make an appearence when she is suppose to, as so far, every sympton, and weight gain has been down to the letter! (Including all her measurements) OH has 3 more job interviews this week, one it for a job in Italy, which will be quite an adventure!!

Almost finished the job I have been employed to do, so am trying to find things to waste time, up until my holidays! which are looking very busy already, As well as all the weekends up to them! Had a good weekend (cant remember whether I have told everyone) how was everyone elses??? Cant wait till this one, as it means another week has gone by!!

P.s how are you wanna, did everything go well at the MW??
I'm thrilled that after my midwife check yesterday I didn't get sent to hospital. BP was 138/98, so just under the vital /100 point that means they send me in. I came home and made DH the biggest chocolate fudge cake to celebrate. Looking forward to today as mum has booked me a back, neck and shoulder massage in town, which should be lovely and relaxing.

Midwife did say she expects they'll talk about giving me steriods at my 28 week consultant appointment, with the likelyhood I'll deliver sometime between 28 weeks and 32 weeks. Not over the moon that they expect her so early, but at least she's out of the super-dangerous early zone.

Think she's having another growing day today, my belly button feels like it's on fire!
WOW dinah thats great! At least you will get to meet her early! nad if they are prepared for her, then Im sure everything will be fine.
arrrrgggghhhh! this is my 3rd atempt because my computer keeps faffin about.

Lu-is nice to see you back and thank you for the congrats :) i bet it took ages to catch up with everything lol

Nanner your so close now!! how are you managing work now because arn't you a fitness instructor?? fab picture a well :)

Singers that sounds silly that they are on about sending your OH away just before your due date. anyway of changing it? wow Italy sounds interesting what does he do?

As for midwife Singers it went well. It was just mainly paperwork but we did end up having a discussion about an ilness i had when i was 4. I call it ITP because i have no idea how to pronounce or spell what it is lol But basically its when your white platelets get really low and you bruise/bleed easily. I didn't know it could come back in pregnancy which if it does means there is a high risk of bleeding and if it drops too low your not allowed an epidural. But i don't know how they would resolve it whilst pregnant because i was put on steroids which if they hadn't of worked i would have needed a bone marrow transplant. But its all an if atm as it probably wont come back. Fingers crossed.

glad you didn't get admited again but wow that sounds early that they are thinking of her arriving. i'm sure they are just doing whats best for her! is it scary to think that its not that far away?

Poppie i hope you don't get any nasty side affects!

AFM although i've been feeling better i have now thrown up once a day since sunday which is fun :/ i was supposed to be going to water aerobics tonight and got homr threw up and its just taken it out of me so no going now :(

Also i had to ring the doctors for advice today as there is a little girl at our 'sister' nursery and she got measles. Well there is another little girl that comes between the both of us and she has been in direct contact so just wanted to find out if i was ok to work with the children atm. But its fine because the little girls whos back and forth has had her jab and i've had mine, quite recently as well. So unless anyone comes out in spots then i'm fine. If spots start showing then i can't be in with the children.

However i got home to an answer phone message from the doctors saying its not urgent but they need to speak to me and would like me to ring tomorrow. So i'm intreagued now because i have no clue what it could be.

Hi ladies,
Just a quick pop-in before early to bed.

I did get the horrible headache yesterday from the meds. It's been there on and off all day today also, but hasn't been as bad as Dinah described, thank god.

Saw Obs this morning. She's still optimistic that we'll get to 38 weeks (fingers crossed) and is sending me for weekly scans now to check baby for growth etc. We went for another scan this afternoon, he's put on 100g since Saturday and it looks as though there's a little more fluid in there than we saw last scan too, so that is also good.

My last day officially at work tomorrow. I've cleaned up my laptop and had DH vacuum out my work car so I can give it back. I'm not really as excited as I thought I'd be, I don't know why, however probably come Sunday evening when I'd normally be preparing for another week at work, I'll be really happy that I'll get to have a sleep in Monday morning! :)

Dinah - glad to hear your BP wasn't as high at your check up. Good to know they are looking after you and bubs and preparing everything as best they can for when they have to deliver your girl. I'm always thinking of you and will be sending vibes to keep her in your tummy for as long as possible.

Lu-is - lovely to see you around. Glad to hear things are going well for you.

Nanner - that is a gorgeous photo! You are photogenic - I've seen lots of other lovely pics of you!

Wana - glad the MW went as good as can be expected.

Singers - I am feeling huge too! I can rest my bowl on my tummy now! LOL. I also bump into things because it's all out there!!

Sorry to those I have missed... I hope you are all doing well.

Poppie- Thanks for the compliment. :blush: I don't really feel very attractive so maybe I'm being a bit to hard on the pictures. I'll post some more in a couple of days.
I'm sure once Monday morning comes around and you get to lounge in your jammies that you'll be happy about not having to go to work. :thumbup: If you're like me, it takes a while to adjust to change but once you have, you're fine with it.

Singers- I know exactly how you feel about being huge! I found out yesterday I've put on 40 lbs! :wacko: I never saw that coming!

Wana- I'm still working but have cut all but one fitness class and all I do in that one is set up routines and bark orders. :winkwink: The rest of my job is managerial stuff and customer service. As far as exercising goes, I stick with walking and light weights. I also take a spin class twice a week. How have you been managing work with your MS?

I had a doc appointment yesterday. I did something stupid. :haha: I had to pee so bad that when they let me into the bathroom to collect a urine sample, I didn't even have time to get the cup ready! So I had to wait around until after the appointment to try again (which I was easily able to do!).
The doc said I'm 3 cm dilated! My legs are the size of tree trunks and baby girl is VERY active. Hopefully signs I'll be delivering soon!

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