The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Nanner thats fantastic news!!! Hopefully another Junebug on her way!
Wanna thank you for tell me again, I now remember reading it along time ago, but thanky ou for re explaining (my brain is like a sieve!) - Also OH is currently a secondary school music teacher, the job interview vary today its for a private Prep school, and a Secondary Academy and tommorrow it is for a Secondary in Italy.

Being hugh is funny, I keep trying to squeeze my way through people forgetting that side on im about two people wide!!! Ah well, Im sure by the time I get used to it, It will all be over..
Im really looking forward to the weekend, So fed up with work, will be rejoicing when I dont have to come in anymore.. My hips are starting to hurt when I walk now, and I feel like I have a bruised Vagina (weird I know) I dont know if it is because she is head down, and therefore putting more pressure there, or whats going on, but Im going to mention it next week at the MW's..

I watched OBEM last night, and I do wonder about the women that panic..
it seems to me like the lady last night who as soon as labour began just went on and on about an epidural working herself up, and then finding out that she was already 9 cm so couldnt have one, and then she was in such a panic that she couldnt think about what she was doing without screaming she couldnt do it...

I know that it is everyone choice to have whatever pain relief they want, but I sometimes wonder if an epidural wasnt around/available would there be a lot less stress in the labour ward.. Would more women not have it???

As everyone probably knows, im hoping for a home birth so no epidural option for me but I think if some people can cope without it, surely I can... Im looking into reading a hypnobirth thing, having watched loads of you tube videos thought it might help, and im quite a imaginative person, and my OH is sure that when Im about to have a MW appointment I manage to convince myself that the baby is not ok, and therefore she stops moving, Im also hoping for a water birth.. Obviously I realise that if I have to have a C-section then I will be very very greatful for an epidural!!
what is everyone else choosing??
I'm hoping to have a waterbirth at the hospital, but obviously it's difficult to know what to expect, or how I might cope with the pain... If I can't manage with the water, gas and air etc., then my other option is going to be an epidural as I just don't fancy the injections as I don't want anything that might alter my perception of what is going on or that might cause me to feel sick (I've had enough of nausea this pregnancy!) I think there's something to be said for fear making things seem worse, tensing up and such like, getting panicky isn't going to help I can't imagine! But it is a big unknown!

I keep reading that a lot of women get very panicky in the very latter stages of dilation, thinking they can't carry on and such like, but usually they do manage it!

I've had a bit of a difficult morning - I ended up going to the hospital as I hadn't felt the baby move since yesterday lunch time so I went to the hospital near work to get things checked out (not my local hospital). Everything was ok in the end - nice strong heartbeat, and she finally kicked after I'd had four cups of cold water, a chocolate bar, packet of skittles, 30 minutes of pacing the corridor and many, many prods from the midwife, student midwife and me

Midwife seemed rather concerned that I'm measuring large for my dates. At my antenatal appointment last week I measured 26 weeks, but today I was 34 weeks and then she did it again and it was 31 weeks. So something weird going on! When they did the measurements at the 20 week scan her thigh measurement was at the top end of the normal range, and all the other measurements were in the top half of the normal scale, but the sonographer didn't say anything about her being large, other than the long thigh measurement... So I don't know about that really. I don't know how accurate the measuring is really? I've got a very short torso, so she's obviously going to be filling up the space quickly, and the only way is out once her feet have reached my ribs (which they have!)
Will do a proper catch up tomorrow but just wanted to say Singers i've just caught up on OBEM and your right that woman didn't half work herself up didn't she. If she had just gone with the flow and seen how it went and tried to stay calm it would have gone a lot better.

I know you have no idea how you'll cope until your in it but if i get anything let that DH is going to be under strict itstructions to tell me to get a grip lol I've never seen anyone on OBEM with there OH telling them 'love calm down your going a bit mental' haha :)

Snowflakes, Good to hear from you! Hopefully things will work out and you’ll get that BFP before May.

Poppie, Great news! Hopefully little bean will stay happy till delivery.

Nanner, Nice pic. You don’t even look pregnant in the picture. You’ll lose that weight fast, especially since you kept up with exercising.

Wanab, Not good about the measles. I hope that there isn’t an outbreak.

Singers, I would like a natural birth. That is my plan, but since I’ve never experienced labor before I don’t know how much pain I can take. I’m open to an epidural, but I really want to go natural. I’m trying relaxation techniques to help. As far as I know in the US, it’s either epidural or natural they don’t offer gas and air. Everyone that I know that went natural said it was definitely manageable.

Beccad, Very weird with your measurements. If the doctor was really concerned that would do an ultrasound and take better measurements.

AFM, Baby girl did not want me to go to sleep last night, she was so active before I went to bed that I had to stand up awhile to get her to chill out. I had a n appointment on Tuesday and all is well. I was a little upset that I had lost 1 pound. I’m hoping it was just due to wearing less clothes since the weather is getting warmer. I had my baby shower on Saturday and my co-workers threw me a surprise shower on Friday. Both were wonderful and I got a ton of stuff. My sister and mom came over Sunday to help me get organized and work on the nursery. I can’t believe I only have 3 weeks and a few days till my due date.
My water broke at about 2 this morning! On our way now to the hospital!
OMG nanner that's ssoooo exciting :happydance: Can't wait to hear your birth announcement :hugs:
Ah exciting I just said out loud nanner has just gone into labour and Caleb was like what who lol x
oooooo yay exciting stuff nanner!! good luck and can't wait to hear all about it!! :D :D xxx
Nanner – seems the horrible night’s sleep was a one time thing. I had a much better sleep the last couple nights. I ususally wake up a couple time to flip over and maybe once to go to the bathroom. I’ll keep my fingers crossed that the sleep continues to go well. 
Cute picture!! You look great!
3 cm dialated. Oooh.. that’s exciting. I had my 37 wk appointment yesterday and my cervix is still closed. And now I have just read your most recent post.. YAY!!!! I’m so excited for you! Can’t wait to hear about it later.

Singers – every couple days I feel more and more huge.. lol when I catch sight of myself in a mirror I have to do a double take, followed by a “holy crap!” oh the joys of pregnancy. That sounds stressful having your hubby go on a trip so close to the due date. My DH has said yes to playing a jazz band gig out of town the week before my due date, I’m a little worried but I know he will only be a 2 hour drive away so if something does start happening I can get him to hurry his butt home and to the hospital as soon as possible! (good thing I have 2 sisters in town if I need them)

I totally agree on the not squishing past people or objects… you don’t think about it until you’re trying to fit somewhere that you can’t, and the belly has like no squishability to it at all. Super solid!

Dinah – glad to hear your BP was low enough that you didn’t need to be admitted. Good thoughts and wishes that it stays that way.

Wannab – Boo for throwing up : ( I didn’t really throw up much with my morning sickness. Dang.. I hope that gets better soon!
What did the Dr want? (I’m also intrigued now).

Poppie – Wow! All done work.. hooray for you! I’ve got 2 more weeks to go. Glad the MW appointment went well – sorry to hear about the headaches from the medicine though 

Becca- Yikes! I hope whatever is happening with your little one isn’t serious. I’m glad that she started moving about again.

Birth plan.. I’m kinda scared of the epidural, the idea of a needle in my back doesn’t really thrill me but I’m trying to come to terms with it because I would like the epidural as an option for pain relief. I don’t know about the hospitals where you ladies are but we’ve got the ability to do a “walking epidural” at the hospital here, which numbs the area for the pain but your legs aren’t completely numb, you can still walk about the halls or whatever you need to do.

AFM – my parents are in town this weekend, my mom sewed some sheets for the crib a curtain for the windows, and some other items so we can finish up the nursery this weekend. Yay!
My hubby’s been sick and sleeping on the couch because he’s scared to get me sick, which is super sweet of him, but I really do miss cuddling him.

I got some maternity photos done a couple weekends ago and have seen a couple sneak peeks. I’ll share one or two shortly.

Have a great Friday everyone!! I can’t believe I’ve only got a couple more weeks of work, unless baby comes early then it’s even less.
CeeDee - I'm glad that I'm not the only one this far along who isn't 100% completed their nursery. hee hee.. I figure we've got the important stuff taken care of, and really the baby won't notice what it looks like in there.

Here are a couple photos from our maternity shots:


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Lu-is the doctors wanted to let me know that measles has to be declared by the doctor incase of an outbreak or what not and there hasn't been a declared case of measles in our area since July last year. So either the little girl's parents just think she's got measles and haven't taken her to the doctors or she hasn't got measles. So don't know really but at least we know i'm safe.

Also fab bump pictures! They look great :)

Had a off day today. Cancelled my dentist appointment as i've been feeling quite sick and have dry heaved twice today. It really took over but nothing came up. I'm finding now as well foods i could eat arn't sitting right so don't know what to do...i'm running out of options. I'm going to do my fornightly 'bloat' update tomorrow instead of tonight now as i don't feel right.

We are telling our grandparents this weekend which should be fun. DH's mum said that when she got pregnant with him her mum had said 'how did that happen then' lol so to expect the same question and DH said he's answer will be 'when a man and a lady love each other....' haha should be fun.

On a happier not i'm loving my finger nails atm :D :D they are grown amazing in the last 4 weeks and i've got fab long nails now ....i'm well chuffed :)

My water broke at about 2 this morning! On our way now to the hospital!

Just a quick pop in to say :happydance::happydance::happydance:

All the best Nanner!! Can't wait to hear that she's arrived safe and sound.

Great pics Lu-is! You look fabulous!

Congrats Nanner! Wishing you a wonderful delivery; can't wait to hear all about your beautiful baby girl! :happydance:

I had the intention of a natural delivery - but it did not go as planned. I ended up with an epidural due to the length of my labor and the exhaustion I fell into due to a lack of sleep. For about two weeks postpartum I really beat myself up over it too, I felt ashamed that I only made it to 8 cm before finally accepting some pain relief, and I felt as though I should have been able to get through it without any assistance. But after my head cleared, I know it was a good judgement call by my doctor.

Won't stop me from trying to go naturally with my next, either! Try, try again! :rofl:
Had a off day today. Cancelled my dentist appointment as i've been feeling quite sick and have dry heaved twice today. It really took over but nothing came up. I'm finding now as well foods i could eat arn't sitting right so don't know what to do...i'm running out of options. I'm going to do my fornightly 'bloat' update tomorrow instead of tonight now as i don't feel right.

On a happier not i'm loving my finger nails atm :D :D they are grown amazing in the last 4 weeks and i've got fab long nails now ....i'm well chuffed :)


My nails are fab too :thumbup: They grow like mad, though! Before I was pregnant I had crap nails, always breaking and they grew really slowly.

As for food, I know how you feel. I was eating a really small range of foods at your stage - cheese, pineapple and monster munch featured heavily. Mashed potato for dinner! I'm sure I probably did eat more than that, but those are the main things I can remember.

Have fun telling the grandparents!

I had the intention of a natural delivery - but it did not go as planned. I ended up with an epidural due to the length of my labor and the exhaustion I fell into due to a lack of sleep. For about two weeks postpartum I really beat myself up over it too, I felt ashamed that I only made it to 8 cm before finally accepting some pain relief, and I felt as though I should have been able to get through it without any assistance. But after my head cleared, I know it was a good judgement call by my doctor.

Won't stop me from trying to go naturally with my next, either! Try, try again! :rofl:

I think you did pretty well to get to 8cm going it alone :happydance: but yes probably was a good call to have the epidural then - if you'd been too tired to push then you'd probably have ended up having a c-section I guess?

lu-is love the photos! You look really well!

I've been feeling really rough the last few mornings :cry: I can't believe the nausea is STILL lingering. I guess if it hasn't gone by now it's not going to go until I've had her... I'm just finding pregnancy a bit of an ordeal to get through lately rather than enjoying it.
Lu-is......hello! I was wondering where you'd been hiding!!!! Nice to have u back, and ur pics are lovely :) exciting, hope all is going well for you and I look forward to hearing all about it!

I'm suffering with a cold at the min.....has been going on for pretty much two weeks now, and it's really starting to pee me off! That and heartburn.....arrrggh! Otherwise all is ok....I had my 25 wk midwife app last tues, was so lovely to hear little ones heartbeat!

Hope everyone is ok, a big hello to you all! X
Wana, just thinking have you tried ice lollies? Obviously not a very substantial food stuff, but I keep reading that they're very good for nausea, at least for a short while. Are you able to keep food down?
Wana, just thinking have you tried ice lollies? Obviously not a very substantial food stuff, but I keep reading that they're very good for nausea, at least for a short while. Are you able to keep food down?

I have had one or two this week are they are going down well. Yes i am keeping food down. I have thrown up every day this sunday but most times nothing actually comes up. I'm just bent over the toilet for 5 heaving and heaving. I seem to be a bit more sensitive to smells atm I couldn't stand the smell of stuff anyway but i could deal with it where as now i smell somthing and i'm instantly feeling sick and gagging.

Mine consists of cereal, cheese or ham sandwhich (although i'm slowly finding them harder to eat) crisps and the odd apple/ banana or yogurt.

That seems ok you know. Cereal has lots of added vitamins in it and the milk is good, assuming you're having it with milk? Have you tried fruit juice or smoothies? I found fruit much easier to handle than veg. I'm not good with sandwiches. Bread mings! (at least whilst I'm pregnant!) I eat the cheese on its own - just hack a lump off and scoff it.

Some women do find things start to get better, fewer aversions etc, around 9-10 weeks as that's when the placenta starts to take over :hugs:
That seems ok you know. Cereal has lots of added vitamins in it and the milk is good, assuming you're having it with milk? Have you tried fruit juice or smoothies? I found fruit much easier to handle than veg. I'm not good with sandwiches. Bread mings! (at least whilst I'm pregnant!) I eat the cheese on its own - just hack a lump off and scoff it.

Some women do find things start to get better, fewer aversions etc, around 9-10 weeks as that's when the placenta starts to take over :hugs:

yeah i'm drinking apple juice and orange juice and yes i'm having my cereal with milk. Cheese is tasting really strong so i can't really eat it on its own. I only by mild but it tastes to me like mature lol but i used to be able to eat just chucks of cheese. Bread is becoming harder tbh I just want to be able to enjoy food more. I am looking forward to when this all calms down. I'm not really a fan of veg atm either and i'm going off of bananas and orange juice atm though as well xx

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