The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Aw Poppie, he is adorable! :hugs:

FX she comes soon Singers!

I've been crazy buys here, moved with my mom for a few days while Chris finished tax season (his 18+ hour workdays made for me going crazy all alone lol) so I'm now settling back into being home, and have been prepping cloth diapers like crazy. I started what, 2...3? weeks ago and now have 28 diapers. :rofl: Addicting.
Swan I am currently awaiting another parcel with some nappies in by Pop-in, the prints looked so cute on the net, I couldn't resist!! On Facebook I belong to some groups that sell nappies, is it the same in the US?? perhaps search preloved or just nappies, or is it diapers in the US :wacko:

I had a little bit of bloody show last night!! So I am going to be bouncing, and walking today to try to get things moving!
Mazzy that must be such hard news to hear. It does shock me when I hear of people falling pregnant so easily, especially without intending to do so :hugs: Not knowing who the father is either... That's far from an ideal situation I guess... How long have you been trying now? Did you start in June or were you before/after?
Singers, I'm part of a swap group that's mostly US girls, a few Canadians, but they're practically the US ;) haha and also a couple of co-op groups. Have you found any co-ops? If not, they're amazing. So fueling my addiction. I'm waiting on 5 more to show up on my doorstep, as well as some CJs BUTTer, then I'll have 30 dipes. :rofl: Oh good lord, how things have changed in just a month! ;)
Just a quick pop-in to see how everyone is doing??

Singers - have you popped yet??

Mazzy - :hugs: :(

We have both sets of grandparents here at he moment. My parents will be here for 2 weeks as DH will go back to work tomorrow and his parents should be off tomorrow hopefully. It's been nice having his parents here, but it's just not the same as having your own. Also, they smoke, so they spend most of the time outside smoking and hardly have any time cuddling Fletcher. I also hate the smokey smell they bring into my home. Sorry - in laws rant over. :(

Anyway, I will get around to typing up my birth story and post it soon.

I hope you are all having a lovely weekend. xoxo
Poppie, What a lovely picture you have! No I haven't popped yet.. Just getting ever and ever bigger! I am hoping I have popped by the time I go to the MW on Thurs... So I don't have to go!!!

I went to a birth awareness class yesterday about how to have a more Hypno type birth which was quite informative but I think perhaps the visualiation of the baby coming is a bit late for me, she just seems to comfy!

I did think I was in labour last night, I woke up to go for a wee, and had very bad back pain, and a funny tingling, But decided that if it was going to progress something It would whether I was awake or not, so spent a while trying to get comfy and then went back to sleep! I should of thought really, if it was I wouldnt have been able to. I suppose it is a positive sign though that things are probably moving around down there.

I think the course gave me one thing which was I have decided that I am not going to agree to induction (unless of course its harming the baby) and that I will let her come out in her own time. I may have to stick to my guns, but I really really don't want to have to go into hospital so waiting for her to come naturally will be the best bet I think.

Swan I got my two Pop ins and they are gorgeous!! I love them... It is definitely addictive.. I think that they really need a warning on them! Swap group

Anyone looked into the amber necklace as a teething tool, obviously I am no where near that stage but thought I could buy some beads and knot my own necklace while I am awaiting her arrival, but wasn't sure whether anyone had heard anything about the positives or negatives?

Ah well off to get some RLT see if pops her out!!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend..
Good luck Singers!! I just ordered a custom Hunger Games diaper. I cannot wait for it to arrive!!! :D It is a total addiction, absolutely insane! haha.
Ohhh custom nappy.. would love to see it... I found a person I think its wild child nappies, which I absolutely love, but just cant justify the money at the moment.. but I might ask for it for christmas As I just love them'Amour-%2d-French-Beauty-Sz-2'Amour-%2d-French-Connection-Sz-1

those are the two I like the most!!

Well I had what I think must be bloody show today, quite alot of it to... so I am hoping this means things might start soon.. Am going to do some relaxation techniques later, and visualisation of having the baby hopefully it might, work, other than that I have hoovered, walked, about to take the dogs out again... trying to get things moving!!! How is everyone else?
Poppie- I just love your pictures. You're little guy is adorable! :baby:
I completely understand needing to vent about inlaws. My father inlaw is a chain smoker too. Plus, they brought a Grandmother inlaw with them. Although she's a caring person, she is only good in small doses! It was really awkward because they came during Easter weekend and she's Jehovah’s Witness. :wacko: My patience was long gone before they were! :growlmad:

Mazzy- Sorry to hear your news. It's so frustrating how it can work out.

Singers- Sounds like your turn is right around the corner! :thumbup:

I have a question for the ladies that had an episiotomy. It's a little TMI, but how long was it before you were able to have sex? I'm a bit concerned (and very frustrated). It's been nearly seven weeks and I'm still not quite "up for the task." My last appointment with my doc was about a week and a half ago and he said then that I should be ready to go. Maybe I'm just being overly cautious?
Hi everyone, I hope you're all well.

Singers - thats sounding very promising for you. Can't wait to hear some news soon.

Nanner - Yeah, inlaws can be testing at the best of times, but with the added stresses of having a new bub it just seems to compond things. I had an episiotomy too, obviously it's only been 2.5 weeks for me so can't give any advice on that front. How is yours feeling? I've been having warm salt baths when I get the chance to hopefully speed up the healing process. I am not game to have a look down there though to see how things are going just yet. It does still feel a little tender though.

The pic in my signature is from Fletcher's modelling session that he did for a photography workshop. A friend of mine sent me a link just after he was born for a photographer running a workshop looking for 2 week old (or under) newborns to model for a posing workshop she was having. Luckily she still had places left, so we went along and Fletcher (and some other bubs) were posed by her as she explained it all to the students and for our time we get all the shots she took on CD for free. She would normally charge over $300 for a client session, which is something we wouldn't have ever done, so it just real luck we got in for the workshop. We haven't got our CD yet, I just pinched the image from her Facebook site! I love it so much :)

Anyway... feed time... gotta run.

Poppie- I think I'm pretty much healed but am still very nervous. I had a period this week and was able to use tampons. The "stretching" feeling during sex just gives me a bad mental picture, but it's not painful just uncomfortable. Needless to say that our bedroom hasn't seen much action lately! :sex: I hope I'm back to normal soon.
Well ladies, Woke this morning, had more pink mucus - rather than the definitely bloodyness of it yesterday... I had Back pain in waves this morning, and she has been moving like a she is doing salsa! I hoping this means she will soon be on her way, have been for a walk, and got a very bad stitch on my left side, I think I may go for another walk a bit later... Bounce around on my ball, I don't really know what else to do.. Just hoping.. I am going to also do some birth visualization in case that helps! I cant help, Poppie or Nanner, but hope everything works out soon!
Happy due date singers!

Nanner, with regards to DTD, could you try some less invasive options, so to speak?
Thank you Becca, think she is far to comfy.. Had a chat with OH last night, and we have decided just to wait until she is ready to come, so am not going to have a sweep if I am offered one this week, and am going to refuse an induction, just wait and see when she is ready. I realise this means I'm going to have to have extra scans and what not, but I think that as long as she is healthy in there, I feel a bit mean forcing her out!! Im sure she will eventually come out.. So I will just have to wait!!

How is everyone else? Babies are keeping everyone busy... Think I might change my sig.....
Hi all, just popping in to catch up before I head to bed. Fletcher had a weigh in today, another 320g on in 6 days! I can tell he is growing and putting on weight, it's amazing how quickly they grow and change.

Happy Due Date Singers. If there's no reason to force her to come out and you are happy to wait then do it. I think with the mucus and pains you've been having she won't be too far away.

I hope everyone else is well? I'd better go catch those Zzz's!

Hey ladies. How is everyone? Grace gained another 110g since Saturday, and today passed the 3lb mark - she should be big enough to come out her incubator into a cot in the next 10-14 days :D :D :D

Been having a few issues with my milk this week, I'm not sure if it's me or my pump, or a combination of both, but I'm getting a lot less than I'm used to - only about 30mls total from 20-25mins pumping each side. So today I got a prescription for Domperidone to try to bring my supply back, and I've rented a hospital grade pump which will arrive tomorrow, hopefully between the two I can get enough of a supply back to see me through long enough for her to start breastfeeding directly from me.

Had my 'debrief' this morning at the hospital, discussing what went wrong in my pregnancy. The doctor said he wouldn't suggest I didn't have another in the future if we want more children, but he would give me a less than 50% chance of getting further along than I did this time. That's a lot to think about, much less than 27 weeks and babies can be very poorly, I'm not sure I could knowingly commit to having another baby with that as a possibility. Equally we never wanted an only child. He also advised we try to have another one sooner rather than later if that is our decision - at least a year after the c-section, but I'm likely to get further along the closer together I have pregnancies.

Had a horrible week in the neonatal ward, one of the other babies (born at 28 weeks like Grace, and nearly 5 weeks old, just like Grace) unexpectedly took a turn for the worse over the weekend, and he died Monday morning. I feel for his family so much, I can't imagine what they're going through. After 5 weeks of being okay you don't expect anything to really go wrong - they're just feeding and growing for the most part.
Good luck Singers!

Nanner, we DTD the first time after my 8-week appointment. I had a second-degree tear and they told me they recommended not having sex prior to that appointment, but that it wasn't necessary, per se. I wasn't feeling it until after my appointment though. Just tired, sore, etc. It didn't hurt a lot, though for some women it does, but it burn a bit and was very tight. Hubby was nice and (TMI) took it slow and easy. lol. It's gotten better since then. Not that we get much TIME for sex or anything, haha, but still! At least it feels good now.
dinah i am glad grace is doing well, she will be soon in that cot then in her own cot at your home :D that is scary information about having other children, its a hard one as if you go ahead and try for another child could you deal with all the worry? but then on the other hand the baby would be worth it but its all so hard and very early to be thinking about this. but at the same time the right time to be thinking about it if that all makes sense!.

that must of been really hard for you :hugs: your such a strong person to be dealing with all this, the family will be in my thoughts. that poor family. :( x
Hi Ladies,

im not very good at posting anymore i know, but I am super busy since ive been back home.

Cerys is now 3 months and I honestly dint know where its gone, she is a real little character and a little chubster too! She is a really smiley baby and is always laughing at her sister, who is a bit hands on! Daisy is just dying to play with her all the time its so sweet.

Daisy started nursery last week, just 3 afternoons a week, she loved it at first but now she cries everytime she goes. But she did have a telling off last week as she was naughty, she pulled the teachers hair and hit another child, but they understand she may have some issues what with everything shes been through, just got to give it time.

Gary is still doing brilliantly, his speech is back to normal and he is his same self personality wise, still has his dry whit! he does have some problems remebering birthdays but nothing that cant be solved with a diary lol. He has just begun learning to walk as his left leg has come back to life a little, his arm is still completely dead but who knows! He is still waitong to have a plate in his head but it should be anytime now. He has been home (to my parents house) twice now and will be on monday its lovely to be kinda normal and out of the prying eyes of the hospital! He should be allowed to come for whole weekends soon.....I cannot wait for that for obvious reasons ;-)
I am not religious but I really do think that its a miracle how well he is doing, 4 months ago I could never imagined that life would be looking so good!

I do get daily emails for this thread and it has got alot quieter since all the babies have been born, so im glad im not the only one!

Dinah - I am so glad that Grace is doing so well, i bet the time has gone real quick for you? I must be real scary watching other familes go through such difficult times. :hugs:

Singers - Go get jiggy with hubby and bubs will soon be out lol. Good luck and i know how frustrating it is to wait, I couldnt do what ur going to mind, I begged for induction lol

Nanner - Cant offer any advice there hun, I did have a 2nd degree tear but obvouisly not DTD yet!

How are all the new babys and mums doing?

Heres some new pics of Cerys!


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