The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Hi Girls!

Hope everyone is ok :flower:

Well its my last day in 1st tri and for the past few day sickness has shown its head again but only in the evenings :nope:
So far i look as though i have taken advantage of an all you can eat buffet and not at all pregnant :cry:
A woman who i work with has taken it personally that i am pregnant and she isnt so she is no longer talking to me which makes thing a bit uncomfortable considering her sister is my head of dept! And every now and then she keeps putting comments on Facebook about God is hating her and that "someone" should be thankful for the gifts she has been given.So much for enjoying my pregnancy eh?

Anyway been looking into christmas Decs and goodies to make...i have alreasdy been testing my cinnamon whirls and choc truffles (Christmas food has no calories right?! :haha:)

Take care ladies x
Hey Mazzy good to hear from you :)

Aw sorry to hear about the sickness and don't worry about the belly it will soon turn into a bump and you'll wonder where it has come from lol

As for the woman at work it sounds like she is being a bit childish. She has no idea how long it took you to get your BFP and she can't have it in for every pregnant woman no matter what she might be going through.

Wow your organised looking into Christmas already! I think ours maybe slightly last minute this year haha x
Well every year i end up running around like a loon because i have been too lazy. So this year im going to be one of those smug people and go ohh i can go here or there because i dont have to worry about shopping! :haha:
Mazzy - great to hear you are doing ok despite the bit of sickness and your work situation. I've had other friends who were really close, totally go like that when the other got pregnant. Like I know it's hard if you've been trying etc but I don't know if I'd end a friendship because of it. Just my opinion. I hope your 2nd tri goes smoothly.
Hi! I know I've been MIA. :blush: I'll try to be better. I'm hoping to be a JuneBug again next year and I'd love it if this forum would and everyone in it were still around!
Paige is doing so well. We've found lately that she thinks our dogs are hysterical! She squeals and laughs whenever they're around! If we can get one of the pooches to hold still, she'll grab their ears, whiskers, jowels, eyes... and laugh. Makes my day. :cloud9:

Mel- Go team yellow! :happydance: You have more self restrainst than I do!

Mazzy- Christmas isn't even on my radar! Every year, it's so overwhelming for us! We have big families, neither of which live anywhere near us. So between the presents, the shipping of the presents, and traveling, we're always soooo broke!
-as for your coworker, don't let her ruin your experience. Maybe you could find a way to clear the air between the two of you? If not, I believe it's a right for all pregnant women to complain about puffy ankles, nausea, and back pain and she does NOT have the right to take that away from anyone. :growlmad:

Poppie- I love Facebook stalking your pictures of Fletcher. :winkwink: I could just eat him up!

Mel/ Wanna- The third trimester does seem longer than most! Have you tried trimming or painting your toenails yet? :haha:
Nanner - excuse me for being slow - does that mean you're thinking of trying for a sibling for Paige from next June? We've been told we'll have a more successful pregnancy the closer they are together, so are thinking of trying again mybe next September? I can't really imagine it at the moment though, Grace keeps my hands full enough!

I'm sorry Mazzy but your co-worker is deranged. I don't care how long she's been trying, or how hard a journey it's been, it's not right to make anyone who isn't her and is expecting feel guilty about it. She has no idea of your journey to get there and regardless, it's not always a first come first served situation unfortunately. You're going to be my Christmas inspiration - I'm on holiday for my cousin's wedding next week, but when I come back I'm going to start getting organised.

Really need to start on getting fit and loosing weight while on maternity leave, will be harder once I'm back at work. My doc has told me to loose 2 stone before I try again, as my blood vessels will still be wide enough for an extra 2 stone of me, so I should be able to get quite a bit further before my body thinks of the pregnancy as extra stress. This will give me a BMI of 18.6 and personally I think I'll look a bit emaciated.

What are everyone's plans for going back to work/what have you done if you're already back? I always wanted to go back half time, but the American Academy of Paediatrics official guidance (there is no UK guidance) is that a baby with CLD (which Grace has very severely) shouldn't go into a childcare setting for 2 winters after coming off oxygen... which would be April 2014 at the earliest and possibly not even until April 2015. Poor bairn already has to have an injection every 4 weeks against common colds. So I'm now on the fence over whether I return or not, it will be a real stretch financially not to return, but her health is most important, and I can't really see another way to keep her out of childcare as we certainly couldn't afford a nanny.
Well, that's my sister in law brought for, my Dad brought for, I am going to be making a little homemade goodies hamper for MIL & Mum. I have also sorted a 1st December bag for my niece and nephew, so far i have 2 books (Night Before Christmas & Father Christmas needs a wee), 2 DVDs, Snowman & Santa Clause, 2 Advent Calendars and a little Christmas drawing book for the niece. Oh and snowman soup!
Kinda figured i would get ahead as i will be 31 weeks pregnant and in no mood to battle with the crowds! :nope:

Oh and say hello to the new edition!


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Hello everyone!

Nanner, I have been asked by lots of people when I am having the second, Floria takes up so much of my time I cant imagine looking after her and another little baby! Though I did bring up withmy mother today that I when I was younger I wanted to be an italian Mother with lots of children! So if I do then I had better get going!!

Dianah - 18.5 seems really low! But I suppose if they think it would be better then if you would like another child you will have to do it. It must be a hard to decide though, especially as Grace cant go to nursery right away.

how is everyone?
Wanna its so close!!!!
Mrs Mel I cant believe you are so organised!
Hello everyone! Just checking in. Delaina is 4 ½ months old and a petite 12 ½ pounds. I’m still exclusively breastfeeding and plan on starting solids at 6 months. She’ll be a good eater when she starts she seems very interested in food. I’m still not working, I’m waiting for a spot to open up at the daycare I registered for back in March. I’m actually starting to like being a SAHM especially now that things are a little easier. I would stay home till she’s a year old if hubby agrees. It’s going to be hard once she goes to daycare.

I can’t believe you’re so far along wana! Time sure does fly.

Dinah, I’ll keep you and Grace in my prayers. She is such a fighter.

Mazzy love the ultrasound pics! I’m still so excited for you.

Nanner, I’m still traumatized from Delaina. I’m not over all the work yet, I couldn’t imagine being pregnant again.

How do I get on the facebook page, I’m on facebook a lot more.


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Heya everyone :wave:

Wow we suddenly got busy in here :D

Nanner - it would be fab if we could kepe this going, especially if some of you may be baby bumping it next year!

Dinah - Grace seems to be doing really well but i can understand what a hard decision it must be to make for when to have another one knowing the complications you had with Grace. That does sound like alot of weight for you to lose. Maybe you could make a start and when you think your getting to a point where you wouldn't like to lose any more, go back to the doc and see what he thinks then.

Mazzy - wow you really have got the ball going on Christmas. I'm going to be preparing for Christmas with a newborn lol so maybe i should have thought about it before now. Oh well its too late for that. Fab scan picture also!! :)

Singers - i know tell me about it has FLOWN! I mean i'm having a baby next month! lol

CeeDee - Aww she's so adorable :) I'm glad your enjoying being a SAHM. For the facebook page if you want you can pm me your name and i'll add you on facebook then add you to the group

AFM - I'm 34 weeks tomorrow!! 6 weeks to go :D Its my birthday Thursday and i'll be 22..i've also got my first antenatal that night and have the midwife coming out on Friday to do a birth plan :)

We've got everything sorted for babs now except for the cloth nappies but we are getting them next month because she won't be in them straight away as i said to hubby we could do sposies to start. We picked up the pram on the weekend and i'm sooooo glad we chose it!! I LOVE it <3

Look out the end of the week for a bump photo update :D I don't think i'm doing to bad, i've really not gained massively i'm just all baby. I keep getting comments on how little i look so i'm just hoping i don't explode now in the last few weeks lol xx
well i just had my midwfie app and it looks like baby has moved to HEAD DOWN!! yay :D :happydance: xx
I'm good thanks :) Bump is growing very quickly and me and hubby are enjoying feeling her / him kicking every night!

Hope you're ok, just a few more weeks for you now! x
Hi girls,
Wow it did get busy in here didn't it? Now I need to remember what I have read.

I'm not going back to my old job and will officially resign in the next few weeks. Still trying to get organised to be an at home carer but since we built our home we still dont have a fence for our yard!! We have been trying to get it organised with our neighbours but because they are still building they arent in a hurry.

As for trying for a 2nd bub, we will wait til the start of 2014 as we are keen to have a 2 year gap.

Wow Wana, almost time for you. I hope you arent too uncomfortable these last few weeks.

I hope everyone else is well.

That&#8217;s great, wanab!

MrsMel, Your baby is just growing and growing.

Poppie, That sounds great that you will be a home carer. I&#8217;m actually starting to look forward to going to back to work. I thought I would want to stay home longer. I wish I could do part time, but my employer won&#8217;t allow it, I&#8217;m sure.
Hi guys

As promised i have a bump update for you :D A little later than intended as i kept forgetting to upload them lol

I don't think i've really grown much, just changed shape :) Oh and excuse the pj look lol it was right before bed xx


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I decided to do a photo comparison :) so here is me and bump from 26 weeks to 34 weeks :D xx


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Gorgeous bump Wana!

Fletcher is 5 months old today! Cannot believe how fast the time has gone!

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