The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Mazzy good job on the no morning sickness! It's not a nice sign are you feeling sleepy a lot? I was I feel so out of it in the first 16weeks. Mrs Mel can't believe your nearly 16weeks your good on waiting I know I could not! Wana it is crazy how its the end of July already and mug little girl is already 11days old nearly 12 it will be your baby soon, sorry not replied to everyone can't member the rest of the posts and I am on oz phone. Oh yeah wana we are hating the weather too hot for baby and me!
It amazes me how a doctor or midwife can feel your belly and thell you exactly what parts of your baby are where i.e. legs, spine, head etc. Yet if i have a feel around i've got NO IDEA lol

Oh yeah and i still have a breech baby :dohh: :haha: xx
Hey ladies, hope you, your babies and bumps are all well. We've had another rough week here, I took Grace to hospital on Saturday as she seemed very drowsy, pale and cold. We got there and discovered she was in respiratory failure, even on 100% oxygen she hardly responded. They tested her blood and her co2 level was so high they said as a adult they'd expect her to be conciousness so it was a miracle she was even slightly with us (a healthy baby will have blood co2 of around 5-6, babies who have chronic lung disease like Grace usually are around 8-9, and Grace's was 23) . They gave her a huge amount of diuretics to dry out her lungs, and anti-biotics to cover all bases including meningitis, as she was too unstable to test for it. She went onto a cpap machine to help her breathe. At this point they decided she needed to be ventilated, so needed to send her to another hospital as they can't do it post discharge at our local one. It was at this point our favourite consultant from the neonatal ward became her guardian angel, and he broke the rules which say once you've left neonatal you can't go back, and he took her back up there into the isolation room. He did this so she didn't go to doctors who don't know her when she was in such a bad way. I'm beyond grateful, apparently he had to defend his decision to the board, and she's the first baby in at least 5 years they've done this for. I believe she'd be much worse off if it hadn't been him and the nurses who know her treating her. Overnight on Saturday she started seizing, which was scary at the time, but now they think it was just a reaction to the amount of co2 in her body. By Sunday I had my Grace back, she was alert, pink, squawking away and grinning at me for 8 hours straight. She's still in hospital, but is currently on less oxygen than she went home on, so is doing well, and her co2 is hovering in the 8.6-10.5 range, which is acceptable so long as it doesn't rise again. We hope to have her back home next week.

And as if the week wasn't bad enough, my granddad died on Tuesday. He had a brain tumour so we knew it was coming eventually, but he was actually pretty stable and alert, but he got pneumonia and was gone within hours. I didn't even get to say goodbye as I was in hospital with Grace and mum told me just to come at the end of the day so I wasn't going back to her with germs on my skin. My mum has decided that in lieu of flowers she's asking for donations to the special care baby unit, which really touches me.
Oh Dinah, what an awful week.

I'm so glad Grace is doing better after her scare - she really is such a strong little lady isn't she? I'm sure she'll continue to improve well. Thinking of you.
Oh Dinah i'm sorry you've had such a tough week. Grace really is a little fighter isn't she! By the sounds of it you also have an amazing doctor to make a discision like that :) I hope she continues to improve and will be home soon. Sorry to hear about your grandad also and that you didn't get a chance to say goodbye. I'm sure he's watching over you all now :) xx
Oh Dinah, so sorry to hear about your week. So glad that Grace is on the mend. It must be so scary for you to have to watch out for these things all the time.
Also, sorry about your grandad.

That's so scary Dinah. What a tough little girl you have. I can't imagine how you're coping. I hope this is the last of it.
I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. What a hard week you've had.
Thank you, I'm just glad she's pulled around. She's actually now on less oxygen than when they sent her home last time. Before she was on 0.3litres a minute, now she's down to 0.08 litres, so a huge drop of over 60%. Hopefully having drier lungs is the start of good things for her.

Think she's going to have to go down to the children's ward today though as they've got two mums to be of prem twins currently labouring, 26 weekers and 32 weeks I think it is. If they both arrive then they need the space on neonatal for them. Fingers crossed for the 26 week mum especially they can stop labour and keep them in a while longer.

Absolutely gorgeous day today, hope you're all out in the garden or the park with your little ones, Grace loves being outside but it chucked it down almost the whole two weeks she was home, so hope the weather holds until she gets out.
Sorry to hear of your worries dinah....what a superstar grace is....amazing little girl :) my thoughts are also with you about ur grandad....why does everything happen at once hey? Xxx
Hi all :)

I went to the docs last Thur for pain in my ribs (which i know is normal but the skin above is very sensitive and its only a patch of skin) Well i got a complete check over and they ruled out everything from blood clots to pre eclampsia but took bloods just to be on the safe side. (btw seems likely that its babies head causing the pain)

Anyway i got a call today that my haemoglobin levels are low so they are having me in tomorrow for more bloods to test my iron. Which explains why i've been more tired these past few weeks...just thought it was down to pregnancy lol

Hope all is well with everyone else xxx
Sending hugs dinah hope grace is home soon x
Wanna- hope you feel better soonXx
Hope you're ok Wana, and they can give you something which will help you feel less tired.

All is ok with me, almost 17 weeks and I have a little bump which I expect will pop properly fairly soon! Just looking around now at nursery furniture and trying to decide on a theme for little one. We're thinking something neutral, like animals or jungle.

How is everyone else? I hope all babies are behaving :)

turns out i am aneamic and have to pick up my prescription monday. Other than feeling tired i'm great tbh :) x
Hope the iron kicks in. My first pregnancy i used to sleep most afternoons.xx
I'm getting to that point this weekend and the last 2 by the afternoon i've felt like i've needed a nap. Its been too late in the day before but i think i'll have an hour now tbh lol x
Wow lots has happened while I have been on holiday, I will try to catch up soon.
Don't know if anyone really checks on here any more but just thought i'd see how everyone is doing x
Hi wanna how are you. I bet this hot weather isnt nice with a bump xx
i do i come on here :) im still waiting for your bump pic wanna lol you said on the facebook page that yu was going to update on here and still not seen one lol :p x
I've got tbh Kim....i completly forgot! haha :D will have to do one tonight before i forget again hehe

Its not too bad tbh i get my moments where i think 'my god' but other than that i'm quite enjoying the sunshine :)

Hows everyone's babies doing?

I can't believe as of Tuesday my weeks left count down goes to single digits!! x

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