Have an amazing husband!
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Thankyou everyone 
Here is my birth story. Sorry its a bit long....
I had period pains the morning of my due date, 16/10/12, from 7am - 11am. They went and i saw the midwife who said see if anything starts, but booked me a sweep for the following week if it didn't.
7pm my period pains came back but wern't too bad. Went to bed and had a few pains on and off through the night that were stronger. By 4am i had to get out of bed as i couldn't deal with them properly led down.
Woke hubby up at 6am to tell him he wasn't going to work
and by 7.30am rang the hospital as she hadn't really moved in a long while. They told me to go in. Got there at 8am and was seen at 8.30am. They hooked me up to a monitor. At this point my contractions were still irregular but as soon as i was on the monitor LO started going crazy
They obviously decided she was fine and i wasn't in established labour yet but checked me and i was 3-4cm! They told me to go for a walk for a few hours and get some food but stay near the hospital (i live 30min away). So me and hubby did this and they got stronger and closer together but still irregular. 1 min they wer 3 min apart, the next they were 10min apart. They decided at 12.00 that i should go home and relax and come back when they were every 2min apart.
Got home at 12.30 and tried to sleep (couldn't) and they gradually got stronger and more regular but still only 6 mins apart. Rang the hospital and as i got to 4cm without really knowing it they told me to go back and get checked. Got to hospital at 4pm and was checked. Still 4cm but thinned and stretchy.
They decided to admit me to maternity ward instead of sending me home and see what happens. If needed they'd were going to decide what to do at 8pm when huby would have to go home.
(btw i had a tens machine on the whole time to help with the contractions. It was fab in my oppinion! Also i couldn't deal with the contractions led down or sat down so appart from being in the car i had been stood up since 4am!)
My contractions got stronger and decided to try a bath. Took tens off and got in. Tbh....hated it. It did nothing for me and whilst i was in the bath i started to feel some pressure. The midwife checked me and i was 6cm. So at 6pm got sent back down to labour ward.
Here everything really started to progress. I had gas and air which did make me sick at one point but was great otherwise. My contractions got closer and stronger and i got more pressure. At about 10.30pm i was checked again and was now 8cm but i was starting to get the urge to push which was REALLY hard to fight. My waters still hadn't gone at this point (and i'd lost my plug at about 7pm) They couldn't break them as they wern't bulging, there were no waters between the sack and her head.
At this point i was only 8cm but couldn't help but push with some of the contractions. At 11.30pm they checked me again and i was 10cm! Finally! They managed to break my waters then (turns out when i though i had wet myself
during contractions earlier, it was actually my hind waters)
They told me i could start pushing which i've got to be honest....the wierdest feeling in the world as the head is coming down. Just as her head was ready to come out her heart rate dropped. They decided i needed an episiotomy but couldn't get between her head and my bits to give me the injection to numb it before cutting, so they cut me and i felt EVERYTHING. Not going to lie it hurt like hell and i lost control abit at the shock and pain of it.
Her head then came out and the cord was around her neck which they quickly got off. A few more pushes and Sophia-May was born at 00:03am 18th October 2012, weighing 7lb 10oz and 57cm long!
She came out really clean, strong and alert. We did skin to skin and breastfeeding straight away (she's a natural). I can't believe she's actually here and i'm no longer pregnant. I wouldn't change her for the world. She is such a content little baby. She doesn't feed as often as i thought she would of and she's a really good sleeper.
So all in all counting my labour from 4am Wednesday, not 7pm Tuesday, i had a 20 hour labour with gas and air for the last 6 hours and a tens machine throughout. I had an episiotmy which tbh isn't too bad and its all really neat down there. Not too painful either but it stings to wee.
Now we are just enjoying very moment with her

Here is my birth story. Sorry its a bit long....
I had period pains the morning of my due date, 16/10/12, from 7am - 11am. They went and i saw the midwife who said see if anything starts, but booked me a sweep for the following week if it didn't.
7pm my period pains came back but wern't too bad. Went to bed and had a few pains on and off through the night that were stronger. By 4am i had to get out of bed as i couldn't deal with them properly led down.
Woke hubby up at 6am to tell him he wasn't going to work

They obviously decided she was fine and i wasn't in established labour yet but checked me and i was 3-4cm! They told me to go for a walk for a few hours and get some food but stay near the hospital (i live 30min away). So me and hubby did this and they got stronger and closer together but still irregular. 1 min they wer 3 min apart, the next they were 10min apart. They decided at 12.00 that i should go home and relax and come back when they were every 2min apart.
Got home at 12.30 and tried to sleep (couldn't) and they gradually got stronger and more regular but still only 6 mins apart. Rang the hospital and as i got to 4cm without really knowing it they told me to go back and get checked. Got to hospital at 4pm and was checked. Still 4cm but thinned and stretchy.
They decided to admit me to maternity ward instead of sending me home and see what happens. If needed they'd were going to decide what to do at 8pm when huby would have to go home.
(btw i had a tens machine on the whole time to help with the contractions. It was fab in my oppinion! Also i couldn't deal with the contractions led down or sat down so appart from being in the car i had been stood up since 4am!)
My contractions got stronger and decided to try a bath. Took tens off and got in. Tbh....hated it. It did nothing for me and whilst i was in the bath i started to feel some pressure. The midwife checked me and i was 6cm. So at 6pm got sent back down to labour ward.
Here everything really started to progress. I had gas and air which did make me sick at one point but was great otherwise. My contractions got closer and stronger and i got more pressure. At about 10.30pm i was checked again and was now 8cm but i was starting to get the urge to push which was REALLY hard to fight. My waters still hadn't gone at this point (and i'd lost my plug at about 7pm) They couldn't break them as they wern't bulging, there were no waters between the sack and her head.
At this point i was only 8cm but couldn't help but push with some of the contractions. At 11.30pm they checked me again and i was 10cm! Finally! They managed to break my waters then (turns out when i though i had wet myself

They told me i could start pushing which i've got to be honest....the wierdest feeling in the world as the head is coming down. Just as her head was ready to come out her heart rate dropped. They decided i needed an episiotomy but couldn't get between her head and my bits to give me the injection to numb it before cutting, so they cut me and i felt EVERYTHING. Not going to lie it hurt like hell and i lost control abit at the shock and pain of it.
Her head then came out and the cord was around her neck which they quickly got off. A few more pushes and Sophia-May was born at 00:03am 18th October 2012, weighing 7lb 10oz and 57cm long!
She came out really clean, strong and alert. We did skin to skin and breastfeeding straight away (she's a natural). I can't believe she's actually here and i'm no longer pregnant. I wouldn't change her for the world. She is such a content little baby. She doesn't feed as often as i thought she would of and she's a really good sleeper.
So all in all counting my labour from 4am Wednesday, not 7pm Tuesday, i had a 20 hour labour with gas and air for the last 6 hours and a tens machine throughout. I had an episiotmy which tbh isn't too bad and its all really neat down there. Not too painful either but it stings to wee.
Now we are just enjoying very moment with her