The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

That IS exciting Dinah! I want to lose some weight before TTC again so I reduce the chance of having BP issues and also for my general health. I feel so crappy atm :(

TGIF again, looking forward to having hubby home for the weekend.
Very exciting dinah! Can u believe the talk is now about ttc for number 2?!?!? Crazy!

Not sure when we'll get back on that band wagon.....maybe June next year? Not sure yet!!

Sorry ur feeling crappy poppie.....sending hugs. And yeah def love the weekend for some daddy time!!! X
wow thats fab Dinah! :) It must be a big step to take even planning it with everything you've been through with Grace but it does make sense.

My midwife discharged me today and said she thinks she'll hear from me again in about 18 months time lol that seems majorly close to me right now haha

I really don't know if we'll have another one just purely because labour put me off big time. I'd do everything else in a heartbeat but labour was not what i expected xx
Take care of yourself Poppie. I've been feeling like a lot is out of my control recently, but starting to loose the weight has made me feel like at least I can do something right. I think a complicated pregnancy or birth can take it out of you emotionally for a long time afterwards.

Hubby and I finally got a date night last night, and talking a lot more we realised we were being far too led by financials and actually neither of us really wanted to be starting to try again in March. But we do both want to try again next year, so tentatively we're staying the start of August, but come off contraception in the May and just avoid OV time, as last time it took ages for AF to settle down. This means we can have a lovely holiday to New York next August, and also Grace should be 2 when the new baby arrives.
Thanks girls. I'm ok, just would have liked to have shifted some of it before now. I have the best intentions to get out and go for a walk most days but by the time things are done around the house its like 3pm or so. Just have to make myself do it I guess.
I found I was getting so bogged down in housework, I made a rule to do 2 hours a day, and everything else could wait until tomorrow. I also stopped worrying that someone might pop round, and now only do the two hours tidying on a morning, and if toys are out or the post is on the table, or there are clothes needing washing, I don't worry as I know it was clean that morning, and they know I have a baby and if they want to judge - sod 'em. They do say weight loss is 90% diet, 10% exercise, but mentally I find the exercise gets me thinking more about my body and what I eat. Walking is the only exercise I'm doing, but I do do it most days, as Grace loves a look at the world from her buggy, so I count that walk as as important to her as play time or physio in her development as it's something she wants to do rather than all things I want her to do like eat, sleep, be clean - not things babies are overly interested in when they are getting curious about the world. Weather here is due to get to -15C this week, going to miss our walks when that happens, as it's just far too cold to think about taking her out in.

Husband's first day at a new job today, came with nearly a 40% payrise which takes a bit of pressure off, although it is a much, much more expensive commute. Just hope he likes it. I still don't know if I'm returning to work or not, technically we don't have enough money from his wage for me not to, but we've been advised to keep Grace out of childcare for two winters, so I don't really think we have a choice if it's her health that's the deciding factor. I have a few part time work from home (or work from home most of the time but 3 days a month in office) jobs possibly going to come off, so that would be ideal if it happened. I wanted to return half time, but we can't find anyone who can care for her 1 on 1 for those two and a half days that won't work out at more than I'm earning.
Dinah, that's a good attitude to have about getting out for a walk. I should think of it that way too I guess. I hope that you are able to work from home, will make things so much easier.

How's everyone's Christmas preparations coming along? What is Santa bringing??
I love Christmas! Just waiting for Dec 1st really, so we can start to decorate the house and make it all cosy and festive!

I'm not sure what Santa is bringing this year - hubby and I have decided to be sensible and not get much for each other, but to spend the money on little one instead!

Still, will start Christmas present shopping soon and am looking forward to that, I love looking around the shops at Christmas.

How about you? What are you hoping for from Santa? x
We are going back home for Christmas to my brother's house so it will be lovely to celebrate Fletcher's first Christmas with family and some of his cousins.

Of course Fletcher won't really know what's going on and will probably be more interested in the wrapping paper but Santa is bringing Fletcher his Santa sack, a Fisher Price chatter phone, some Wiggles Books, new pyjamas and a Mickey Mouse t-shirt.

We are giving him a Britto Pablo Puppy:
We wanted him to have a special cuddly toy that he can have forever and when I found this I thought it was awesome.

DH and I aren't giving presents to each other this year as the cost for flights and going home for 3 weeks was costing a lot. We are also attending an old school friend's wedding up there in early January too.
We're getting our tree on the 1st too. In August we were out for the day and took Grace into a year round Christmas shop and she was just so incredibly happy staring at the lights on the trees, so I really can't wait to get it all lit up.

Not sure what we're getting her, definitely something to go in the bath will be a present as she loves the water and splashing around in the big bath. Like Poppie I don't think we'll be doing presents for one another, until I get some money coming inn we don't really have it spare, and we'll want some spending money for our holiday later in the year (and we need to save to go to my cousin's wedding, on the remotest of all remote islands off the coast of Greece in May). I really love a good wedding, always enjoy the big day and seeing people I love happy, but it does seem to be a bit of a competition lately where every one of my friends and family need one bigger than the last and it always costs us a fortune to travel there, stay in the hotel, eat at the pre-wedding dinners, get your hair done because it's too posh a place not to etc. If I could go to a wedding and it cost me less than £500 I'd be thrilled. I've started buying my wedding outfits off ebay as most of the Monsoon/Coast type dresses have only been worn once to a different wedding anyway. Damned Facebook you can't wear the same one twice! Sorry, rant over, I just worked out that between two weddings, an engagement party and a going away party for 3 cousins who are sisters I'll have spent around £3200 in less than 12 months :O That's a big chunk now that we don't have a second salary.
We're doing Christmas small this year. Sophia's definatly not going to have a clue lol Me and hubby arn't getting each other anything and we are only buying for our nieces and nephews and Sophia. Being on maternity money we can't really afford to do it like we usually do. We're going to get Sophia some baby toys like rattles etc as szhe hasn't got anything like that yet.

Christmas dinner will just be the 3 of us and then we've told the family they are all free to come over in the afternoon evening and we'll put out some nibbles and what not xx
Finally doing PP pictures :) kept forgetting to take them so only have 1 week and 4 week PP photos. Will put up 4 week prego and 40 week prego pics as well. I'm quite pleased with how my belly is xx


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Looking wonderful Wana!! I wish I had the motivation to get out and do the get rid of babyweight thing.
I don't want to sound like i'm bragging or anything Poppie but i must just be very lucky because i've done absoloutly nothing to try and get rid of it x
we had a free photo shoot today for Sophia :) It was a friend's dad and he wanted to build up his newborn portfolio. We are getting a free print as well but they're are all online for us to see, so wanted to share a few of my favourites with you all xxx


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Wana - that's ok, you are not bragging at all. You weren't big to begin with either so that probably helps. I have a lot to work on from pre-preg anyway! Those photos are great. She's very cute!! Free photo shoots are always good! :)
Really cute photos Wana. My mum is paying for us to have a family photo shoot next spring when Grace is 1, and I'm really looking forward to having some professional photos of her.

Just before I had Grace I was 31lbs heavier than when I fell pregnant (which is a LOT by 28 weeks!) but most of that was Grace, fluid, and a HUGE amount of water retention from the pre-e. I was 10lbs heavier than pre-pg by 3 weeks after having her, so I count that as my actual baby weight gain. I've always approached dieting very seriously, and burned out quite quickly, but this time I'm going by the rule that nothing is forbidden, it just has to fit into 1200 calories a day, and EVERYTHING must be logged on myfitnesspal as otherwise I can easily tell myself I'm well under 1200 and it's more like 1800. I allow myself one day off a week, not to go mental, but for example if we're going out to a restaurant or to my mums for sunday dinner, I'll try to eat a sensible portion, but I'll still eat what I want to. Sticking to the calorie limit has meant on some days I've skipped dinner as I had some birthday cake or I'll only have toast and fruit salad for lunch as I know I've got a friend over for dinner and I'll have a glass of wine. For me this way works better as I tend to fall off the wagon quickly if I put strict rules in place like 'no chocolate, no baking, no wine'. I'm chuffed to now be at my smallest since uni, still a long way to go but the last 6 weeks haven't been hard really, and it hasn't felt like a diet, it's just ticking away in the background, and logging my cals is second nature now. It is interesting how much pregnancy has changed my shape though. I was always busty, but with a fairly small waist and hips, but since pregnancy my bust is significantly smaller, whereas my hips are definitely wider. I think I still have another 6-10lbs to loose before I actually fit my pre-pregnancy clothes.

Grace is in a right mood with me today. She was sick on her playmat yesterday, so it went in the wash overnight and it's good as new today. But I've reattached the arch bit with the toys on and it looks different to before, I think I had it poorly attached before and now it's right, but she's so angry that the toys aren't dangling exactly as she's used to! She also refused to take her bottle this morning as usually she has a glass 100ml prepacked one, that I just heat and screw the teat onto. But she's been draining that in the last few days so I've been lining two bottles up before I start. Today I tip the two 100ml glass bottles into one 250ml plastic bottle, same teat, and she looks at me like I'm taking the mick. She played about for 40ml then just clamped her mouth shut and gave me 'the look'. Does anyone else have a baby this wilful?! I wouldn't mind if she was stropping about a new flavour of food I was trying her on, but this is the same milk she always has, and the same teat, just a slightly different container! ARGH!
Wanab, Sophia is so beautiful! She’s getting so big so quickly. Good job! I lost all my baby weight by 6 weeks, I didn’t have to do anything either. I think maybe it’s the breastfeeding because I’m still losing weight and I haven’t been watching what I eat.

Dinah, I love myfitnesspal. I was using that app before I got pregnant to lose weight. My daughter has her days. Yesterday she refused to eat any solids, a little carrot no cereal. She had 2 spoons of carrots and then refused.

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