The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Hey girlies :D

I've been busy the past few days so haven't been on in a while and MY GOD!! how much have i missed lol

Welcome to all the newbies here that i've missed :)

Taking it baaaaaack to when we weere on about my wedding and TTC etc...

I have been to the doctor before that and she didn't say about any bleeding other than a period and she dais if we did that in August vefore the wedding she could always give me per....something lol to stop the bleed but its not ideal for TTC.

I'm probably just going to wait till after the wedding :( it makes more sense and will probably be less stressfull. I did think about taking the coil out earlier BUT if i didn't get any bleeding and was fine and then had a :bfp: would i fit in my dress?? So thats not really an option tbh

With the wedding i'm really looking forward to getting away but it hasn't really hit me yet that i'm getting married lol Because most of it is being done over there i don't see alot over here to make it real lol. I did get very excited however when i went for my dress fitting the other week :D :D :D and picked out a veil!! I've got to go back soon to try it on after the alterations have been made.

We still haven't got my OH suit sorted yet!! which is starting to worry me because until we do that we can't sort out dad and best man etc

I'll probably get to July when my friends wedding is and it will all smack me in the face like a brick wall lol

I would try and reply to what you ladies have already been chatting about but catching up on 6 pages is very hard lol You've all been extremely busy on here. xxx
Hi ecobear *waves*

Every time I log back on there's another few pages - I think it's all picked up pace now that it's only a few weeks away. 46 days!!!

Swannsong, I never get any signs of ovulation other than the changes in CM, and even then it's not very obvious! I think perhaps I might have to start being a bit more serious and taking my temp every morning. DH doesn't want me to as he'd prefer if we were just NTNP for a while and see what happens, but I'm just so impatient. My cycles are a bit weird at the moment anyway. AF was due today but then over the last year or so cycle length has varied from 24-31 days, and it's never the same two cycles in a row. So it would be good to know what is going on I think!
When I'm not on BC I get ovulation signs (sore nipples, CM, and I used to get ovary pain on the one side, but now that I had surgery that might be gone).

Dodgegirl/Paula - I'd really be interested in your story if you're willing to share. I like getting to know people.

My weekend is goind pretty good. Nothing exciting has happened, but I've been quite productive with my housework today.
I am sooo nosey too, and would love to hear your stories. I am happy to tell mine to anyone who wants to know! But most of you probably know it already!

I am going to start prenantals at the start of next cycle, OH is finally coming around to the idea a bit more! Yay! But I have noooo chance of him taking any lol.

anyone watch BGT? Wasnt that guy singing Tracey Chapman BRILLIANT!!

Have a good Sunday xx
I am nosy/curious as well! So anyone with interesting stories, please feel free to share!

I'm Vicky, by the way. I work as an admin. assistant for a payroll company. I enjoy it, actually, even though it's not really remotely what I went to college for, or anything. I have a great boss and wonderful coworkers. For what more could a woman ask? ;)

My weekend has been fun but busy with my girlfriends. Vegging out now with the OH - he got out of work earlier than planned today, yay! Tomorrow will be a quiet day of just me. Cannot wait until tax season ends, only two more days!

Hope everyone else is enjoying their weekends!
Ok everyone, here's my story of TTC. Please don't be judgmental and try and keep an open mind. If you knew what I have been through with relationships and whatnot, you would have a little bit more understanding. So I will give you a little background first.....

I'm 32 now. Married at 21, divorced a yr and half later. no kids.
been through several LTR, no one has been the right match yet.
Dated for several years off and on, I've seen it all. Kinda lost my faith in finding the "good guys", I think they are all taken ! LOL
I'm the youngest of 8 kids in our family, they all have kids so I grew up watching my nieces/nephews and being around babies. I have always wanted kids, and know that I'll be a great mom.

I came to a place in my life around the holidays last year where I wanted to take a break from dating..... then I started looking into adoptions, sperm donors, etc. I found the term "co-parenting". The term usually applies to divorced couples who are raising the child together, or for same sex couples who want to raise the child with the other parent.
So I decided that I would search this term co-parenting out....

I found a guy who wants to raise a child with me, he's 31 and he has been looking for a female to do this with for about 8 years. He's gay, so there would be no romantic relationship between us. We met online. He wants to see the child as much as possible and will help financially as well. He's very flexible and is a great communicator. So we will have shared/split custody, with me being the primary parent. We will be doing an at home insemination with a kit.

I don't expect you all to agree with my decision, but it the best option for me to have a child at this point in my life right now. So I just ask that you just give me the :thumbup: and be supportive. Some of my family members and friends know my situation and are supportive......

So yeah I'm really excited.....

thanks guys. :flower:
I think that's great! I think it's fantastic that you were able to find someone in a somewhat similar situation or stage in their life who is interested in co-parenting with you. It probably can't be easy to find the right person for that kind of job. (heck we all know how hard dating can be).

Sounds like you are in for quite the challenge and adventure. I wish you all the best with this and I definetly offer you my support. Two thumbs up!
I'm glad you've got the support of friends and family too, that will make the world of difference for you.

mind if I ask why you chose June to TTC? (sorry.. I'm curious now lol)

Oh yes, and thank you for sharing your story with us! :)
Aw dodgegirl, you have to do what it right for you, and your LO, whatever works for you my sweets. I echo what Lu-is said. I wish you all the luck in the world hun. xxx

Me I am Jules 29 ( 30 on my wedding day :)) OH is 26, we been together for just over 2 1/2 years, but we were friend since we were younger, 11 ish. I work as a nanny 2 long days a week, which I love, only started in March. I have worked in childcre for the last 11 years- My god that makes me feel sooo old! :) 2 other days I help my mum care for my nan she is 93, has Alzheimer's, is partically sighted and has breast cancer. So never a dull moment! I am glad I can help out, It ws either that or nan had to go in a residental home, as mum couldnt cope with everythng on her own.

I have spent most of my weekened in bed :( caught the LO I nanny for tummy bug :( but then have done odd bits for the wedding too :) Dont plan on doing a lot today, so will be stalking round here on BnB :)

I did an Ovulation test strip ( sorry sure there is an abbreviation for it, but cant remember what!) last night I got my first ever near ish positive, though I felt awful with tummy bug I could stop grining (Imagine what i will be like when I get my BFP :)) although since coming off the pill in dec I hve had cyles of 24 days, but this one looks like it is going to be longer? Anyway plan to do one midday and see hwta that looks like :)

Have a good sunday, I am about to have some dry toast! xxxxxxx
Dodgegirl, I think its a wonderul that you have decided to co-parent, just because you are not in a relationship shouldnt mean that you cant have children, I admire the fact that you are giving the man a chance that he may not otherwise ever have. Your baby may not be brought up in the 'conventional' way but he/she will be loved and adored by you both alot more than other parents I know! I will support you on your happy journey :thumbup:
Ok here’s my story, but its a long one lol!

I am 28 and so is my DH. I met my wonderful man when we were both 19 online! Fell in love instantly and we have been together everyday ever since!
We were engaged 9 month later but it was a long engagement, we bought a house together in 2006 then got married in Scotland in Gretna Green in 2007.

When I was 16 I was diagnosed with PCOS and was told that it may be impossible to have children naturally, it hit me hard but I accepted it and explained to my DH early in our relationship, he was ok with it but there was always a huge hole there. I only used to get a period every 6 months if I was lucky! after we got married we never used any contraception but then in Sept 2008 I started having a regular period every month so in Jan 2009 we decided to use some OPK's and I was ovulating :happydance: Then in Feb 2009 I got my :bfp: (I think there prob some old pots on here) We were over the moon and that’s an understatement!!!

My pregnancy was wonderful, no sickness, no weight gain!

In April 2009 I had a painful lump under my left arm, the docs referred me to the breast clinic as she thought it was a blocked milk duct from pregnancy. In the meantime I had bloods done and I was diagnosed with glandular fever I had more lumps appear in the left side of my neck. The doctor told me it was the glandular fever and they would go away on their own!

I went on holiday in June 2009 I was 26 weeks pregnant, had a brilliant time but the day before coming home I couldn’t move my head with the pain and the lumps were increasing, I had them under both arms and the one in my neck had got bigger and really sore. As soon as we got home I went to the docs she signed me off work as she STILL THOUGHT IT WAS GLANDULAR FEVER!!

10th July 2009 - My appointment at the breast clinic, I had an ultrasound and biopsy taken of the lump under my right arm as it was bigger than the one under my left arm! A week later I went back for results, they told me it was NOTHING sinister like cancer but they had to send it off for more analysis. I wasn’t worried, still off work and enjoying being pregnant.

I phoned every Thursday for more news but every week there was nothing.....Then they called me back on September 10th 2009 for what I thought was to have another biopsy. But she said 'Its not good news' and told me I had Lymphoma, I didn’t know what Lymphoma was! Then she said it was cancer, all I could think of was my unborn baby, what if it has harm her? But they assured me she would be ok.

The following Monday 14th I saw my oncologist for the first time, we agreed the induction should be booked ASAP so that they could start staging me! But I asked if I could just have 2 weeks with my baby before anything happened, She did agree. I was induced on the 19th and had a very healthy but small baby girl on the 22nd. I was on cloud nine, my illness was so far in the back of my mind, I was in a bubble!

The next 2 weeks were wonderful. But I knew the bad days were quickly approaching, I broke down in front of the car sales man when we were buying a family car (poor man).

On the 5th oct I had CT scan, The day after I had a bone marrow biopsy (this was worse than childbirth) Took him 3 attempts, after the 2nd I nearly gave up, but my mum talked me round. Then on the 7th I had a PET scan.

I had a until chemo started I was sore but loving being a mummy, she kept me going, gave me hope every day.

I was staged at 3B with enlarged nodes both sides of my neck, both armpits, chest, groin and back (Maybe 4 as the bone marrow was still active, but that could have been because of pregnancy)

I had a Hickman line fitted the day before I started chemo on the 13th of Oct 2009. I was booked in for 8 cycles of ABVD. I had a PET scan on 4th dec I was responding really well to ABVD with good shrinkage, so I was reduced to just 6 cycles. Also confirmed as only 3B as bone marrow was ok!!!! Yay!!!!

The chemo didn’t make me sick but I was tired, but didn’t blame the chemo for this I blamed that on being a new mum! I had numb fingers so found dressing Daisy a problem. My Hair thinned but I never lost it all but I did shave it off as I was worried about it going down the babies throat. But as symptoms go I think I had it pretty good.

I finished treatment on the 23rd March 2010 and had a CT scan in April, It did show that the nodes in my Armpits had shrunk to normal size and all the other apart from one in my chest were significantly smaller. The node in my chest was still on the large side but less than 1.5cm. The scan also showed lung scarring. But I was told I was in remission!!
My periods returned a month after finishing chemo and I have had regular ones ever since!

I had another CT scan In august as I found a enlarged node in my neck but docs said that they had not changed since last scan and that the lung scarring had gone!!!

I have a CT scan on April 27th and as long as I am still clear we will be given the ok to start TTC!

I did warn you that it was a long story, I have never fully told it before on Bnb because I am still in denial over it all - but here’s to the future!!

Thanks for reading xxxx
aww thank you lu-is, topsy and welsh_mum2b !! I really appreciate your positive words of encouragement, it means a lot. Lu-is, we chose June to start TTC, as we wanted to wait a few months to get to know each other (we met in February) and make sure it's right, and to talk everything through to make sure we were on the same page and make sure we were meant for each other to do this. We originally planned for Sept, but I decided I couldn't wait that long and moved it up 2 months.

Thanks again everyone. talk to you tomorrow, time for bed. :hug:
Welsh_mum2be, I have tears in my eyes reading your story. Thank you for sharing. You are very courageous and from your avatar looks like you have a gorgeous little girl. I went with my cousin when she had leukemia for a bone marrow biopsy as she said that it was worse than childbirth too. I have everything crossed for you that you still get the all clear ( which i am sure you will) on your next CT scan, and then you can start ttc. :hugs:

I think this is a great site, and thread and hopefully whatever life throws at us we can all support each other on our way to BFP :)

Thanks so much for sharing your stories - its lovely to know more about my Junebug buddies!

dodgegirl I think what you are doing is wonderful. You have to do what's right for you and it's not like you've just gone into this cold, you've done your research and found someone who you are really comfortable with and I'm sure everything will be just fantastic. :)

Welsh_mum2be your story is amazing. You've done so well and I'm sure you'll get that green light to TTC after your next scan.

There's not too much to tell about me - I met hubby at university and we married 2.5 years later. We moved to a small town for a few years where we met some lovely people, who we are still good friends with, but I was teaching in a very toxic environment which led to me being diagnosed with depression. Luckily we were able to move away from there and move to Melbourne where we are now. We absolutely love it here, and I no longer suffer from depression or have to take meds for it. We will start to build our home very soon and of course start our family.

Well it's now Sunday night here, and it's back to work tomorrow :( I hope everyone has a good week. I am very much looking forward to having a 5 day weekend for easter and ANZAC Day holiday next weekend.
Ok here’s my story, but its a long one lol!

I am 28 and so is my DH. I met my wonderful man when we were both 19 online! Fell in love instantly and we have been together everyday ever since!
We were engaged 9 month later but it was a long engagement, we bought a house together in 2006 then got married in Scotland in Gretna Green in 2007.

When I was 16 I was diagnosed with PCOS and was told that it may be impossible to have children naturally, it hit me hard but I accepted it and explained to my DH early in our relationship, he was ok with it but there was always a huge hole there. I only used to get a period every 6 months if I was lucky! after we got married we never used any contraception but then in Sept 2008 I started having a regular period every month so in Jan 2009 we decided to use some OPK's and I was ovulating :happydance: Then in Feb 2009 I got my :bfp: (I think there prob some old pots on here) We were over the moon and that’s an understatement!!!

My pregnancy was wonderful, no sickness, no weight gain!

In April 2009 I had a painful lump under my left arm, the docs referred me to the breast clinic as she thought it was a blocked milk duct from pregnancy. In the meantime I had bloods done and I was diagnosed with glandular fever I had more lumps appear in the left side of my neck. The doctor told me it was the glandular fever and they would go away on their own!

I went on holiday in June 2009 I was 26 weeks pregnant, had a brilliant time but the day before coming home I couldn’t move my head with the pain and the lumps were increasing, I had them under both arms and the one in my neck had got bigger and really sore. As soon as we got home I went to the docs she signed me off work as she STILL THOUGHT IT WAS GLANDULAR FEVER!!

10th July 2009 - My appointment at the breast clinic, I had an ultrasound and biopsy taken of the lump under my right arm as it was bigger than the one under my left arm! A week later I went back for results, they told me it was NOTHING sinister like cancer but they had to send it off for more analysis. I wasn’t worried, still off work and enjoying being pregnant.

I phoned every Thursday for more news but every week there was nothing.....Then they called me back on September 10th 2009 for what I thought was to have another biopsy. But she said 'Its not good news' and told me I had Lymphoma, I didn’t know what Lymphoma was! Then she said it was cancer, all I could think of was my unborn baby, what if it has harm her? But they assured me she would be ok.

The following Monday 14th I saw my oncologist for the first time, we agreed the induction should be booked ASAP so that they could start staging me! But I asked if I could just have 2 weeks with my baby before anything happened, She did agree. I was induced on the 19th and had a very healthy but small baby girl on the 22nd. I was on cloud nine, my illness was so far in the back of my mind, I was in a bubble!

The next 2 weeks were wonderful. But I knew the bad days were quickly approaching, I broke down in front of the car sales man when we were buying a family car (poor man).

On the 5th oct I had CT scan, The day after I had a bone marrow biopsy (this was worse than childbirth) Took him 3 attempts, after the 2nd I nearly gave up, but my mum talked me round. Then on the 7th I had a PET scan.

I had a until chemo started I was sore but loving being a mummy, she kept me going, gave me hope every day.

I was staged at 3B with enlarged nodes both sides of my neck, both armpits, chest, groin and back (Maybe 4 as the bone marrow was still active, but that could have been because of pregnancy)

I had a Hickman line fitted the day before I started chemo on the 13th of Oct 2009. I was booked in for 8 cycles of ABVD. I had a PET scan on 4th dec I was responding really well to ABVD with good shrinkage, so I was reduced to just 6 cycles. Also confirmed as only 3B as bone marrow was ok!!!! Yay!!!!

The chemo didn’t make me sick but I was tired, but didn’t blame the chemo for this I blamed that on being a new mum! I had numb fingers so found dressing Daisy a problem. My Hair thinned but I never lost it all but I did shave it off as I was worried about it going down the babies throat. But as symptoms go I think I had it pretty good.

I finished treatment on the 23rd March 2010 and had a CT scan in April, It did show that the nodes in my Armpits had shrunk to normal size and all the other apart from one in my chest were significantly smaller. The node in my chest was still on the large side but less than 1.5cm. The scan also showed lung scarring. But I was told I was in remission!!
My periods returned a month after finishing chemo and I have had regular ones ever since!

I had another CT scan In august as I found a enlarged node in my neck but docs said that they had not changed since last scan and that the lung scarring had gone!!!

I have a CT scan on April 27th and as long as I am still clear we will be given the ok to start TTC!

I did warn you that it was a long story, I have never fully told it before on Bnb because I am still in denial over it all - but here’s to the future!!

Thanks for reading xxxx

WOW you have been through alot!! do you not feel anger towards the medical staff for not picking it up sooner and making you wait so long? i really hope that you get the all clear on the 27th i will be keeping my fingers crossed for you. well done for keeping your head up high this far and you will have many happy things to come :D It's nice to know that you can share this with us :) thank you x

Thats a really nice way to have your LO this baby has been well and truly plan out :) and i don't think you should have the need to explain how your doing this and if people don't agree as everyone is different and who says that the "mum and dad in a releationship" is the right way to bring up a LO, the world is meant to be different that is what makes it exciting :D x
Dodgegirl, a child just needs parents that love it. Kids are being raised in all sorts of different situations these days and whatever is right for you will be right for your child.

Welshmum, reading your story I'm just glad you're here with us and healthy! Sounds pike an ordeal!
Ok everyone, here's my story of TTC. Please don't be judgmental and try and keep an open mind. If you knew what I have been through with relationships and whatnot, you would have a little bit more understanding. So I will give you a little background first.....

I'm 32 now. Married at 21, divorced a yr and half later. no kids.
been through several LTR, no one has been the right match yet.
Dated for several years off and on, I've seen it all. Kinda lost my faith in finding the "good guys", I think they are all taken ! LOL
I'm the youngest of 8 kids in our family, they all have kids so I grew up watching my nieces/nephews and being around babies. I have always wanted kids, and know that I'll be a great mom.

I came to a place in my life around the holidays last year where I wanted to take a break from dating..... then I started looking into adoptions, sperm donors, etc. I found the term "co-parenting". The term usually applies to divorced couples who are raising the child together, or for same sex couples who want to raise the child with the other parent.
So I decided that I would search this term co-parenting out....

I found a guy who wants to raise a child with me, he's 31 and he has been looking for a female to do this with for about 8 years. He's gay, so there would be no romantic relationship between us. We met online. He wants to see the child as much as possible and will help financially as well. He's very flexible and is a great communicator. So we will have shared/split custody, with me being the primary parent. We will be doing an at home insemination with a kit.

I don't expect you all to agree with my decision, but it the best option for me to have a child at this point in my life right now. So I just ask that you just give me the :thumbup: and be supportive. Some of my family members and friends know my situation and are supportive......

So yeah I'm really excited.....

thanks guys. :flower:

That's really awesome! I've always been a big advocate for gay rights, including parenting. I think that is a great way to have a child. I'm so glad that your child will have two loving parents, since so many children are "accidents" and unwanted. My aunt is gay and so is my little brother. My brother swears up and down that he doesn't want children, but he's only 19 so that could change. I had never actually heard of that as an option.

Anyway that is so exciting! I will be very interested to see how the whole process works out for you.
Ok here’s my story, but its a long one lol!

I am 28 and so is my DH. I met my wonderful man when we were both 19 online! Fell in love instantly and we have been together everyday ever since!
We were engaged 9 month later but it was a long engagement, we bought a house together in 2006 then got married in Scotland in Gretna Green in 2007.

When I was 16 I was diagnosed with PCOS and was told that it may be impossible to have children naturally, it hit me hard but I accepted it and explained to my DH early in our relationship, he was ok with it but there was always a huge hole there. I only used to get a period every 6 months if I was lucky! after we got married we never used any contraception but then in Sept 2008 I started having a regular period every month so in Jan 2009 we decided to use some OPK's and I was ovulating :happydance: Then in Feb 2009 I got my :bfp: (I think there prob some old pots on here) We were over the moon and that’s an understatement!!!

My pregnancy was wonderful, no sickness, no weight gain!

In April 2009 I had a painful lump under my left arm, the docs referred me to the breast clinic as she thought it was a blocked milk duct from pregnancy. In the meantime I had bloods done and I was diagnosed with glandular fever I had more lumps appear in the left side of my neck. The doctor told me it was the glandular fever and they would go away on their own!

I went on holiday in June 2009 I was 26 weeks pregnant, had a brilliant time but the day before coming home I couldn’t move my head with the pain and the lumps were increasing, I had them under both arms and the one in my neck had got bigger and really sore. As soon as we got home I went to the docs she signed me off work as she STILL THOUGHT IT WAS GLANDULAR FEVER!!

10th July 2009 - My appointment at the breast clinic, I had an ultrasound and biopsy taken of the lump under my right arm as it was bigger than the one under my left arm! A week later I went back for results, they told me it was NOTHING sinister like cancer but they had to send it off for more analysis. I wasn’t worried, still off work and enjoying being pregnant.

I phoned every Thursday for more news but every week there was nothing.....Then they called me back on September 10th 2009 for what I thought was to have another biopsy. But she said 'Its not good news' and told me I had Lymphoma, I didn’t know what Lymphoma was! Then she said it was cancer, all I could think of was my unborn baby, what if it has harm her? But they assured me she would be ok.

The following Monday 14th I saw my oncologist for the first time, we agreed the induction should be booked ASAP so that they could start staging me! But I asked if I could just have 2 weeks with my baby before anything happened, She did agree. I was induced on the 19th and had a very healthy but small baby girl on the 22nd. I was on cloud nine, my illness was so far in the back of my mind, I was in a bubble!

The next 2 weeks were wonderful. But I knew the bad days were quickly approaching, I broke down in front of the car sales man when we were buying a family car (poor man).

On the 5th oct I had CT scan, The day after I had a bone marrow biopsy (this was worse than childbirth) Took him 3 attempts, after the 2nd I nearly gave up, but my mum talked me round. Then on the 7th I had a PET scan.

I had a until chemo started I was sore but loving being a mummy, she kept me going, gave me hope every day.

I was staged at 3B with enlarged nodes both sides of my neck, both armpits, chest, groin and back (Maybe 4 as the bone marrow was still active, but that could have been because of pregnancy)

I had a Hickman line fitted the day before I started chemo on the 13th of Oct 2009. I was booked in for 8 cycles of ABVD. I had a PET scan on 4th dec I was responding really well to ABVD with good shrinkage, so I was reduced to just 6 cycles. Also confirmed as only 3B as bone marrow was ok!!!! Yay!!!!

The chemo didn’t make me sick but I was tired, but didn’t blame the chemo for this I blamed that on being a new mum! I had numb fingers so found dressing Daisy a problem. My Hair thinned but I never lost it all but I did shave it off as I was worried about it going down the babies throat. But as symptoms go I think I had it pretty good.

I finished treatment on the 23rd March 2010 and had a CT scan in April, It did show that the nodes in my Armpits had shrunk to normal size and all the other apart from one in my chest were significantly smaller. The node in my chest was still on the large side but less than 1.5cm. The scan also showed lung scarring. But I was told I was in remission!!
My periods returned a month after finishing chemo and I have had regular ones ever since!

I had another CT scan In august as I found a enlarged node in my neck but docs said that they had not changed since last scan and that the lung scarring had gone!!!

I have a CT scan on April 27th and as long as I am still clear we will be given the ok to start TTC!

I did warn you that it was a long story, I have never fully told it before on Bnb because I am still in denial over it all - but here’s to the future!!

Thanks for reading xxxx

Wow! Your story is so inspiring! I'm so happy for you that you are in remission. Plus you have your beautiful little girl. I have known and loved some people who did not have the same outcome from cancer, it is great to hear of someone doing so well. How exciting that you get to start TTC after your next scan!
wow welsh mum, that's quite a story ! I'm glad you are in remission ! sounds like you have been through a lot, and while having a you are a strong woman :flower:

thanks everyone for your support, I love you guys !
Dodgegirl - I think you have a wonderful plan set out before you, for yourself and your LO. There are so many families into which children are born and the parents are not prepared, or are just incapable of providing a loving home. It would appear that you and your co-parent are both very well-capable and have reached a great agreement, and for that, I applaud you! That's so awesome! I look forward to hearing as the story progresses! Please, tell us more about the father! :D He sounds pretty stand-up, from what you've said. You two get along well, then?

I'm very excited for you. :) <3

Welsh mum - totally teared up reading your inspiring and amazing story. You are so inspiring! I look forward to hearing more about your upcoming journal, as well, and am so glad to hear you were given an all-clear! xo Such a blessing!


I feel as though I know a decent amount about some of you, what about your OHs? :) I'd love to hear more.

I'll rehash myself and my hubby for ya's to kick off getting to knoooow you... ;) haha.

As I said before, I'm Vicky. I'm 25 and have been blessed enough to have met my OH, Chris, when I was a child. He doesn't remember me - as 5th grade boys roll, ignoring the girls - but I remember him. We actually met in my tenth grade psychology class, though. He was the only guy in the class and at first, I really was not interested. My mom found an article in the newspaper about him (IDR what it was about) and suggested I date someone like him; I said he was boring and lame and only into school and music and not into a girlfriend and we'd never mesh. I was in denial. I had a big-time crush that developed shortly after that conversation, but he didn't really... care. LOL. So after 6 months, he eventually did kiss me and then it took him three months to get the nerve to ask me to date him exclusively. We've been together since - I was 16 at the time.

He went on to get a Bachelor's in Music, as well as a Master's and I have a Bachelor's in Communications. We got married only a few weeks after he finished his Master's program and a few months after I finished my Bachelor's. He now works as an accountant by day and conducts music at a local church a few nights a week (and Sundays, of course). I work as an admin assistant for a payroll company. It works well, having that little bit of extra from his second job, to help us pay off the house we bought almost 2 years ago.

His hobbies include music (shocking? lol) and watching sports - mostly Nascar, baseball and football. We're polar opposites in many senses, whereas I'm super outgoing he is pretty reserved, but it works well as it does seem, opposites attract. :p

I first knew he was ready when we met my nephew, Aiden, at the hospital this December. I snagged him right off the bat (my sister's child) and didn't want to let go. I actually knew I was ready when I started crying because it was just amazing to hold him and see him for the first time. Then I handed him to Chris, and he gave him a kiss and cuddled him to his chest and I could have melted.

Clearly, I'm a total sap.

Anyway, so that's us. Geeze, what a ramble! Sorry ladies. :(

Anyway, for anyone who wants to, dish the dirt! I love learning more about everyone else. :D

Hope you're all enjoying your weekends! xo

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