The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Singers_love – of course, welcome! =) we’re in various stages of WTT, NTNP, etc here, so you’re welcome by all means. We’re a fun and fabulous group of ladies, if I may be so bold as to state such.

I’m loving getting a peek into everyone’s lives! So awesome! =)

We have a dog, and I’m eager and yet nervous about baby + dog. She’s great with my nephew, but I guess I’m just a little irrationally concerned too. My parents had a great lab that they got as a puppy and he snapped when they had my sister… literally. He bit my father and then my sister, so they had to give him to someone, who also was bitten by him and they ended up having to put him down… so awful! So I guess I’m totally paranoid that omg, what if? But I have read a lot about how to make it work with introductions and things, so I keep praying hard.

My sister gave me a few books to read, so I’ve been going through them. Taking Charge of Your Fertility was the first, then she just gave me Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. Oh my word what a hilarious book! She’s a riot. A quick and easy read, but very comical insight. I had purchased What to Expect Before You’re Expecting on Amazon because a lot of ladies in WTT mentioned it, then my sister gave me the What to Expect When You’re Expecting book also, so I have both of them. And she gave me the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy. Basically just all her hand-me-downs – she purchased them on amazon and to get the best prices. =)

It’s a lot of information and sometimes overwhelming, but I enjoy reading them.

I’m on day 11 of my cycle, no AF and no +OPK yet. But CM is changing and whatnot, so we’ll see what happens later this week! Clearly I’m just a little eager – mostly because I’m like, “oh my goodness I better get my period before the cruise.” We leave in 24 days! Ack!

Alright, off to get some work done, hope everyone is having a lovely Monday and I look forward to checking in later and seeing everyone’s updates! :D <3 Seriously, thank you Jess for making this thread. It’s a highlight to my day, every day! You ladies are amazing.

You're welcome! I didn't think anyone would even respond to be honest. I'm really glad that you all did. I love coming in and checking every day to see what's going on with everyone!

I forgot, too... we have a cat and a rat. Our cat, Raerae is so sweet and loveable, and she likes everyone. Literally. Except for small children. That may become an issue unfortunately. The girl that we got her from had to get rid of her, because she had a one year old and the cat was acting out. Hopefully she will do ok. And DH does love the cat, talks to her in the little baby voice too.
Hey Girlies! Wow! You girls talked alot this weekend! I am not sure where to even start!

About me: My name is Lisa Marie, I just turned 31. Hubby will be turning 29 next month. We worked together and started dating in 2003. We moved from NY to NC together in 2005 - and bought a house as soon as we moved. Got engaged in 2006 and got married in 2007.

I work in the accounting dept for my career. I do alot with numbers - boring stuff actually. I got my Bachelors in Business in 2004 so it fits, I suppose. Hubby is still in school full time working on his 3rd degree (and last!!) - this time a Bachelors in Science in Electrical Engineering. He only works part time as an Electrical Engineer and has 2 years of school left. I can't wait! I am sick of being the bread winner!!

We have a very cute Boston Terrier who will be turning 4 years old tomorrow. We love her to death, is so sweet and we consider her our 1st born!! She is spoiled to the max!!

I read the "What to expect before you are expecting" and really enjoyed it - recommend it. Sometime soon I would like to get the "Take charge of your fertility" that I hear so much about.

For Easter, I will be hosting my Uncle and my Grandparents at my house. I love to entertain. They both live about 2 hours away in different directions. It will be nice to spend time as we haven't seen them in quite some time.
We have been discussing ttc since Jan, and decided to wait till June for work/due date realted reasons.. Can I join, even just to add in my 2 pennies worth every now and then, and ask for help. Will try to read back through the blog so I dont ask the same questions that have already been answered!

I am very excited and hate the fact we have to wait!!!!

Hi! Welcome! At least we only have to wait a little longer...
Well I got sunburn yesteday in the garden, love it. And I have made some progress with DH too, we were talking AGAIN about TTC in June and for the first time ever he said he could see the benefits for Daisy having a little brother or sister!!!! I nearly fell on the floor with shock. :happydance: I am sooo happy that he is coming round to the idea a bit more now. :happydance:

Sunburn?? it's warm enough for a sunburn.. dang.. we've had such crappy wether this spring. I still have to scrap frost off the car windows every morning. *sigh*

As for books, I've been getting a variety out of the library, saves on some $$$. I'll have to check the titles when I get home from work and post them.

I got my first sunburn of the year in March at a St. Patrick's Day parade! I've gotten 2 more since, just from driving home from work (only on my left arm though!)
We have been discussing ttc since Jan, and decided to wait till June for work/due date realted reasons.. Can I join, even just to add in my 2 pennies worth every now and then, and ask for help. Will try to read back through the blog so I dont ask the same questions that have already been answered!

I am very excited and hate the fact we have to wait!!!!

welcome !! of course, the more the merrier ! :thumbup:
the only book I have is the "what to expect before you're expecting" I have been reading it for about 2 months now, I think i've read ALL of it !! I need a new book as I keep reading the same stuff over and over because I'm kinda obsessed with learning more and getting prepared ! SO I just saw in a post "take charge of your fertility" ?? Is it a good one ??

So I'm thinking of TTC next month instead of waiting until June !!??? I don't know, I just am getting so impatient, and there really won't be any difference if we start in may and not june..... don't worry I will still be here, I won't move forums, I'm too attached to you guys! But, I haven't decided for sure yet. FOB is totally fine with starting earlier, he's impatient too ! :happydance:

god, I'm so glad monday is overwith, I hate mondays !!!!!!!
Welcome singers_love! Of course you can join us here however often you post, it doesn't matter.

I'm just bored at work everyday atm so am posting heaps LOL! I use my phone to connect my computer to the internet while browsing this forum though, I don't want my bosses finding out about my plans just yet.

Dodgegirl - why not start next month? If you're ready why not go for it. So glad you'll stay here with us though.

Ooh I really want my book, I think I might head down to Kmart tonight and see if they have it in stock yet and maybe try Target if they don't. I wanna get reading!!
hi poppiebug...i'm bored but at home. freezing cold and just stuffed myself with ice cream, yumm !! If I was able to get on here at work, I wouldn't get anything done ! I'd be on here all the time. :comp:

which preggo book are you going to get? what did you mean by the books are exxy ?? expensive? I need a new one !
Dodgegirl: I don't see any reason for you to not start next month, if you are ready. We are NTNP until June anyway, too.
hi poppiebug...i'm bored but at home. freezing cold and just stuffed myself with ice cream, yumm !! If I was able to get on here at work, I wouldn't get anything done ! I'd be on here all the time. :comp:

which preggo book are you going to get? what did you mean by the books are exxy ?? expensive? I need a new one !

During school holidays my work is mainly just in the office so I basically sit at my desk all day reading forums or whatever. I hardly get any emails either so it's easy to get bored. During term time, I'm usually out at schools most days so that is what I enjoy most.

Yes, the books can be expensive. I'm going to get the What to expect when you're expecting book. I probably could borrow it from somewhere / someone but would like my own copy.

Jess137 I meant to comment before - you have a cat and a rat?? How do they get on?? LOL! I'm hating rats right now, we had one die in our roof and it stunk out the house so much we had to stay in a motel for 2 nights. We'd told our landlord that they were in there (we thought it was possums at first) but they didnt do anything about it, then one died and they finally decided to bait them!

1 hour for me to go at work - bring on 5pm so I can head to the shops and then home :happydance:
Taking charge of your fertility is great, although it's quite a lot of reading! It's all about temperatures, cervical mucus and cervix position and how that relates to ovulation. To be honest, though, is you do the charting course on the Fertility Friends website you'll grasp the main gist of the book.

I've got a really awful cold. Really snotty, blocked sinuses, headache, pain in my chest + cough, and itchy ears. I think I might be developing some sort of chest and/or ear infection :( I'm going to see how I get on but I might have to go to the doctor if the ear thing gets worse. I used to get ear infections all the time when I was a kid.
Well I went shopping after work and bought 2 books! :blush:
I got What to Expect Before You're Expecting AND What to Expect When You're Expecting. I've been home for 45 minutes and am already 10 pages into the first one already! They were expensive, but will be well used I am sure.

beccad sorry you aren't feeling well. The flu sucks, I hope I don't get one this year cuz I've already had my flu shot. Hubby has had about 3 colds / man-flu this year and I've been lucky not to get them.

Have been meaning to ask the UK ladies (again it's me with the questions!) - does anyone watch Neighbours?? I'm a religious watcher. It's on right now. :)
Morning everyone (and afternoon to others which are not in the uk :)) The books are expensive aint they! I have the what to expect as well and another one I can not member its name I will have to look for it later and let you all no thats if you wanna no! I was lucky enough to get one for my birthday and the OH brought me one thinking it would stop me going on about it all the time with the questions lol little did he know i now ask more haha!

Back to work on Thursday :( but hopefully they have found all the information on mat leave for me, as that is onething I do not understand! As I work for the council it's all confusing!

WE DON'T HAVE LONG LEFT UNTIL WE ARE TTC AHHHHH excited much??? :D :D wonder who is going to get the first :BFP: and to the neigbours question Nope I don't watch it :)

**also please excuse my spelling and such I'm dyslixic so i struggle with it (thats more than likle spelt wrong too heheh)**
Aw snowflakes I love Boston terriers! They&#8217;re such cute little pups. =) Shannon (our rat terrier) is like a child to us too. She&#8217;s a princess and a half. But since she gets along so well with my nephew &#8211; he even grabbed her whiskers last weekend and she didn&#8217;t even move, just looked at me like ?? &#8211; we&#8217;re praying it&#8217;ll carry onward when we have a child of our own. She&#8217;s still a pup, almost 2, but we see a lot of positive changes as she gets older. We shall see!

dodge I loved the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility. It&#8217;s very interesting, but as mentioned above, a pretty lengthy read. I loved it though, because learning such in-depth information about my body was, in my mind, fascinating. I guess it&#8217;s just so intriguing to me how complex the human body is &#8211; so I enjoyed it immensely! And hey, why not get started? We&#8217;ve discussed TTC on the cruise if I ovulate this cycle and such &#8211; because if my cycles are pretty &#8216;regular&#8217; then I will be ovulating on the cruise. But right now, that&#8217;s a big if and a shot in the dark until this cycle completes itself. I refuse to leave you ladies too, just because I love our little group here. =) It&#8217;s just so much fun!

Aw becca, I hope you feel better soon! That is no fun! =( :hugs:

Mornin&#8217; Kimberley and hey, no worries about the spelling. ;) I can understand you just fine! I&#8217;m get super excited and oh my goodness, it&#8217;s just coming so quickly! I&#8217;m glad we have such a tight-knit group of ladies here. It&#8217;s nice to have that support.

Tax season ended yesterday so my hubby is finally back at home and I was so enthralled to see him. He got home around 8:30, significantly earlier than expected, so I made pancakes (as he had said at lunch that he was craving them) and he broke open a bottle of jameson and some wine to &#8216;celebrate.&#8217; I figured since we&#8217;re not actively TTC, why not? Oh goodness, my tolerance is so low from a lack of drinking, though, I was tipsy off just a wee bit of wine, it was pathetic. Made for a fun evening though &#8211; he made my heart melt! Not sure how we got on the topic intiailly, but we were talking about kids and how he said, &#8220;some days, I&#8217;m not sure I&#8217;m ready then I see these wonderful kids at church or wherever and I think to myself, yes, I am.&#8221; So it kind of tickled me because I&#8217;m glad he&#8217;s fully on board with all of this!

Anyway, this is a long enough post so I&#8217;ll leave you for now with a: Happy Tuesday everyone! xo
Hi! I'm new to BnB so PoppieBug suggested I check out this thread since I'm WTT until June.
What is everyone doing now to prepare? June is just around the corner!
Hi Nanner! :D Welcome!

I'm taking prenatals, and hubby has been taking just regular men's vitamins 5 of the 7 days a week. (he keeps them at work and eats them with his breakfast, better than nothing lmao) I've been charting my cycles starting with this current cycle, so I'm hoping to learn when (and if) I'm ovulating!

(just dropped the pill this cycle, so we'll see lol)

And well, mostly just reading a lot of books about conception and such. Trying to eat healthy, exercise a little bit, etc. >.< We shall see how it goes!

What about you? <3
Hi all
Hope you're well?
I don't tend to come on here much as I'm trying not to get too wrapped up in all of this until June is here but wanted to say we had a little "accident" on Friday when I came home from work drunk and I'm sitting at work wondering what if!! :)

AF is due in 12 days so will see if OH's little swimmers took effect :)!! At the weekend I kept waving my hands over my belly shouting "fairy dust, fairy dust"... Crazy I know!!

Just wanted to share.
I'm a little confused how much I have to do to prepare at this point. I don't plan on discontinuing the pill until the June cycle, so I haven't done too much yet. So far I'm trying to eat better (I don't like many veggies! blah!- trying to change that). I always take a multivitamins, but am planning on switching to a prenatal as soon as the current bottle is gone. I exercise a lot and will keep that up. Also, trying to save money.

Any other suggestions?
Hi simno, stuff like that happens to me too :haha: I swear it can send me all mad!

Hi nanner! I am trying to remember to take folic acid everyday! I put it next to the kettle so so I'd see it when I come downstairs every morning to make a cup of tea, but because I shower first, DH does the tea-making and I forget to take it! I am getting better but I still miss some days :blush:

So AF has showed up this afternoon, just to make me feel even more sick than I already do. Nice eh! So from now we're NTNP I guess. I promise to stick around even if a miracle happens and I fall before June. I'm trying not to get my hopes up about it all. There's no reason whatsoever why we should have any problems, but I expect most people think that don't they when they start trying or whatever.
EEE simno! Keep us posted! ;)

Def folic acid, nanner! :D not sure how much longer until your bottle is done, but I'd toss in folic until you can swap vits. Just so you can work up your levels :D And getting a jump start on eating your veggies is a good plan. :) I'm a veggieaholic... I just love junk food too. :( it's bad.

Oh no becca - sorry to hear you're feeling even more ill now!

I have cramps, IDKY. And I just realized I've been OPK testing in the mornings and read today that it's better with afternoon pee. DAMN. lol. Guess I'll start in the afternoons then. Grrr, I'm such a doofus. xD

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