The Junebugs: TTC June 2011! 18 BFP's :) + 4 angels :( - 14 Junebug babies born!

Welsh-Mum: I really hope that your scan goes great on April 27th. I'm sending good thoughts and wishes your way.

My DH and I...
I am 27 and my husband will be 30 this November.

We met in a university music class way back when... lol I guess about 8 years ago? We were both taking it as an elective, at that point I was planning to be an archaeologist.
About 1.5 years later I switched into the music department instead, and around that time I kept randomly running into this guy from my earlier music class. (thinking back now I thought he was cute, but I didn't really know him so I never dreamed of one day being married to him..)

That summer I started working and hanging out at a bar that he apparently frequented; we had developed a lot of mutual friends and had been hanging out after hours at house parties and such (ah, to be 21 again lol). One day out of the blue I got a phone call from him asking me to go to a movie, and we've sort of been together ever since. :)
It was cute when he asked me to "go out with him"/ "go steady" about 2 months after the first date.

Now to the present: We both have a Bachelor of Music (Mine is in theory and composition, and my DH just finished his this year in Performance). He is a percussionist, a pretty good one I think. He plays with a jazz band and a metal band.
His Hobbies would be music, video games, reading, movies.
Mine aren't too different, music, baking, reading, movies, and video games as well. :)

My DH, Brett, is so fantastic with our neices and nephew that I just know he'll be a fantastic dad! (He's getting a little scared right now though..)
I am 23 and DH is 22. We met when we both worked at Mcdonald's. I was actually dating someone else at that point, but I broke up with him. A while later, I told one of our coworkers that I thought Alec was cute, and of course he told him I said it right away! Alec asked me out soon after. We went out to a movie for our first date, and we really hit it off. We went on another date the next night! We would sit and talk in the parking lot after work for hours. (BTW I was 17 and DH was 16). We were pretty inseparable.

Anyway fast forward a few years.... we moved in together when I was 21 and DH was 20. We got engaged in February 2010 and we were married on 10/10/10. He didn't go to college at all. I went to what was basically a vocational college, and I have an associate's degree for medical administrative assistant. He works at a car dealership, and he is moving up pretty quickly. I work in a doctor's office as an administrative assistant and billing. His hobbies are: watching baseball, talking about baseball, video games, and watching baseball. I love to read, bake, sew, crochet, and of course spend (too much probably) time on B&B!

He agreed after we got married to TTC this summer. Of course I took that and ran with it! I don't care if June 1st is summer technically or not! I figure June is a summer month. He isn't really showing a lot of excitement about the whole process, but I think it won't be real to him until I have a little bean growing inside me. He's decided not to worry about birth control since I stopped the pill in February, so I take that as him not caring if it happens sooner than later.

I have 2 little cousins, both boys, aged 5 and 2. We have 2 nieces, aged 6 and 6 months, as well as a nephew who is 3. Alec is so great with the kids. I know he will be a great daddy.

Anyway, I know that was a lot! On another note, I am going to drive myself insane symptom spotting! I know it's unlikely to be pg already, and I don't even know if I ovulated this cycle yet. I have to figure out a way to keep myself from doing it.
It's lovely reading about all your stories and OH's.

My OH is into IT and is currently the IT Manager at a big boarding school outside Melbourne. He is a gamer (doesn't play as much as he used to) and loves Linux but hates Windows and Mac, it almost kills him that I have an iPad and am thinking about getting an iPhone when my mobile contract finishes up next month! LOL!

So it's Monday morning again here, yuk. Am at the office, trying to stay awake! Thank goodness for the short week this week, can't wait for a sleep in on Friday. It's also only 67 days until our USA working holiday which means it's also only 67 days til TTC!! :happydance:

What's everyone's plans for Easter??
Booo for Monday morning!! (I still have 12 hours until I have to get ready for work..)

We're going to go visit my parents for Easter Sunday and Monday - I think we spent last Easter with my DH's family. Thankfully my parents only life 2.5 hours away so we can make short trips to visit.
My sibilings will all be there, should be fun.
So not looking forward to Monday! D: But well, it happens.

I love my iPhone, poppie! I'm a Mac girl, all the way. <3 But I currently own a PC because I decided to buy one rather than splurge on a new Mac because, oh yeah, saving for a baby. Biggest mistake of my life. LOL.

Plans for Easter - I called off Good Friday, Chris had off Good Friday, so we're going to visit his parents, trade beds with my sister (she has a Queen spare bed, we have a Full as our main bed, so we are swapping because we wanted to buy a larger bed, she wanted to buy a smaller... so why not? lol), and then Easter Sunday my sister is hosting dinner for us, my parents and Chris' parents. :D Her inlaws live really close to her, so they said since they see my sister and her OH and LO all the time (and her house isn't very large, neither is theirs) that she should have my family over for Easter. She invited Chris' parents too, since he's an only child and she didn't want them to be alone. So it worked out well. :)

lu-is, you and your OH would get along well with mine, it would seem! lol. his undergrad is in vocal performance, his Master's in choral conducting.

I'm going crazy too, jess, watching my CM and wondering if I'm gonna O. oh my goodness I'm going insane! lol

Well I'm off to read (conception) books for awhile - LOL! - and then crash for the night. xo!
Well I'm off to read (conception) books for awhile - LOL! - and then crash for the night. xo!

Oh that brings me to another question (sorry I have lots don't I??) - what conception / pregnancy books do you have or are going to get??

I have "Up The Duff" by Kaz Cooke (which is more for pregnancy) but am also going to get the token "What to Expect when You're Expecting" book hopefully will get it this weekend. I really want to read up on the conception and early preg stuff soon (more than I already have! lol!).
My book is called 'The Complete Pregnancy journal' or something like that! It's good, I've learnt a lot actually, it's amazing how much you don't know about TTC, until you actually start thinking about TTC!

Thanks to everyone for sharing their stories.

Dodgegirl, I think it's wonderful that you've found a solution that works for you and for this man too. Everyones situation is different and it's really great that there are options available now that weren't before! I wish you all the luck in the world!

And Welsh_mum2b, your story was really moving. I really wish you all the best for April 27th scan :)

As for me, I'm 27 and my lovely OH is 32. We met 8 years ago and got married 2 years ago. We're in the process of trying to sell our house and move somewhere a bit bigger, hopefully this will be done fairly soon, although we will just go with the flow with it, if we have to move while pregnant, that's fine :)

Got lots of Bank Holiday time coming up, so not feeling too bad for a Monday morning, knowing it's only a 4 day week, yippee!

Wishing you lovely ladies a great day! x
Poppie where in Victoria do you live? I've got cousins who live out there, around Cranbourne (?). I visited them for the first time in July last year and loved it. Melbourne was my favourite Australian city.
Right, on the laptop rather than my iPhone (another Mac lover here!) so can type a proper reply.

DH and I are both 31, 32 this year (DH in July, me December) and he works as a video editor so he editing tv programmes, music videos, adverts, films etc. He works freelance, so works for different companies all the time, which is great for variety, but less good for financial stability I guess. He's pretty good at his job, though and has several loyal clients, so his income is relatively stable. I work for a scientific research organisation as an events organising type person. It's mostly conferences and seminars, lots of people from the areas of science I work in (medical, human disease etc.), all quite geeky and I only did high school level science so have no clue what they're talking about half the time!

We have a cat called Amber and she's a bit mental, but I love her all the same! DH is a bit indifferent, especially when she's a bit skanky - she puked up her breakfast this morning, and DH came upstairs and said "YOUR cat has been sick in the kitchen, so YOU need to come and clean up the mess YOUR cat has made." She's only my cat under certain circumstances. When she's being cute and purring he's quite happy to admit to ownership!! What are men like eh!

We (DH and I) met online I suppose. It wasn't like internet dating, though. We're both really into snow-sports and we met via an extreme sports forum (apparently skiing is an extreme sport?!) I met him at a forum meet about seven years ago, although I'd just split up with my ex, so we didn't get together until about eight months after we first met. We got married three years after that (2008) and here we are now! We live in Surrey in a three bedroom house, which we're currently renovating. I'm sat at home waiting for some carpet fitters to arrive as I type!

Easter - no idea what we're doing, but I imagine there'll be some more work on the house! We might go and visit parents/family, but not sure.

I've not got any books yet, well apart from Taking Control of your Fertility. DH's older sister had a baby last year and I know she's got quite a few books, so hopefully we can just borrow them. The pregnancy books I briefly looked at were all quite expensive - lovely big hardbacked books, but they were £20 each, and I don't really want to spend that much on a book when i can borrow one!
A huge thank you for all your kind words and support. It was a tough time in my life but it never let it get me down because I had to be strong for Daisy and the rest of my family. And coming through to the other side has made me appreiciate how precious life is and how truely lucky I am to still be here now!

I love reading your stories, they are so cute! Keep em coming!

Well I got sunburn yesteday in the garden, love it. And I have made some progress with DH too, we were talking AGAIN about TTC in June and for the first time ever he said he could see the benefits for Daisy having a little brother or sister!!!! I nearly fell on the floor with shock. :happydance: I am sooo happy that he is coming round to the idea a bit more now. :happydance:

AF came today, my last before TTC. So I am feeling so positive and happy today. Think I will take Daisy to the park as long as the sun stays!

Happy Monday xxxx
Morning to the Monday Junebugs :) I love Mondays as I work every weekend and get ever Monday and Tuesday off :D
I'm 22 (23 in July) OH is 24 we have been together for 2years, we met online just through the oh so famous facebook lol but didnt date till 6months after that,I had just come out of a four ear abusive releationship and was scared of being with someone :( but I did not know that I had met the most amazing person around and when we finally got together was the best thing I did :) I say he was my angel as he saved me from a really bad place was always there when I needed him and if it wasnt for him I wouldnt be here how I am :)
I work as a adult learning disability carer in a resdientail and respite home. Disabilities range from moderate chanallging behaviour to prefound. I love my job very rewarding but very physcial and draining at the same time.
OH is in uni studies multimedia and is in his second year wants to be a web designer. (sorry going on longgg post im like this in real life talk lots :)) he loves games and lego.. hehe he is a big kid.
We have two guniea pigs which we love lots even though he denys it heheh but i catch him cuddling them, they live indoors and are soooo cute. right im going to shut up now!! and anymore stories of you little junebugs xxxxxxxx <3
Poppie where in Victoria do you live? I've got cousins who live out there, around Cranbourne (?). I visited them for the first time in July last year and loved it. Melbourne was my favourite Australian city.

I'm in Heidelberg Heights - about 15kms north of the city. We're building in Doreen which is about 40kms north of the city. Cranbourne is about 50 mins south east from me, but I know where it is and have some friends that live down near there. :D I also love Melbourne, so much nicer than Sydney. If you're ever out here again we will have to catch up!!

The preggie books ARE exxy. The one I want to get is about $30 from Kmart, which is reasonable but I've seen loads that are waaaaay more expensive than that.

Welsh_mum2be horray to last AF! Everyone must be getting close to that mark. I'm over this one already. Here's hoping I only have 2 more regular ones before I'm TTC too.

Well Monday night here, I'm about to go have a shower and have an early night. Getting in all the sleep I can as I was told by a close friend "sleep as much as you can before you have kids" so I'm taking that advice!!
I'm due AF any day now. Been expecting it since Friday! It comes anytime from CD25-31, CD28 today so could be another few days yet.

Poppie - we spent a few days in Sydney too, but it just didn't have any atmosphere. We stayed in the CBD and it was just dead over the weekend. Melbourne seemed much more cosmopolitan and vibrant, and it was lovely with the river. We were over there when the Tim Burton exhibition was on, which was fab.
The harbour is lovely in Sydney, but I've been there, done that - LOL! I love the shopping in Melbourne and it has some wonderful cultural and sporting events. What did you think of Federation Square?? Ugly much?!?
It was, erm, rather urban! It's the sort of thing that's popping up in cities all over the place these days, isn't it...
Kimberley, I meant to say that I catch DH cuddling the cat too, and talking to her in a baby voice telling her what a nice kitty she is :haha:
Well I got sunburn yesteday in the garden, love it. And I have made some progress with DH too, we were talking AGAIN about TTC in June and for the first time ever he said he could see the benefits for Daisy having a little brother or sister!!!! I nearly fell on the floor with shock. :happydance: I am sooo happy that he is coming round to the idea a bit more now. :happydance:

Sunburn?? it's warm enough for a sunburn.. dang.. we've had such crappy wether this spring. I still have to scrap frost off the car windows every morning. *sigh*

As for books, I've been getting a variety out of the library, saves on some $$$. I'll have to check the titles when I get home from work and post them.
We have been discussing ttc since Jan, and decided to wait till June for work/due date realted reasons.. Can I join, even just to add in my 2 pennies worth every now and then, and ask for help. Will try to read back through the blog so I dont ask the same questions that have already been answered!

I am very excited and hate the fact we have to wait!!!!
Singers_love – of course, welcome! =) we’re in various stages of WTT, NTNP, etc here, so you’re welcome by all means. We’re a fun and fabulous group of ladies, if I may be so bold as to state such.

I’m loving getting a peek into everyone’s lives! So awesome! =)

We have a dog, and I’m eager and yet nervous about baby + dog. She’s great with my nephew, but I guess I’m just a little irrationally concerned too. My parents had a great lab that they got as a puppy and he snapped when they had my sister… literally. He bit my father and then my sister, so they had to give him to someone, who also was bitten by him and they ended up having to put him down… so awful! So I guess I’m totally paranoid that omg, what if? But I have read a lot about how to make it work with introductions and things, so I keep praying hard.

My sister gave me a few books to read, so I’ve been going through them. Taking Charge of Your Fertility was the first, then she just gave me Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. Oh my word what a hilarious book! She’s a riot. A quick and easy read, but very comical insight. I had purchased What to Expect Before You’re Expecting on Amazon because a lot of ladies in WTT mentioned it, then my sister gave me the What to Expect When You’re Expecting book also, so I have both of them. And she gave me the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy. Basically just all her hand-me-downs – she purchased them on amazon and to get the best prices. =)

It’s a lot of information and sometimes overwhelming, but I enjoy reading them.

I’m on day 11 of my cycle, no AF and no +OPK yet. But CM is changing and whatnot, so we’ll see what happens later this week! Clearly I’m just a little eager – mostly because I’m like, “oh my goodness I better get my period before the cruise.” We leave in 24 days! Ack!

Alright, off to get some work done, hope everyone is having a lovely Monday and I look forward to checking in later and seeing everyone’s updates! :D <3 Seriously, thank you Jess for making this thread. It’s a highlight to my day, every day! You ladies are amazing.
I missed a whole lot apparently but I'm at work, so I can't be on here long. But I definitely recommend What to Expect Before You're Expecting to everyone. It's awesome!

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