**The Lucky Thread** PAL Babies born late Feb 2011

A slept poorly last night and was up three times. I will be so glad when DH gets home tonight so he can take a shift.

Kathleen--my oldest STTN at 2 weeks old! I think it was about a 7-8 hour stretch if I recall. It was great! I haven't been so lucky with my girls. My 6 y/o STTN around 4 months.
Lexi is in her own cot in her own room tonight. I think our problem through the night is we hear every wee sound, so we go to her quicker than we should be.

Tonight we are only going to get up when she is fully crying for her milk.... I shall let you know how this goes...
I hope she sleeps well for you!! I think sometimes when A wakes up, its because she just wakes up, not because she's hungry as well.
How did sleeping in her own room go Kathleen?

2 weeks Sophia?! That is AMAZING!
How did sleeping in her own room go Kathleen?

2 weeks Sophia?! That is AMAZING!

In hindsight, I realize it was because of my milk supply issues, and I should have been waking him up to feed. But I was a first time mom and no one told me...and he has always been a great sleeper ever since. My 6 yo started out sleeping really well, but again we were having supply issues and my LC told me to wake her up to eat--so she stopped STTN for several weeks.
Sleeping in her own cot in her own room appears to be a BIG success!

Instead of waking twice, shes now only up once and each night is moves by 30mins..
First night we dreamfed her at 10.30pm. She woke at 3.15am for milk. Then slept till 7am.

last night she fed at 11pm. Woke for milk at 3.45am then slept till 7am

So far so good
Yesterday was my 6 week check up. I've lost 33 lbs!! 7 to go to my pre-pregnancy weight, not bad for not exercising at all! It's been snowing here for several days. I guess I will start going for walks with A when the weather finally clears up to drop those last 7.

The MW weighed A and she's up to 11 lbs 2 oz. She asked how she's sleeping and said at her age/weight she should be able to sleep 5-6 hours at a stretch at night, and that if she takes a little more at each feeding she probably will. But I don't want to push larger feeds until we get the reflux worked out!

Last night she slept from 10:30 to 2:30, was awake until 3:30, and then slept until 6:30. But I was exhausted anyway and told Dh to take her, so he got up with her and I slept for 2 more hours.

Where is Karen these days?
The night feeds are a killer eh?
have you's been sleeping during the day? i have not, but i dont feel tired enough to have to sleep anyway - which is good.

most other new moms i have spoken to are telling me their LO's slept through around the 8week mark.. so we are all nearly there!
J is never going to sleep through by 8 weeks! Just can't see it happening! She is asleep in her carrycot now and I'm going to bed and dh will wakee when she wants a feed, probably in only an hour :-(

Sounds like lexi being in her own room is working! Is she in a big cot or Moses basket?

Your weight loss is amazing sophia! They don't weigh us here but i weighed myself and I am still 1st 8lb heavier! Can't diet because of bf and can't exercise yet because of c section! When I can exercise I'm going for it though, I don't suit the extra weight and I can't fit into any of my clothes!

I was wondering about Karen too...
i hope shes just too busy to log on here.. and nothing is wrong!

lexi sleeps in her big cot.. she looks so lost in it! Might try her in a sleeping bag soon aswell.

I have 8lbs to lose to get back to my pre preg weight.. i havent been dieting as such, but im trying to avoid over eating "rubbish".. oh and i walk with the pram loads.

Last night was another success..

Went to bed at 6.45pm. I woke her at 10.30pm for a feed.
she woke at 04.20am for feed.
Slept till 08.15am!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bottlefeeding seems a much less demanding routine than what you guys are going through...
You's deserve a medal!
Yeah we are still doing combination feeds, taking it one day at a time. I keep thinking my milk will dry up completely, but it hasn't so we are still going on. Apparently reflux is usually worse with bottle feeding, but I don't see a difference between when she nurses vs takes a bottle, its the same either way. It's a PITB, I would rather do one or the other, either one! Not really loving doing both, but the FF seem to constipate her and BF seems to keep her more regular. Honestly its a guessing game for me, and I just figure as long as she's getting fed and I'm not getting thrush or mastitis, whatever. I like with BF that you don't have to wash/heat/prepare bottles, especially at night. But I don't like that I BF and then have to make the bottle anyway, ya know? Thankfully she's BF enough that we aren't having to spend a fortune on formula.

We've still had snow, so I haven't been able to go out for a walk. Ace hates the stroller, so the few times I've tried it hasn't gone well. I'm dying for a work out!

I got a gift card for clothes from my parents for my birthday a couple weeks ago, and I'm dying to get some new cute clothes for spring. But no time to shop, and really no desire to try with a baby. I'm hoping next week I can leave the baby with DH for a few hours and go find some things.

RE;eating rubbish...I'm having a hard time not just eating whatever is fast and easy. What are you girls eating? I've been doing well not pigging out, but I can't say my choices have been the wisest. Especially today I've just been munching on whatever all day instead of having meals.
I seem to eat well when Oh is here , as he cooks!
when hes away, i tend to go for quick and easy meals.. and mcDonalds!

Weather here has been surprisingly good of late, so i can go out walking most days - which makes a big difference. Cant believe you'v still got snow in April!
I think the big cot is the way forward. We might do that soon, except I still want her in our room which means dismantling it and bringing it in which I can't face doing yet!!

J was much better last night, she went to bed in her basket at 8.30 and we woke her for a feed at 10.30. she then slept til 2.30 and woke at 6.30. so that is 4 hour blocks in the night which is probably the best we can hope for at this stage!

Loving the weather this weekend, was so nice to be out in the sun! Here is a pic of my two girls at the farm!


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I seem to eat well when Oh is here , as he cooks!
when hes away, i tend to go for quick and easy meals.. and mcDonalds!

Weather here has been surprisingly good of late, so i can go out walking most days - which makes a big difference. Cant believe you'v still got snow in April!

It's melting off now, hopefully gone by the end of today!! Last year it snowed on May 1.

DH cooked last night, which was nice. He's leaving for another trip, so it may be a long week for me. I need to make a menu plan of easy, healthy meals.

I think the big cot is the way forward. We might do that soon, except I still want her in our room which means dismantling it and bringing it in which I can't face doing yet!!

J was much better last night, she went to bed in her basket at 8.30 and we woke her for a feed at 10.30. she then slept til 2.30 and woke at 6.30. so that is 4 hour blocks in the night which is probably the best we can hope for at this stage!

Loving the weather this weekend, was so nice to be out in the sun! Here is a pic of my two girls at the farm!

Beautiful girls!

Our crib isn't set up yet either, Ace is sleeping in a bassinet next to my bed. But she's getting so tall! She's 24.5 inches if I'm measuring correctly, and at this rate won't fit in the bassinet for long. The big crib won't fit in my room though, and I'm not ready to move her down the hall.
Had our 8 week checks and injections today. J is now 11lb 5.5 which is perfect :)

She did not like her injections though, I forgot how horrible they are :-( it was all I could do not to cry too! And there are more in 4 weeks.

The doc said I am ok to start exercising so I had better get back into it, I do have lots of weight to lose!
Ugh, not looking forward to shots. Poor things.

Mumps is going around my town though, I'm worried b/c A can't get an MMR until 18 months.
Helllooooooo ladies!!!

So sorry I have not been on...my in-laws were here from the states and I found it extremely challenging to say the least...no rest whatsoever. MIL did all the cooking but that involved a huge extraveganza all day to prepare...FIL chopped 2 feet off my hedge without asking so now passers by can see in my living room window. You can understand how pleased I was about that. Quite a few bossy and bitchy remarks too...so glad they are gone!!!

Anyway, Jude has been pretty good in the main...although any attempt at a routine went out the window with the in-laws here so I am frantically trying to get back to some sorty of normality. He is still feeding way too often, and I find it a challenge to get out and about sometimes as he is constantly hungry. He is pretty good through the night, sleeping about 5.5 to 6 hours usually.

I need to get a backbone and tell all the people who are making demands on me to back off. I don't know why, but so many people expect me to visit THEM with the baby!! I am talking journeys of an hour and a half, and if i feed him before I go you can guarantee I have to feed him as soon as I arrive. Mostly I am with people who haven't bf and they just don't get it. Yesterday I had to feed him on the train full of commuters. That was a treat in Glasgow.

I think after my in'laws visit I am just completely done in and it is going to take a while to get back on track energy-wise. I have warned DH that i am going absolutely nowhere this weekend and that is that.

So glad to hear everyone is doing well. Now I am off to catch some zzzzzzz before Jude wakes up! xx
Glad to see you!! I'm sorry about your family--I have some of those in mine too.

Nursing in public is always an adventure too. I don't think people realize how inconvenient they are being sometimes with the things they plan and want us to attend!

My 9 year old has football practice and I'm always having to BF in the car, and there's a skate park right there so I'm always trying to be extra discreet b/c there are a ton of teenage boys around. YIKES! That's about the last population I want to accidentally flash!
Ah the joys of Bfing! Sooo glad i can just reach for a bottle.

So how are your LO's doing sleep wise through the night?
lexi feeds about 10 - 11pm, then wakes about 05.30 for a bottle.

im not sure how to get her away from the 05.30 feed. Do I:
a - cut the amount she takes at this feed ( even if she cries for more)
b - keep giving her it, until she sleeps past this time
c - dont give her milk at all if she wakes and try and sooth her back to sleep ( with water or a dummy)

Whatcha think?

PS - my inlaws live about 5 mins from me, but thankfully they more or less meave me be!
Hi Karen glad to see you back! Sorry about the in-laws, must be a real pain, especially when they are staying over! My mil is bad enough at least she doesn't stay lol!

I am rubbish at breastfeeding in public, I hate it! You are doing really well visiting people and getting on with it! I deffo think u deserve a break now though! If people want to see the baby that badly they should travel!


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