**The Lucky Thread** PAL Babies born late Feb 2011

Ah the joys of Bfing! Sooo glad i can just reach for a bottle.

So how are your LO's doing sleep wise through the night?
lexi feeds about 10 - 11pm, then wakes about 05.30 for a bottle.

im not sure how to get her away from the 05.30 feed. Do I:
a - cut the amount she takes at this feed ( even if she cries for more)
b - keep giving her it, until she sleeps past this time
c - dont give her milk at all if she wakes and try and sooth her back to sleep ( with water or a dummy)

Whatcha think?

PS - my inlaws live about 5 mins from me, but thankfully they more or less meave me be!

I guess as she's gone so long through the night she must be hungry so I would say feed her and she'll hopefully wake up later and later? Well done on amazing sleeping though!
Ah the joys of Bfing! Sooo glad i can just reach for a bottle.

So how are your LO's doing sleep wise through the night?
lexi feeds about 10 - 11pm, then wakes about 05.30 for a bottle.

PS - my inlaws live about 5 mins from me, but thankfully they more or less meave me be!

Ace is still sleeping about the same as she was last week. Bed around 10:30. Waking at 3:30 and again around 6. Then she sort of dozes until 7 and is up for good.

im not sure how to get her away from the 05.30 feed. Do I:
a - cut the amount she takes at this feed ( even if she cries for more)--IMO crying it out is mean, plus if she's really hungry would cause a fit and might make it harder for her to settle and fall back to sleep if she gets worked up.
b - keep giving her it, until she sleeps past this time--I don't think this is a bad idea, since she's going 7.5 hours. That's a LONG time for such a little person!
c - dont give her milk at all if she wakes and try and sooth her back to sleep ( with water or a dummy)--you could try it and see if it works! Why not?

Whatcha think?

Honestly I think she's doing GREAT! Does she go back to sleep after this feed, or is she up and wants to play?

Have you calculated how many oz she needs for her age/weight? If you cut out a feed and she's not making up during the day, it could be risky. And her tummy may not be big enough yet to take larger feedings in the day....I dunno, you will probably just have to go with your gut on this one.
So Thursday night Ace slept 10:30 until 4:30, woke up to nurse but only fed for about 5 minutes before falling back to sleep, woke at 7.

Last night, she slept 10:30 until 5:45, woke up to nurse and fed for about 10 minutes, went back to sleep until 8.

7 hours of sleep was wonderful!! I hope this means she's big enough now to sleep 6-7 hours every night. I could get used to that.

She's also wanting more in her bottles at each feed, eating 3 or 3.5 oz instead of 2.
Hooray for good sleep guys! Not so much for me though, last night was a strange one. J woke for a feed at 1.45 then was up for the day at 4.30 :-( was going to do an exercise DVD every morning but have failed that today now! Breakfast in bed for all!
There's always tomorrow for the exercise, don't give up! I got some new walking shoes, so looking forward to breaking them in! Good weather this week too.

Ace slept last night from 10 pm to 6:30 am! I woke to pump at 5:30 though so I was up anyway.

I have thrush again, dangit! I'm not nursing Ace much anymore, mostly pumping. Since I don't want her to get it from me, I'm going to try to just express milk for her, since I seem to have around 8-10 oz a day, I feel like its worth it to pump for her while I can. I just don't want to pass yeast infection back and forth over again. Hoping I can self treat, but if not I'll have to pester my MW to prescribe me some more antifungals. Thrush is the devil.
Sophia poor you with the thrush, I've heard it is nasty :-( well done for continuing the expressing though! You have more dedication than I would i think!

J went down at 8 last night, woke her to feed her at 10.30 then slept til 5! Woo! But she was ready to wake up then so bit of an early start! It is Easter hols though so my girls and I are just chilling watching tv in bed!

Also on a cheery note I managed to feed j in public yesterday! I hate feeding in public but I got a bf cover and it is great so I fed her in a restaurant and felt surprisingly confident! Sorry I am quite proud of myself! Going to Bristol zoo tomo though with my anti bf mother in law so that might prove more of a challenge lol!

Way to go on nursing in public!

Spring break here for us too, so we are hoping to work in the yard but its raining, so we will work on the house instead.

Ace slept last night 10:30 to 5 am also, ate and wanted to be up for the day also--I gave her to DH and slept in (wonderful!) and now I'm boiling my pump & bottle nipples, then off to the grocery store.
looks like we are all heading in the right direction..

Lexi goes down about 6.30 - 7pm. i wake her to feed (5oz) at 10 - 11pm.
She slept last night till 5.50am.. i fed her 2oz of water then about 3oz of milk... and she goes back to sleep. i wake her at 07.20am to start the day.
Im using water during the night and slowly dropping an oz of milk, until this feed is dropped.

i got to bed right after i feed her (about 10.30) so its good to get near 6am with a full sleep!!
How is everyone doing?

Last night A slept 10:30 until 6:30, ate and back to sleep until 9!

She's taking about 3 oz per feed, but still eating every 2 hours or so during the day. We go in on Monday for her 2 month check up, so I will be excited to see what she weighs now!
WOW sleeping till 06.30 would be bliss....

lexi is now 10lbs 3oz.....
Still not sleeping through the night YET
Kathleen, how much does Lexi take at a feed and how often?

A is still sleeping 10:30 to 6:30 every night. Hoping it lasts!
She is taking 5oz ever feed, which is eveyr 3 -4 hours.
She can go 4 hours if we are out and she is sleeping in her pram..

7am(ish), 10am, 2pm, 6pm(ish), 10pm

She wakes once through the night, which is usually 05.30am. i only give her about 2 - 3oz at this feed.. so once shes down toi 1oz i plan on dropping it all together and giving her water.

hows everyone doing?
Took A to the doctor today for her 2 month check up. She's 12 lbs, 8 oz, and 24.75 inches long. She's off the charts for her height, she's so tall!

Thanks Kathleen. A still eats every 2 hours during the day, and only takes 3 oz at a time. I keep thinking she will start eating more at a time and going longer between feeds soon.

I'm still pumping/nursing about 12 oz total per day and supplementing the rest in formula. Doctor says there are no signs of thrush in her mouth anymore!!
L has been on hungry milk since she was 4 weeks old, so this may be why she can go 4hrs between feeds.

Soph - are you still BF or FF aswell? You should try the hungry formula, and see if this makes a difference
L has been on hungry milk since she was 4 weeks old, so this may be why she can go 4hrs between feeds.

Soph - are you still BF or FF aswell? You should try the hungry formula, and see if this makes a difference

I'm pumping 10-12 oz/day. That is all I can get no matter what I do to increase my supply, but its WAy better than I could do with my other kiddos. Not actually BF since we kept struggling passing thrush back & forth, although doc says thrush is gone so we may try again.

The rest is Enfamil formula. I've never heard of hungry milk. Off to Google. I don't really mind feeding her this often, just curious if she's normal in her habits!

Alina & Karen, how are you girls and your little ones?
Hi all been really busy here with Easter hols! Juliette is doing well, a bit more awake than she used to be!

I'm not sure if I've mentioned that juliette has one expressed bottle at 11 pm. I did want this to become a formula feed so she would sleep a bit longer (she will go to about 5.30am). BUT she hates formula. We even tried mixing formula with bm. She took 3oz bm mixed with 1oz formula fine but when we tried to make it 50:50 she refused. I'm not sure she even likes the bottle as she doesn't drink very nicely out of it. It's ok for now but I didn't imagine I'd be breastfeeding until she was a year old! I'm keeping trying because i think if I stop she may not ever get used to it! She also hates the dummy and prefers to use me for comfort. Any ideas girls?!
Aw, that's so cute she prefers you! I know my mom said that her babies would never take a bottle.
babies are creatures of habit, so i say just keep trying. she will soon become familiar to it and HOPF start taking it.

Hungry milk, is basically formula powder that has been developed for hungrier babies. Do you not get this in canada Sophia? I use Aptimal.. ( you should google it)
I'm in the US...I'll look around and see what we have. I think most higher calorie formulas are prescription only.
ha where did i get canada from????????? baby brain!

ladies - i have news!!

Lexi slept all night! From 10pm till 07.15am...............Hallilulah

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