**The Lucky Thread** PAL Babies born late Feb 2011

Hooray you've done it! Your technique worked, now she has done it once she'll be able to do it all the time! I'll have to give your technique a go! X
That's great!

Aislinn has been so fussy lately. She just wants to be cuddled and carried around. Waking up earlier at night too and wanting more in her bottles. Is there a 10 week growth spurt?
I was just wondering this too Sophia. J has woken up at 4 the last couple of nights and won't settle back down even after a feed. I was told at breastfeeding club that there is a 3 month growth spurt, maybe they are having it early?

In our case it may be because j has started refusing her 11pm bottle dreamfeed. Last night we left it until 12.30 and she still only took 2oz under protest! I'm thinking of maybe stopping that feed and letting her wakeup when ready? But then she may not ever take a bottle again!
Well my period is already here, and what milk I have is about half what it was. Grrrrrrrrr!
finally my period is here too!

Is all the babies still sleeping loads throughout the day? Lexi really just wakes to feed then back to sleep again.... its great!
Aislinn is actually sleeping less and less during the day. She takes 3 naps, maybe an hour each, a 1/2 hour or so nap in the evening sometimes and that's it. When she's awake it's like she "calls" me with a fake-sounding cry (between cooing and crying) until I come back to play with her, and then she's all smiles.

She's started wanting 4 oz in her bottles, but overall taking the same amount in a day.

I noticed at church Sunday that A acts a little different than the other 2 babies her age. She's unhappy unless she's sitting up looking around and she wants me to interact with her constantly. The other babies seem to just lay in their mom/dads arms and sleep the whole time. I'm curious whether she's acting normally, and whether since I'm only seeing the other babies for 3 hours a week that maybe I'm just seeing them during naptime. I may invite those moms for a tummy time or something so we can compare notes!
Grr to periods, hopefully mine should stay away a bit longer! I'm surprised yours has returned Sophia as you are still expressing.

J still sleeps a lot in the day. I've read that at their age they only need 3.5 hours in the day but j has much more than that. She won't sleep in our arms much though, only in her pushchair or Moses basket.

Had j weighed just now she is 12 lb 5.5 now and is 11 weeks today, it is really flying by!
Grr to periods, hopefully mine should stay away a bit longer! I'm surprised yours has returned Sophia as you are still expressing.

WIth my other two, it was back at 7 weeks! Crazy! And unfair...lol.

I have been told my milk supply is low bc of prolactin deficiency, and that prolactin is what keeps your period away, so I guess its not too surprising.

I'm starting on domperidone next week to see if it will help me produce more milk.
Im thinking of calling lexi Lazy Lexi.. she slept from 5.50pm until 07.45am ( waking at 10pm for a feed)

The 10pm feed was only 3oz, and even then she fussed and fretted. Im going to try not waking her for this feed 2night and see what happens...

She got her jags yesterday, but it didnt seem to affect her. She did scream at the time, but that was all.
That's great she didn't react! Aislinn did well with her first shots too, thank goodness.

Dh is out of town again, so I'm single parenting it this week. I'm sooo tired.
wow that's some good sleep - well done Lexi! I've stopped giving the 11pm feed as poor J just hated the bottle and I can't bear to force her anymore :-( the first night she slept from 8.30-4am, the second from 9-7 (wowzers!) but last night woke at 12 and 5. but at least i know she can sleep through the night!

second set of jabs on tuesday for J - going to have to take Eve with me too as it is after school - don't know who i'm more concerned for - J for having the injections or Eve for watching her go through it! Glad they don't seem to be affecting your little ones too much though!
Aha, we have a routine finally!

A goes to bed at 9:30, wakes at 4:30 for a feed. Back to sleep until 7. From then on she's eating 4 oz every 2.5 to 3 hours. After each nap she plays for awhile, eats and then takes a 1 hour nap, waking up to repeat the pattern until bed time. This is great!
yeh for routines..

lexi too now eats ever 2.5 - 3hrs ( unless she is out in her pram where she can go much longer). She gets 5 bottles from 7am - 7pm, each 6oz

She goes to sleep at 7pm, till approx 7am!

Are your LO's prone to pumping lots? lexi seems to pump loads and loads all day long. !
Pumping? I'm not sure I get the translation to American English.

A eats 7, 4 oz bottles across the course of a day.
Ha of course Sophia you might not get pumping.... farting? wind ( coming out the bum)
HA HA! I thought maybe that's what you meant. Here we would say fart/toot/pass gas.

Yes, Aislinn has lots of gas, but it doesn't seem to bother her.
Hi girls! Sorry I have been awol, it has been a bit busy here! Still no sleeping through the night for us. J has had a bad couple of weeks, prob down to jabs and having a cold. So she has been waking loads in the night :-(. Seems much better now and the last two nights she has only woken the once about 3am. Phew! I have been soooo tired!

For what it's worth I wouldn't have known what pumping was either!! That must be a regional term?!

So how is everyone doing? Xx
we are doing great here. Lexi is such a good contented baby. I feed her every 3 hours, so i can get 5 bottles drunk between 7am and 7pm.... she sleeps right through from 7pm, until about 7.45am - so this is a BIG achievement for us.

She takes 7oz at 7am, then all other bottles are 6oz.

I discussed weaning with my HV, and she advised to introduce 1 baby spoon of rice at 10am then 6pm, from 17weeks old. This Lexi will be ready for this then.

She is now 12weeks and weighs 13lbs 11oz.

Quick 3 months!!!!!
I know I can't believe how fast its gone!!

A is still sleeping the same, waking once per night. She has a bit of a rash under her chin, I think its from how slobbery she is these days!
That's great Kathleen, kind of makes me want to bottle feed! J is fed at 11 and 3 in the night but last night it was 11, 2, 5. Again, sooo tired!

I have started pureeing little cubes on preparation for weaning. I thought if I did one or two diff ones a week i will have a stockpile when she is ready for food.

J is 14 weeks tomo! Going to take her to clinic to be weighed then!

Right I need to get up for school run!

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