Aislinn is actually sleeping less and less during the day. She takes 3 naps, maybe an hour each, a 1/2 hour or so nap in the evening sometimes and that's it. When she's awake it's like she "calls" me with a fake-sounding cry (between cooing and crying) until I come back to play with her, and then she's all smiles.
She's started wanting 4 oz in her bottles, but overall taking the same amount in a day.
I noticed at church Sunday that A acts a little different than the other 2 babies her age. She's unhappy unless she's sitting up looking around and she wants me to interact with her constantly. The other babies seem to just lay in their mom/dads arms and sleep the whole time. I'm curious whether she's acting normally, and whether since I'm only seeing the other babies for 3 hours a week that maybe I'm just seeing them during naptime. I may invite those moms for a tummy time or something so we can compare notes!