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**The Lucky Thread** PAL Babies born late Feb 2011

Hi Karen nice to see you! Sounds like you have been really busy! Jude is soooo cute! I will upload some pics when I'm on the pc!

Had j weighed today...my ongoing stress about her weight agggh! She put on 12oz in 3 weeks which means she is still below the curve she was on but she has stopped dropping so feeding her seems to have been the right move. She is still really fussy with breastfeeding yet still won't take a bottle and even hates formula mixed with her food! So I should be pleased her slow growth has stabilised and I was until I saw on fb that my friend's bf baby is 15 pounds 15 at 12 weeks! j is only 13 pounds 15 at 19 weeks! I know her baby is actually too chubby but it upset me! I think maybe I'm just overtired and oversensitive, it's been a hectic couple of weeks and j is sleeping really badly. Ah babies eh why is it never easy!

Hope everyone ok? Will get round to pics soon! Xx
Sorry I don't mean too chubby I just mean he must be super high on the growth charts like 100th centile. I know all babies are different...aggggh see I'm overtired! Zumba class now is prob not the best idea, oh well! X
Me again... Forgot to say lexi is adorable she looks so happy bless her! X right I'm really off now lol! X
Hello everyone...lovely to read all your posts and catch up on all the progress. I am so sorry i disappeared for so long...i was so exhausted after my in-law visit that i just kind of hit a wall and everything seemed such a challenge...then i went to stay with pals here and there and by the time i got back, felt settled and back in the swing, i felt i'd been gone too long to join in the thread. Very stupid, looking back!!

Jude is great...i am still BF but he has began to take a bottle after lots of persevering, so i introduced a bottle of organic formula in the evening just last week and have managed a couple of nights out now! I am trying to hold off on solids until 5 months but we will see! He was sleeping quite well but his teeth seem to be bothering him now. He doesn't like to go to bed before 9pm and wakes about 3/4am for a feed, then 6.30, 8.30 etc, etc...a hungry boy!! Hopefully solids will sort that! I do feel so much better, even though he still feeds so regularly in the daytime.

He is rolling from his tummy to back, and is trying to roll from his back but only manages to move 90 degrees with his body - he adores trying to walk and gets very frustrated that he can't crawl yet, but he smiles all the time and likes to charm the ladies!!

Will try to post a recent pic. xx

Welcome back! I was worried about you. A is teething as well, I can feel a bump and expect her tooth to pop through any day!

He's such a cutie, I also love the big yawn!!

aw too cute! love the big yawn.. that would look brilliant on a canvas in black & white.....

So glad to hear from you... i will try and upload some pics too and hopf the others will aswell.

lexi is such a contented baby and LOVES baby cereal... her eyes light up when she sees the spoon!

What a sweetheart Lexi is!

Hi Karen nice to see you! Sounds like you have been really busy! Jude is soooo cute! I will upload some pics when I'm on the pc!

Had j weighed today...my ongoing stress about her weight agggh! She put on 12oz in 3 weeks which means she is still below the curve she was on but she has stopped dropping so feeding her seems to have been the right move. She is still really fussy with breastfeeding yet still won't take a bottle and even hates formula mixed with her food! So I should be pleased her slow growth has stabilised and I was until I saw on fb that my friend's bf baby is 15 pounds 15 at 12 weeks! j is only 13 pounds 15 at 19 weeks! I know her baby is actually too chubby but it upset me! I think maybe I'm just overtired and oversensitive, it's been a hectic couple of weeks and j is sleeping really badly. Ah babies eh why is it never easy!

Hope everyone ok? Will get round to pics soon! Xx

Sorry I don't mean too chubby I just mean he must be super high on the growth charts like 100th centile. I know all babies are different...aggggh see I'm overtired! Zumba class now is prob not the best idea, oh well! X

12 oz in 3 weeks is pretty good! I've read BF babies should grow 4-8 oz a week. Sounds like the food is helping! I still don't know what A weighs. I canceled her 4 month appointment because my insurance refused to cover $300 worth of her last shots. I'm fighting it, but took her to the health department this time instead. $60! I can't believe the doctors offices jack up the prices so much!

I'd bet A is at least 16 lbs now. She's in the 99th percentile for height, and her upper body isn't chubby, but her legs have no less than 5 rolls each!

I'm still holding out on solids, but she's so adamant that she wants to eat. I let her suck on a dill pickle the other day and she didn't really know what to do with it.
Girls, A cut her first tooth this week! Looks like another is on the way. She has been a little fussy, but not too bad.

Also I broke down and strained some peaches for her. She made a face, but she kept eating it.
Aw our first lucky tooth! Sounds like she coped with it really well! Still just chewing and dribbling here :)
HI everyone.

Yeh Lexi is the same still drooling and fist in the mouth! she has flushed cheeks so i expect a wee tooth soon too, but i cant feel anything yet.

I tried her with baby cereal and baby rice - both loved!
Today i tried her with pear puree, and she made a face but kept eating!
well J is a little chub and has eaten everything I have given her lol! she has had apple, pear, sweet potato, courgette, green beans, carrots, swede and baby rice. we try something new every 3 days. I gave her a HIPP veggie jar when we were out though and it was the worst idea ever - she ha such bad constipation for a few days poor thing. but the only thing she has pulled a face at was baby rice mixed with formula but she still ate that!

the only problem that i am having is that when i make up the baby rice, i make it to a puree consistency and then in no time at all it goes runny. it's really strange and i have tried a couple of brands of baby rice. is this a breast milk thing or does this happen with formula too? I have to add more rice then and i am worried it may be too much rice, and i am loathe to reduce the breast milk as she needs the calories...i don't get it, why would it get runnier?

must be breastmilk!

I mainly use cooled boiled water and the consistency stays the same no probs.. (same if FF used)

Must say since weaning, Lexi has had some horrendous nappies!
I posted some new pictures of A on my FB this morning. She's getting quite fat.

I don't know about the rice cereal, I haven't given her any yet, so its been years since I've used it. Let us know if you figure it out!

A finally took a good solid nap today--2 hours. Usually she tries hard not to nap at all.
Hi ladies,

Kathleen, Lexi is so lovely...looks full of nonsense!! Sophie, great to hear the 1st tooth is through...Jude has a big top tooth itching to come through but it is taking it's time...he is gonna look like Bugs Bunny I reckon!! Alena, I can't believe the pressure put on people to make sure their babies are heavy enough...it's insane. I remember the pressure put on me at the start...nightmare. I gave Jude some baby rice for the 1st time last night and mixed it with BM...it was quite runny but didn't get runnier. That is weird. Anyway, I hear a baby whailing so gotta go!! xx
hey girls! so i figured out the runny baby rice thing - thanks to dr google lol! apparantly breastmilk has enzymes in it which help to digest so it basically digests the rice which is why it goes all runny. not sure if my milk therefore has more of this enzyme than normal? but anyway - that's kind of clever and also kind of icky! so juliette just has to have formula in her rice! i just can't look at a bowl of rice self-digesting lol! she's actually not been protesting too much so all good! and it means no more pumping woop woop!

karen are you still breastfeeding too?

J was weighed yesterday and is now 14, 9 1/2 so put on 10.5 oz in 2 weeks which means she is increasing again - phew! Sophia - do you have to pay to have them weighed then? Not sure how the insurance system works over there?

in other news i am sooo tired from still no sleep through the night :-( Hope everyone is ok?
I can take her in to the pediatricians office and have her weighed, but I just haven't done it. I believe she's in the neighborhood of 18 lbs now, based on how chubby she is and the clothes she's wearing. She's wearing 9-12, and 12-18 month size clothes.

I've been MIA because I've been sick for weeks with a viral sore throat & gastro upset (mono?) I've lost 9 lbs in the last week or so. Anyhow, finally starting to be able to function. Kids are busy with gymnastics, basketball, piano, swimming, so I haven't had a lot of time online between trying to rest and getting everyone where they need to go. And I've been trying to get some sewing done for my daughters school clothes this fall.

A is not sleeping through the night either. If anything she's sleeping worse. I had to move her to her own room because she's too big for the bassinet, but it really isn't fun getting up twice to go get her when she wakes up.
PS-glad you figured out the rice! can you mix it with water or fruit instead of formula if you aren't wild about that idea?
I can take her in to the pediatricians office and have her weighed, but I just haven't done it. I believe she's in the neighborhood of 18 lbs now, based on how chubby she is and the clothes she's wearing. She's wearing 9-12, and 12-18 month size clothes.she

wow...she's really getting big love her! J is just about in 6-9 month clothes and that is mainly because her feet are so long!

I've been MIA because I've been sick for weeks with a viral sore throat & gastro upset (mono?) I've lost 9 lbs in the last week or so. Anyhow, finally starting to be able to function. Kids are busy with gymnastics, basketball, piano, swimming, so I haven't had a lot of time online between trying to rest and getting everyone where they need to go. And I've been trying to get some sewing done for my daughters school clothes this fall.

hope you are feeling better, I have seen that you have been v productive on fbook - I'm not sure how you find the time?!

A is not sleeping through the night either. If anything she's sleeping worse. I had to move her to her own room because she's too big for the bassinet, but it really isn't fun getting up twice to go get her when she wakes up.

sorry i have also been a little AWOL, school holidays have started now so more time (sort of!) at least there is no rushing about in the mornings! I am still super tired and have been having these weird pains in my legs and my arms feel weak - the dr thinks I have something wrong with nerves in my back so I have an xray on monday and then depending on the results more tests. i have a bad back anyway so not expecting good news, just hoping no more surgery!

J has really come alive in the last week or so - she wants to eat EVERYTHING! She can nearly roll and is just so much more awake and alert, and her hand -eye co-ordination is really coming on. It is wonderful to see her developing and she clearly cannot wait to be able to play with her big sister!
Hi...sorry...been away on the Isle of Mull..beautiful weather and lots of fun...

anyway, I meant to say that i noticed my baby rice getting watery too, after saying that it didn't...like the explanation!! I have since started to use baby porridge mixed with water as it is a lot easier. Jude is now eating two meals a day...he has had sweet potato, butternut squash, strawberries and apples. Did NOT like broccoli AT ALL!!! I have been slowly moving from breast to formula and now he only has breastmilk at night and first thing in the morning (although my idea of "first thing" is quite late, lol!!).
I feel a lot less tired and need to now start to focus on losing the extra 10 pounds i am carrying around....can't face it!!!

Sophia - hope you are feeling better xx
Hi...sorry...been away on the Isle of Mull..beautiful weather and lots of fun...

anyway, I meant to say that i noticed my baby rice getting watery too, after saying that it didn't...like the explanation!! I have since started to use baby porridge mixed with water as it is a lot easier. Jude is now eating two meals a day...he has had sweet potato, butternut squash, strawberries and apples. Did NOT like broccoli AT ALL!!! I have been slowly moving from breast to formula and now he only has breastmilk at night and first thing in the morning (although my idea of "first thing" is quite late, lol!!).
I feel a lot less tired and need to now start to focus on losing the extra 10 pounds i am carrying around....can't face it!!!

Sophia - hope you are feeling better xx

glad you had a nice time away! we have cut back a little on the food as J had really bad constipation on Saturday and spent the entire day trying to squeeze a poo out - felt so sad for her :-( trouble is she won't take extra fluids really from a bottle or a cup so it's hard getting extra fluids in. still persevering though! so it is all prune and pear puree for her for a while until her tummy has recovered! we are trying to push bottles of formula with her still in the daytime but not much success - she will only take max about an oz from me and only take a bottle from dh if i'm nowhere to be seen and then only 3oz.

i started weight watchers last week - I have 2 stone to lose :blush: i had to do weight watchers after having Eve too, I just eat like a pig when pregnant and bf-ing! I have put my foot down now and it is time to lose the jelly belly!
glad you had a nice time away! we have cut back a little on the food as J had really bad constipation on Saturday and spent the entire day trying to squeeze a poo out - felt so sad for her :-( trouble is she won't take extra fluids really from a bottle or a cup so it's hard getting extra fluids in. still persevering though! so it is all prune and pear puree for her for a while until her tummy has recovered! we are trying to push bottles of formula with her still in the daytime but not much success - she will only take max about an oz from me and only take a bottle from dh if i'm nowhere to be seen and then only 3oz.

i started weight watchers last week - I have 2 stone to lose :blush: i had to do weight watchers after having Eve too, I just eat like a pig when pregnant and bf-ing! I have put my foot down now and it is time to lose the jelly belly!

Awww..poor wee thing. Jude had a few nights of that too and I felt sooo bad! He is so greedy now and gobbling everthing in sight..a but like his mother, lol!! I am going to go to Scottish Slimmers in 3 weeks time (Jude is 6 months and I am offically done with BF) as it is just literally around the corner..to get to my ideal weight i would have to lose about 14 pounds...10lb to get to pre-pregnancy. I HATE dieting so much as I love my food and wine, but i guess it has to be done.

Judes' teeth are really bothering him right now but none have come through yet. No hair, no teeth...like a wee old man indeed!

Just keep persevering with the bottles...Jude screamed his head off for weeks and refused point blank to take more than a dribble, then all of a sudden he just started sucking away and drained bottle after bottle. It was so great after tearing my hair out for so long. I found it really stressful but it paid off. I was so desparate to get a night out that i just kept going until it worked. The poor wee soul just found it hard to learn how to do. Thank god we don't remember anything from being tiny babies, lol!! xxx
Hi every1, how are you all?

Just back from 2 weeks in spain and Lexi was brilliant. She more or less catnapped all day long and slept right thru each night.

She can now roll from her back to her tummy.
Still very dribbly
Sometime has very runny poos, so i think teeth are coming.

I have been on WW proplus diet and lost 11lbs. I have also been doing a bootcamp for the last 2 months, so my fitness it getting back to what it was.

back to work on 7th Sept . BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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