ooh kathleen i'm glad it's not just me, i think the fussing and fretting we had here was maybe boredom with milk too as she's settled down now i've started weaning. when you say you are starting with cereal is that plain baby rice or actual baby porridge type mix?
sophia A definitely sounds like she is desperate for food bless her! i bet when you start she will woolf it down, it's nice that she seems so into it, i guess because she gets to watch her siblings eat. J really pays attention to Eve, it is such a difference to having Eve as she was on her own and didn't have so much going on around her.
fingers crossed J is a good weight next week though! we did baby rice in the am for three days and today introduced pear in the morning and moved the baby rice to the evening. she didn't seem overly fussed on the pear, but ate it well enough, and she had 2tsp of baby rice with breast milk this evening and ate it all
i tried to make the rice up with formula yesterday and that didn't go down too well so i've got to get into some sort of expressing routine and i hate expressing!
swimming went really well, the babies all seemed to like it but J definitely loved it she was fascinated with watching her feet and kicking in the water. the water was a little cooler than i would have liked for her but she was fine and didn't even cry when getting changed afterwards!
today eve went to play with a friend after school so we had the day to ourselves. J slept from 10.30-1.05 bonus! poor thing would usually have been plucked out of her cot at 11.15 to get eve from school!
now i just need to crack sleeping through the night and life would be idyllic! xx