~~The May 2011 Roller Uppers~~

Tweak :hugs: I should have been about 23-24 weeks too. ((SIGH)) It's soooo hard. It feels like the longest and worst waiting game of your life.

I think it's a good thing that you have an ovulation ticker up- IMHO- it's a good thing to know where you are and for me- always made me feel less crazy just being able to track where I was at.

Thinking of you my dear! :flower:

Yeah, it feels like almost forever now that I got to wait till OV day. Then I gotta wait the 2 weeks for BFP or AF. Then you gotta wait and wait and wait. I'm glad I put an OV ticker in there. It'll help me focus on where I am at in the cycle.
I said hi to most of you in the other thread, but thought I would pop in on here too!!! :)
Congratulations LWood, I'm sorry that you lost the triplets, can I ask whether you conceived them naturally? triplets are quite unusual and you had an early BFP as well...maybe more than one bun in the oven...?!?

I've had little tiny bits of nausea here and there but not enough to make me actually sick yet :haha:

I'm predicted twins by some of the ladies here but I'm doubting that myself, I would think I would feel more tired and definitely more symptoms if there were more than one, although I got my BFP at 8dpo

Totally natural. They were a couple days apart in age too LOL! My "Pair and a spare". I am terrified I'll have multiples again just because i don't want to MC again... I am 34 and have twins on my side and twins and triplets on hubby's side so I have a good chance of having them again. I don't care how many i have as long as they are healthy.

Congratz to you too!
It probably didn't make much difference either way and remember every pregnancy is different and we have to hope for the best :hugs:
Morning ladies how are we all doing today?

Im off work for the next few days thank goodness, I'm absolutely shattered all the time, PLUS I'm peeing all the time, I got up at least 5 times in the night to pee.... Is it terrible that everytime I wipe I look at the toielt paper?!?! Still feeling very nervous!
I'm loving feeling tired and peeing all the time tho! Long may it continue!!

I'm so excited to see more of you ladies get your bfp's!!!
Cornish your o-ing today woooop get back on it ;)!!!

Xoxo to everyone!!
Woo hoo for O day!!! Have dtd so much this month and keeping everything crossed that I'm in that lucky % that catch the egg. Symptom spotting here I come!!!

Tweak, it's so much waiting, I feel it's all I do! Wait to do one thing, then wait for the next. I'm waiting for symptoms at the mo! Hoping you get your sticky bean this month.
Morning BB, glad you are peeing lots, symptoms must make you feel less anxious?
Think O is on her way for sure, opk was lighter today so surge was last night. Poor OH asked for a break from sex last night, but I said no!!
Go :spermy: go!!
BB 5 times to pee, i've been getting up once so far...did you get any sleep :haha:
Lol don't give him any breaks Cornish !! I know this will be your month!!!

Sthorp it's crazy the amount of peeing I'm doing, but I've been thirsty too, and I'm making sure I drink lots and keep well hydrated!! So I guess peeing loads comes hand in hand with that! Hehe...what about your symptoms hun? My boobs aren't as sore today, only when prodded! Lol!

I'm absolutely gagging to tell my parents.....
I don't know if I should just go for it, it'll be their first grandchild and I want to make it special for them, like a cute gift or something?!

Thats up to you BB i've told my mum already, my dad lives in Oz so not telling him because i'm keeping it off facebook for now. Dh's parents are oblivious for now not that we are deliberately keeping things a secret but he's a lot more wary than I am after the last loss we had.

I'm doing my best not to drink loads after 9pm because I need my sleep and i'm so kranky if I don't get it! Also i'm also feeding DS2 an awful lot at night and that takes up a lot of fluids i'm sure.
I know what you mean about your hubby Hun, mines the same, he doesn't want to tell anyone yet etc....

I dunno I just feel different this time, and I'm praying this is our forever baby!

Sthorpe we are soo close in dates!! and I think mrs hjo is very close in dates too!It's gonna be so exciting going on this journey together, I'm picturing us all pushing around the same time! Hehehe!! So funny!


oh no my minds gone off on a tangent, now I'm thinking of sperm catching eggs and implanting and baby dust and bfp's!!! PMA to everyone!

Andrea, I think a symptom list is a great idea, I'll read it daily!!
Welcome to new bfp's!
Ducktales, I also had a small chuckle, how is your head now?
Afm, think I just got my positive opk (photo on my journal if you'd like to give opinion), how far away is O??xx

I agree too~!
Good morning ladies!! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend :flower:

Welcome to all the new ladies :hi:

Congrats on all the BFPs!!

Cornish- so glad you finally ovulated!! :happydance:

Babybaba, I was reading your list of symptoms and WOW!! I am 5DPO and I've had horrible stabbing pains in my right boob at 2 and 3DPO and was very tired and then it went away but last night my boobs were itching like crazy! Now at 5DPO, all the symptoms have went away. My lower back has been hurting, but that's common for me. It may be just "all in my head" but my boobs feel really tight. Not sure if that's the best way to describe it, but they just don't feel normal!

FX for all the ladies in the 2WW and lots of sticky baby dust to all the preggies! :hugs:
I am with you ladies on the 'do I ? dont I?' tell anyone. My partner never told his parents about the last two we lost. I know he wont tell them this time until further along. My symptoms are so much stronger but I feel that to tell anyone will tempt fate and seal the deal on a third miscarriage, although I am also so excited that it is so much stronger this time around that I am struggling to keep my mouth shut!
BB - With both pregnancies, I checked the TP every time! It's a habit i think! With my first pregnancy, I got some bibs that said Grandma's Biggest Fan and gave them to my mom. She was so excited. I would tell them when you feel comfortable.

Cornish - yay for O date! FXed you catch that egg this time!

Mrs. J - I had the horrible stabbing pain with my last pregnancy as well. They never really hurt, but it was this stabbing pain every so often.

AFM - super tired this morning! with every thing going on, I had a hard time getting to sleep. Plus, it's rainy and dreary today too, so that doesn't help!

I know with my next pregnancy, I still will only tell my 2 close friends. They've known everything we have gone through. My mom doesn't want to know until after the 1st trimester. But who knows when we tell them. It def probably will be after 10 weeks, since that's when we found out about our first loss.
Thanks ladies, I'm glad to finally be in the tww, thought I was here days ago!

Telling people must be a hard decision, I know that when I mc in feb I was glad to have the support if people around me, because they had shared my excitement, they also shared my grief, it made it easier to talk to people knowing they knew. Due to that I'm sure I'll tell people quickly after I get a bfp, I know I'll need the support. Unfortunately mc are such a taboo, hushed subject that people don't talk about. I was surprised at how many people I know that told me about their mc after mine, it was like it was ok for them to discuss their mc with me because I had one too. It's awful that we should need to hide our emotion be them happy bfp or sad mc news.
Just how I feel.xx
Thanks ladies, I'm glad to finally be in the tww, thought I was here days ago!

Telling people must be a hard decision, I know that when I mc in feb I was glad to have the support if people around me, because they had shared my excitement, they also shared my grief, it made it easier to talk to people knowing they knew. Due to that I'm sure I'll tell people quickly after I get a bfp, I know I'll need the support. Unfortunately mc are such a taboo, hushed subject that people don't talk about. I was surprised at how many people I know that told me about their mc after mine, it was like it was ok for them to discuss their mc with me because I had one too. It's awful that we should need to hide our emotion be them happy bfp or sad mc news.
Just how I feel.xx

I had the same experience. We found out that a lot of people had miscarriages just by telling them it happend to us.
Yup, we found out that both DH's mother and his sister have had 1 miscarriage. We had no clue. I'm actually very comfortable talking about them. People ask me when we're gonna have a baby (and I HATE that question) and if I feel like it, I'll tell them. I told a co-worker what we had gone through and he was very sorry for us. It actually feels better for me to talk about them.
BabyBaba: When is your estimated due date? Mine is Feb. 14. Do you have long cycles because I thought you ovulated awhile after me, but you are only 2 days behind me. I'm so confused!!! Well, I hope your week 4 flies, because mine surely is NOT. Longest week ever...

Steph: when is your EDD?

Yeah, about checking the toilet paper every time I wipe.... I am so nervous every time I wipe, and I keep expecting to see blood, because I am so crampy... which is making me even more nervous. :( Just having a really down day.... I've seen three women that I've been watching, have miscarried. It just has really upset me because I'm so sad for them, and I know in my heart that just because I have lost one before doesn't mean I'm immune to it this time around....
Thanks ladies, I'm glad to finally be in the tww, thought I was here days ago!

Telling people must be a hard decision, I know that when I mc in feb I was glad to have the support if people around me, because they had shared my excitement, they also shared my grief, it made it easier to talk to people knowing they knew. Due to that I'm sure I'll tell people quickly after I get a bfp, I know I'll need the support. Unfortunately mc are such a taboo, hushed subject that people don't talk about. I was surprised at how many people I know that told me about their mc after mine, it was like it was ok for them to discuss their mc with me because I had one too. It's awful that we should need to hide our emotion be them happy bfp or sad mc news.
Just how I feel.xx

I had the same experience. We found out that a lot of people had miscarriages just by telling them it happend to us.

I think you two might be onto something. I told people after the miscarriage, and part of me wants to keep it a secret but the other part wants to shout it from the rooftops when (and if) it ever happens again. The fact that you can be open about it and talk to people and they can feel comfortable talking about their own experiences -- I think that's part of what makes us human, able to support one another. You have definitely given me something to think about!

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