The "never had a second line" Group: 93 members, 18 BFP's, 2 Angel's

I've heard about softcups for a while...I'm going to have to invest :)
ocean_pearl - sorry to hear about the bad cycles you've been having but on the plus side it sounds like Agnus Castus is helping :) I've tried that and soy and both did nothing for me, althougha couple of cycles ago I started drinking this stuff called Fertilitea and that really did help with shortening the cycle down (only by about 2 days but it cleared up my skin of it's horrible spots and the only reason I stopped was because I started the clomid!)

Depending on when I get a positive on my OPK I will generally test in the mornings too. Last cycle I must have got a positive at 5pm, then 8pm one night then just to make sure the surge had happened I did one in the morning and it was still just as dark! I know they say not to test in the morning but I found I got better results that way. I recommend experimenting with the times you take it, a lot of girls miss it and I can't help but think "did they test at other times of the day".

I'm a bit nervous about the softcups but stuff it, labour will always be that much more uncomfortable and sore in relation!

TryinFor1 - glad to hear the mucus checks were still good. I heard there's a way to tell the difference between sperm and mucus with a cup and some water - one will float the other will sink - what do you reckon, does that sound about right?

Bug222 - nooo that you had a bad experience with softcups, but glad you're still going to use them, I figure if the only reason why I'm not falling pregnant is because I'm not giving the sperm enough time to actually get through the cervix then I'm up for anything!

Fisher640 - Yes I was wondering about whether it would hurt when TTC, I mean what if you're not really in the mood and you don't have much fertile mucus, I can imagine it may be pretty dry down there, other girls have put pre seed on the rim and they've also lined the cups with it, to give the spermies an extra oomph :) I don't think I could use it for AF, I'm happy to use towels still. I've never tried a tampon and that sort of stuff creeps me out. I got given a load of free ones a while ago and hubby thought it would be interesting to see how much they expand so went to the bathroom and tested it in the sink - man those things are massive aren't they?! hehe

NavyWife84 - I so hope softcups work, I really wanted to buy some in the shops but I couldn't find anything (maybe it's a US thing), but luckily sold them. They are stupidly expensive but hey this baby is already costing a fortune, a bit more won't do much damage!
Can I join you all please???

I've never had a second line and it's getting me down :(.

Here's my story. I'm 27, DH is 33, we've been married 14 months, been together 6 years this Feb. Live in England. I have a job I love, but which can be rather stressful and DH hates his job which stresses him out. We've been ttc baby number 1 since February, I had a smear test in January which was overdue by almost a year because we were burgled the year before and it slipped my mind, and then we had the wedding, etc so it completely slipped my mind until we decided to start ttc. The smear test was all fine. I took my last bcp towards the end of December. I've never had a positive pregnancy test, but seem to get a lot of symptoms. I had several psychic readings - 1 said September/October, 1 said September, 1 said October, 1 said November, 1 said September as birth month/conceive/find out and 1 said May 2012! When AF arrived 3 weekends ago, I spent the whole weekend sobbing and was so heartbroken I couldn't even speak to my Mum or my best friend. My stepsister has just had a baby and my stepbrother's girlfriend is pregnant and I'm very very happy for them, but finding it hard for me! Hubby quit smoking 3 weeks ago, which makes me feel better - he said if I wasn't pregnant last month, he'd quit. He's also cut down on alcohol, not that he drank a lot, but would usually have a few at weekends socially and maybe a glass or two of wine if we were just at home, but he's barely drank since August! So Tryinfor1, I hope we both get our BFPs now our DHs have quit smoking :).

AF is due on the 24th October...we'll see! I'm looking into booking a holiday to NYC if I'm not pregnant, or maybe even if I am!

So that's me! Come on ladies, let's all make this a lucky thread :)!


EDIT: This cycle, we've tried: softcups, Conceive Plus, hubby has been taking father to be tablets and quit smoking (although that won't make a difference yet will it???), I drank grapefruit juice and green tea before ovulation too and we tried having sex every three days and then the day before, of and after ovulation!
hey airotciv, nice to see you on this thread :D

So sorry to hear about the burglary, are you still living in the same place?

Glad the smear test was fine for you, have you had hubbys sperm checked out. I always used to think I had lots of symptoms but I try not to think about it nowadays!

The psyhic readings are like little nuggets of hope aren't they? I had a few myself and have never been correct. I think at the time of buying them I assure myself complete strangers know when it will happen but then that all just falls apart when they don't come true. It's even more annoying when other women on here say their predictions were true!

It's so hard when AF arrives and so sorry to hear you had a bad time a few weeks ago. Personally when AF shows her face I try to keep thinking forward - what can I do differently this cycle, what should I cut out my diet, etc - it helps but it's just frustrating to see other women who don't really try and get BFP's. I know the world doesn't work as if it was a ticket system - I get that LTTC will just have to accept it's easier for other women but it's so hard emotionally. I don't blame you for having the odd drink every now and again, you need a break right? do you take any supplements or anything?

Oh I hope you're able to book a holiday, what cd are you on currently? I take it you must be close to ovulation? :)
hey airotciv, nice to see you on this thread :D

So sorry to hear about the burglary, are you still living in the same place?

Glad the smear test was fine for you, have you had hubbys sperm checked out. I always used to think I had lots of symptoms but I try not to think about it nowadays!

The psyhic readings are like little nuggets of hope aren't they? I had a few myself and have never been correct. I think at the time of buying them I assure myself complete strangers know when it will happen but then that all just falls apart when they don't come true. It's even more annoying when other women on here say their predictions were true!

It's so hard when AF arrives and so sorry to hear you had a bad time a few weeks ago. Personally when AF shows her face I try to keep thinking forward - what can I do differently this cycle, what should I cut out my diet, etc - it helps but it's just frustrating to see other women who don't really try and get BFP's. I know the world doesn't work as if it was a ticket system - I get that LTTC will just have to accept it's easier for other women but it's so hard emotionally. I don't blame you for having the odd drink every now and again, you need a break right? do you take any supplements or anything?

Oh I hope you're able to book a holiday, what cd are you on currently? I take it you must be close to ovulation? :)

Hey, thanks for such a lengthy reply :). No, we moved about a month afterwards as we rent and the landlord and lady weren't very supportive about putting in the extra security provisions the police recommended, so I didn't feel safe staying there!

Not had hubby's sperm checked out - will do in February if still no BFP, but for now, I don't want to put any pressure on him and I also want to see whether him quitting smoking has helped.

The predictions really helped me when I had them done in May/June although at the time I was thinking 'That's ages away' so when I then came on in September, I was like 'I've waited patiently for nothing' :(. The initial reading which said September/October, was a more general reading as we've had a very tough year with numerous family problems but she said she could see unborn children waiting for me. This wasn't an internet reading. She was recommended by someone. She was right so far on that I was promoted at work, she also said I'd go to America when pregnant, which I thought was a load of rubbish, but now we're contemplating a trip to NYC, which I haven't done deliberately! She also said we'd buy a car - I passed my driving test two weeks ago! We'll see. She said September/October for pregnancy. This cycle started in September and will end in one way or another in October!!! So part of me is still clinging to hope, which is bad considering how bad I was last month. We'll see.

I ovulated on Monday so I'm 6DPO now. 13 day LP for the past two months!

The thing is, although we've been ttc since February, between May and July, we had three months where I didn't chart, do OPKs or anything like that, because the few people who knew we were ttc said we should relax, so we did but it came to nothing. In August when I started doing OPKs, etc again, I realised my cycles had changed since I was previous charting and that I ovulate on days 17/18! I then bought a CBFM and both months I've got peaks on CD17 and 18! Today is CD24 for me. My cycles are now becoming 30/31 days, whereas when we first started ttc, it was more like 28/29 days.

Yeah, I'm taking mother to be tablets, I took them for a while, then when I wasn't getting pregnant, I stopped being so good at taking them, but have taken them regularly now for about two months again!

How long have you been trying? xxx
Oh shame on your landlord for wanting to save a penny, he's lost custom doing that, I hope whoever moved in didn't suffer the same thing.

One thing which is good for hubbys sperm is vitamin c and zinc, it helps strengthen the spermies. I bought hubby and myself these vit c tablets just to probably already know about what supplements work (I figure anyone who's been on BnB a while will know pretty much everything they want to know :))<---infact, I've just read your edit, the father to be tablets contain zinc don't they?

ooo here's hoping the prediction about unborn children just waiting around the corner is true. congrats on passing your theory, have you booked your practical?

When are you thinking about going to america? hubby and I are going next month to Florida for the wedding anniversary, can't wait! I keep having a lot of dreams that the appartment we're staying in just won't be up to scratch but it's in the top 10 places to stay on tripadvisor and I know the place will be absolutely massive anyway - but still, fears are there!

I used to take those sanatogen G tablets too but found they just cost way too much to keep up all the time. I like to get the boots offers though.

How did you find the softcups? sperm takes about 90 days to mature so I don't think it'll have an instant effect on them but you never know it might give your hubby extra stamina which will still help :) How did you find having grapefruit? I've started taking it myself cause I'm on clomid and last cycle it dried up my mucus. So far I think it's a lovely fruit to eat (Can't be bothered buying it as a juice though).

ooo so you're half way through your 2ww, how do you find the wait? I hate it personally, I temp so when I see the chart dipping or looking like a non BFP one I get in a right mood about it!

It probably is true about the relaxing comment your friends made but it's in our nature to try and do everything possible to get the things we want so it's quite hard not POAS or not temping. I find temping is a part of my life now which I don't mind - I didn't set my alarm today so I missed taking it - doh!

I've been TTC 14 months and if I knew it would be this hard I would have said "YES" to hubby's suggestions of trying after we got married (nov 2009), but no, silly me kept thinking we'd be alright and it would happen cycle 1, pfft yeah right! Part of the reason we started was because I was currently on cd60+ and had really irregular cycles so we never knew when I was fertile...but back then neither of us knew much about the whole TTC process. I was very naive back then.

I've had a couple of evaps but have never been privileged enough to have seen a bfp. The more it doesn't happen the more it does hurt to see women on BnB fall preggers, I won't deny that, and I'm pleased they've achieved what they wanted but it always feels like I'm being cast aside further and further. Part of the reason for creating this thread was to stop feeling like I'm the only one who's never been pregnant, it's nice to finally find people in the same situation :)
Ok I have ordered a bunch of wondfo OPKs from and this is my first real cycle of charting my BBTs. I haven't ever used the OPKs before and i am hoping that I can confirm my ovulation the first cycle and hopefully be successful by the second cycle using them (FXed) I am really feeling positive about doing something other than BDing alot.

I really want to start temping...(not OPKs just yet) but temps I think I'd feel better if I started some charting.


On a non-TTC related note, I've been feeling kind of :sick: for the past day or two...and comes the flu. I feel like I've got a hangover and was hit by a truck. :haha:
Nausea and near pukey all morning, with an awful headache, and not really congestion, but my head feels full. I think I have muscle aches, but DH and I cut trees this weekend so we're both sore, that could be it.

Urg. I hate cold/flu season but I guess it's here. :dohh:

Just out of curiosity, why dont you want to use OPKs but you want to temp? OPKs tell you when you are having your surge which is BEFORE you ovulate and BBT only tells you when ovulation has happened. So you will always miss your fertile window if you rely on BBT alone. Unless you just are DTD all the time. Lol

One reason- DH is a little shy of proper TTC atm. :haha:
We'd been NTNP 11 months, so this cycle I wanted to try just soy isoflavones (which I did). He was fine with that, but he feels going from NTNP to TTC is stressful (though I haven't OPKed or temped! :dohh: Men...)

Another reason is insurance...but insurance woes are almost fixed ( *knock on wood* ) , so maybe a visit to the Dr to sort out my irregularity isn't far behind, and DH said if Dr's appts and the like are covered by insurance, he doesn't care if we TTC properly! (I'm being cautiously optimistic :winkwink: )
Still no :witch:, but 2 :bfn:s last week. I'm on CD 42 or so. No cramps, no nothing.

:witch: can go 4-5 months without showing her face, so who knows...

With her schedule, I might not even get another period til February.
Hope you're hubby sees the light soon then Rin!

I really hope the Soy works for you, I know I moan at my 50+ day cycles but I don't even compare to your situation - hope you find ways of keeping a smile on your face :)

I've started getting that groggy feeling down below like something is happening, I've taken 1 OPK today which was negative but I'll test just before I go to bed to see if anythings gone darker - one thing is for sure...I better had have early ovulation this time round (which obviously results in a bfp)

Tanzibar83- Thanks. It's really hard sometimes, but today seems to be a good day.
Just thought I would do a wee update that I got my bloods taken today. :) I wont know the results until tomorrow but hopefully my progesterone results are good!
Just thought I would do a wee update that I got my bloods taken today. :) I wont know the results until tomorrow but hopefully my progesterone results are good!
Hope everything's okay for you. Fx!!!
TryinFor1 - keeping my fingers crossed for your blood results. Have they said what will happen if it's not "normal"?
Well it is my 7dpo bloods. So I am assuming if they show no ovulation I am gonna have to take provera again to get af and then 100mg of clomid instead of 50mg.

I hope I am just one of those lucky that get pregnant off their first cycle of clomid. I will know by tomorrow but time is DRAGGING!
How long will it take for you to get your period if you have to go on provera - sorry if I sound negative I don't mean to be, I'm just being nosy as I've never been on it and just find it interesting all these medicines out there!

100mg of clomid hasn't really effected me as much as the 50mg, probably because my body got used to the first round maybe? either way I didn't really get hot flashes but this time my spots have cleared up.

I wonder if they'll be able to see any early indication of pregnancy on the blood work :)
I dont know. I dont know if they will do an HCG or anything other than progesterone. Those levels wont indicate pregnancy or not.. just if I ovulated.

The last time I took provera, I took 10mg for 7 days and got af during midnight between the 4th and 5th day. So not too long. I am like 98% sure I ovulated though so hopefully provera wont be needed again.. shoot hopefully nothing but a prenatal will be needed. Lol.

Why are you on clomid? I dont have PCOS or anything like that so I am hoping clomid will work better on me than women who do. I think I might have low progesterone.. but hoping that is just me being a dummy. Lol
Ah interesting info.

I'm on clomid cause my cycles were 50+ days and I went in for a Hycosy and during the ultrasound they found a 6cm blood blister on the left ovary (which I recently found out on BnB that it's called endometrium - lining forming on other parts of the reproductive system) - so I know I complain about long cycles but it's not as if I have PCOS or anything else majorly wrong, so I'm very grateful in that respect and feel deeply upset for the women who do have a lot of things wrong.

Hubbys SA is great and the only thing I'd like to know is whether my tubes are OK. Because of the blister findings they said doing the dye test would put me in too much discomfort :( so until it's eliminated or I get a BFP I will always wonder if they are a contributing factor in my TTC story!

Why do you think you have low progesterone, is your LP short?

I've just ben watching the great sperm race on youtube, I feel really sorry for hubbys sperm now. I knew they had a tough time but watching it on a human scale just looks knackering for them.
Ok I have ordered a bunch of wondfo OPKs from and this is my first real cycle of charting my BBTs. I haven't ever used the OPKs before and i am hoping that I can confirm my ovulation the first cycle and hopefully be successful by the second cycle using them (FXed) I am really feeling positive about doing something other than BDing alot.

I really want to start temping...(not OPKs just yet) but temps I think I'd feel better if I started some charting.


On a non-TTC related note, I've been feeling kind of :sick: for the past day or two...and comes the flu. I feel like I've got a hangover and was hit by a truck. :haha:
Nausea and near pukey all morning, with an awful headache, and not really congestion, but my head feels full. I think I have muscle aches, but DH and I cut trees this weekend so we're both sore, that could be it.

Urg. I hate cold/flu season but I guess it's here. :dohh:

Just out of curiosity, why dont you want to use OPKs but you want to temp? OPKs tell you when you are having your surge which is BEFORE you ovulate and BBT only tells you when ovulation has happened. So you will always miss your fertile window if you rely on BBT alone. Unless you just are DTD all the time. Lol

One reason- DH is a little shy of proper TTC atm. :haha:
We'd been NTNP 11 months, so this cycle I wanted to try just soy isoflavones (which I did). He was fine with that, but he feels going from NTNP to TTC is stressful (though I haven't OPKed or temped! :dohh: Men...)

Another reason is insurance...but insurance woes are almost fixed ( *knock on wood* ) , so maybe a visit to the Dr to sort out my irregularity isn't far behind, and DH said if Dr's appts and the like are covered by insurance, he doesn't care if we TTC properly! (I'm being cautiously optimistic :winkwink: )
Still no :witch:, but 2 :bfn:s last week. I'm on CD 42 or so. No cramps, no nothing.

:witch: can go 4-5 months without showing her face, so who knows...

With her schedule, I might not even get another period til February.

HE thinks it's stressful?? Tell him to try being you for a day! Men have no clue at all! I hope everything is covered on your insurance!

AFM, sorry I haven't been around lately. I'm still waiting for AF. Today is 11 days since I finished my Provera. NO AF!!! Stupid witch, she shows up when you don't want her, and is nowhere to be found when you DO want her!

I have to take a urine pg test tomorrow (I already know I'm not since I haven't O'd for months...), then Thursday if AF still isn't here, I'll have to get another ultrasound. If my uterine lining is too thick, I'll have to take ANOTHER round of Provera. My stupid body...
Well I just found this thread and I love it <3 We have been trying since April and time has just been dragging. I just got my af yesterday when I was so convinced that this was the month. I was crushed. I have actually been trying to avoid this site because I just feel so alone after I get my af and I decided to venture on and I found this - thank you :) All my family and friends seem to be just talking and talking about how easy it has been to get pregnant and here I am just feeling like I'm the odd one out. At least I know I am not alone in this battle and that there really are lots of us to go through some of the tough times together!
Well I just found this thread and I love it <3 We have been trying since April and time has just been dragging. I just got my af yesterday when I was so convinced that this was the month. I was crushed. I have actually been trying to avoid this site because I just feel so alone after I get my af and I decided to venture on and I found this - thank you :) All my family and friends seem to be just talking and talking about how easy it has been to get pregnant and here I am just feeling like I'm the odd one out. At least I know I am not alone in this battle and that there really are lots of us to go through some of the tough times together!

Welcome! You are definitely not alone! DH and I have been trying for 14 months now. It can get really hard, especially because getting pregnant seems so easy for everyone else. This site has really helped me cope! I hope you find the support you are looking for here. There are some really wonderful ladies here!
Hi Jess137 - hope the urine pg test goes well tomorrow, have you been taking any hpt's yourself or haven't you bothered?

MarineLady - welcome to the thread. Yes I thought I was the only one on here who's never been pregnant, every time you go on a thread someone will mention a miscarriage or announce a bfp so like someone else a few pages ago it's like we're not apart of that exclusive club right?

feel free to just vent it all out, we're here to support one another so we don't mind. Have you or hubby had any tests done to see if you're both good down below?

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