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The "never had a second line" Group: 93 members, 18 BFP's, 2 Angel's


I am sure for some women it DOES mean something.. but for most I dont think CM after ovulation really matter. Some women chart it, I do. But i dont pay attention to it other than that. Lol.

Everytime I had a new "symptom" last cycle, I would look it up and see if it was an early symptom! lol. They always were but that is because they are the same symptoms as PMS.

It looks like this was your first cycle of clomid. I am on my second round, on the third pill. Just for a warning, clomid might make you feel pregnant during your tww. It definitely did to me. I thought I had done it for real, I just felt pregnant but no such luck. The positive test and missed period will be your first true pregnancy symptom!

I'm the same way with symptoms. we make ourselves crazy!! this is good to hear hopefully it will ground me a little

I'm the same way girls! I think I'm pg every month! Lol fx for our turn!! Baby dust to all of us!
Out for this month :( It feels like it will never happen...
Allyson11 - your temps look like they are gradually getting higher, maybe thats a good sign you'll ov soon :) infact I've just read your updated post, hope you have defo ovulated with some good strong eggs now :)

Scromfy so sorry to hear the witch got you - I'm in a bit of a predicament currently. Normally after I ov I get sore boobs but this hasn't happened and I'm wondering if maybe the clomid has caused this or simply enough I haven't actually ov'd - so I'm 4dpo and my "coping" method has just been this - see what the temps say tomorrow if they shoot below the coverline I've not ov'd. The "not believing it til I see it" method has made my tww go quite quick actually.

Hubby and I are on one massive health kick at the minute so after working for 7.5 hours every day, we'll come home have tea, go for a 2 hr walk, come back and go on the wii fit and before I know it, it's bedtime - so my days are going quite quick - do you have anything to occupy your mind? One thing which helped last cycle was thinking I must be one of these symptomless women who get a bfp - it certainly stopped me overthinking things. Whats your doctor said about TTC?

Hi confuzzled, how do you cope with the whole TTC? do your friends and family know? whats the dr said?

TryingFor1 - hope your binge eating is a good sign for you this cycle :) I too used to look up all the new symptoms but one day I just sat there and said to myself "OK how does this help you, really, honestly" - I couldn't answer my own question rationally!

ami1985 - sounds like your fully equipped this cycle, hope the metformin works for you

littlepeterso - hope you got a good few sessions in with the hubby last night (wow that sounded a bit seedy) - :)

Agpttc - it is always disappointing, how do you cope?
haj624 - sticky discharge doesn't really mean anything but I'd certainly make note incase this is your cycle (you can prepare for next time). Our bodies are so darn unpredictable at times aren't they?

If any of you at a later date want me to update your duration of TTC on the front page please let me know (it will be one hell of a task to just do it off my own back!)
I think I'll join ya'll, if you don't mind! I've never had a BFP. I've been ttc for 14 months, thought not as many cycles as I normally have long, irregular cycles. Technically I guess part of that was NTNP, but DH and I BDed plenty enough for it to be considered TTC. I am on my 3rd round of clomid, and going through the same thing as tanzibar -- no sore/sensitive nipples this time around! I hope it's a good sign for both of us :)
hey nevernormal, it's always nice to see new faces on this thread :)

Did you ov on the first 2 rounds of clomid? whats the plan if round 3 doesn't work? (don't mean to be negative, I'm just seeing if the Doctor has given you future plans)

oo I see you've been married for just over 2 years, did you do anything nice on the anniversary? This time next month it'll be our wedding anniversary too. Can't wait, we'll be going to Florida (part of the reason being is because TTC is taking so long and with buying a house next year we figure we won't be able to go on holiday for a good long while).

Thanks popcorn. Hopefully it does happen someday.... Someday soon, for all of us.
Tanzibar it sounds like you have a great attitude right now, and very healthy! I think it is good to try and just go on as much as possible.
I have tons to occupy my mind right now, which is great. I didn't even really have a TWW because since DH was away and we bd'd probably too soon before oving, I was pretty certain I wasnt going to get my bfp. But it still feels like a kick in the pants when the witch comes... There's always a little hope til she comes. So maybe today I'll only have half a day to feel sorry for myself, then on to the next! I'm lucky my cycles are a bit short, usually 26 days. Doctor says we should be fine... We haven't hit a year yet and no testing or anything til we hit a year.
I totally agree with you on the symptoms!! No more symptom spotting for me, no testing until late for af. I always get a few af symptoms so no use pretending they are pregnancy symptoms.
Scomfy - I know what you mean about the hope, like everyone on BnB says "You're not out til the witch shows". I know it must be so hard for women who have tried for years and don't get a bfp, but I don't know how they cope!

I just wish my brain knew exactly what was happening, like right now It would be so nice to "know" the sperm didn't meet the egg so it would just prepare me for AF. Or by the same token I'd love to know the sperm met the egg and is currently a couple of days away from implantation - that way I'd try and do more to encourage it you know? bah the mind is a daft thing at times!

wow your cycles are nice and short, have they always been like that?
Could you look at my chart please girls? Have I ov'd? I know it's a little erratic but I was hoping for another cycle like last month.

It doesn't look like it so far. Are you using OPKs as well?

I don't see it yet either. You still have some time though...do you have regular cycles?

Nope, my cycles are always all over the place! And I have been attempting opks but no positive yet, though I never have had a positive opk. One got darker but it still wasn't pos.
I would like to join, I have never had a BFP.. we have been trying for 8 months without any luck. Been using opk's but I just started charting about 4 days ago even though I'm 10DPO so I get in the habit for next cycle. I feel like a nut for doing all of these things like:
peeing on opk sticks
taking my temp before I even get out of bed
spend HOURS online research what vitamins to take
taking a bunch of supplements... some before O some after O
taking mucinex when I don't have a cold :)
over analyzing every little twinge/cramp I feel after O
buying special lube
having 4 different apps on my phone/4 different websites to stalk :)
buying preggo tests in bulk so I can test every day starting 8dpo
And I feel like everyone knows when I'm buying things from Walgreens...
Scomfy - I know what you mean about the hope, like everyone on BnB says "You're not out til the witch shows". I know it must be so hard for women who have tried for years and don't get a bfp, but I don't know how they cope!

I just wish my brain knew exactly what was happening, like right now It would be so nice to "know" the sperm didn't meet the egg so it would just prepare me for AF. Or by the same token I'd love to know the sperm met the egg and is currently a couple of days away from implantation - that way I'd try and do more to encourage it you know? bah the mind is a daft thing at times!

wow your cycles are nice and short, have they always been like that?

I know what you mean about people that have been trying for years. Sometimes I feel bad for posting because it hasnt been over a year for me... But hey, some people haven't been trying for as long as me, some for longer... But we are Ll in the same boat here in one way... Not even a hint of a bfp!
Hehe I know what you mean about just wanting to know! It would make it so much simpler. There is sooo much waiting when TTC! It's like going to the doctor. Never a straight answer! At least not for us yet. Not until we get those fabulous bfps!
Yup, cycles have always been that way, off the pill. Usually 26-28 days. I used to get mad about it when I was younger, when af came early, but now I know it's a good thing, to have regular cycles. My mom would always tell me to record my cycles, etc and I used to think she was crazy. Now I know how smart she was! I'm sad she's not here to talk about this whole thing... And I could tell he she was right!
Scomfy - I know what you mean about the hope, like everyone on BnB says "You're not out til the witch shows". I know it must be so hard for women who have tried for years and don't get a bfp, but I don't know how they cope!

I just wish my brain knew exactly what was happening, like right now It would be so nice to "know" the sperm didn't meet the egg so it would just prepare me for AF. Or by the same token I'd love to know the sperm met the egg and is currently a couple of days away from implantation - that way I'd try and do more to encourage it you know? bah the mind is a daft thing at times!

wow your cycles are nice and short, have they always been like that?

I know what you mean about people that have been trying for years. Sometimes I feel bad for posting because it hasnt been over a year for me... But hey, some people haven't been trying for as long as me, some for longer... But we are Ll in the same boat here in one way... Not even a hint of a bfp!
Hehe I know what you mean about just wanting to know! It would make it so much simpler. There is sooo much waiting when TTC! It's like going to the doctor. Never a straight answer! At least not for us yet. Not until we get those fabulous bfps!
Yup, cycles have always been that way, off the pill. Usually 26-28 days. I used to get mad about it when I was younger, when af came early, but now I know it's a good thing, to have regular cycles. My mom would always tell me to record my cycles, etc and I used to think she was crazy. Now I know how smart she was! I'm sad she's not here to talk about this whole thing... And I could tell he she was right!

Scromfy - are sure that your luteal phase is not too short? 26 days is kind of short.. since we have been TTC I have been keeping track of mine too (ok so maybe that was obvious lol) and I've been between 26-30 mostly 28-29 but I am going to start taking Evening Primrose Oil when AF shows (unless she doesn't!!) because I've read that it helps with your luteal phase to make sure your fertilized egg has a good place to land, and time to land!! just a thought...
I had a 27 day cycle last time.. its all about when you ovulate. If she ovulated on cd12 and she has a 26 to 28 day cycle that wouldnt be too short at all.

I had a 27 day cycle... I ovulated cd15 and had a 12 day lp.. not too short at all but still a short cycle!
I had a 27 day cycle last time.. its all about when you ovulate. If she ovulated on cd12 and she has a 26 to 28 day cycle that wouldnt be too short at all.

I had a 27 day cycle... I ovulated cd15 and had a 12 day lp.. not too short at all but still a short cycle!

Thanks girls! I've been ovulating between day 12 to 14. Does that sound normal?
I would love to join!! I've never had the joy of a BFP. My first husband and I tried for 13 months, and he couldn't handle it. He cheated on me, and on the first month knocked her up. It KILLED me. I've since moved on, and found what true love is. We've been actively trying for 4 months, and we're bound and determined to turn our family of two into a loving family of 3!!
I am currently on my 2WW (give or take - one never knows with my stupid uterus )

some vibes would be nice

I feel odd this month - I thought I ovulated the other day - but I am still kinda crampy etc - I wonder if I just have another gnarly ovarian cyst :(

Not feeling 2 positive about this 2WW -

here's hoping *crosses fingers*
workin4alivin - you don't sound like a nut at all, just your average BnB member :)

I think it's good you're already temping, some girls want to start at the beginning of a cycle but my motto is "the more temps you collect the more data you have" - do you use fertility friend?

how do you find the mucinex, does it give you tonnes of ewcm? I've found on clomid it's dried me up down there!

Scromfy - Exactly we're all after the same thing at the end of the day. It's just really hard to see other women get there especially at times when you feel like you never will.

Your mum sounds very smart indeed, sorry to hear she's not around anymore. Do you have any brothers or sisters you can talk to about it?

your luteal phase sounds about right, they say anything between 12-16 is normal, with 14 being the optimum :)

Hi mrs.erickson - sorry to hear about the douche bag that is your ex husband, I'm glad you've found love with another man, these things are sent to test sometimes don't you reckon? Do you use OPk's\temps? have either of you been checked out?

Torsornin - so how many DPO are you on today? think positive thoughts, least you're at the stage where you'll soon know if you're pregnant (which I hope you are).

Also you need to sort out your tickers follow these steps:

1. put [*img] at the front of step 2 and 3. After the Jpg on both put [*/img] - remove the asterix' though, I've only put them in so it'll show up on the post. if you get stuck let me know :)
2. https://lt3f.lilypie.com/TikiPic.php/jRfq1pD.jpg
3. https://lt3f.lilypie.com/jRfqm7.png

if done right they'll look like this:

Girls, help!

I had 3 smiley faces on tues, weds and thurs morn. I tested again thurs 6pm and had a circle with no smiley face and we had sex last night. Do you think i missed the egg? Or does the egg come after the surge?

My cm was v wet and slippery btw
Hey ocean_pearl, when you get a smily face it means your egg will be released between12-36 hours afterwards (although experts now believe it's closer to 12 hrs)

I'd say you have a good chance this cycle, you did it at the right time :)
I'm on CD 53 with no sign of AF. I took a test on CD 30-something ( :bfn: )and want to test again on Sunday.

Hope you all are well.

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