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The "never had a second line" Group: 93 members, 18 BFP's, 2 Angel's

Just gone and ordered my very first piece of maternity clothing :D

I'm very excited and the only reason I went through with the transaction was because they didn't do the dress in a regular style. Can't wait til it gets here :D:D:D:D:D
I'm pretty sure that grapefruit juice delayed my O while on Clomid. It blocks the breakdown of estrogen in the liver, so I guess it can make your estrogen levels high and act like bcp.

I also had an 11 week cycle last winter during which I was eating a lot of grapefruit. My normal cycles at that time were around 6 weeks. Thinking back on it, I think the grapefruit had an effect there too.

It doesn't seem to be a common occurence, but definitely a possibility. My body is more sensitive to it I guess, but I see a lot of women on here drinking grapefruit juice with clomid and all is well!
Do you think it's better to actually eat grapefruit as opposed to just drinking the stuff? (trying to convince myself I'm ok eating the stuff still) :)
I actually heard eating it was better than drinking it.

I am really worried to drink it. How much were you drinking nevernormal?
Wahoo, I've become quite attached to the fruit, I would of hated to part with it!!!
It is quite delicious and I dont find the juice to be all that hard to drink. It has a bit of a bite to it from being a little bitter but it is something I can stand to drink.
I was just drinking about 6 oz a day maybe, at the most? When I was eating it, it was only half of a fruit/day. I just think my body is too sensitive to eat it.
Allyson11 - your temps look like they are gradually getting higher, maybe thats a good sign you'll ov soon :) infact I've just read your updated post, hope you have defo ovulated with some good strong eggs now :)

Scromfy so sorry to hear the witch got you - I'm in a bit of a predicament currently. Normally after I ov I get sore boobs but this hasn't happened and I'm wondering if maybe the clomid has caused this or simply enough I haven't actually ov'd - so I'm 4dpo and my "coping" method has just been this - see what the temps say tomorrow if they shoot below the coverline I've not ov'd. The "not believing it til I see it" method has made my tww go quite quick actually.

Hubby and I are on one massive health kick at the minute so after working for 7.5 hours every day, we'll come home have tea, go for a 2 hr walk, come back and go on the wii fit and before I know it, it's bedtime - so my days are going quite quick - do you have anything to occupy your mind? One thing which helped last cycle was thinking I must be one of these symptomless women who get a bfp - it certainly stopped me overthinking things. Whats your doctor said about TTC?

Hi confuzzled, how do you cope with the whole TTC? do your friends and family know? whats the dr said?

TryingFor1 - hope your binge eating is a good sign for you this cycle :) I too used to look up all the new symptoms but one day I just sat there and said to myself "OK how does this help you, really, honestly" - I couldn't answer my own question rationally!

ami1985 - sounds like your fully equipped this cycle, hope the metformin works for you

littlepeterso - hope you got a good few sessions in with the hubby last night (wow that sounded a bit seedy) - :)

Agpttc - it is always disappointing, how do you cope?
haj624 - sticky discharge doesn't really mean anything but I'd certainly make note incase this is your cycle (you can prepare for next time). Our bodies are so darn unpredictable at times aren't they?

If any of you at a later date want me to update your duration of TTC on the front page please let me know (it will be one hell of a task to just do it off my own back!)

I just tell myself it wasn't meant to be yet, and wel try again next time but it's hard not to lose hope, sometimes I feel like it's never gunna stick
Atleast I'm not alone, I have been trying for months had been on a break, then trying for a few more months. Not even a hint of a second line. :/
Almost every female in my family. In fact, my mom and all her sisters (6 of them) all had hysterectomy's by the time they were 25. Ovarian cancer and blocked fallopian tubes are also pretty common on my dads side :(
never seen a BFP yet. We started trying in April then stopped and we started trying again early October. Sometimes I feel like maybe I'm just thinking too much or maybe like God is like saying it's not the right time for us. Maybe the sperm is just waiting till we get married in June (LOL). Then sometimes I feel like something is wrong with me because I have had abnormal pap smears. Then my OBGYN made me go for a MRI and I had a cervical biopsy. So I'm always wondering.
Hi there, can I join you ladies? DH and I have been TTC since Aug 2009. He had a varicocelle repaired a year ago. I did 3 months of clomid spring 2010, and have been on it the last three months. If no BFP this month, I'm supposed to go back to my dr. to see what the next step is.
Hi there, can I join you ladies? DH and I have been TTC since Aug 2009. He had a varicocelle repaired a year ago. I did 3 months of clomid spring 2010, and have been on it the last three months. If no BFP this month, I'm supposed to go back to my dr. to see what the next step is.

What is varicocelle?
apgttc - it is hard, I think if you can occupy yourself with a hobby or some sort of physical activity then it can help push the whole baby making thoughts to the back of your mind :)

twickywabbit - how long have you ben trying for in total, will get you added to the front page?

mrs.erickson - thats a shame to hear about your family, I hope you don't have to follow that trend :)

can2012 - hi there. what happened in the cervical biopsy? has your partner had any SA done?

Hey Lucie73821! just responded back to your post on the other thread, nice to see you here. How did you find the Clomid, did you ovulate? I'm having a funny cycle currently, I've had the positive OPK and temp shifts but no sore boobs so I'm a bit uncertain if I have ov'd at all. Did any usual symptoms disappear for you??
apgttc - it is hard, I think if you can occupy yourself with a hobby or some sort of physical activity then it can help push the whole baby making thoughts to the back of your mind :)

twickywabbit - how long have you ben trying for in total, will get you added to the front page?

mrs.erickson - thats a shame to hear about your family, I hope you don't have to follow that trend :)

can2012 - hi there. what happened in the cervical biopsy? has your partner had any SA done?

Hey Lucie73821! just responded back to your post on the other thread, nice to see you here. How did you find the Clomid, did you ovulate? I'm having a funny cycle currently, I've had the positive OPK and temp shifts but no sore boobs so I'm a bit uncertain if I have ov'd at all. Did any usual symptoms disappear for you??

I have been trying for 7 months in total.
Got a high on my cbfm today. :happydance: It is not a peak and it is early, only cd8, for a high. I am hoping it is not because it interfered with my clomid!

I am starting OPKs tomorrow though just to make sure since I saw one girl say she got a peak on her monitor and then ovulated like 3 days later. Dont wanna miss it! I ovulated cd15 last time. It can feel free to move up if it wants to though, lol, just as long as we dont miss it!

I am gonna run out tomorrow and get my softcups. DH and I will dtd today, Tuesday, and then starting Thursday we will dtd daily until my OPKs go negative. That plan is subject to change of course. Hope we catch it.. :)
apgttc - it is hard, I think if you can occupy yourself with a hobby or some sort of physical activity then it can help push the whole baby making thoughts to the back of your mind :)

twickywabbit - how long have you ben trying for in total, will get you added to the front page?

mrs.erickson - thats a shame to hear about your family, I hope you don't have to follow that trend :)

can2012 - hi there. what happened in the cervical biopsy? has your partner had any SA done?

Hey Lucie73821! just responded back to your post on the other thread, nice to see you here. How did you find the Clomid, did you ovulate? I'm having a funny cycle currently, I've had the positive OPK and temp shifts but no sore boobs so I'm a bit uncertain if I have ov'd at all. Did any usual symptoms disappear for you??

My dr. said no bad news from the cervical biopsy so now I just have to back every 6 months for a pap smear till it comes up normal. But, I was talking to my mom about it and she said my grandmother and herself have had abnormal paps in the past. I don't know, can that run in families? I'm sorry, what's an SA?
Hmm I'm not sure when it comes to paps, maybe ask around on the forum, xx

SA is sperm analysis. xx
Tanzibar your chart is looking fantastic! There's no question that you O'd! I guess our boobs decided to give us a break this month, lol.
Thanks nevernormal, in a way I miss the sore boobs but at least my chart is showing something other than a flatline! The past 2 cycles before this one I had triphasic charts which obviously didn't mean anything special. It's gone quite quick actually, I think it's because I've been in disbelief I have ov'd. Might have to try that trick the next cycle (which won't be here for another 10+ months if I have my way ;))

Your chart looks just as good!!! you have a staircase effect which is different to your last cycle. When are you testing again? xx

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