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The "never had a second line" Group: 93 members, 18 BFP's, 2 Angel's

Im in the same position as you ladies, really looking forward to seeing that second line! Tanzibar 83 i love your picture and your ticker, happy halloween :) some BFP's would make it a Halloween to remember!
Babydust to all of us,
Hi littleprinces, I wish the kitten in my pic was mine, sooo cute :)

yes happy halloween to you too

How do you cope with the BFN's every cycle, do you have anything particular hindering a BFP (like pcos, low motility sperm etc), if so how do you be proactive about it?

I see you're 9dpo, have you had any strange symptoms or are you trying to avoid doing that?
he is adorable, I want a kitten too! We have been trying on and off for 9 months, we took a break over the summer just to spend some time together and reconnect, TTC had taken a lot out of us and we were arguing all the time, so a break got us back on track. I have spent so much money on pregnancy tests, this month i have decided to let mother nature tell me if i'm pregnant or not :) save some money if its a bfn ;-)

I'm trying so hard not to symptom spot, i have been so busy so babies and AF have been at the back of my mind but now with only 4 days to go its all i can think about! I have a pain in my right side that comes and goes, never had that before its like a sharp pokin' but that could be a number of things, increased urination but that could be my tea addiction. Mood swings and very emotional but that could be AF getting ready. Trying not to get my hopes up.
As far as i know there are no fertility issues, this month we have been doising up on vitamins so FX.

How long have you been TTC?
My first potential testing date (in my mind!) is Nov 6th, as I'll be on a road trip until then. But on that road trip I'll be with my mom and I can just see her buying a hpt and practically forcing me to take it, lol. I'll officially stop charting for the remainder of my cycle starting Wednesday (Nov 2nd) on the road trip... so I'll be in the dark about my cycle!
littleprinces - it's good you took time out to re-connect again, no one really prepares you for the amount of stress and tears TTC causes. Do you try new things every month or do you try and stick the same sort of routine? what vitamins are you trying?

Not sure if this is any help but I was in superdrug a couple of weeks ago and they sell FRER's BOGOF on single and double packs. I didn't really need as many as I bought but I thought stuff it, may as well stock up while it's cheap :)

I've been TTC for 14 months and I'm 8 days away from knowing if cycle number 8 is the lucky one for me. I've had 50+ days cycles up until I started the clomid in August hence the small amount of total cycles.

Hubbys had his sperm checked out and all is good there, I have a blood blister on my left ovary which is probably the biggest hinderance for us but we're incredibly determined to see a BFP next week. Technically I should be testing in 8 days but hubby says I can do it in 7 days so then if a BFP arises we can spend the sunday celebrating! (we're already planning what to do).

Nevernormal - I was gonna do the same with the temping!!!! well I say that but I still want the statistics so I was thinking of temping then putting the figure onto a piece of paper then shoving it in a drawer until BFP day. I'm very forgetful when it comes to temping, probably cause I've taken hundreds of them but I figure that way FF will still be able to chart the temps down but I won't be worrying about any increases or dips.

6 days til test day for you, I hope this week goes quick for you
im taking pregnacare prenatals, whether they have any effect or not i dont know because i was in a rush when i brought them, our families dont know we are TTC and so i was worried someone would see and give the game away. I chew them rather than swallow them whole, I struggle to swallow tablets, so once they are finished im going to go to the dr and get some chewable ones. I'm also taking evening primrose oil,
OH is taking evening primrose oil, vit D and vit C. As well as lots of orange and apple juice.

I might stock up on tests as well, i was rather annoyed I brought one in poundland and when i got home found out i'd brought an empty box :mad:

Here's hoping you will be celebrating, im hoping we will be to, but not getting to excited just in case. I have a routine now the day before AF is due I go to town and stock up on chocolate, just in case AF shows her face!

Heres hoping for BFP's all round!
gutted about the poundland experience, you should have gone back.

I'm like you, no one knows were TTC, it adds a lot of pressure but I know the girls on here like to tell their families which is fine but hubby and I already feel enough pressure, so we're keeping quiet. Must admit though there are days when I'm really tempted to tell my sister or MIL :)
I did think about going back but then i thought they might think it was me that took it and am trying to get a freebie, wont be buying another one from there again without checking the box first!
A few friends know that and i wish i hadnt told them tbh. They claim to be 'psychic' for all i know they might be but they kept looking at me and telling me I was pregnant and when I wasnt it hurt just that little bit more. I hate keeping it secret but the way i see it is that it is practice, when we do get lucky I dont want anyone else to know until at least 8 weeks if possible!

Can2012, if we dont get pregnant this month my OH is going to get an SA just to rule out anything.

ok ladies i need some help. ive been away from the forum for a couple of days trying not to try myself crazy by getting my hopes up. I'm about 8dpo now and last night when i went to the bathroom and wiped myself it had a few very very dots of blood. Then it was gone. This morning I woke up and under my breasts and arm pits were sensitive to the touch and I had the few tiny dots of blood again today. For like the past 2 hours all of a sudden I feel like garbage almost like I have the flu. Also the past 3 days I have had so much pressure and a little crampy feeling in my lower abdomen. Can the little dots be implantation bleeding?? and does anyone think this can be pregnancy symptoms of some sort??

HELPPP!!! I just dont want to drive myself crazy if none of this seems like anything!!

Thanks Ladies!!
No, not yet. I'm trying to hold off bc I hate seeing that bfn but I don't think I'll last much longer lol
Yeah, it is a little early for you to test. But you symptoms sound good. I'll keep my fx for you!!!
Please add me :) TTC for 4 months, expecting that line each month and coming up with NOTHING! I am already frustrated. I give credit to all of us who are TTC, especially those who have been for a while because this is just NOT easy. Hopefully November is our month. :thumbup:

Hi there, can I join you ladies? DH and I have been TTC since Aug 2009. He had a varicocelle repaired a year ago. I did 3 months of clomid spring 2010, and have been on it the last three months. If no BFP this month, I'm supposed to go back to my dr. to see what the next step is.

What is varicocelle?

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varicocele Here's some info I found. Dh's motility and morphology improved after the surgery. He was also on clomid from Nov 2010 until this past July.

Tanzibar, I know I've ovulated these past three months. I had the 7DPO test in Aug and the numbers proved that I ovulated. I've also gotten my first ever positive opks these last few months too. As for symptoms, I haven't really noticed any yet. I'm trying really hard not to symptom spot, as all it seems to do is lead to disappointment. :(
Hi Ladies,
I'd like to be added.
TTC for 13 months, actively for 7 so many ups and downs, including 3 cycles of Clomid. Can't seem to get that BFP.
Hi ladies!

Well I guess I am officially out of this group now as I got a BFP on Saturday and Sunday, though sadly it was a chemical :angel: so I guess it's back to square one for me!

Wishing you all the best of luck x
ok ladies i need some help. ive been away from the forum for a couple of days trying not to try myself crazy by getting my hopes up. I'm about 8dpo now and last night when i went to the bathroom and wiped myself it had a few very very dots of blood. Then it was gone. This morning I woke up and under my breasts and arm pits were sensitive to the touch and I had the few tiny dots of blood again today. For like the past 2 hours all of a sudden I feel like garbage almost like I have the flu. Also the past 3 days I have had so much pressure and a little crampy feeling in my lower abdomen. Can the little dots be implantation bleeding?? and does anyone think this can be pregnancy symptoms of some sort??

HELPPP!!! I just dont want to drive myself crazy if none of this seems like anything!!

Thanks Ladies!!

Hi Haj,
I am 10DPO and yesterday I had a sharp pain in my lower abdomen, never had anything like it, it came twice and it was so bad i was screaming in pain, it lasted a few seconds, im hoping its a good sign :)
Good luck to you hun xxx
CD 56 today.:coffee:

I took a HPT yesterday, and one today- both :bfn: .

I'm going to get some agnus cactus on Wednesday and try to regulate my cycles...

If that doesn't work, I'll have insurance in the new year, so hopefully I can figure out what's going on. :dohh:

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