The NTNP Graduates - pregnant ladies of 'I'm finally here!'

Congratulations on the birth of Toby ... I love the name.
Hope everything is going well!

I too will update with birth story soon - here are a couple of pics ...

In moses basket the day he was born and the other is 7 days.



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:kiss: Beautiful pictures RK :)

:happydance: Congrats Mrs GM! Delighted for you!

You've both done so well!

Hi ladies,

sorry I haven't been on here in ages - since going on maternity leave I've been extremely busy and for the life of me I don't know how I managed my time before hand with a full-time job!!!
Well, I think congratulations are in order for RaspberryK and MrsGM - well done you two!!! The pics are fab! I hope your births went well and you're coping ok with being a new parent ;)
I also have some news - Lucien decided to turn up early on Aug, 29th weighing 6pounds (or 2.7kg). My birth was also pretty straight forward and I'm glad to say that I managed labour with just a TENS machine and Yoga breathing ;) My dh and I are over the moon and although we've been having a few sleeping issues, he's generally a quite chilled out little fella.
Anyhow, I hope you're all doing well. I have some serious catching up to do but hope things are well with all of you!!

Here's a link to story ladies ...

Jufer & Mrs GM how are you both getting on with your babies?
What's new with everyone?
Yesterday I went to register Bertie and also my Nana passed away. Finally she is at peace, no longer in pain - of course I am sad for myself but relieved for her.
Big hugs RaspberryK :hugs:

We're getting on ok thanks, his new thing is to refuse to sleep til 1am :coffee:
Hubs is back at work (lots of tears), so I'm just spending this week adjusting to my new life!

How's you and Bertie?

Oh no, Bertie went through a phase of feeding all evening til midnight and going to sleep about 12.30 after screaming for half an hour. He now seems to be sleeping from somewhere between 9 &10.30 til 1.30/3 ish but everytime we have a couple of days with the same pattern it changes.
I am glad I only had two days of DH at home before going back to work I think I found it easier to adjust although a couple of days after I got very tearful and called my MIL to come over.
You'll be great just don't try and do too much. I made the mistake of taking every nap opportunity to do housework - bad idea.
I make sure I get out of the house or have a visitor at least once a day, even if it's only a half an hour walk. This week I had DH at home Monday, appointment to register Bertie yesterday and I also did a spot of shopping in town, today it's his hearing screening, tomorrow is lunch with some friends and our mums/step mums, Friday is health visitor. It stops me from feeling trapped at home all day with a baby so if I didn't have anything on I'd be walking to the village shop for some unnecessary item - I have become addicted to the flapjacks there.
Defn just taking each day as it comes

Today the health visitor came round unannounced so that was a bit of a shock! (should have been called yesterday...) however he's doing well with weight gain etc so that's always good to know :D

I haven't taken him out solo yet, just giving myself this week to get used to things, also hubs has the car this week and my vision is still extra short-sighted from pregnancy & I don't feel like driving just yet!
It sounds silly but I'm just happy that I've managed to get him up the stairs in his swing chair & have a shower, small victories!

The first time I took Bertie out in the car alone was when he was 4 days and I was terrified!
Don't be afraid to leave Toby, Bertie enjoys time on his play mat and in his moses basket with the mobile on. I don't go to him the second I hear him either, sometime he murmurs or whinges for 30 seconds and stops and either falls asleep or carries on looking round. He alsocries when he's fast asleep.
How did the rest of yesterda\y go?

The days are all blurring into one, lol

I'm making a conscious effort to not rush to him and tummy time etc, the shower was just exciting as it was quite a mission to get the swing chair upstairs with him in it!
Whenever he's sleeping I'm either napping or getting things done, about to start sorting the birth announcement cards (great discount on photobox if you need them)

Feeling quite coldy today which sucks and Toby is more fussy too :(

Carting baby paraphernalia up and down stair or in and out of the car is my new full time occupation :haha:
I have had a couple of naps but on the whole never get around to it but we do often snooze in bed together til 10.
I got a voucher in one of the bounty packs I think, looks handy for Xmas!
I need to get writing thank you cards this weekend.
Hope you are not coming down with anything.
Hey girls!!

How are you all doing?

:kiss: Congrats JuFer!! Sounds like the birth went well. How are you enjoying being a Mum?

Hope you're both doing ok, RK & Mrs GM? Sounds like you're both doing a great job.

RK I'm so sorry about your Nana... you were really close to her. I know what you mean, you feel at peace for her, but still miss her I'm sure. Hope you're doing ok xx

Elhaym, how are you doing? I guess you're taking a bit of a BnB break, but thinking of you.

I'm pretty good... we're still taking a break TTC wise, just using withdrawal method at the moment. We've talked about maybe starting to try again in December, so we'll see.

I've been referred for my first appointment at the hospital though, to try and see what's happening with my body... so that's on October 31st.

But, it's not really on my mind too much at the minute, it's nice having a break... at least I know I'm not pregnant, it was hard at the end of every month, not knowing, hoping, and then nothing.

Anyway... nice to catch up with everyone :kiss:

Have a nice weekend!
Hey girls,

How are you all doing? I know you'll all be busy, but I thought I'd pop in and say hi.

I'm ok.. looking forward to my appointment on Monday.

Miss you all!
Hello, I was wondering where everyone had got to!
I am enjoying motherhood so much, Bertie is an angel and has been sleeping extremely well, last night he went 8 til 2.15 then 3 til 8.30. The two previous nights he did 12.45 til 8.30 :happydance:
Hope everything goes well at your appointment July!
Hi everyone :D

feeling a bit on edge today but I'm sure it'll pass!

Sounds like Bertie is sleeping really well :)

typical night is waking at 1am and 5am and with varying times of first getting to sleep!

hope yr appt goes well July :)

Thanks girls...

Glad Bertie's sleeping well RK! Sounds like you have a well behaved baby!

:hugs: Mrs GM hope you're doing ok, and sleep well tonight.

I'm good... going over to my sister's tomorrow... my niece is getting so big, she's almost 6 months old! Enjoying time having cuddles and laughs with her.

Hope you all have a good weekend.


PS. Miss you Elhaym, hope life is ok xxx
How was the appointment July?

How's everyone else?

I've been getting smiles for the last week which is so cute and feel like things have 'clicked' into place and it all makes a bit more sense!

Enjoying smiles here too... but down because he's sick so much, washing pile is a mountain ...
We are off to Spain so hoping I'll get a bit of a break with DH being around, worried about getting packed, house sorted n not missing the flight.
Hope you're all good.
:hugs: raspberry

a break away sounds brilliant, hope you have a really fab time :)

Hey girls...

Glad things are going ok Mrs GM... sounds like things are going well!

When are you off to Spain RK?

I'm good.. the appointment was fine... basically she said I've got to call to make an appointment once my next period starts to get one of those scans (can't remember now what they're called!) to check that my tubes are ok!

But... the thing is my period hasn't showed up. Right now I'm CD40... I'm an average of 31/32, but it has been up to about 35/36 one month this year. So, I've been testing of course.. but all negative!!! So I'm guessing my period's just done a vanishing act this month. We have been using withdrawal method. I'm pretty much presuming I can't be pregant because of the negative tests.

Anyhow... how are all the rest of you? :kiss:

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