The TTCers

My name is Danielle (Dani) I'm 30. We've been TTC for 10 cycles now. I was diagnosed with uterine polyps in April, they were removed in May. This is our 3rd cycle TTC after the removal. I am currently taking a break from all the crazy stick testing and fertility vitamins. Just having lots of sex (tmi) I know, but we're keeping it fun for us.

Hi cntrygrl! I'm in the same boat as you! I'm almost 30 and we've been TTC for 12 cycles. I was also diagnosed with uterine polyps in March and had them removed in April. I just got AF after our 4th cycle TTC after the removal. I too decided to take a break from all the stick testing but have been sporadically taking my BBT just to see the status of my temps. Sex was becoming a bit a chore, but we are starting to change things up and trying to keep it fun too. We've actually planned a week long trip during our next fertile period, so hopefully the relaxing will help (it's so hard to come home after a 12 hour work day and get in the mood!!). Best of luck to you! I hope that we get :bfp:'s soon! We are going to see the doc and start talking about next steps after this next cycle though - i'm ready and don't want to delay things anymore! Did you doc say you should TTC for an X amount of cycles before going in for next steps? One more TMI question: do you spot for a day or two before AF? I feel like since the polyp i've been spotting more than usual.

My cycles have been fairly normal since the removal. I actually have no spotting between periods or anything. We were told to wait one cycle before TTC. I made sure to have my surgery during the end of my AF and AF came right on schedule the following month. The month after that I think my hormones were still figuring themselves out as I had lots of odd symptoms I've never had before. I ovulated late that month and AF showed 10 days late. I was up and moving around the day of my surgery. My mum kept yelling at me and telling me to take it easy. Did they do a follow up appointment with you afterwards?
evening ladies! or morning depending where you are :)
how is everyone today?
AF showed for me this morning :( :( OH away to work so i have the house all to myself tonight so i've got my bottle of rose and a nice big bag of crisps!!
I'm getting ready to leave work, go home and make a nice dinner. Maybe buy something sexy for the DH (TMI sorry)
Girls, I'm feeling so miserable...
I thought of the idea of TTC through artificial insemination at home, since I can barely have sex regularly without agonising pain. I was thinking it could really work and I would finally be able to have the baby I crave so much.

DH hated the idea and virtually said no! :cry:
He's like 'can't we just do it the usual way?'... Er no! Maybe you should've picked someone who's body worked correctly and would be able to have sex with you regularly. At this rate we're just gonna have to face facts. I am never going to be able to give him children :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm not even 'old enough' to be considered for any kind of fertility treatment in my area, and then add the waiting times to when I am old enough!
I just give up.
So sorry wellsk! Let's hope he comes around after he mulls it over awhile. Men can be stubbornly sensitive about these things. Hugs to you my dear.
What are the plans for you ladies this weekend?

I have a baby shower to go to tomorrow. I'm hoping I won't end up a weepy mess. Wish me luck girls. It's an hour drive outside town.
Ugggh VENT:
Came home from a nice evening out with a good friend I used to work with....apartment smelled of garbage. I discover dear sister had topped off the trash so the cover didn't close and that let the smell out. So I proceed to tie up the bag telling my excited dog kisses will have to wait because the house is stinky. Sister appears from her room and says in this small childish voice "I can take that out" which I snap "nope I'm already doing it because the house smells disgusting that's what happens when you over fill it" so she runs and hides back in her room. She was given 6 months to get a job and move out... so far she has only found part-time work and the days are almost up. She always leaves dishes in the sink and today, the day after payday she asks if we have spar transit tokens!!!
I need her out of my house. No wonder my cycle is so short. I'm positive she has a lot to do with our lack of.success....its too stressful.

Sorry I know we aren't Allowed a vent thread but dh is out atm and I needed to get that off my chest!!
i'm sure a vent now and again is ok:)! aslong as its not an actual vent thread :)! well today ladies is day number 2 of AF going to be a bad day :(! hows everyone else getting on?
I'm doing ok today so far... DH woke up at 6am with a tummy bug which sucked abd I'm a little worried I might be coming down with it too.
AF is due any day now, so hopefully it won't show, and I'll get my :bfp: this month :)
I'm doing ok today so far... DH woke up at 6am with a tummy bug which sucked abd I'm a little worried I might be coming down with it too.
AF is due any day now, so hopefully it won't show, and I'll get my :bfp: this month :)
Maybe he's experiencing your morning sickness!!! Stranger things can happen....
Haha, that would be awesome ;-)

The doc told him it's just a virus and to just not eat too much and drink as much as he can.

Thank goodness, I seem to have escaped the tummy bug thus far...

Only three more days til I get to test! Here's hoping :witch: doesn't rear her ugly face!
I'm feeling positive this morning :) (pun intended in every possible way... Hehe)

I checked my temp when I woke up and it's still way up at 36.5, like it has been for the last week! Which means that if AF is on her way, she won't be here until at least Wednesday!
:dance: (*hoping that :dance: creates a little happy dance...*)
I have been TTC for almost 2 years now and have just done my first round of clomid (taken on cycle day day 5-9) i went to the specialist office on CD13 where i had an internal ultrasound that told me roughly where my eggs where situated and inturn when roughly to have intercourse to optimise my chances of falling pregnant. The ultra sound showed 2 eggs will be being realeased which means i have double the chance of falling pregnant this cycle and also maybe with twins if both fertalise and implant. The specialist explained that if we had intercourse every second day this will definatly optimise our chances. He explained that i will ovulate between CD 14-19 which was wed 05/09/12-mond 10/09/12.
We had intercourse on CD 12,14,16 but my husband had to go away for work unexpectantly on CD18 and 19 ( sunday09/09/12 ) but will be back tonight CD19 ( 10/09/12).
I just want to know that given i know that i have definatly ovulted between the above dates but missed the sunday CD18 is there any point having intercourse tonight? do you think i have a good chance that maybe i got it right already?
I am so frusterated and its so mentally draining, as all of you TTC out there know all too well!
If any one has any information or can help me i would really really appreciate it !!!!

thanks heaps
I have been TTC for almost 2 years now and have just done my first round of clomid (taken on cycle day day 5-9) i went to the specialist office on CD13 where i had an internal ultrasound that told me roughly where my eggs where situated and inturn when roughly to have intercourse to optimise my chances of falling pregnant. The ultra sound showed 2 eggs will be being realeased which means i have double the chance of falling pregnant this cycle and also maybe with twins if both fertalise and implant. The specialist explained that if we had intercourse every second day this will definatly optimise our chances. He explained that i will ovulate between CD 14-19 which was wed 05/09/12-mond 10/09/12.
We had intercourse on CD 12,14,16 but my husband had to go away for work unexpectantly on CD18 and 19 ( sunday09/09/12 ) but will be back tonight CD19 ( 10/09/12).
I just want to know that given i know that i have definatly ovulted between the above dates but missed the sunday CD18 is there any point having intercourse tonight? do you think i have a good chance that maybe i got it right already?
I am so frusterated and its so mentally draining, as all of you TTC out there know all too well!
If any one has any information or can help me i would really really appreciate it !!!!

thanks heaps
maria0821, I would suggest it's worth BDing even if you're not certain. Try not to look at it as a chore, but as something you want to do anyway. It definitely won't hurt your chances, and it may even help.

As far as I know, there's nothing to say that BD after ovulation hurts your chances of conceiving. Obviously it's unlikely to increase them, but it won't hurt, and if you BD for the sake of having fun, and not for the sake of conceiving, you're likely to enjoy it more, and feel less pressured about the whole thing.

I went through six months of stressing my head off about making sure we BD at the right times, but after a stressful last month, I decided I was sick of it, and that this month we were going to just BD when we felt like it, and if it ends up being another month where I don't conceive, I'm ok with it this month.

Don't forget also that sperm can last up to a week inside you waiting for the egg, so even if you didn't BD on your O day, as long as it was within two or three days of it, if this is going to be your month, you should still be fine :)
And there's definitely a chance the day of ovulation.

Sorry if that's not entirely clear.
TL;DR - I recommend BD tonight, cuz there's always a chance.
Yoshy-- FXed for you :dust:

Maria-- As Yoshy said BDing when he gets home can't hurt anything. You need to keep things "fun" while TTC otherwise the men kind of get bored. The more excited you both are the better your chances as well.
thinking about ntnp now. i feel like when i know when i'm O it just puts a whole lot of stress on both of will still be ttc just not with all the stress
Finger crossed and baby dust Yoshy!
Nic- I hope that NTNP brings you more joy :hugs:
Hey! Yes I did have a follow-up appointment and she said everything is good to go. We are going back to the doc this month in order to start conversatins on the next steps. I dont want to waste any more time if there is something else that is wrong with me! I have extermely light periods so I am worried that I dont have a thick enough lining to support implantation. I am going to ask her to check it out. Good luck and baby dust to you and yours hubbs!

My name is Danielle (Dani) I'm 30. We've been TTC for 10 cycles now. I was diagnosed with uterine polyps in April, they were removed in May. This is our 3rd cycle TTC after the removal. I am currently taking a break from all the crazy stick testing and fertility vitamins. Just having lots of sex (tmi) I know, but we're keeping it fun for us.

Hi cntrygrl! I'm in the same boat as you! I'm almost 30 and we've been TTC for 12 cycles. I was also diagnosed with uterine polyps in March and had them removed in April. I just got AF after our 4th cycle TTC after the removal. I too decided to take a break from all the stick testing but have been sporadically taking my BBT just to see the status of my temps. Sex was becoming a bit a chore, but we are starting to change things up and trying to keep it fun too. We've actually planned a week long trip during our next fertile period, so hopefully the relaxing will help (it's so hard to come home after a 12 hour work day and get in the mood!!). Best of luck to you! I hope that we get :bfp:'s soon! We are going to see the doc and start talking about next steps after this next cycle though - i'm ready and don't want to delay things anymore! Did you doc say you should TTC for an X amount of cycles before going in for next steps? One more TMI question: do you spot for a day or two before AF? I feel like since the polyp i've been spotting more than usual.

My cycles have been fairly normal since the removal. I actually have no spotting between periods or anything. We were told to wait one cycle before TTC. I made sure to have my surgery during the end of my AF and AF came right on schedule the following month. The month after that I think my hormones were still figuring themselves out as I had lots of odd symptoms I've never had before. I ovulated late that month and AF showed 10 days late. I was up and moving around the day of my surgery. My mum kept yelling at me and telling me to take it easy. Did they do a follow up appointment with you afterwards?
Havingfaith-- Good Luck !!!! We don't start anything else til November and even then it will probably be the beginning of next year with my work schedule. The end of the year is very busy for us with the holiday season and I do some travelling for work. I'm ok with the laid back approach right now so it isn't bothering me. I'm sure come November when it's been a year it will start to. Keep me posted on what the dr. tells you.
So I've still not entirely given up on the possibility that I might be PG, but I've had some light bleeding today... not even enough to warrant a tampon. Mainly just lots of creamy CM, with pink dampness just now when I went to the loo...
I'm still keeping my hopes up that it's IB, because when I checked my temp this morning it was still at 36.5, like I mentioned. I'll check it tomorrow and see if it's dropped, and then we'll see what's going on...

I'm not gonna be too upset if it is :af: :witch: though. At least I know everything's working properly and I'm healthy.

I need recommendations where to order a BBT thermometer, that ship overseas. I'm in Israel, and I asked in a pharmacy the other day, and the lady had no idea where to suggest I look (although she did tell me the correct term in Hebrew).
I'll have a look at my local pharmacy I guess, cuz he has all sorts of things you can't get elsewhere.
I'm planning on charting approximately this month, and then next month, once I have a BBT thermometer, I think I'm going to start charting properly.
We're still going to just have fun with the BD, and not stress over it, but I still want to start charting, so I know what my cycle is like, and can also tell more easily if I get sick, etc.
Yoshy if you can't find something online like eBay, Amazon or those sites where ladies get their cheap hpt from... I can ship you one if you think it would get there safely from Canada.

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